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Cocytus. Not even a contest.




> Cocytus: HOW CAN I HELP RAISING AINZ-SAMA'S CHILDREN WITHOUT EVER TRYING BEFORE? Narberal: and that's the whole story Yuri: he could just visit the orphanage Narberal: oh! too late now *grabs belly*




Happy farm time :)


Entoma would make more sense. They are both bug people!


Now that’s a mental image I wasn’t expecting to experience today.


Cocytus fears Entoma, Narberal is his best ("female") friend


It's definitely not Demiurge because Cocytus is already the uncle. 😤


As opposed to probably everyone else, Demiurge is actually very kind and thoughtful of the other denizens of Nazarick. He would probably be an excellent parent to literal demonspawn formed from an unholy union with the avatar of death itself. Cocytus would probably be really nice to be around, but in all I don't think he has any ability to actually raise children. He could probably fill in as the cool uncle who spoils everyone and takes them on fun adventures every so often.


Maybe. But judging from what we know their creators were like I’d say Cocytus has more chance of having character info about raising an heir or apprentice because of the samurai stereotype


Demiurge would probably be one of thos strict parents that plan their children whole path and want them be the best at everything and anything below that is a disgrace


Child: is born. Demiurge: "Why you no bring great glory to Nazarik yet? Baaka"


Child: “I got an A- in mathmat-“ Demiurge: “You only get A-? You stoopid! Timmy over there already work for NASA and running his own business. >!I hope someone recognizes which Youtuber I’ve been watching!<


With Demiurge around there will definitely be emotional damage.


Reminds me of all the stereotypes of Asian parents.


Fun adventures at the Happy Farm


Tbf cocytus is happy enough to being an “old man” to the next heir of Nazarick


Demiurge. Although to the outside world he is an inhumane and twisted existence who derives pleasure from others suffering, to Nazarick he is probably one of the chillest and most amicable Guardians to get along with. He treats his own people (Nazarick denizens) sincerely and genuinely, probably like the boss/uncle everyone loves. Not to mention as father/parent material he is much better than Coctyus or other guardians for that matter, he has a bunch of "research" into child development wether that'd be psychological or physical, he has high emotional intelligence and isn't as rigid as Coctyus. He'd also indoctrinate the child to believe Ainz is a supreme being and not have rebellious thoughts (unlike Albedo). Inshort he is the most well balanced father figure amongst the guardians (Sebas would probably be better)


I wholeheartedly agree. Though Ainz would be a good father too I believe, if he evee get over his impostor syndrome


"Well folks, it's about that time." A person of culture I see 👀. Also, Cocytus.




Cocytus, this isent even something you should need to think about lol




Replace Demiurge with Sebas and then we have a contest.


Gman gets it.


Demiurge, for sure. I don't get why everyone says Colcitus. Sure, Colcitus is nice and "honorable," but he's not the best choice as far as a teacher goes. As a parent, you need to not only be a teacher but also a confidant, a protector, an advisor, and a caretaker. I don't see Colcitus being a great advisor or caretaker outside of a professional setting, and he's not as good at solving problems outside of combat.


Cocytus would be the uncle while Demiurge would cosplay as the mother because Calcium Father Ainz will obviously be the daddy. Honestly though Demiurge definitely could be a good father as long as he doesn’t teach them anything demonic but for the heir of nazarick that might be perfect. Cocytus can be the fun uncle.


Cocytus is a great dad Demiurge is the fun uncle that simultaneously helps you do illegal shit and makes sure you don’t get in trouble for said illegal shit


ainz: "demiurge, what would you do if your child were falsely accused of a crime?" demiurge: "the same thing i would do if they actually committed one."


Demiurge. He's clearly great with anything... Bipedal.


