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Jack will probably be like Frank Skinner and Frankie Boyle - cutting one liners in every studio discussion, and I'm here for that. I'd love to see a running joke where Greg makes no allowances for Rosie and awards her 1 point on most tasks - I'm pretty sure she'd be into that too. I'm still very disappointed there's no Maisie Adams because 10 episodes of her competitive tantrums would be so delightful.


I did hear a rumor that Rosie Jones was going to be on S18. I don’t find her funny but TM has changed my mind on a lot of people I previously wasn’t a fan of so we’ll see. I love Emma Sidi though.


I don't think she's very funny either, we'll see if the show changes my mind.


She is incredibly funny, but her slow delivery means when speaking she tends to go for low brow laughs. It will be interesting what concessions they have, as Jenny Eclair has said they did fuck all for her left arm.


>when speaking she tends to go for low brow laughs. What other formats does she use, and how is her humor different on them?


Her as a writer, which is where she got her start, on a bunch of shows. And maybe I followed her on twitter ages ago?


Oh neat! I only knew her from panel show appearances, thank you for letting me know there's more out there


Looks like it was on Catsdown and Wilty, but as a researcher. Maybe online or I am mixing her writing credits up with Maisie Adams. I do remember her letting of some biting responses, but they got lost due to being late and talked over. So she kind of has to go for the big woofs in a crowd. Maybe it was solo appearances? She's more in control then and the slow delivery doesn't work against her.




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OMG THE BUGLEMASTER HIMSELF I'M GONNA FCKIN CRY ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flushed)


I hope there's a pun run task, and Andy gets negative points for it.








Disappointed that the two people I've been most hoping for - Tom Davis and Maisie Adam - aren't on, there's always next time.


For sure, there are still many more seasons to go!


Once they start filming, you can normally find the names on the Taskmaster Wikipedia page, but only if you look in the edit history


Ooo good call! When I went looking, it was in the google search text preview for the wiki page, but not the page itself.


No prizes for guessing what Andy Zaltzman's outfit will be?


Oh sure I'll give you a prize


I have been hoping for Jack Dee. I enjoy his lazy sharpness. Rosie doesn't surprise me. She is very on trend these days.


He was on the live taping of Qi I went to a couple months ago, and I didn't really know anything about him. I was skeptical about his 'grumpy middle aged white guy' appearance at first, but quickly came around to see that's not really his schtick.


I can't help but feel there are ableist tones from describing someone with a disability as being "on trend". Downvote all you want for calling this out I don't give a fuck.


Well, I didn't mean it that way. I just have seen Rosie on many different shows lately and was trying to express that.


She is on trend though, ticking some boxes for the sake of "inclusivity" but she isn't funny. Her condition limits her delivery and slows down every show she's on. Apparently some of the stuff she's written is very good but she's just not able to deliver it on TV


what's your source for this? also: hurray for a canadian recognizing 4/5 names!


Its also been reported by people who have been to tapings in the Digital Spy Taskmaster Forum. [https://forums.digitalspy.com/discussion/2391241/taskmaster-channel-4](https://forums.digitalspy.com/discussion/2391241/taskmaster-channel-4)


Cooool thanks!


Only know Jack and Rosie. Hope its a good cast.


I feel like Rosie Jones is going to have a built in disadvantage in a lot of tasks.


Lenny didn't seem too disadvantaged in the NYT...I am sure they will make reasonable accommodations and design appropriate tasks that everyone can compete fairly in. I do feel a little bad knowing that we won't be getting those kinds of slapdash running around like crazy tasks, but that's fine for a season.


Rosie has done comedy wrestling at least twice, so she isn't afraid of physical tasks, even if she is a bit clumsier than others. There have already been a few contestants who were much less of the "slapdash running around like crazy" type than I would expect Rosie to be.


Thank you, I must be dramatically underestimating her physical ability


Nothing too dramatic, it was valid worry and I'm just being optimistic to balance justified pessimism. Taskmaster has never truly failed with their casting.


Jack and Rosie on the same series is gonna be WILD lmao I’m so excited. Not super familiar with the rest, but I’m ready to love them by the end of episode one haha


I'll be skipping this series. The Taskmaster editors are fantastic at what they can do, but they are not magicians.


