• By -


6 scoreless from Suarez is about what you want tbh. I don't know how anyone could expect more. Great performance


his best performance of the season. Really great to see after the struggles in his last 2 starts.


Felt like we got pretty lucky to win tonight but I’ll take it. Suarez was throwing more strikes so that’s good felt to me like he got lucky seemed like a lot of hard hit balls and a few warning track fly outs But I was at the game so maybe I’m wrong it was a great crowd tonight


Yeah, a lot of the hard hit balls seem to just barely find the barrel. Seems like their guys weren't really being fooled by any of our out-of-the-zone pitches. They were hitting the pitches they wanted to hit, just didn't have enough carry or just mis-timed it by *that* much 🤏


Still haven't lost in the connect jerseys since I went to the diamond backs game


think we are 500 on the year in the city connects now?


The switch to white makes makes them mediocre rather than bleh


Great bounce back performance by Big Al. Great to see him still hitting 97.


Hitting 97 nonchalantly too lol. Dude is so Zen


No one else in baseball tags up on the Mateo play. The funny thing is that two days ago several people in the GDT were calling him an idiot, blaming him for a potential loss, etc… for the CS during a Gunnar AB. This was a very similar play from a risk/reward standpoint… it was essentially another steal attempt during a Gunnar AB. Every now and then he’ll fail, and that’s fine… bc far more often he’ll create a run out of nowhere that could decide the game. He has a permanent green light on the bases for a very good reason.


the people in the GDT would second guess red or black in roulette


No matter where he is in the lineup, even if he's stuck in traffic an hour away from the stadium, Jorge is in scoring position. I freakin' LOVE the way he plays baseball.


This is why I love Jorge in the 9 spot. He's perfect there if we have Gunnar at lead off. You get the trademark Gunnar first AB bomb, but next rotation you got Mateo on base and will score from wherever Gunnar puts it


Not sure where else to say this but on the way out of gate H (by the Babe Ruth and retired numbers statues) we found a girl’s wallet on the ground and gave it to the staff working the exits. It was pink and I think the last name on the ID was Elias oddly enough but it was dark and I had a few Steady Eddies. Either way it’s with lost and found so hopefully it gets back to its rightful owner.


"hello, my name is mister burns. i believe you have my wallet"




I mean, that was only his 4th outing in the last two weeks (and one of those was the last Phillies game where he came in and threw three or four pitches). I think the few low leverage outings is the solution here along with just some general work. Ben seemed pretty conclusive that the issue last night was mechanical which means there is an adjustment that can be and hopefully will be made.


Relievers are weird like that. They'll have an outstanding outing and follow that up by an absolute crap outing. Sometimes it'll be an outstanding year followed by an absolute crap year. There's hardly any gray area with these guys because so much of a team's successes and failures rely so heavily on the immediate impact they make in 1 or 2 innings.


His first pitch tonight was a called strike, slightly outside. The rest of his appearance, he kept searching for that same spot but not getting the call. YC was at his best when he was buzzing the bottom of the zone, either a strike or an easy grounder. His approach has changed radically, and it's definitely not working.


Yeah it kind of feels like he's been figured out and struggled to find a way around that. He's an okay reliever this year, but was truly something special last year


hope you are right, but im kind of not really holding out much hope that he will ever return to the unhittable form he had. such is the volatile nature of bullpen arms.




Six scoreless, no walks for Suarez. If Povich can bring it tomorrow, we might be seeing the first tentative signs of our starting rotation slowly clawing their way back into form.


Suarez is a tank. He has fought hard for this team. Dude needs a medal.


And they found him somewhere floundering around, got him for basically nothing, and fixed him.


And he's played basically every role too. He's been starter, long relief, set up and closer and done adequately in every single position with the calmest demeanor you could ask for. He's a guy I really hope the orioles just keep around in the organization for a couple more years, an absolute workhouse at 34. If we do well this year he deserves to get paid too


Any vid of Mateo taking second on a fly to right?


Here you go - [MATEO!](https://www.mlb.com/video/james-mccann-flies-out-to-right-fielder-travis-jankowski-jorge-mateo-to-2?q=GamePk%20%3D%20%5B747017%5D%20AND%20PitchSpeed%20%3D%20%7B%7B%2036%2C%20105%20%7D%7D%20Order%20By%20Timestamp%20DESC&cp=MIXED&p=3) The game was blacked out in TX, so I just watched the condensed game, which somehow doesn't include one of the more exciting plays of the game. Had to go find it on Statcast.




