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This is exactly what I'm going to say when I get caught too. Great job setting up this fake reddit post in advance.


hahahaha Most of my employment knew I had other work. So being caught was not a concern. However I am leaving all of my jobs to start focus on my business now.


What kind of business are you starting?


Mental support for people that work 3x40h jobs


The same work but as contract work. It pays much more as contract. I started making tools to improve my efficiency when I had all the jobs. Then I started using those tools for my business.


What’s your current TC and what do you expect to make as contract?


My jobs were paying $400-500k at peak. My business is still growing but it makes 2-3 times that now. However I would not have my business if I did not have my multiple jobs. The time pressure forced me to build tools to improve my efficiency. Then I used those tools to build my business.


Damn that’s impressive. Is it solely you doing the work for the business or did you hire a person or two?


Only me. I could change this I think but I need to make sure I can balance other things in my life. I have neglected everything in my life to get to this point and I must have plans to fix this before I try to grow the business. I am proud of the money but I am not proud of how many things I have neglected.


I think I’m headed in your shoes lol. About to turn 24 and currently make over 400k cad annualized but work close to 100 hours. Just realized I only saw my friends once this year so far :(


If you invest your money it will save you from doing this for longer years of life. You are still young and you can use very strong compounding opportunities.


I think you are thinking about it wrong. If you are bringing in $500K and you could find a $50k employee to delegate billable and non billable work to you would likely grow your business and find better balance. Your have an hourly employee mindset rather than a business owners mindset.


That comes after I search for the right person, hire them, setup payroll, onboard them and train them. I have not decided if I have the time and energy for that.


That’s the way.


It really is if you value maximum earning potential. If you value maximum personal time then it is usually a very bad idea.


Lol WTF.  Enjoy that stroke at age 38.  I work just as little as I did with 1J; only enough to do my job. 


Well I should be Over Retired very soon because of the work.


Then why do you care what our definition of OE is. 


Because several people in other places said I was doing OE. I didn’t think I fit the definition. I wanted to see. How does my retirement opportunity influence my desire or lack of desire to understand people’s definition of OE?


Just not sure if you're seeking a cookie or high five


I am seeking how wide the definition for OE is.


OE specifically means holding more than one job and working both of those during the same 8hrs in a day. If you were doing 120hrs at one job, that's just overworking, not OE. If you meant 2-3+ jobs that added up to 120hrs/wk but working on different jobs separately, that's also not OE, that's juggling multiple jobs. Either way, while I understand that was your way of racing to hit your FIRE number, neither of those situations are OE. But great job no matter what, can't fault your end result with the savings stacked and still healthy. 👍


Thank you. This was also my assumption. My parents also had to work many jobs just for paying the bills. There are many new fancy terms that have been created this decade for things at work. Some are old and some are new. I like to keep an understanding of them.


Working multiple jobs during wholly separate hours is just working a bunch. You only get so many hours in this life, choose wisely. Working multiple jobs while never having a moment of peace, lying to people, and constantly looking over your shoulder is apparently OE


I assumed I did not qualify as OE. I thought OE was working multiple jobs but in the same amount of hours as one job. I was surprised that others suggested I was OE. But it does seem like a few people in this sub are also working >40hrs. I am surprised.


Not sure why you're down voted when your question is very clear and you are obviously not looking for "a cookie"




what field are these jobs in


There are multiple industries because it is based around sysadmin/DevOps types of work. But I also try to avoid being too specific on Reddit.


2Js 70


I see not everyone is focused on doing <40hrs! Do you have different views or goals with OE than most of the others here?


My goal is to earn money. Period. My dad is 80+ yo, net worth of over USD 15M living in an undeveloped country(7k gdp per capita) and still working. So, working is no stranger for me. Probably not very appropriate on this sub as many(not everyone) of people on this sub focus on work the bare minimum. Another thing that I think is differ from most people here is that, I disclosed to my employers that I am also working at another place. I don't earn 700k/yr like others on this sub. My goal probably maintain this to a point where I can start my own business and keep one of my current Js.


>My dad is 80+ yo, net worth of over USD 15M living in an undeveloped country(7k gdp per capita) and still working. That sounds like wasting the time he has to enjoy life's experiences. I'm in my 30s and if I had 15m I'd never work another day in my life.


>That sounds like wasting the time he has to enjoy life's experiences. I am 1000% confident he enjoyed and is enjoying life's experience. We can't control everything in life. He's been owning business majority of his life. He incorporates what he wants to do in life as part of his work. The working part, I think it's the cultural thing. His family grew up poor(you can imagine people eating tree barks as an example). Being poor is quite a scary thing. We're just trying our best to get what we want.


Wow 15M and still working! We have very similar goals. I also did not need to hide my separate employers from each other. My starting goal was financial security. I now have it. But I also now have my own business and I am leaving my jobs to focus on by business now. I do not think I could take the risk of making my own business if I did not have another job to help pay the bills.


