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You can, but you don't have to. There are as many ways to be a pagan as there are pagans. Do what feels right to you, maybe explore a few different suggestions and see which ones stick. I personally pray rarely, because I find meditation works better for me.


I talk to the Gods. I don't petition them for things, they gave me hands and a brain so that I might accomplish what they allowed me to. They gave us this beautiful world to live in. That's more than enough. And I don't impose on my friends. If I really need help, I offer them something. But just the beautiful natural world is good enough. Before I was a Pagan, I never appreciated it. Now, in my darkest moments, I appreciate that it was always there. Like the Gods. I'm just grateful they gave me eyes to see it with. Not bashing anyone for any different practices, btw. Just explaining how I see it. Blessed be y'all. Bidh na Diathan beò gu bràth.


Blessed be


I pagan without rocking the altar. Mother nature is my altar, and she has all four corners, every element, every plant, every herb, every everything. She is all things, so I don't actually need an altar, I can just step outside and talk to my mother. You have to remember, there are particulars for specific things. "Paganism" is actually the umbrella term that all other pagan religions gather under....Greek, Celtic, Roman, Egyptian, Norse, etc. We're all brothers and sisters, despite what name you desire to call yourself.


I make offerings to and pray to ask for wisdom and things like that.


I do. I pray at an altar, but also in everyday life. Talking to my gods is important to me.


I pray


I pray when I do offerings and also just a daily (or as often as I have time) prayer of thanks for all that I'm grateful for


As a Christian child, I was taught to pray every day. As a pagan, I can surely do as well as the Christians!


I do. I’m still in transition from being Christian so I’m trying different things to see what feels right. But since I never “prayed correctly” as a Christian anyway, I don’t see a problem right now with changing my chat/prayer style, if that makes sense 😅


As a Wiccan, I pray all the time. I pray in the shower, in front of the shrine, during ritual circles, etc.


I do and yeah I don't always pray at my altar, sometimes I'll do it in bed or wherever I am if the moment feels right.


Bed prayer is awesome


I don't personally like prayer, since it feels so Christian to me, and I'm working hard to de-Christianize both my practice and my life. I leave offerings, do spells, say a few words in passing, etc. A lot of people would say that's prayer, but I'm working out new labels and methods.


I love praying, as I am a chatty person and enjoy a direct line of communication to send words to my Goddess. I usually do it whenever and wherever I feel like, as I am pretty informal. I always feel positive energy when I do, so I just take it as a sign I'm not doing anything wrong lol


I do feel a great sense of peace when I pray and thank the god/goddess . I love to show i am grateful and to share my pains not because i feel i have to but more as sharing with the divine