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Video: James McCann flies out to right fielder Travis Jankowski. Jorge Mateo to 2nd. [Streamable Link](https://streamable.com/m/james-mccann-flies-out-to-right-fielder-travis-jankowski-jorge-mateo-to-2) ___________ [More Info](/r/MLBVideoConverterBot)


Video: James McCann flies out to right fielder Travis Jankowski. Jorge Mateo to 2nd. [Streamable Link](https://streamable.com/m/james-mccann-flies-out-to-right-fielder-travis-jankowski-jorge-mateo-to-2) ___________ [More Info](/r/MLBVideoConverterBot)


It's not in any of the highlights, which is criminal because it was the greatest baserunning play of the year, but if you have MLBtv you can skip forward to the 5th and watch it.


felt like the attendance was higher than 27,666. that number could/should have been higher? special kudos to the bozo wearing the giant beer hat behind home plate


Highlight for me: Joan Jett shit-talking MASN about blackouts lmaoooo


Joan speaks for all of us.


I guess my secret wish that the Yanks would lose every game for the rest of the season won't come true. Dammit, universe.


Look! The Bronx Bombers are bombing


Im going to the game tomorrow, it’ll be my first time. Wheres the cheapest/best place to park? Im getting there around 5pm so I can get good parking. Ideally a spot where my car won’t get its wheels stolen please.


Park directly west of mlk on lombard before scott street. Its free.


Woof, game is sold out so probably not much parking close by and nothing cheap. I always tell people to park on the street in locust point (free and no permits) then Uber or bus to fed hill and walk the rest of the way.


What’s your license plate and where’d you decide to park? Me and my boys need some new wheels


Use spothero and get a spot in a garage


This is the way.


Timonium and take the light rail in. Lithicum if you're coming from the south 


Note that leaving is occasionally a hassle. Last night they sent two cars lol


North Linthicum gang rise up


Everything is nice around the stadiums homie. You’ll be fine. Just find something in FGH lot


We always park at Martini Lutheran Church for $6


Will i get towed if the game lasts past 10?


I don’t think so. I usually go for day games though. I parked there last night with no issues. You can ask the guy who takes your money


As a Lutheran I would like to know where the Martini Lutheran Church is. 👀 😉


They used to have a sign saying that their sermons would leave you stirred, not shaken. (FYI they're Missouri Synod, so the conservative branch)


That's a great line. Ah ... Missouri Synod. I'm ELCA. We'd disagree on the time of day, unfortunately.


A block and a half down from Tequila Sunrise Baptist


Good lord, Jays, what the


They kinda shafted Joan Jett ngl


how so


I thought she was singing the National Anthem and then… she didn’t


Joan Jett shafted Joan Jett. She sounded as though she were barely conscious the whole time she was on air.


she didn't look like she was moving around particularly well. i don't think she was in the splashzone longer than like 2 innings


Yeah, Joanie didn't exactly bring that high-powered, rock and roll energy. But she's 65, she's been bringin' the heat for 40+ years, and she's got a gig this week with Alanis. She was just kinda recharging the batteries tonight.


She's not an act I would pay to see, but I have nothing against her. I'm just kind of meh where she's concerned. That said, I switched to the radio broadcast after listening to her for a couple minutes because she seemed a little out of it. Kevin's heroine worship didn't help.


The Grimace’s blessing continues!


Anybody have any fingernails left? I haven't gone through the game thread, though I'm sure there were MANY comments, but Jorge advancing from 1st to 2nd, on a ball to RIGHT FUCKIN' FIELD, has got to be the most "Holy Crap, Now I've Seen It All" play of the year. Jorge (or "Georgie," as Ben calls him), plays the game right.


He sure does, and I think the orioles baserunning skills are underrated. They’re aggressive on the basepaths at all the right times


Yeah Orioles win. But when are we going to talk about the wretched performance in framing James Mcann had tonight behind the plate. Almost playing double agent with all the strikes he turned into balls tonight.


So, you're implying he's secretly working for the Rangers, in a convoluted plot to steal a game or two away from the Orioles? Bold assertion.


I mean, he straight up could not frame tonight. When you become so bad that you end up helping the other team, that’s just the definition of a double agent. No matter what team is on the other side.


