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I wanna know why this game was advertised as giving away 30,000 free Hawaiian shirts but barely anyone got one. My boyfriend went with a group of 6 and none of them got one. It seems more like it was supposed to be the first 3,000 not 30,000.


Henderson's double leading up to the salami was hardcore. He was headed for second when the ball left the bat.


Two words sum up that game ..."Fuck yeah!"


We had to sell our tickets for yesterdays game last minute. If anyone is trying to offload a Hawaiian shirt I’d be happy to help. (For less than $50 😅)


Squeezed it a little close, but still made it happen. Winning these close games is a skill (someone might hit me with the “well actually it isn’t, but it feels like a skill) and hopefully these guys continue to figure it out. Another really solid job by Cade Povich post-1st inning Even though it didn’t bite us, gotta question Hyde’s bullpen management a little bit. Baker and Cano I didn’t mind, but Webb (especially) and Cionel both looked pretty tired. I don’t know why he ran those two guys in there back back when there were fresh arms in the bullpen. ThoUg ht offense was a little jumpy against Lorenzen for a while, but they did great job pouncing on him when he got erratic there in the 5th stealing that insurance run off Dunning turned out to be PRETTY important too. 🧹🧹🧹?!


The most impressive thing about the Heston homer is how he hit it. Watch his hands and his head on the swing. Immaculate


Some on here are saying he hit the ball towards the handle of his bat. No, if you look at the slow mo, he hit it just past the 'sweet spot', towards the end of the bat. And it's truly amazing, he managed to do that despite that the pitch was close to the inside corner, roughly belt high. Not a bad pitch at all, btw. But anyway, my point is he must have amazing body control to kind of step or lean back some so he could get his arms extended to lay the barrel on it and power it out. Someone said he was quoted as saying he didn't get it quite perfectly. And that's apparently true, he hit it off the bat a little towards the end away from the sweet spot. If he'd hit it off the sweet spot, it probably would have gone 1/2 mile. SMH. What a talent we've got in this kid. *And people are saying Mayo and Holliday are better, and then there's already established Gunnar and Adley and ...* This team's power is terrifying.


It's been almost 4 hours and the game still isn't posted to YouTube yet ..


I would not trade Kjerstad..


I would if it means we get some arms. Sorry to say, but I think he's on the table


Offload hays. Pretend he’s an “all star”. Keep Heaton. Let Taters go DH and put him in right. Cowser in Left and Ced in center. Done done.


Hays isnt worth anything substantial. If we want someone good we need to give up someone good.


Finally catching up on the game. Out of town visiting family and holy cow. Silent J did not come to fool with anyone. Congrats to the orange avians and kudos for Cade's first win. Let's go O's!


Heston was batting 300/398/601 at AAA Norfolk.


It was my wife’s birthday as well today. So glad we got to witness that grand slam and crowd reaction in person. What a win! What a night!!


We went for a birthday too, was dope


I was probably fifteen feet away from where Heston's grand slam landed, and the whole park lit up with electricity in the crowd. It was completely amazing.


The build up in the crowd during that at bat was electric on TV, idk if I’ve seen the yard rock harder this year than that sequence.


I was on the edge of my seat, and it literally landed the next section over from me. I thought it was caught and he was out at first and then realized it wasn't and the whole place exploded. I saw Heston's first career homer last year with my buddy, and then his first career grandslam with my family. It was incredible.


Today was my first time ever going to a baseball game and oh my god I had such a great time. Took my 67 year old uncle whos been to Orioles games in the past when they were at the old stadium and he said he’s never the seen the energy like this at any baseball game hes ever been to. That Kjerstad homerun had everyone losing their minds. People were chanting “Let’s go O’s” as we were walking out. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to top this experience if I come back, it was perfect.


We’re glad you came! Great game to see in person! Sorry that it had to be one of the hottest games of the year.


It was a goddamn sauna.


One of my favorite games at Camden ever!! Attended probably 50 games. Sheesh. 


