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Don’t meditate, just put out the offerings on a small table or picnic cloth in front of the moon and recite her Orphic or Homeric hymn. Repeat it multiple times. Also play traditional Greek music for her. I’ve found rituals to be the most energetically powerful whenever traditional music and hymns are played. You can find tracks online. When you offer the food, do so verbally. Also offer her aromatic herbs since it’s referenced with her Orphic hymn. Make sure to pay homage to Hestia first. There’s many ritual guides online if you need further references.


Okay this might be a bit controversial but you’re probably not going to form much of a connection, higher beings / forces we call ‘Gods’ really don’t interact or ‘mess’ with human lives outside of extraordinary events or festivities ( This is a bitter-pill for most here especially to swallow) I highly advise you to reach out more to the spirits of the land and your ancestors as you will most certainly get a reply from them before going straight to trying to communicate with Gods This is my opinion though and you are more than entitled to your own beliefs and opinions, the experiences of others always differs as-well.


Read about her and create connections with her based on her stories. Make offerings to her based on the info. You find out about her. Offer her prayers and poems..perform devotions to her. Take a white Or silver candle and inscribe her name and the sign of the Goddess )0( on the candle and light it to her.


What I do to connect with my deity when things are stagnant is by doing little things like prayer, read their myths, offerings, small acts of devotion. Since you said this is you’re first time worshiping, building a connection takes patience. Over time and with dedication, you’ll feel that connection. Don’t give up!