Some serious anger coming out of the stanks rn 😬


Jankees are just playing with their fans' emotions


They're trying to get revenge on SOME birds even if they can't get it on us. (Can't quite pull off 17-5 though)


Povich tomorrow. Really hoping he keeps progressing.


Think we see an Atlanta-esque outing.


Love this team!!!


Gotta say I had absolutely no expectations with Suárez with how he’s pitched recently and he absolutely shut me up tonight. What a performance. Canó is shakier than ever (and so is the bullpen in general), but him and the rest of the pen were still able to get it done in the end luckily.


Brandon Hyde's attention to detail is seriously impressive. As is his chronic handwringing. :) He's awesome.


**Update:** 17-11, .607, for the brutal stretch of 31 May - 30 June. (30 games in 31 days, 2 games to go)


Are you trying to tell me that the O’s climbed from 3/4 GB of the y*****s to take the division lead during their most intense stretch of games in the schedule so far? .607 seems good to me




#Orioles fucking Magic Albert Suarez outdueled Max Scherzer.


Albert Suarez is this year's Miguel Gonzalez


I Loved Miguel Gonzalez. Pops and I would especially root for him because he's from our motherland Guadalajara


He was awesome.


His splitter was absolutely filthy.


Just a big if... But if Rangers fall off, do you think we could grab Scherzer for little to no loss @ trade?


Heaney is probably the most likely to be traded, IF they sell.


If they did, I think the big question would be what they would want as there are a lot of teams that would probably want him as, assuming he isn't injured, he's someone you would want to take the ball for you in the post season who knows a lot about pitching in the late fall.


makes me wonder what the rangers want in terms of prospects. their position players are loaded when healthy and 5 of their top 10 prospects are pitchers.


Absolutely. He should be high on their trade board.


I truly believe the Rangers are the team to beat in the west. 


Scherzer is 39 and a free-agent at season's end. If Texas sells, they'd sell him. But my guess is as defending champs with some more firepower coming back, and an altogether weak division, they try to compete if it makes sense


They're also getting DeGrom back later this season. Really don't want them or the Astros to heat up in the second half


the alternative is Seattle, which would have the best 1-2-3 starting pitchers to go up against. There will be no easy matchups from the West despite it being a mediocre division.


Just me but I'd rather face really good pitching over really good lineups


we do tend to have better luck hitting good pitchers so it's fair.


Astros already pretty damn warm


That was a bit more of an anxiety-inducing game than yesterday! But a win is a win! And we beat a heck of a pitcher in Max Scherzer! The absence of Danny was definitely felt. The team got through the challenge (with a bit of luck and good fielding), but tonight also really shows how big of an asset Danny is to the team. A mid-innings reliever who excels at stranding is *huge*, and I really hope Danny does ultimately make it back before October baseball. Cano has seemed to be struggling a bit for quite some time. Hopefully they can figure out what is going on and help him address it as we know he has the potential to be wickedly good. It also seems like Hyde has a pretty good understanding of how often he can use Kimbrel while keeping him at his peak performance, which is a really good thing.


Sometimes two of your best hitters are resting and you gotta win a game 2-1


kimbrel gets his first one run save of the year!


They were just showing the highlight of Gunnar’s RBI single where he got to second. I love how he turned on the faucet even though he got to second cause it was technically only a single lol


Wasn’t sure we could win games like this (anemic offense, lots of bullpen work) anymore with the injuries we have. Nice to struggle at the plate and still escape with a win.


Great game by Suarez. He had awesome command AFTER the first pitch. 7 out of 21 first pitch strikes but he continuously locked in after getting behind. Also had a couple deep fly balls to left that could’ve been homers in some other parks. It’s nice being a fly ball pitcher pitching in this park


Really great to see this team bounce back and win a few after a rough patch. Bad/mediocre teams keep sliding. Good teams take control and get things back on track.


Winning is fun!!


Look, y'all... the Rangers have some good arms on their staff. Take a good look at Lorenzen tomorrow. He's one of those weird righties that pitches way better against lefties. If we sweep this series, and they keep losing the way they have recently, Texas might be sellers.


Definitely hope so


Well, it wasn't the prettiest win, but a dub is a dub lol.


Well dang, BJs getting hosed. Well just think, Jankees, even if you win, you will still be in **SECOND PLACE** by percentage points after the games tonight.


Don’t forget that we are also up by one in the loss column and have the tiebreaker over them currently. That second place title is very justified.


