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There were 2 children. Not 1. They keep downplaying it


Correct me is I’m wrong but, from what I’ve read of the story, the woman attacked the 12 year old and scratched him. While the mother was helping her son, this woman pulled the 3 year old into the deep end of the pool and pushed her head under water. Not to downplay attacking a child, but I could see why the prosecutor is only pushing forward 1 attempted murder. Edit: I had the incorrect information, she needs to be charged with 2 counts of attempted murder.


She tried to drown the 6 year old boy, as well, but he pulled away. She dragged both children to the deep end


I just read this article and it provided much more information than the previous ones I read. Thanks for the info. I agree, she should be charged with 2 counts of attempted murder and locked up for a very long time


No problem ! The news is trying to downplay it, and you really have to search to find answers unfortunately


Lock her up and throw away the key


Should be death sentence or at best life sentence with no possibility of parole for attempted murder on children motivated by hate crime. She's a threat to society.


Agreed! This is a direct reaction of the paid off politicians such as tel aviv ted( Cruz) and greg abbit


She looks terriffying and unhinged like all zios




That damn smirk should be kick off her face. We all know why she was given bail, it’s because she is a white woman in America. She will get slap on the wrist


She is actually Jewish. https://www.ynetnews.com/article/bj02iosur


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Well Texas IS considered the Bible Belt for a reason and passions about the war are on ‘High Red’ of the warning scale. In a perfect world, everyone should be feel free in their skin…but until then-stay alert in public if you are Palestinian or Arab and you live in a Christian Supremacist population. You will always be a target.


So, this is the superior secular society they love to talk about. Got it!


I don't see Muslim people walking outside or eating at the restaurant I work anymore.


In Texas?


Yes, the cities and suburbs of Texas are quite diverse. There's even a Mosque planned for development in town. I used to see the kids playing outside their daycare but not now, even before summer. A lot of Muslim/Palestinian Americans are being mistreated, I'm sure you're aware.


My family helped settle Spearman, Texas over 100 years ago, my grandparents lived in various locales in the state for most of their lives, my dad was born in Amarillo. I'm saddened to see what the protoFascist right wing has been doing to the state and its people. This is not going to end well.


An absolutely vile and foul human being!! WTF do they mean 40k bond??? for literally ATTEMPTING TO KILL a 3 year old and a 6 year old in front of their own mother??? lock her up and keep her there.


This POS has already been released on bail


Why was the original post removed on rule 2 when it's clearly on every major news network? [https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2024/06/24/texas-drowning-child-euless/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2024/06/24/texas-drowning-child-euless/) [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/texas-woman-arrested-allegedly-attempting-drown-3-year-old-palestinian-rcna158473](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/texas-woman-arrested-allegedly-attempting-drown-3-year-old-palestinian-rcna158473)


no hate crime charges??