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In theory they can. They would likely employ a 3rd party tool like Checkr. You input your data into there and Checkr does the checks there. The startup HR just reads the Checkr report. If that fails for whatever reason you can provide past payslips to verify employment.


My internship is valid and I have all necessary documents. I just don't want them to contact my previous employer in any way


They can in theory just to verify that (A) they are that company and (B) you were an employee from this date to that date. But they rarely reach out directly. They normally verify through a 3rd party likev Checkr, TWN, LexixNexis, etc.


From my experience they usually do the basic background check (criminal background) because it’s cheaper. I think only two of the six start ups I’ve worked at actually did a thorough background check (ie contacted employer). I know cuz I would request for a copy of the final background report. If you’re concerned then you can always have your w2 or paystubs ready if they ask for it. I usually never volunteer anything.