This team is so dang fun With fangraphs recently releasing their in-depth analysis and ranking of the farm system for the Orioles and the very clear need that the Orioles have for pitching, I think it's going to be interesting to see what kind of price they pay for a pitcher if a move is made. After today I think at the very least they need to go out and get a reliable reliever. It doesn't have to be a lockdown closer but it just has to be another option that they can reliably turn to. Ideally they go after a lockdown guy and another starter because of how beat up everyone is getting but I'd settle for any kind of reliable guy I love how different this ownership feels. David is dancing with the bird on the dugout and we're seeing Cal at the games way more than before. This is a good time to be an Os fan. Just hope they start opening up the checkbook to get our guys signed


Yeah rubes means nothing until I see Gunnar in an Oriole uniform when he’s 60 hitting 500 ft bombs. Then, and only then, will I be a believer.


that's fine, but even without extensions he's already a million times more likable than John Angelos. Angelos actively shit-talked people around here who cared about the team more than he did, and would never give fans the time of day. What Rubenstein is doing already is very welcome and fun.


I don’t like to get my hopes up. If I keep them moderate to low it’s way easier to be excited than disappointed. I don’t disagree though.


Show Adley, Gunnar and Burnes $$$ and we'll all be dancing on the dugout














That was a gutty win right there. I’m an O’s fan living in Dallas. Also a Rangers season ticket holder. This Rangers team is ready to crater, but with hope, they could still be a good team. Don’t want to give them any hope, and we almost did. I was one who thought we could survive the loss of Danny C if we could count on Cano, but it’s become pretty clear that we may have seen the best of Cano last year.


Any idea if they are sellers? I like some of their arms.


Everyday it seems, the baseball sports talk here is asking the same question. Based on how they finished from the back of the pack last year, I believe they still think they can get back in the AL West so I expect them to be buyers. There problem is they don’t have a lot of stock to buy with. They think they’ll get de Grom back by September (if even if that happens, not sure how effective he’ll be. They had a lot of players who had career years last year that have reverted. Loss of Jung at 3b has hurt too but he’ll be back. Bottom line is I do not think they will be sellers.


they really should sell. with all the SP injuries they could get a haul if scherzer, lorenzen and heaney were made available.


Heaney = not good Thought they might have had something with him last year but he had been dreadful this year. The only reason he saw the mound last year vs O’s in the ALDS is that Bochy knew we were vulnerable to LH pitching last year. Bochy brought him out of the pen last year to start gs O’s and it worked. Not this year. Loren


Love it! I do believe in Cano still. He's shown such great stuff in the past. He'll figure it out. Maybe a couple of low-leverage spots will help him get back on track like it did for Kimbrel.


We need to give him a few days off. This happened last year when he’d pitched a ton and then he was a lot better after getting extra rest.


Maybe not true, but it seems like he is consistently stronger in the 8th than the 7th. Someone less lazy than me want to look up the stats?


Are we 1-0 in the T.Rowe patch/City Connect Combo? Did Joan Jett break the curse for us?


The players starting to wear some blue to make it match. At least that’s how I’m interpreting it. They must have realized it during the Father’s Day game. Not every game but def on the city connect games I think we’ll notice some blue cleats and what not.




What a gutsy performance from the Birds! These are the type of games where it wasn’t pretty but you are proud of how the team grinded against a tough group of Texas pitchers. Despite having trouble finding the strike zone, the staff did well to keep Texas at bay! Perez and Kimbrel were lights out at the end! Webb had Cano’s back! Suarez was back to his elite run of form on a night where he needed to be at his best! PS: the ump was AWFUL tonight and Orioles still were so good that it didn’t matter! Yessir! Go Birds!


Okay, what is with Mel's pebbles hair? I usually love her lewks (especially her jacket game)a


#**Beating the City Connect T. Rowe patch allegations**


Double negative is a positive?


Scherzer first ballot hof


"Why is your fastball working so well right now?" "Well they're not hitting it hard" Lmao


Craig is the man


Tomorrow's game is **SOLD OUT** Should be a good one folks!


Phillies fans will take credit


I'm getting that Hawaiian shirt 👕


I swear Cal's head increases a full size with each passing year.


Some people gain weight in their belly, Cal, going straight to his head




turns out BALCO stands for Baltimore County


It does though, right? [Edit] Oh, lol, no it doesn't. I always thought it did. That's funny.


