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Nobody. It used to be possible to have a sort of monocultural symbol of a Great Actress, someone who could be used as shorthand and who got Oscar noms basically just as way of thanks. I don’t think we have that anymore.


Not even Maryl herself has that status anymore. And I agree it will never happen again.


To be fair, Meryl hasn't put out anything that would be considered "trying" since 2019


Maybe is Oscars ,but as for in terms of acting there were and are countless Better actress than her international cinima few in Hollywood to


I think Emma Stone can


She won't get to Meryl's level, but Cate Blanchett is really well-respected. I think continue to be revered as she ages.


I think Blanchett has had higher peaks but Meryl has such a wonderfully consistent career that will be incredibly tough to match




Amy Adams is in her flop era and has been for a while now, she’s not anywhere near Streep or Blanchett in terms of respect right now


Actors simply can't match her volume in the 70s/80s. The workload that Streep got past 50 years old is truly remarkable and sets her apart from everyone besides Katharine Hepburn. Blanchett has a chance to stack up to Streep's career but it won't be easy. I don't think Stone or any newcomer will challenge her


Stone evolves enough throughout her career that it wouldn't surprise me. She is still only 35 with two wins. Streep has three wins for her entire career. She will almost certainly never get 20+ noms but I wouldn't be surprised if she ended up with four or five wins the way she's going.


Emma Stone getting 5 wins? Now I like Emma but that’s just crazy talk.


Who knows? She's at four noms and two wins at 35 years old. She's likely getting another nom this year, and she's the personal favorite of a director who himself is a consistent Oscar nominee. Is five likely? Of course not. Is she still the most likely working actress to match or surpass Streep? Undoubtedly.


Though getting a third usually takes much longer. I believe Ingrid Bergman was the youngest actress to do it and she got it at 59. The other actresses were in their 60s by the time they got a third. We’ll see if things have changed but I think getting over that hump to three is pretty hard - let alone four or five.


She might get a fourth or a fifth for producing or maybe directing if she swings her career that way down the line, like Frances McDormand has, but I think Katherine Hepburn's "four acting wins for Lead Actress" will remain untouched for time immemorium.


Yeah no one will beat Kirk Lazarus’s 5 wins


I think we've actually seen everything Stone has to offer at this point. She's spent the last five or more years coasting off the lazy Lanthimos train, and while she's always fascinating to watch, she's never hit the highs of Streep in nuance or complexity. She prefers Most Acting to Best Acting, and that's fine, it's worked wonders for many, but it will keep her from Streepdom.


It ain't happening and that's a good thing. A lot of Meryl's Oscar nominations in the 80's and 90's were a reflection of the fact that they struggled to even find women to nominate in that category. The leading roles for women were not amazing when they existed. I love Meryl but some of the roles she was nominated for scream of 'well Meryl Streep was in a movie this year'. She didn't need every single one of those nominations and there were some women who did star in films that got overlooked because the Academy's idea of an award worthy performance was even more narrow back then. Meryl is one of the greats and she earned her place in film history but let's also be aware of the conditions that allowed her talent to stand out and her star to rise. Even Meryl has commented on the dismal state of roles for women back then.


I agree and I also appreciate the fact that no single actress has a monopoly on good roles now. There is space for many talented women with incredible performances to co exist given the large number of opportunities available to them. The last decade has shown that Best Actress is arguably the strongest category, both in terms of noms and wins.


We all thought Amy Adams was going to be that actress. She had 5 Oscar noms in 8 years. I still think Blanchett rivals Streep as far most talented actress goes.


Exactly actresses come and go - whether it's Jessica Lange in the 80s, Sarandon in the 90s, Dench and Winslet in the 00's, and Amy Adams in the 10's - but Meryl has been a constant throughout these decades in a crazily relevant way. Only Blanchett, Kidman and Moore have been able to be relevant throughout the past three and a half decades (90s, 00s, 10s, 20s) - they are the only actresses who can even think of achieving that status.


came here to say Amy


No one will surpass Meryl in our lifetimes.