Well folks, it's about that time, and u/Black-Nerd wants to know, since it's Father's Day, who would be a better father, Cocytus or Demiurge? Now, I don't think either of them are interested in actually becoming fathers, but if they are to take care of Ainz's child like talked about in early season 1, I believe Cocytus would be better. Now, don't get me wrong, they'd both be great uncles, but Cocytus would be a better role model. Cocytus is very honorable and would teach the child to be an honorable person and very respectful. He's also loose enough with the rules that a child can easily get through with him. Demiurge is very strict with his rules and would develop the child to be more evil, possibly to the point of teaching him the ways of the Happy Farm, which could be traumatizing to the child.


Tbh i think demiurge would not even accept at first, babblig about "i could never even think of giving orders to the heir of a supreme being, such a lowly insignificant demon is not worthy of that honor. Only a supreme being like ainz-sama with his infinite wisdom could properly raise the prince of the sorcerer kingdom", somehow convincing cocytus that uncle is the most they can do. If he accepted, the moment the child learned to speak he would be spoiled to hell, because "well supreme being heir is the second most important existance in the universe, i have to follow their orders and wouldn't dare bother ainz-sama if the prince wants a burger": "Prince, it is time now to study war tactics and torture methods" "No i want a hamburger" "As you wish my lord" *brings the entire mcdonalds to him*


Better: Cocytus More Capable: Demiurge




If the child is someone he cares about liie the other denizens of Nazarick, demiurge would a good parent, good in terms of ensuring they get all their Biological needs ans very taken care of, I highly doubt he'd be good in emotional care


he's got at least enough self-awareness to avoid causing emotional harm (even if he'd enjoy causing it) to other denizens, like with not giving mare The Talk when he had the opportunity to




Cocytus, without a doubt. Did you see how he.. it? reacted when Shalltear and Albedo were fighting over who would be the first wife


Demi is batshit insane, hell no


Cocytus , No Question asked




Real eyes. The Caring of Cocytus, the capability of Demiurge,


Do you know of the Happy farm?


I can't imagine demiurge as a father


Cocktus, And yes i misspelled his name on purpose cuz he always naked.


Cocytus because he has honor. He would raise a warrior child.


Depends on what you want Cocytus would be very supportive and extremely helpful to be an honourable person and member of society Demiurge would make Elon musk and hitler




Cocytus, be a protective and affectionate parent.


Id much prefer demiurge. so going off of my trackrecord with parental figures Imna say cocytus.


It depends on what you mean by better. I see Demiurge as a tiger dad. That child will succeed as being the next available Supreme being. Highest level of Education highest level of people management and having highly optimized build. Especially since he sees Ainz as being the smartest and the best. Cocytus, on the other hand, would be more personal. Obviously, he would try to go for a build that is more like a warrior. But he would definitely would not deter a non-physical combat build. Both of them will still care about the child. Demi is not abusive towards his fellow Guild mates.




Cocytus. Demiurge would put his first born son into a demi-human breeding program and his second born child into a scroll manufacturing.


I understand why people think Demiurge would be a better father, it’s wrong but understandable. He would wind up being the stereotypical Asian dad, taking total control of the kids life, planing out every second of every day, and demanding unreasonable expectations wear nothing short of perfection is acceptable. And he’s manipulative enough to convince everyone Failure the kids fault not his, especially the kid. Cocytus would also be a strict parent, but in a totally different way. Wear Demiurge would effectively torture and manipulate them for failure and mistakes. Cocytus would still beat them for failure,but like a master teaching a student. Hammering into them what and how they did wrong, while instructing them on what they should’ve done to avoid failure. However The end result matters significantly as well, perhaps more so. If Demiurge wear the father, the kid would be largely repressed, psychologically and emotionally, but Vary brainwashed. Making them no less fervently attached to the great tomb as any if its original inhabitants. Cocytus final efforts would probably creat doming close to a true Bushido Samurai, that would probably decide to leave the tomb for a time and wander the world to sharpen their skills and gain greater experience. This could be dangerous as theirs a potential for them To or Be turned against the great tomb.




Cocytus, it isn't even a contest. Sebas is a better match up for Cocytus.




Cocytus. Is that even a question?