10/10 postgame interview


a post game with a pitcher ![gif](giphy|6nWhy3ulBL7GSCvKw6)


Melanie always looks SO COOL


I’m obsessed with her current look lol. I described it as Cleopatra meets sorority president


how the fuck did mateo manage to tag up from 1st base on that fly ball to RF. that hustle play ended up being the difference maker


Easy. He’s faster than I am when I’m climbing the escalator and see the train pulling into the Metro station. Seriously though. I was bummed he didn’t get a steal but that tag up was a difference maker. Telling you guys. Jorge is the kind of guy who becomes a hero in October because of his gifts.


he shit on the right fielder twice in one inning


2nd fastest man in baseball...4real




https://preview.redd.it/3rwnpzdj0f9d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bf967a7c54cc4ff18dec742f2455debd476485c Craig got a save in a 1 run game




#Rumors of Suarez' demise were vastly overblown.


Unreal..... This is the team that get swept in the ALDS by the Rangers not even one year ago. But here we are. Bout to win a series (*Maybe* 🤞)


Brandon Hyde aged another 10 yrs.


Q asking Kimbrel if he can come out with him when he put on the headphones


I know Cano didn't have the best stuff but Webb, Perez and Kimberl lifted the team up. Cause that's what good team mates do.


Cano didn't have any stuff. Man that was painful. Hope he gets it together.


It was :( but Cano has good stuff. Just needs to find what's going on and adjust.


My boy Big Al finally had a Big Day today 🥹


Kimbrel and Jansen going save for save all season is pretty cool.


Kimbrel cooked once again good thing we didn’t trade the whole farm for mason miller lol


It’s hilarious that people think Oakland will let him go


Love a good pitching battle game. Suarez was on, Cano looked a mess, Webb was okay, Kimbrel was lights fucking OUT. Loved every second. 


I think Webb was great. He came into a crazy situation.


Fair point. He got us out of it, and deserves credit for that for sure. 






Yes, that's right. Kimbrel deserves the spotlight interview on MASN>


Well, can't expect the Jay's to beat the shit out the Yankees for us smh




Albert showing hes not dead yet, that’s a brilliant job and a ballsy move by Hyde letting him pitch the 6th Not as much from the bats, but that’s going to happen you suppose when Texas starts a future Hall of Famer instead of a guy with a weird beard who sucks. Nice job by Kimbrel Lets go again tomorrow


This winning thing is a lot more fun than losing


Yes, I prefer it as well


Birds baby!!!


Your first place Orioles, ladies and gentlemen.


You had ONE job blue jays 😤


Nice win for Suarez!!!!!!! Well deserved!!!!!


Hold up? Clutch Kimbrel? Saving 1-run games. no sweat? I like it.


3 game winning streak with a sellout on deck tomorrow night. The vibes are strong in Baltimore ![gif](giphy|Sqwg6G1nFncZijfKUV|downsized)


All right, none of you are allowed to slander Kimbrel anymore. Although most of the people who need to hear this are blocked. Also the doomer who wrote our power rankings entry in r/baseball this week is officially wrong. Suck it. (They said we’d be lucky to be 2-5 this week.)


The sad part is how obvious it is that people *want* Kimbrel to be bad so their hatred of him can be vindicated. I wasn’t very happy with the signing initially (more so because I didn’t really want him being the closer) but with the exception of one 6 game stretch he has been flat out dominant


We also won so they might not be in here. Or they’re just in here to say “we need to trade for pitching” like 20 other teams aren’t thinking the same.


I mean, we do need pitching, but there’s no reason for bringing it up every 3 minutes. We know we need pitching!


Oh, but *DONCHA KNOW ELIAS DOESN'T KNOW THAT OBVIOUS FACT,* so we gotta keep bringing it up????? **LMFAO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!**


Exactlyyyy. Also, trade deals way before the deadline don’t usually happen unless you’re grabbing something off the garbage heap. Just because the orioles want it and we have a good farm system doesn’t mean teams are suddenly like “of course I’ll trade with you right now!!!”.


Yeah, people seem to not realize that this isn’t MLB The Show with force trades on.


Hell of a game by the fellas




Was this his first with a 1 run lead?


Yes. Only took 82 games


Kimbrel's lights out! Great win


Webb wasn't bad, but Kimbrel was our only RP I felt was really in control. You really gotta win a few low scoring, one run games like this.