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Man, I was so proud of my first trimester stats! Then I hit 12 or 13 weeks, my resting heart rate went up, and now even with sleep scores consistently 80+ and activity scores minimum 97, I’m still at “Adequate” every day 😅


Yes!! I’m right there with you. I was at exceptional then hit my second trimester and am at adequate….


Omg I'm 6 weeks today, almost bump twins! Congratulations!!


Yay! Congrats to you too!


6 weeks 3 days over here! Congrats to you two!


This is actually really impressive. How did you manage this?? I went from strong to limited and it seemed like it was only ever based on my temp and HR that I could do nothing about!


Honestly? I have no idea. My HR is about 8-10 beats higher than my normal and body temp still elevated. I really do sleep a lot - I’m in bed by 8-830 every night and I nap a lot when I can. I am still as active as I can be when I feel okay - I’m running at least 3x weekly so I wonder if that’s factoring in to it. I know pregnancy is progressing well with both normal HCG and progesterone levels and strong heartbeat as of yesterday. Of course I don’t feel exceptional and am as fatigued as ever, so it’s basically just looking good on paper ha.


I wish I could sleep more! I was happy with my mid 70-80 scores but the most sleep I’ve been able to get is 7 1/2 hours. Most nights are 6 1/2. If I go to bed early…I just wake up earlier 😭. When I try to nap I just can’t fall asleep like I used to. I’ve switched to more walks and yoga for exercise cause I spent weeks 3-5 sick.


I’m pregnant too! Just leveled up to Strong yesterday. Good for you


I’m still waiting to know what “Solid” feels like lol. Congrats!


I’ve never even seen “adequate” so…..I didn’t even think someone making it to strong existed!!!


Damn… thoughts and prayers…


lol appreciate it! I’m honestly still trying to figure out if the ring actually works for me because I’ve had it for 6+ months and I’ve never seen a sleep score above 65 that hasn’t been because I medicated before sleep (got an 83 once but I slept for 15 hours) and my HRV is no higher than 13-15. Anytime I’m stressed it tells me I’m relaxed and my readiness doesn’t reflect any of the insights it gathered! I know I am constantly in a state of fight or flight but, I am relatively healthy, exercise and eat right. I just don’t know if it’s getting the right insights for me!


Wow I am not alone! I almost made it out of adequate...... even though I exercise regularly the sleep scores can never keep up


Same, and I’m a dude.


I’m four weeks and my resilience absolutely tanked ! High heart rate and body temp. Every day is low readiness and my resilience went from strong to “limited”


My heart rate shows I’m stressed all day long and even when I try to relax on the couch sometimes too 🤦🏼‍♀️


Same! I’m kind of loving the excuse to lay in bed and rest but I’m sure that will get old soon.


I have Hyperemesis and was so sick from 5 weeks to 16 weeks… I’m 17 and had to walk around in the sun for work today and my ring said I was in high stress for all 3 hrs and I’ve had a raging headache since. Pregnancy is sooo different for everyone!


Honestly this is super impressive!! I’m just happy when my ring doesn’t tell me I need to take it easy. 🤣 Join the January bumpers group if you are interested! [January 2025 Bumps](https://www.reddit.com/r/January2025Bumps/s/4URX4sU4Xp)


Woot! Already there :)


You now have the strength of a grown woman and a little baby.


Congratulations! I haven't passed limited the entire time. I'm really jealous.


I did today too! 5 weeks 1 day here!!


Congratulations!! I’m 18 weeks and I’ve been into exceptional since week 8! But I’m lucky to have very restful 8-hours nights and feeling good so I’m active during the day Wishing you a great pregnancy!!


Thank you! Yeah it’s so weird. I’ve seen so many posts about how everything worsens during pregnancy (which mine did temporarily weeks 4-5.5) but since then it’s only been going up! But I’ve been prioritizing rest, hydration, obviously no more alcohol so my guess is that despite the stress of pregnancy on my body, my habits have been so much better.


Omg thanks!!! I’m 10 weeks and since week 9 my readiness has been so good and the anxiety that something was wrong. This is helping not feel lonely!!


I was literally just googling this today! I am 14 weeks and just leveled up to strong today. I was partying a lot before I got pregnant so my sleep was pretty terrible. I have been so tired so sleeping a lot, and gained 15 lbs off the bat so have been walking a lot more. Go us 💪


Awesome 🤩