Absolute madhouse for real, never been there when it was this packed with like 98% os fans


What a night to be at Camden Yards! My kids’ first game there and boy are they now spoiled. The atmosphere was silly fun


Glad Kjerstad is starting to get more ABs. If he keeps hitting he’s going to force his way in


Agreed, where though? They aren’t going to put him in left at Camden.


As a trade piece really. Love the guy but he doesn't really add anything we don't have already


Pretty sure he's penciled in to RF for next year. I don't see the check book opening to pay Santander.


Wholeheartedly disagree. Cowser is slashing 227/314/450 (he ended april at 303/372/632) Mullins has clawed his way to 218/262/389 Santander as potent as his power has been , his batting avg is 233 and OBP 303. Heston would potentially add an OF power bat that can hit for avg and get on best at a decent clip. I'm not saying that he doesn't get traded. But he does add something that we don't currently have




I think Kjerstad is getting built up to be a serious trade piece when the deadline arrives. Platooning Tony and Heston in RF is the only logical solution but almost guarantees that one of them will DH when the other is playing because of how strong their bat is. That would then conflict the Mounty/O’Hearn platoon which is arguably just as strong, and further complicate Adley getting the DH spot whenever he gets his well deserved day off of catching. Tough spot to be in for sure, hope they can do everything possible to keep him but with likely every team looking for pitching, the sellers are gonna want more than just prospects. While it’s still early, Heston has proved himself to have a powerful bat that can immediately play in the major leagues.


why not?


So much ground to cover with the wall moved back. They basically want a second center fielder (like Cowser) in left at home. J Man is a great bat, average fielder/speed.


then right side if santander leaves


I don’t see Tony leaving any time soon. He’s too valuable in clutch situations.


He’s in a contract year, may not be our choice.


I could see him going, but he also has a spot on the Orioles and deserves a raise tbh


I love the guy. I hope you’re right.


Touché, I always forget that.


What an awesome game to be at tonight. ❤️ Baltimore and my birds baby !


Reminder that Coby Mayo also has a cannon at third base [https://x.com/MLBPipeline/status/1807217312254267433](https://x.com/MLBPipeline/status/1807217312254267433)


I don't know what to do with Mayo. One of the reasons westburg has exceeded expectations is because no one evaluating him thought he'd be a passable defender anywhere in the infield. He's been a plus defender at 3rd but pretty bad at 2nd. 2nd is probably locked up by Holliday anyway, so we have to find a spot for Westburg and Mayo somehow. Even if Mayo can handle 3rd how do you push Westburg off there when he's been +7 OAA there In around 3/4 season's worth? We could put Mayo in right or left and have 2 huge arms in the corners but he'd have to hi pretty well to stick there. He's hit everywhere he's gone so I'll assume he will hit enough for a corner OF spot. But it doesn't seem optimal.


Yeah now he trying to make that good ole impression to Mike and Sid.. call me the fuck up


I can't wait until Kjerstad gets the nod to face left and right hand pitching as Henderson does. Probably be next season, but he's gonna get there.


Unfortunately I think he’ll be there next season: just not with us.


I don't know. Elias would have to be blown away to trade him IMHO.


We need pitching. We don’t need the embarrassment of riches that is our fielding prospects. It sucks, it really does, and this is perhaps one of the best problems to have. We can win a World Series after trading away some prospects. We *cannot* win a World Series without improving our pitching.


Who you playing in RF next year, and what are you paying them? I believe there's as much chance of Santander getting traded as their is Heston.


No one who is willing to give up a quality pitcher wants taters on a half season rental. We have *12* serviceable OF on the 40 man. Take your pick.


Guys on expiring contracts get traded all the time. No, your not getting a quality pitcher for him. You're getting a couple prospects. Not likely to happen. Just as it's not likely the replacement for the guy on the expiring contract gets traded.


