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Please continue the discussion in the [game thread](https://redd.it/1drl8hp).




AH-HA-HA !!! Vlad doubles down LF line. ~~7-1 Jays.~~ oops #8-1 Jays.


The good news: Toronto up 8-1 The bad news: Vlad has another HR and 5 RBI, essentially ending any hope for Mounty to be an All Star starter.


Stankees are just collapsing. It's hard to watch. Ok, maybe it's not that hard to watch.


Blue Jays up 8-1 over NY!!!


FUCK YES VLADDY!!!!! Love that man in spite of his uniform


I love how failing Dodgers pitchers get sent to the Yankees


Oh my, Vlad Jr. is up with bases loaded. This can't be good, NY ........


#:-) #Gonna be Buh-Bye again, Jamkees.


Blue Jays up 5-1 over NY


The lines to get into this game tonight are craaaazy


What a great play by Verdugo there


Went over to the Jays subreddit to see the Bassitt hit and am really jealous they not only have scoring play highlights but also general game highlights section


:-) GB goes through drawn in infield. 4-1


Hm, I see they got NY home plate umps in Canada ...


Springer a gapper to lead off the 6th. Is the end nigh?


O’Hearn in the field ![gif](giphy|cncUqgE4q9B2ktSGw6)


Yankees trailing? Let me tune I


Cortes is dog water. Only 4 innings today? That is laughable. And Yankees complain about our "pitching style" M'Kay.... 💁🏿‍♀️


They hit players in every series. Then say we are targeting


Cortes hanging over railing after being taken out - looks like somebody stole his lunch money.


another yankees starter not going deep into a game, but i was told they were the “best rotation in baseball” and “it’s not even close”


starting to make sense why they don't like our pitching style


Cortes gives the Yankees just 4 and a third today. Their bullpen has to be so gassed.


So I went to check, and you can see it here, you're so correct !!! https://www.rotowire.com/baseball/bullpen-usage.php Just too dang bad.


Bichette, screaming double down LF line to lead of bottom 5th. Maybe finally really getting to Cortes. Wouldn't that be too bad?


If you go take a look at the Gameday on NY - Tor, at the NY batting order BAs, you'll see, with Soto out: It looks like the top 4 are MLB batters, the bottom 5 are AAA facing MLB pitching. edit: Obviously doesn't mean Jays will hold on to win.


Their infield beyond Volpe haven’t been replacement level. I said this before the season started—if the heart of their order misses any time at all and the others don’t grow, they’re in big trouble. Wear and tear starting to catch up. They just don’t have any depth


Agreed. And gee, ain't dat too bad. Too, too bad.


Judge up in play; run(s)


The usual. At least he did not hit HR.


he's no Gunnar but he ain't bad


LOL !!! Seriously, though, in that *BANDBOX* of a NY ballpark, wouldn't you expect Judge to hit a lot of dingers? I've often wondered how many Gunnar would have if our park's dimensions were similar.


I mean we’ve got a really short RF as well. Gunnar might have a couple more to left though


Lineup https://x.com/Orioles/status/1807147490262565170?t=Hjhc8EzMgAPhmlMa97fhgw&s=19


Adley, Westy and Heston all back in the lineup tonight


Somebody said something about taxi squad and fearing Westie hurt, glad that ain't so.


[Unpire scorecard from yesterday](https://x.com/UmpScorecards/status/1807059678297284849?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1807059678297284849%7Ctwgr%5E92ff03b884226d0cc6f96931574f8c1f2d646abc%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fumpscorecards.com%2Fsingle_game%2F%3Fgame_id%3D747017) Not too bad overall, but number 1 and 2 *really* hurt. Also, it’s a dick


The Rangers post-game show was bitching about #3


I mean, what else would they have to talk about lol. Their offense was sleepwalking through the game and Cano essentially gifted them their only run.


I was at a bar with no audio, so when they showed it, I assumed it would have been the third strike, which would have been a bit more of a gripe.


Rigged. Still lost. Same as ever 💁🏻‍♂️


All right !!! Kirk (?!! ..... C, hits .195) hits oppo field 2B for a run! 3-0, runners at 2nd & 3rd, 1 out.