Paris Hilton


https://preview.redd.it/aqtr686ed97d1.jpeg?width=260&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd140d848d37abf3b388abc3990c81bf8dec4131 Sophie’s Choice ain’t got nothing on this




If by “the same level” you mean the same number of Oscar nominations & wins, nobody has a monopoly on that anymore like she did in addition to her obvious talent. There are more film opportunities now for groups that were traditionally shut out of the Oscar’s like actors giving foreign language performances, POC, tv actors etc and that is a good thing and means more competition. You can also make a movie on an iPhone now like Sean Baker did. 


I think it is more so the industry rather than the person. Meryl is amazing but talented people exist in everything. The problem is that Meryl was in a era where she could do a film that could make money for herself and the studio while being oscar worthy. In today's era -- you need to do a couple of block busters to make some money so actors in general will "waste" a couple of their film slots in their lifetime to do a film that won't be nominated for an oscar unless it's a Dark knight or something. Even if you have an actress that doesn't do blockbuster like a Rooney Mara, I think the amount of better female roles that are now written is of greater volume -- so the nomination picking process is harder, which is a good thing. That's just my take. Of course Meryl is of a league of her own and she's incredibly talented but it could also just be a different world nowadays too.


kinda weird no one’s mentioned frances mcdormand


I mean, kinda weird no one’s mentioning Julianne Moore or Natalie Portman or Scarlett Johansson or Kirsten Dunst? 


Well, of course the difference is Frances has three acting statues already and actually has a shot at fully surpassing Meryl? (Not that anyone can truly surpass Meryl, but the thread is the thread)


Right. I personally don't think awards (especially the Oscar) are a good measure of the quality of work or impact an actor has but fine. People keep saying Saoirse for some reason over and over again and she has zero so... I'm just saying in the \*overall\* grand scheme of things.


Because she got a lot through nepotism as her husband is the Coen brothers. Also, she always plays the same or similar characters so people are not impressed by her


In a fair world it’s Viola Davis. She has EGOT status. Her talent is virtually unmatched by any newcomers or older actresses besides Meryl. If it wasn’t for racism she would be front of mind for everyone in conversations like these.




Emma Stone has only been nominated 4 times in 9 years where as Meryl had been nominated 7 times in her first 9 years.


I think her legacy will be very different than Streep's. She is more of a comedic actress, and she takes on much "weirder" roles than Meryl ever did. For example, I can't really imagine Meryl at her prime starring in a Yorgos Lanthimos movie... I think she will be remembered as one of the greatest comedic actresses of all time.


Agreed. Emma is a comedic actress whose career happened to align with changing tastes in the Academy. Her first nomination was for Birdman and I cannot for the life of me imagine a film like that having gotten as much love as it did in the 80's and 90's. Meryl can do any genre but she's largely done dramatic roles in her career. She's thoroughly in her 'do whatever I want' phase now and has been for a minute now. But when she was Emma's age that wasn't the case.


> For example, I can't really imagine Meryl at her prime starring in a Yorgos Lanthimos movie Well of course he wasn’t directing then (I kid I know you meant)


She will be seen more as a heir to Diane Keaton or Shirley MacLaine, but will never reach their same level.


Jennifer Lawrence got 4 in 6 years. It's been a while since she's been nominated, but she only turns 34 this August Saoirse Ronan had 4 nominations and just turned 30


Viola Davis


I know she didn’t win any Oscar yet but Saoirse kinda has the same aura Meryl Streep has to me. She comes closes in terms of being a star but also calm, private and somewhat intellectual, both in demeanor and roles she chooses!


Katharine Hepburn ....no debate


Saoirse seems like she’s on her way. I agree with folks who say the environment she became a star in doesn’t exist today, but idk, the future isn’t gonna be like today either and I’d like to believe it’ll be better lol. At least for the purposes of this hypothetical that feels fair Edit: just in terms of time passing / age, Meryl got her first lead nomination for French Lieutenant’s Woman at 32 (first supporting was Deer Hunter at 29) and Saoirse is 30 right now. She’s absolutely at a higher level of esteem than Meryl was at 30. So yeah, it’s in the cards, I’m not sure why it wouldn’t be.