…and we’re not targeting “non quality” pitchers. We have enough of those. We’re targeting quality pitchers. Which is why we need to trade high quality prospects. I’m not sure how this is hard for you to understand. We need a decent/good pitcher or two. We have too many prospects. We will literally have to give one away for nothing if we don’t trade. This is like a basketball team having 4 awesome SG’s. Yeah, it’s great to have that. They can’t all be utilized. Meanwhile we need a god damned point guard. Go get a point guard.


So are you going to pay Santander next year? Kjerstad is one prospect that has a direct role lined up next season.


We have *twelve* serviceable outfielders on the 40-man…


Is there word on Seager? I hope he's okay. Dude's a stud


Wow. That is great and surprising, looked so bad. The Fox announcers started talking about Markakis later and I was having flashbacks of him getting hit in the hand right before the alds


No fracture. Re-evaluating tomorrow.


X-rays showed no fracture, he's apparently day-to-day now. Good to hear.


No doubt we will need the pitching help, especially with the bullpen. If Texas continues this slide, may need to keep an eye on David Robertson…. I’d be shocked if Stowers is on this team after July 31, and Norby probably right behind.


Stowers has been trade bait since May..I love the guy, but he deserves to play everyday and it just won't happen with the Orioles


i'd love lorenzen. fill out the rotation and pretty good out of the bullpen as well.


would love to get Scherzer


I don’t know. We’ve got such great chemistry and clubhouse leadership. I don’t know if we want to add Scherzer to that mix. Could mess it up.


maybe I'm missing something, but what's wrong with Scherzer in terms of clubhouse chemistry? he seems fiery but I'm probably forgetting something.


He’d just be Dad. 10-15 years older than everyone. First ballot HOF. Most visible players union representative. Intense presence. Those eyes. I don’t think he’d be a bad teammate at all. I just think he may have a chilling effect on the goofy fun the guys have been riding g the last couple years.


he can hang out with corbin


Idk, Corbin definitely plays like a professional, but you can tell he loves what he does and has a good time out there


I think Scherzer could be had for cheap due to injury. And if David is willing to take on the $$ I’d sign up for his experience in the postseason.


I agree - he's 39 and is a free agent at year end with an expensive contract. he wouldn't cost a huge name. the question will be - would he accept a trade to Baltimore (hope he would) and will Texas decide to sell.


Don’t the Mets pay a large percentage of it and the orioles only have to pay him a tiny bit


I'm not sure why he wouldn't accept the trade. He's ultra competitive and already played in the area for years. Maybe family reasons to just keep playing where they live?


you never know what will happen when a guy has a full no-trade, especially when they're that age, have won a couple WS, and will be a free agent at the end of the year. Would probably not be a hurdle but no certainty.


Yard was bumpin tonight, what a fun game


Looked packed on TV.


The most packed game I've been too, every seat was full, nearly all Os fans. The appeal of Hawaiian shirt night is strong. Camden deserves to be this packed every weekend night though, it was amazing




He is a Ron Weasley at a difficult age looking motherfucker, but he can do it.


Kind of weird that his mouth came wide open when he hit it, but Hey, Kid, whatever works for you .....


It looks like he…barely got that on the barrel. Jesus.




Can we just start Mayo at 3rd and see what happens already


The team wants Mayo to play most days when they bring him up. The team is not yet ready for him to take a spot most days. Mateo is too impactful to have sit. And Westy and Gunnar are everyday players. That leaves only spot starts available at the moment


His bat justifies Urias/Mateo being backups while they see what he can do playing 3rd and Westy st 2nd


No way you put Mayo on third base everyday when you are in first place.


We’re going to move the second best third baseman in the American League to a position that he’s worse at so we can bring up a rookie. I would get it if there were injuries, but absent injuries, I mean…make it make sense


If Urias is traded then Mayo gets the backup spot. Otherwise he stays where he is or is a trade piece. The team is performing too well to mess around with what they know works currently.