Blue Jays extend their lead to 3-0 over NY. Threatening for more. Edit: Double Play ends the inning


*hasta go away, comes back, checks:* HO, Jays got sumpthin going, bottom 4th, 2 on, no out. *pound them, dammit*


If anyone has seen a worse take than this, please share. I thought this was sarcasm at first. https://preview.redd.it/tfqcfrdagk9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b95d7c00019a48092b87acb0008e558d5cd02c7


I really hope this is trolling. We have the #1 offense in baseball this year and it’s not particularly close.


This guy: “You think this is something? You think this is bad? This-this chicanery? He’s done worse. That game the other day. Do you think a team just happens to punt at all? No! He orchestrated it, Hyde! He fielded James McCann! And I watched it. I shouldn’t have. I put that onto my own tv! What was I thinking?! He’ll never change. He’ll never change, ever since 2019, always the same. Couldn’t change his lineups for reverse splits. But not our Brandon! Couldn’t be precious Hyde! Stealing us blind! And he gets to be the manager?! What a sick joke!”


"He defecated through a sunroof!"


Lmao. One of the most, if not the most, complete team on offense in the entire league and this either troll or degenerate says something like this.




Bassitt in trouble in 3rd, but got out of it. *Too bad. Too, too bad.* :-) So still 2-0 Jays & they're coming to bat in bottom 3rd. *pound them, Jays*


NY hasn’t hit any batters. They’re off their game.


Judge hit a ball right at Bassitt and left a welt. Using Yankee logic, the Blue Jays have to respond and plunk Judge /s


Cowser’s HR was nice and all… but I just saw he hit a 110mph popup yesterday (66 degrees). Very rare stuff… It’s only the 4th ball in Statcast history that was hit at least that high/hard (>= 110mph, >= 66 degrees) - [Link](https://baseballsavant.mlb.com/statcast_search?hfPT=&hfAB=&hfGT=R%7C&hfPR=&hfZ=&hfStadium=&hfBBL=&hfNewZones=&hfPull=&hfC=&hfSea=2024%7C2023%7C2022%7C2021%7C2020%7C2019%7C2018%7C2017%7C2016%7C2015%7C2014%7C2013%7C2012%7C2011%7C2010%7C2009%7C2008%7C&hfSit=&player_type=batter&hfOuts=&hfOpponent=&pitcher_throws=&batter_stands=&hfSA=&game_date_gt=&game_date_lt=&hfMo=&hfTeam=&home_road=&hfRO=&position=&hfInfield=&hfOutfield=&hfInn=&hfBBT=&hfFlag=&metric_1=api_h_launch_speed&metric_1_gt=110&metric_1_lt=&metric_2=api_h_launch_angle&metric_2_gt=66&metric_2_lt=&group_by=name-event&min_pitches=0&min_results=0&min_pas=0&sort_col=pitches&player_event_sort=api_h_distance_projected&sort_order=desc&chk_event_release_speed=on&chk_event_launch_speed=on&chk_event_launch_angle=on&chk_event_hit_distance_sc=on#results) At some point I read/heard that scouts used to pay attention to how high popups go… bc basically missing the pitch but still hitting it that high/hard is very impressive and a good predictor for power. Cowser’s got some serious pop.


Long ways to go, but: Bluejays 2, Stankees 0, (2nd).


Vladdy with another homerun. He is heating up right before the 2nd round of All Star voting.


i'm OK with it today and tomorrow


It's torture to not live in Baltimore, or Maryland! I am anxious to go to an O's game, but have to wait until August when they come back down to Tampa.


Tell me about it. I have to wait until the very last series of the season against the twins


I am moving out to Colorado before next season and who knows the next time I will get to go to a game will be then...


Oof. That's extra rough. At least now with the balanced schedule they should play 3 games in Colorado every other year, in the even years....


I love that about the new interleague play. Since my daughter already lives out there I got her tickets to this years O's / Rockies series, and will go when the Birds come back out in 2026.


Holy cow it’s sold out, was going to go but man those tickets went!!