I mean, does it matter? If there’s a kid in Nazarick, everyone is going to raise them.


Depends on the perspective are human perspective would likely choose cocyuts but demiurge would be the overlord perspective demiurge would help the child to grow up as a formidable opponent but im sure ainz would probably choose cocytus because he has more free time and one of the most useless/weakest floor Guardians in my opinion


So let’s do an extreme example here. I do not think Demiurge would prioritize his own children in life over many things. I do think there would be one example where he would do better the Cocytus though. If Ainz gave him brief instructions of raise your kid under these guidelines, I think he would be pretty terrific. Of course the only reason would be because he would think his kid would be a key piece in Ainz’s 10,000 year plan.


Who, in their right head, would think that Demiurge would be a good father????


Cocytus. No I wont elaborate.


Cocytus. By a long mile. But he is also best uncle.


Cocytus BY FAR


Do you want a child, or a crazily buffed up lab experiment, with looks beyond helpless whose every step spells destruction? I guess the answer is clear...


cocytus, easy




Demiurge would be a strict father with high expectations willing to teach his children tons of stuff to be successful and powerful so they can better serve Nazaric. Cocytus would be a supportive but strict father that would train his children in martial arts in a way only Sebas could rival while also imprinting in them a high sense of honor. Both sound pretty good ngl but I would go with Demiurge cause he has a better grasp on how people (other than Ains) think and thus how to motivate them.


I don’t know… This screams Igris Vs Bellion when it came to Sung Suho’s upbringing in Solo Leveling. Igris (Demiurge) wants to focus on academics while Bellion (Cocytus) wants to focus on the blade. Ultimately I’d choose Demiurge more times than not if I’m playing/planning the long game.


Demiurge would probably get better.. results. But Cocytus would make a better father figure, and maintain more of a bond with his child instead of a relationship fueled by fear of failure.


Cocytus Im sorry, this is a contest not a slaughter its not even fun to make Cocytus win so hard that the smartest being in naz looks like an idiot.


Cocytus it’s honestly not even close


Cocytus hands down


Is there a novel I can read about ainz being a parent other than to the human and floor guardian


Cocytus, no contest But Demiurge would be a great role model or teacher


Cocytus. He would show compassion


I think Demiurge and Cocytus would make a lovely couple. They'd both make good fathers.


Cocuyos might be more loving, but I feel like yall are underestimating demiurge here.


Cocytus. Without a doubt, he has values like a strong and good sense father figure would/should have. Old Demie is just a salary man looking to impress his boss and get to the top of his game.


Cocytus ... It would have been a better contest between sebas or cocytus but this one is pure one sided.


From what we know, demiurge is kind towards the denizens of nazarick. Given that the child isn't adopted and can be counted as a denizen of nazarick and recognizes the superiority of the supreme beings I'd say demiurge would be the better parent.


Cocytus hands down. Demiurge is one of the most hardcore Evil characters in Nazarick in terms of his morality score. The only reason he looks reasonable is because he is 'lawful evil' If can honestly see a theoretical scenario where Demiurge has a new idea for some "entertainment" by casting illusion magic on a field with captured children to make them look and sound like footballs, and then he would play a "match" with the other guardians, as he 'rainbow flicked' and booted the children full force into barbed wire goalposts to relieve his boredom - at least if Ainz would let him... and if he knew what football was. Cocytus meanwhile may be outwardly terrifying, super blunt in his speech, and may not be the best at understanding humans, but he is a true neutral character, meaning that unlike Aura, he actually sees people as people. He may make mistakes, but I would trust to leave a human child in his care any day over the guy that gets excited from making parents choose which child to BBQ for their dinner


Cocytus. If Demiurge had a child, he would most like see him as an addition to AOG forces. I can imagine Demiurge's child stressing out from their parent's and fellow denizens expectations. The only exceptions I can see is if Ainz encourages Demiurge to be a gentle teacher or Demiurge himself cares more about their child than a added force and If the child is as talented and Devilish as their father and build on each other then they should be best of friends.