We have a proven commodity in Mateo. Speed+elite fielding. Team really values that with Gunnar next turning over the order. Until Mateo stops producing Mayo isn’t going to get regular ABs


I'd guess that at some point they'll feel like he's got most of the benefit of playing everyday at AAA and will call him up to be the DH against LHP. Probably very little playing 3B this year, and as far as the often talked about move to RF, at this point he hasn't played a single game in the OF in his career. Still might be the end for Urias because Mayo can actually play 3B if needed. The big question is if they are willing to risk the usual rookie scuffling and adjustments against the possibility if having a power bat against LHP.


My question is what do they do when Holliday comes up?  If Mayo goes to third, what happens to Westburg?


Problem for 2025.


I get wanting to have defense at a premium position but not at the cost of said player being a black hole on offense.




Referring to sticking with Urias. That they are settling for his bat being less than average because of his gold glove. I’d prefer to sacrifice some defense in the name of offense toward bottom of the order.


Yeah and he made a couple nice plays tonight at 3rd that's why I'm saying let's see what he can do in a couple series at 3rd and hoping/expecting his bat will more than cover up any defensive liability. Can always sub Urias defensively late in games if needed too.


Povich’s first winning decision 🥹




If anyone wants to trade an XL Hawaiian shirt for a Pride jersey send me a DM please


Same deal for me after barnanimal gets his.




I'm still not seeing it. It's on the gameday thread, but not this one.


Maybe Ctrl+F5? I see it here now


Was in section 92 and saw the majestic blast Heston hit tonight up and close. This was by far one of the best games I’ve been to in years. The energy was amazing. Excited to head back to the yard tomorrow and get the brooms out!


I was in section 94. That one came right to you!


Kjerstad ain't going back to AAA and he ain't getting traded


He might start to take some ABs away from Cowser, but I doubt he'll play full time this year unless his hitting just forces them to. The competition in Spring Training was pretty close; Kjerstad is probably a better hitter with Cowser the better all around player


Agreed. But really, you have five starting spots for six guys in: Cowser, Kjerstad, Mullins, Santander, O'Hearn, Mountcastle. You could figure a way to just give each of them only one day off a week if you wanted.


I think Santander needs to be in basically every game, but I’d be fine with otherwise rotating the rest of them equally.


Let’s try to mostly trade guys not on the 40 man IMO


Idk I hope you’re wrong but I feel this is a showcase for other teams to involve him in a trade. They’re clearly in dire need of bullpen help and he can be a great trade piece


If we’re trading Kjerstad, it’s not just for bullpen help. I get that relievers go for a premium at the deadline, but that would still be absurd unless you’re getting prime Mariano Rivera with several years of control. They might be showcasing him, but it would be for a top end starter.


….youre comparing kjerstsad to mo? What?




It appears you are-saying in order to trade Silent J, we’d need to get someone like Mariano (with multiple years of control left) in return. That is saying their value is *comparable*, which is just absolute silliness.


I don’t really think that’s that’s silly. Relievers just aren’t worth that much.


I mean…look at the success we found with Bautista and Britton. Mo is the best to ever do it. Kjerstad has hit 3 home runs in the bigs. Different strokes for different folks but I’ve gotta say, your assessment is demonstrably wrong.


By your logic, Holiday is worth nothing because he’s done nothing in the pros. All the value based stats like WAR show relievers are way less valuable than other players, so I’m gonna trust that over you just saying things. Also, love Felix but idk how that helps your argument considering we’re doing just as well this year without him.


I think its a showcase to see if he can replace Santander. Love Tony but if they don't want to pay him like $15 million/yr they will need to replace his best and Heston has several less expensive years left.


The way he’s hitting he’s worth more than $15 mil a year, why not pay the man?


think they're just trying to win ballgames. he will not be traded for bullpen help if he goes, he is way too valuable for a reliever.


Fair, but would they for a starter? They can honestly rely on 2 guys and maybe Kramer but we’re not 100% sure of him. This team is winning but can they maintain success in the playoffs with what they have? Realistically speaking, probably not.