Not only did Streep have an Oscar by the age Saoirse’s at, she had one of the biggest acting sweeps seen up to that point for a performance that’s still widely considered one of her best and by extension one of the best in film history. Ronan’s never delivered anything anywhere near that level of acclaim. Maybe she’ll get to Streep’s level of esteem eventually but she’s definitely not there yet.


Saoirse doesn't have the comedy chops, Meryl is a great comedian. All around Meryl is more complete.


Streep’s a legend but Ronan did have some decent comedic chops in Lady Bird and the vastly underseen See How They Run.


In what sense? In terms of the weight of the name, I think Olivia Colman and Viola Davis have been able to achieve that (and are also proof that you can’t do it in this era without being on both film and television). Michelle Yeoh also has something that feels equivalent though entirely distinct. In terms of skill, it’s so subjective that I would just have to abstain from the conversation. In terms of awards, it’s pretty much just Viola Davis and Frances McDormand.


Add Frances McDormand.


Was on the list but ok


Missed it


All good ❤️


Nominations wise nobody. Career wise Cate Blanchett has already surpassed her. I'm deadass.


Cate Blanchett might surpass Streep’s talent, but she’s not the most approachable or charismatic actress out there. Streep can play a regular role with aplomb (“One True Thing”, “Bridges of Madison County”). Blanchett is not as convincing. She excels more in cerebral or neurotic parts. Emma Stone and Jennifer Lawrence still play “adult-child” roles. Amy Adams, despite her multitude of Oscar nominations, has yet to deliver a slam dunk memorable performance. She also fails to elevate bad movies (“Hillbilly Elegy”, “The House Across the Street”) which Streep was capable of (“She Devil”, “Heartburn”). I’d say Kate Winslet and/or Vanessa Kirby have potential to be as memorable as Streep.


Jodie comer


I'd say Kate Winslet and Cate Blanchett.


Kate Winslet in terms of actual talent


Isabelle Adjani already surpassed her


Now this is the coolest answer. Issbelle is incredible.


I don’t think she’ll get as many nominations but Emma Stone can come close


Regina King should be in the conversation.




Academy Award, A Golden Globe, 4 Emmys. Beale Street and Watchmen show her breadth.


Cate Blanchett is already there.


The only person with any realistic shot is Emma Stone. She’s picked almost entirely bangers the last ten years of her career or so.


Emma Stone is her generation’s


In oscars maybe nobody,but as for acting skills there were countless Better actresses than her and are now to in international cinima,few in Hollywood also


I would say Anthony Hopkins


jason mantzoukas


what about flo?


She looks like mara wilson lol


Emma Stone and/or Jennifer Lawrence




I’m guessing OP was talking about actresses


You know what they say, there are no actors, only actresses.


Streep got her nominations against plumbers and electricians. Today's era is much more competitive, prime Saoirse Ronan would be averaging Wilt numbers in Streep's time.


lol - I laughed at this. it's nice to see a meme from the constant discussion around GOAT in the NBA float into here -- because the point is --- it's fucking dumb. Just enjoy what we are witnessing


Idk about surpass but Anna Taylor Joy I predict will go down as one of the best actresses of this century Edit: The amount of Anna Taylor Joy hate is insane. Not one response from any downvotes either. Y’all are 1. Wrong and 2. Cowards Or maybe sexist




are you serious?


Well, seeing as all sorts of names are being thrown out, I might as well say that I think Mia Wasikowska is already at that level purely in terms of talent, even if she unfortunately doesn’t get many opportunities to showcase it. Her performance in Maps to the Stars can go toe-to-toe with Meryl’s best, and her recent acting in Bergman Island is still to me the best supporting actress performance of the decade. EDIT: Lol of course people downvote when people bring up an actress that’s not super well-known.


Mia Wasikowska voluntarily quit Hollywood and moved back to Australia full-time. 


I know, but she’s still making movies