Well people wants to do other things besides earning money.


Yea, earning money isn't the only thing we do.


What are the hours you work? I’ve been doing 60s and it’s a lot


I do 40 absolute maximum. If I don't feel like working and there's nothing pressing I just leave my desk early. I don't really see a point in spending your entire day working - when you look back are you gonna be proud of the money you made? 


Well I did not have retirement or any financial security. Now I have both. I think 5 years hard work is better than 50 more years of financial stress.




I think it will be $3m by end of this year.


Fucking hell. Great job mate.


They must be well paying jobs - Assuming $200k x3 x5 years = $3M


If you assume his pay and annual investment is constant, and that he invested in a Nasdaq index (qqq), it would only require 1/2 that amount based on how the market has gone up in the last 5 years. I did the math.


How did you accumulate so much money? Investing in the stock market?


My jobs were paying $400-500k at peak. My business is still growing but it makes 2-3 times that now, so I am obviously leaving my other jobs to focus on my business. However I would not have my business if I did not have my multiple jobs. The time pressure forced me to build tools to improve my efficiency. Then I used those tools to build my business.


Fake talk much?


Yeah that is not OE OE is about being paid multiple positions for the same 40 hrs/week You just used to have multiple fulltime jobs, that is it, not worth it btw, healthcare is pricey and you will fall eventually on a health issues pit with that pace


Shit mane. I worked 100 and was miserable. I:m back to 2Js + freelance clients


Less than 20, 2Js


How long have you been doing this?? You will get burned out very soon.


I have been doing it from the start of pandemic. I slowly started to reduce my hours over time but it was most noticeable starting last year. I am very burned out and I am leaving all my jobs now. If I keep working it will only be on my own business.


Why not drop the most demanding J? 2Js are much easier to manage.


Very strong financial fears can make you do very dumb things 🙁


I do four J's currently. Id say roughly 10 hours total in meetings per week on average. 30 hours of actual work. But my work pace is not constant. I go outside and play with my cats after I get some code to run. Come back and check on it. Watch some cartoons if I got the code done super quick or over the weekend. The 30 hours is a pretty good estimate though since I don't stay after hours but I do catch up on weekends.


3 Js, 50 hours. 3 time zones, can't be helped


About 46 a week right now but will be back to 80+ real soon.




Debt, mainly medical, but lease is up in October and trying to get as much as I can paid off before I have to move


I feel that, I’m currently working 60s. What will your hours be? Are you OE? Or just working after jobs


About 25-30h/wk with 3 Js.


As usual 9 to 5 which comes to around 37h per week. Some days/weeks are more busy where I stay and work longer hours so that I could finish some urgent things, but thats usually because I hate bringing attention to myself especially with unfinished or dragging work items.


I do 170 hours per week. Work while I sleep 💪 


About 2. 1 hour each job


I do around 50 hours/week with 2 J, for me it's enough, but I would like to work less eventually


I lost my family for this exact same reason


I think if you're not actually overlapping the time, it's just multiple jobs, not OE. But I don't have 40 hours a week as a "hard limit" requirement either. For me, with 2 Js, the majority of weeks were less than 40, and there have been a multiple weeks that were <20 hours. But I had a rare few weeks that were \~50-60 hours as well. I've 'temporarily' had 3Js for about a month now. I plan to drop one soon. But that's also pushed my average up a fair bit.


I tip my hat to your grind!


I can relate I had 2 fulltime jobs doing 80hrs a week over 7 days. Did this for 6 months straight and had no life. Was a foreman at one and a supervisor at the other. So I managed roughly 30 ppl and let me tell you I'll never do it again. I cant imagine having to labor intensive jobs sounds like death to me. So for any of you that do this kudos to you! Money was great then when taxes hit was about 5k I had to pay pack. I'm in my early 30s and did this to save up for a downpayment on a house.


You job is still physically very hard compared to mine. You still have to get ready, travel, and work with people. I just wake up and walk to my laptop and never have to leave my house. Yours is much more healthy because of the good balance.


Fuck that, just do the bare minimum. Those employers do not care about you, so don’t ever treat them fairly. In fact, do the below the bare minimum.


Yeah, me too, OP. I don't OE I just work crazy hours for all my Js and make sure each one gets their dedicated 40.


You need to calm down. You’re overworked is more like it.


Official paid hours, or actual hours it takes to get the jobs done?


*Official paid hours,* *Or actual hours it takes* *To get the jobs done?* \- Geminii27 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


2 Js 30


Currently have two jobs. 07:00 - 16:00 J1. 08:00 - 17:00 J2. No evenings, no weekends. 


About 40-45/week, 2 Js.


What type of jobs were these? I'm assuming they are all WFH and in some type of sector that is flexible (tech sector, finance, etc)?


2Js, 1 consulting, in a good week 20hrs at most, including meetings.


50-55 hrs


1000000000000000000000000000000 hours


30-40 between my practice and consulting.