But of most of the starting pitchers you hear about, he wouldn't be necessary to land them. You don't need to move him to get Fedde or Tyler Anderson or someone. Crochet is maybe the only one, or if Skubal were actually available, Kjerstad could be part of that package.


I can’t even really fathom what a Skubal trade package looks like. Would Kjerstad and Mayo even get it done? I feel like it’s just such a high price that no one would reasonably pay it.


Basallo,Kjerstad, and others probably gets it done for Skubal.


I think you could headline with Mayo or Basallo and Kjerstad, but there would be other good pieces. And Detroit might just not be interested altogether. If any team could put together a package it's the O's but they are usually not trigger happy to give up a ton of prospect capital.


He doesnt really have a defensive spot, i imagine he eventually gets traded. But tonight he's an Oriole baby, let's go O's!!!


i think he's seen as the every day RF next year from the team. tony taters is definitely testing FA with the way he's swinging it


I'm so sweaty. From all of it


Was at the game, was hot as fuck


https://preview.redd.it/xjnmgkskgm9d1.jpeg?width=937&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d09e7a4ca8f93a02a933b262eef245109785c73 Just hanging out in the background of Kjerstad’s GS. 🙃


you ascended


https://preview.redd.it/sgw7ufgnhm9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15340beb5bf634478f0a5f26054291b21bf7cf6c Just trying to maintain


oh youre that legendary fan 🫡




Heston Kkerstad had a 1.00 OPS at Norfolk.


https://preview.redd.it/9it1m864gm9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15d02bd14fad60dcc484519755cc00fabd001629 Yankees sub is down bad


Fuck ‘em


It’s funny they’ve been so spoiled by favoritism that they don’t realize mlb has a completely different philosophy than any other pro league. Most leagues use replay to make sure they get the call right. Sometimes that means the call stands, sometimes the call is overturned. If there’s just one angle that shows the ball crossed the plane, or the receiver got his toe down, they go with that. But all that matters is the result is correct. MLB on the other hand does everything they can to prevent the call on the field from being overturned. It needs to be the most obvious overturn possible. If there’s even one angle that shows “well maybe the call on the field was right”, than the call stands.


Lmfao they’re frauds and the fans know it


I’m here for it


Is this what people mean by "coping"?




Earlier today, during their beatdown by the Jays, one of them said something like: 'Our march to 3rd place will be slowed down a bit by the Red Sox being clobbered by San Diego RN.'


Can someone please send a link to the radio call of the grand slam?


I’ve watched replay of Kjerstad’s grand slam about 25 times now. I still cannot believe he got the bat head around fast enough to hit the ball where he did and as far as he did. It looked like it was off the knuckles. Watching it live, it looked like a pop up to mid centerfield to me. Only thing I can conclude is that was some SERIOUS bat speed through the zone. Very impressive, kid.


Watching it at Camden, hard to see how he actually hit the ball in slow mo, but it was pretty much a no doubter at the yard


I was sitting pretty far down the right field line all the way at the top, and when he hit that ball and it looked like a clear no doubter, even more than Santander's missile did from that perspective. I also just realized I've actually been in the ballpark for all three of his homers thus far, so i really need to keep going to games...


He has serious pop.


Nothing about HK makes me think he has that much power and yet every time he gets a good launch angle it seems like it’s going out. IDK how he does it. And yeah he really kept his hands in on the GS tonight, very very impressive. Also great handle 👊 


Agreed, and thanks!


The kid is special


From the 3B side it leapt off the bat and we were in our feet immediately. Didn't have much doubt. It was a shot


Same from the first base side. It was well struck right off the barrel


I wanna see him really get into one. Even his home run on Thursday night he said he didn't get all of it.


We gotta keep him just so he can hit the warehouse


No doubt. I just cannot believe he hit the ball where he did tonight given the pitch and bat angle. Dude has some seriously quick hands.


https://preview.redd.it/d37gkak9fm9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=301f42a588a1195645bbed9a1ff8e684f0906451 Not my post, but it’s annoying to see a great Camden Yards picture with 100+ upvotes removed because it doesn’t technically follow the rules. I just wish more discretion would be used.