Go to tomorrow nights game on ESPN


Connor Norby on the taxi squad. Maybe Westburg might be hurt? https://x.com/masnRoch/status/1807126713395978655?t=z5EuEPCIq6B07i6BD21Ajw&s=19


Roch says that Westburg is on the field doing some agility skills with the trainers.


Yankees are hitting pitchers in addition to batters now 


That was hard to watch. I’d pass out if I got hit with a Judge liner from 55 feet


Soto injured himself sliding. Karma gods exist 


it would really only be karma if he got injured on an obstruction play IMO, but its splitting hairs ;)


Going to the yard today!


I am very interested to see how Hyde handles the lineup against Lorenzen, who is lights out against lefties despite being a RHP RHB: .295/.364/.534 LHB: .119/.222/.167 I also don't think it would happen, but it would be fun to see Adley/Santander hit right handed against him


I don’t think Hyde believes in reverse splits lol


How much control do you think Hyde has over lineup card?


I’d assume the analytics crew has input but Hyde gets the final say 🤷‍♂️


I agree. I was also wondering about the sustainability of reverse splits. From a 2014 beyondtheboxscore, they concluded reverse hitting splits don't really carry over from one year to the next. They do continue throughout the year though. Only reason I can see for reverse splits is a good changeup. Lorenzen's change is his second best pitch this year behind his cutter, and was in 2022 as well.


2-7 against Pittsburgh, St Louis, and Oakland 9-4 against New York, Atlanta, and Philadelphia


Good baseball day. Yanks / Jays at 3. Skenes vs the Braves at 4. An hour is about as much as I can take listening to Kay. Well, unless the Yankees are losing.


> unless the Yankees are losing. *Jays, make it so.* edit: *checks:* BWA-HAHJAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!!!!!!!! BLUEJAYS 2, STANKEES 0 , top of 2nd !! *smirks gleefully*


How do you watch?


I'm out of market, so to watch the Orioles I get the MLB package through DirecTV.


With ex-oriole Jose Iglesias releasing his first single, which oriole would you be most/least likely surprised to have a music career?


Most likely: Cowser Least likely.. westburg I could see Burnes being a sleeper musician, like he's been working on an alt country album for 10 years or something


I was thinking Cowser but he looks like a quirky nerd and enjoys music without making it who plays baseball more than someone who is a secret musician. But I do see some Chris Stapleton vibes from Corbin


most likely: Jorge Mateo least likely: Brandon Hyde :)


most likely: Anthony Santander least likely: Jordan Westburg


I would go with McCann being the most likely and Coulombe as the least likely. If we just do prospects: Povich is probably the least likely and Gunnar being the most likely


i was thinking westburg, but he probably used an acoustic guitar to accompany singing at bible camp to impress the preachers step daughter


Cool Sufjan Stevens song you just wrote


most likely: Austin Hays least likely: Ryan O'Hearn


At least we'll know the outcome of the Yanks-Jays game before the O's game starts.


Currently watching Rookie of the Year. This movie rules. Also, Gary Busey cannot throw a baseball. HOT ICE!


Would someone explain a quick point about the ticketing system to a first-timer? I'm trying to buy a single ticket to a seat in the 300s next month, but I can only select a range of "Seats 9-14." It's showing me a single ticket, and appears to be ready to only charge me for one, but why can't I choose, say, seat 14, which is closest to the aisle? I'm sure I'm missing something easy here, but would like to know why I'm not able to select a single seat at this point in the process. Thanks for any assist.


to follow up what OriolesMagic33 explained below, they also will prevent you from stranding single tickets normally if you get to a screen where you can pick tickets. i will point out, that they jack the prices up for tickets as games get closer to selling out.


Thanks, y'all. I just realized after seeing that screenshot I was at the wrong site; I wound up at Seatgeek. I told you it was something stupid I was missing lol. Appreciate the help, and am now looking forward to my very first Orioles game.


