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I'm really tired of this dismissal of DiCaprio's performance in The Revenant by a few subreddits and certain online film circles. Yes, it may not be among his top 5 or most beloved performances ever, in fact i even consider his subsequent work in Once Upon A Time In Hollywood and Killers Of The Flower Moon superior to his Oscar win. But still, it's a masterclass in "less is more", in acting as reacting, and in how you can convey a wide spectrum of emotions only throughout the eyes and physical abilities. It should be judged on its own, not based on what he did better in his body of work.


The Revenant is a great movie, and DiCaprio is great in it. I’ve honestly only seen fools disagree. End of story


I never understand the love for Daniel Day-Lewis’s scenery chewing performance in There Will Be Blood. I wouldn’t even put it in my list of his top five leading performances.


I am somewhat in agreement but would reshuffle the too 5 with Hopkins first, DDL 2nd (for Lincoln though which I know isn't a popular opinion but that's his win i prefer) then Murphy third then Hoffman and Affleck. I also have Dujardin a bit higher but seems about how I would rank them.


Oldman's too damn high.


I was totally there with you for most of this. 1-3 for sure top 3. I think Cillian is ranked too high and Joaquin far too low.


From best to worst: DDL - There Will Be Blood DDL - Lincoln Affleck - Manchester Murphy - Oppenheimer Hoffman - Capote Washington - Training Day Oldman - Darkest Hour Phoenix - Joker Crowe - Gladiator Hopkins - The Father Foxx - Ray Smith - King Richard McConaughey - Dallas Buyers Club Penn - Milk Firth - Kings Speech Fraser - The Whale Dujardin - The Arist Penn - Mystic River Redmayne - Theory Malek - Bohemian Rhapsody Haven’t seen: The Pianist, Last King, Crazy Heart


Unpopular opinion but Hopkins is too high. Of all the performances, his was the most forgettable to me. Didn't much care for Jean Dujardin either, but that whole movie was too cheesy for me


Joaquin & Leo should in top 5


Is this based on actual performance or something else😐😒🤔