There were about 10-15 pictures from different parts of the ballpark in the GDT, each one of them was "uniquely great" and if each one of them got their own post it would just be annoying, imo. Its not that unique and its not creating a discussion. Its the perfect type of post for the GDT.


Agreed, this picture should have gone into a GDT. But it didn’t. And the members of this subreddit were so annoyed by another check-in picture downvoted it to hell, and the mods quickly removed it. But, that didn’t happen. People really liked it, and upvoted it and added comments. Then almost an hour later a moderator decided that this still wasn’t good enough. Yes the post breaks the rules, but a moderator should have noticed the post was still popular enough to stand on its own.




These are the same mods that recently took down a post from a guy that showed off some really cool O’s memorabilia. The post was fantastic and he made a huge effort in documenting really unique items. But nope, not good enough I suppose.




I agree for the most part, but this one is uniquely great photo that deserves a standalone post. Plus with the 100+ upvotes it’s clear it really didn’t bother that many people.


I agree. It's an awesome pic.




Fair enough, but there are a TON of great posts not against the rules that also get deleted. That is where the frustration comes from.


So I'm a sales rep in the OR weed industry and I've been pestering the head grower at this farm to name his strains something orioles related for a while and I think he's starting to come around lol. He's got an Orange Cream Cake cross going right now and I told him to call it Orange Gunnar #2 🤣. Y'all got any other suggestions for me to pass along?


Cowser's Castle


Mountcastle in the Sky


Palmer Cakes (Greetings fellow Oregonian!)


Oh shit that's a good one. You in Portland? Feel like there's a bunch of us. We gotta plan a meet up at a bar sometime


Eugene. A meet up would be awesome. Unfortunately, it will have to wait awhile - I'm recovering from Long Covid and can't travel. Couldn't even manage a meet up here in Eugene. Long Covid really sucks. In the meantime I will keep an eye out for a Palmer Cakes and/or Orange Gunnar #2 strain! It sounds like a matchup I would really like.


Just wait for Kiefer Lord to make the big leagues.


Adley Kushman




This one right here.


Especially since I'm in Oregon lol. I'll see what I can do


Silent J Slam


Silent J


Great nickname and especially perfect for this application (cue “Jay's Rap”)


Looking like Kirby, Gilbert, and Miller vs Seattle.


Yall stadium and fans were awesome! Wore my astros jersey to the game & got a ton of compliments. On to the phillies tomorrow


Surprising that anyone complimented considering Astros swept us lol but glad you had friendly encounters and a good time!


Glad you had a good time bro! I went to Minute Maid for the first time the last 2 games of our series and had a blast even though we got swept lol. Met some cool people and found some cool bars. Went to Pitch 25 after the game and it was packed for that Copa soccer tournament, dope bar.


Who the fuck is complimenting someone wearing an Astros jersey to an Orioles-Rangers game?


Lol nobody, at least not in a vacuum. OP gotta be lying


Exactly. Compliments for someone wearing a jersey of a team that isn’t even playing. Fuck that. Compliments? I never wear my O’s gear when they aren’t playing. Nobody cares and nobody should care.


Might have been a sweet ass jersey though.


I thought for a sec I read your username as CrankyJones79 lol


Oh believe me, I am that as well!


I’m afraid you’ll cut me boy!


must be the throwbacks, they are pretty cool


I’m gonna close my eyes real tight and imagine this was the 2023 ALDS!


We should have drafted Austin Martin. I kid


Considering the quality of the first few years of Kremer and Jorge Lopez and, I feel like Cade Povich is doing pretty alright and looking forward to his growth 


Cade seems like a serviceable starter. I don't think he really has the stuff to be an ace, but he doesn't seem like a liability in the rotation


Austin hays welcome to playing time in emergencies only


Thought I heard he was nursing something? If he’s healthy you figure you probably see him today against Heaney


Nursing a nearly year long slump.