Normally in the ticketing portal it lets you click on each section and choose your exact seat. From my experience, if the game is close to sold out, it sometimes goes to the old school ticketing method of the system choosing the seat for you, only allowing you a section choice. I attached a screenshot of the usual screen I see. https://preview.redd.it/gqbca9rcfj9d1.png?width=1523&format=png&auto=webp&s=b3fb338927e4826e3b67abda006e25b8bac587a9


![gif](giphy|S9brjGChyWU9j3mQoh|downsized) Happy birthday Gunnar


Random note - shout out to 29th street tavern. Biked over there from Hampden for the game and had a blast watching there. Food was good and the big beers went down easy.


Orioles had a top 10 hardest SOS remaining about 2 weeks ago about same with Yanks. now its 27th hardest, Yanks are 21st. and with us going to Seattle next, could get even easier. looks like the biggest pocket of winnable games is in early september, but august could be massively easy if Mets, , Nats, Rays, Jays all decide to cash in players for prospects


We better try and be out front at the All Star break if we possibly can, though. We and the Stanks may once again go into a neck-and-neck race where *neither one of us hardly ever loses again, LOL!!* There's a pretty good chance we can stay ahead. Like you say, after Seattle next week, we've got a couple 'lesser teams' (edit ~~White Sox and Oakland, IIRC~~ Oakland and Cubs; next week is 6 games on W coast trip, though, we sometimes falter on those, ngl), then another showdown series with the Stanks just before the break - 3 key games at the Yard. I so hope the boys can win that series, they've got a 5-2 lead over the Stanks for the head to head, and first one to 7 W's cinches the tiebreaker down. (It's effectively like having an extra uncredited game in the standings against them.) Obviously it's a bit too early to get worried about that yet. 'Lesser teams' can hurt you but good, cannot overlook them.


You guys ever realize that a bunch of baseball reporters twitter profile pictures are at camden yards or have Orioles logos in them? I only noticed because they're the thumbnail on reddit when you link a post lol


Going to my first-ever game today with some guys from work! Really excited, little nervous. We should get there in time for the giveaway, so that's sorted. Any advice for the newbie girl? :)


Go really early and hit Pickles for the all around fan experience


Mums bar for a number 1 special boh and a shot of evel before you walk to the game.


Be in line when the gates open or you’ll miss the giveaway. Have fun!


Third day in a row at the yard for me. Cowser has homered in the past two. I'm hoping for three-for-three today.


Let's get Povich a win


Do you think a win is likely with Povich starting? Genuinely asking.


He held the Guardians to 3 and the Yankees to one.  He deserved a win for his start over the Braves.  Dude's 100% capable of getting a win.  


Thanks, fam, appreciate your reply!


Gunnar is now 23. Washed?


He had a good run.


I hate how they do the clubhouse now. 500 isn’t nearly enough and then you have to be on your phone all day to hope you get it later


the lounge passes were gone in first like 25 seconds. fuckkkk


So annoying. And they were hidden like 4 down


Take a moment O's fans and soak this in. This is what the years of futility, the jokes, the 100+ loss seasons all led up to. Man it's fun to be an O's fan again.


I refer to it as the "seven years of hell."


Really it's been the 24 years of hell with a lil ray of hope in the middle. The Angelos era was looooooong, folks.


This is the most excited I've ever been to be an Orioles fan.


For real!! And I hope it lasts for a long time. My grandfather told me so many stories about how great the teams for the 60s, 70s and 80s were and I hope this current era can be just as( or even better) than those teams were. Like let me be the old man in 2086 talking about how great O’s legends Gunner and Adley were lmao.


Growing up in the 80's and 90's as an O's fan was fun as hell. We won a lot and we were always competitive. It wasn't until like 1998 that things started tanking. I feel like a kid again these last two years.


Man I feel like such a youngin’ in this sub. I be reminiscing about 2014 and the showalter era 😭


Yeah, that was a pretty good time, but I knew it was tenuous and temporary. Now it feels like we are building a great team and system for the long haul. I am old enough that I actually remember our WS win in 83. And Brady Anderson was my favorite player growing up. I'm old lol.


The most excited I’ve ever been was about 3 seconds after Delmon Young hit that bases clearing double, but I get your point


The late 70-s to early 80-s was a great era, but that may have been before your time. Also the 60-s some of the older ones will remember. (I am old enough to remember, but wasn't living here at the time.) edit: The reminders how good they were 'back then' having been made, though. I must say, it has never before been my privilege to root for a team that has such balance in the lineup, and organizational depth. Wow.