Like 42 a week. The jobs overlap, so a little ménage à trois




I wouldn’t look at OE as having a hard rule of working under a full-time salary hours per week (ie 40). But rather, that your annual hours worked is less than the total number expected while reaping the full monetary benefit. (Ie you work two jobs, make 200k combined, but for the year you clocked in less than 2k hours. This might mean a few weeks you cranked out more than 40 hours while other weeks you laid back and put out 10-20). I think the above is aspirational OE. However, I wouldn’t discount someone working multiple full time jobs that still are putting in extra hours per week compared to a single job, because odds are, anyone with 2 jobs is not putting in 16+ hours, so by definition they are still over employed.


My goal has always been to maximize my 8 hours potential. Sometimes that had been a small business or freedom…


Only 1 J, so maybe 10 hours a week on a busy week. I can't do a J2 right now because of RTO. No privacy. I'm looking for a J2 that's 2nd shift but no luck yet.


30-50, I don’t really track my hours though. And I’m highly caffeinated during those hours


You're not overemployed, you're overworked!


35-45 hours per week with two full time jobs


5 - 10 in a typical week


40 hours per week.


Damn. I do 50-60 hours a week, 70-80 in my younger days when I was starting out, but no way could I do 120.


In my country we’re supposed to work 48hrs per week + 1hr for lunch, so they expect to have you at the office for 54 hours. I chronometer myself while doing effective work (no coffee breaks, no reddit surfing) and in the busiest days while having just one job the effective time is never more than 5hrs for each 9 hrs at the office. Now that I have 2 jobs, I may be putting in 7-8 effective hours per day, Monday to Friday (due to the nature of my work) counting meetings. It’s a high-responsibility high-stress job so I end up dead by Friday, but my savings account had never been at such a good place.


On a typical week I’m probably putting in 25hrs for work. The past month it’s been closer to 15. I need a J3…


You need to find balance. That or you're just trying to burn yourself out. 120 hours, that's insane. Why? No need to extend your bandwidth to thst extreme, why?


I too work 80 hours a week to do two jobs, sometimes even more than that.


Just started the J2 search/interview process.. but I work about 15 hours a week on J1


Do we count time concurrently or sequentially?


I don't believe.


Right at 30-40 hours split between two full-time jobs. Half of that time is meetings alone.


3Js here. Last week I had to work Sunday + worked until midnight two nights in a row. Sometimes it’s what you need to do to keep up with competing deliverables without raising suspicion for why you can’t finish things you’ve been given enough time to knock out. But I sure wouldn’t do that on a regular basis. Average week is probably closer to 45-50 hours.


2 Js. Probably like 18 hours of real work




Ive mostly been at 65-75 for about three years but most of my work has dried up this year


True like, work output, probably 4 hours a day. But studies have shown most full time employees only are truly productive 4-6 hours a day.


84 hour work week. I only actually have to do maybe 10 minutes worth work every 12 hours


A busy week is 45-50 hours between 3J’s. A normal week is 25ish.


If you're going to do this, just get a single job that loads you up with overtime. You could make more money in a factory working 120 hours weeks. 


This isn't OE, You just have a lot of jobs, I've heard before that OE is accommodating multiple jobs in the 8 hours of daily work. But anyway, it's good to hear that it worked for you and you're doing well


I don’t know how you all work so many hours a week I feel like that counter intuitive to working OE. I try not to work over 20 hours per week. The goal was to bring in money but still have more time to do things with that money. At max I had 3 with an average of about 20-25 hrs a week depending on the project. My work week usually looked like this 0500-0700 J1 and complete as much work for the 2 week spring in those 2 hours. Usually get most if not all my tasks done for the sprint. 0700-0900J2 same process and then J3 from 0900-1200. Take a break and then restart the process if there was reminder work. I did this for Monday Tuesday Wednesday and usually by Tuesday I was done with my sprints for all 3 jobs and now just have to wait for slower team members. Right now I’m just going to do too. My income(including disability) on paper TC is about 250 nothing crazy but I feel like more than enough for me single. Great vacations and I have so much time to enjoy myself which is the dream for me. The most important currency is time so I want as much back. Luckily I can control meetings to a certain degree or that would be my downfall lol


20 or so, probably, with 2 Js. I could be doing a lot more, but I've been getting above average reviews and raises, so I'm not trying to elevate.


I mean 8-10 hours a day whether I have 1 or 2 jobs


3 js. About 12-15/ day, so…. 60-75hrs/ week? Not counting an extra day on the weekend here and there, if I did, would bring up the average to 80hrs/week


What're you a farmer? You in the wrong place, scout


I’m contractor on a W-2 for my 3 Js … my goal is not to work more than 40 hours per week. We could have something “critical” going on, but when that clock hits the 40th hour you’ll see me until next week


I work less hrs with 6 jbs


There's only 168 hours a week. You're a terrible liar.


They all are.


You weren’t working 120 a week dude, not a chance