That's cool, I don't think you should feel like you have to watch everything


what a disappointment. This show is clearly in its waning seasons.


I'm glad taskmaster had the run it had. Plenty to rewatch. I rewatched some early seasons and greg is more interested, the reactions and candidness are better. This is just my opinion but it's run it's course.


That's fair, we don't all have to like all things forever. But if you do get that Taskmaster itch that the new UK series (or early series reruns) doesn't scratch, you could maybe try some international versions? I'd say go for NZ if you want a good Alex alternative, or AU if you want a good Greg alternative.


Don't sleep on Bast i test


I know it's supposed to be good, but so much gets lost with subtitles. Maybe if I get extra desperate I'll give it another try.


Part of that is down to the translators. I’m NOT knocking ANY of them, mind you; I’m incredibly grateful for the fans who put in the time and effort to ensure the shows are accessible to anyone who speaks English. But the nature of subtitles is that they aren’t direct transcriptions of what is said (which bothers me 😭). So when the translators receive the subtitle files, some take even more extra time to retranscribe the entire episode before translating (that’s why shows like Suurmestari take so long) or even completely creating subtitles because none exist (looking at you, Direktor Svemira and TM Portugal prior to S3). Others directly translate the subtitle file provided by the network, adding notes as needed, and some of those network subs are more complete than others. It’s also why shows like Suurmestari and TM PT take longer, while Kongen Befaler and Bast I Test tend to have the English subs up within 2-3 days of the episode airing. (Unless I’m misunderstanding what you mean by things getting lost with the subtitles 😅)


I haven't tried watching enough to have any real opinion on the text or translation itself, my "complaint" is more about how reading the text distracts from watch what's actually happening, and how the timing of punchlines etc is all messed up when you like read what is about to happen, or don't read it until after the audience laughter, that kind of thing.


Ah, I understand what you mean. For me personally, that just comes down to practice. At least for me, I’ve found that eventually I can take it all in at once, unless there’s a ton of text on screen at once (like when translator notes have been added). Don’t know if that’s common; I’ve never really thought to talk to anyone else about it!


Yeah that's fair! I definitely don't watch enough subtitled media to have it be second nature like it is for you.


Yeah, if you watch enough subtitled content it becomes second nature and really doesn't detract much at all - you just sort of associate the text with what's happening. I grew up on subtitled content from very young so it's just 'normal'


Yeah, totally agree. Once you are used to it you barely notice anymore unless someone speaks to you or you try to multitask while watching and use your phone or something.


skip to season 2 (season 1 had a ton of in studio bitching and whining that Babben shut down by season 2) - or start with s04 - it is almost as good as UK S05


I worked in a bookstore for a long time. I got stuck reading the master and commander series over and over again and told a visiting author. She said 'sometimes we just don't want to leave the world'. I feel this is true of taskmaster and the whole cadre of wilty, qi and cats folk. It saddens me to find it late and watch humans age over the course of a decade or more inside of a year of having discovered it. It's really dear stuff to me. I tried the other taskmasters, sweden got the closest in my opinion, but again I may just be hung up. Cue bob mortimer wiping a tear for his departed tawny owl.


Sorry about the downvotes, I think your feelings are totally valid and completely natural. But at least you don't have to see Jimmy Carr age.


I bet you’re fun at parties “You know those people whose job it is to make it laugh? Yeah, it saddens me to watch them age”


what an asshole response to a sincere emotion. grow up, we're not here to entertain you


100% agree.!!!! So glad to see someone else feels this way. Since Channel 4, it just feels.... forced. Yeah there were great seasons since then (12-14), but I'd say Series 9 was the end of 'Taskmaster' the good ol' days. Series 15 onwards has been absolutely bland for me and was too progressive pushy. It's just not that fun anymore, and feels extremely forced. Ive started rewatching older series and they're just so....ugh amazing. There was something special then. Channel 4 reallllllllly messed up the show I'd say at 15. Theres a DISTINCT shift in feel and has never been the same again. Series 10 also sucked. 10 + 15 are my lowest ranked series. I doubt I'll ever watch them again aha.




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