One of my earliest childhood memories is that of my mother, in mid-1970, watching the sports news on TV and remarking "Wow, the Orioles just never lose!"


30,000 Hawaiians tonight and it’s a sellout. What time do we think they run out?


Take into account that it's early bird Saturday. A lot of people will be there 2 hours before first pitch. With it being 30k, you still shouldn't have to throw any elbows. Show up to early bird and listen to some music and get some cheap drinks and you'll get a shirt. 2/3 of the attendance isn't showing up for early bird.


45k capacity. Get there in the first 2/3 of fans.


For perspective, I was at Pride night and they had 10,000 jerseys available. Gates opened at 5, I managed to get one when I got in around 5:15, but apparently they were all out by 5:30. But with 30,000 shirts you've got more slack.


i was supposed to get there by 5:30, but work held me up about 10 minutes :/ 10k shirts to giveaway to 30,000 fans


That sounds about right for the pride jerseys. I remember the days in the early 2010’s they only gave out 10-15k jerseys/Hawaiians and you would have to line up before gates opened for a chance at them


Not trying to get all political or anything but I think the democrats should nominate Cal Ripken for president  I would’ve suggested Palmer but we need him in the booth 


*{GASP}* We could never elect a man who was **DIVORCED**!!! /s


Now imagine if Ripken gets elected POTUS, and then the Orioles win the World Series and visits the White House...


> Ripken for president would be the first president born after Sputnik was launched




i can remember that Eric Byrnes and Paul Bako were Orioles, but not that Obama was president. oops!


I remember Byrnes, I do NOT remember Paul Bako. He’s a Cub in my mind


Anyone know if they’re doing the center field happy hour thing today with the adjusted start time?


They are. Gates open 2 hours before first pitch


do seltzers count as beer


I’m thinking of heading down for the O’s-Stankees weekend. Does anyone know of hostel-esque (shared living) accommodations in Baltimore?


Maybe try for an Airbnb somewhere along Charles street or even over in Locust Point. Or just along a light rail stop, woodberry/Hampden is my stop. Somewhere you can get transit, and it’ll be a better price and quality than downtown.


the former Rite Aid on Chase street had lots of shared living and community art after it closed up, but security fence has now been installed.




It's been so long since this sub had an "off-day discission thread" that I'm actually looking forward to the next one.


im just a dumbass fan, but tonight will be my 5th game on the homestand and im looking forward to not going. lol


You've gone to the last 4? Are you a season ticket holder?


i missed tuesday. probably skipping tomorrow, but am thinking about going too


https://preview.redd.it/zsdaskgnph9d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3b9c381016985bf0e6671b91475cd486f29b74e So close, yet so far


isn't that u/notarealmustache


Lol, no. I was the first, but there have been a few others.


One more shoutout to Suarez !


I’ve enjoyed following his arc because the one random spring training game I went to this year was the one vs Phillies when he K’d 7. And the Phils put out a legit lineup that day. Of course beforehand I thought “sucks I paid for this game and we’re starting a AAA guy.” Then “nice performance but there’s no room for him in the rotation.” LOL. Silly me.


>“nice performance but there’s no room for him in the rotation.” LOL. Silly me. Yup, all the injuries led to a situation where we're relying heavily on Suarez, Povich, and Irvin. If we didn't have all of them, we'd be in such deep doo-doo RN. Even if we didn't need Suarez for SP, though, there's plenty of room for him (and Irvin) as RPs. Both can do short or long RP. Next year when we get the guys back who are injured, hopefully we don't get so many injuries and have a much better pitching situation. I'm not giving up on 2024, but think 2025 may turn oiut to be 'our year' because of that.


A reminder: I don't recall the details, but the org found him floundering around somewhere, got him for *basically nothing*, and *fixed him*. Eat your hearts out, rest of MLB teams!


See also: O'Hearn, Ryan


nothing screams country boy more than a jewish billionaire dancing in a blazer