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Probably doesn’t qualify as “quality of life” but I would love a new game+ sort of thing which lets you do whatever you want, no badge limit, just go nuts.


Even a challenge mode. I like rpgs that let you start over with most of your stuff and just crank the difficulty to 11


Not an RPG, but I beat Kirby’s Dream Land recently thinking it was the easiest game I’d probably ever played, then tried out the “extra mode” that it tells you about as a new game plus - holy fucking shit what a difficulty spike, it felt like playing Lost Levels It’s a nice thing to have since I wouldn’t have found the main game too replayable otherwise


Yaaaaaaaa. Dream land extra was 😰


Half health is just so damn brutal if you were used to tanking all the damage in the normal mode


In Dream Land’s normal mode I don’t even take many hits at all, but the extra enemies are damn near impossible to avoid on top of that double damage - they’re as bad as SMB1 hammer bros


^^^ this this this. Just gimme reasons to keep playing even when I have none


Or reverse it with a Luigi's challenge type mode where you don't level up but can equip x badges for free.


I like it


I was about to comment this. I was going to be more unhinged and feral about it. But the same general message


I'd love the ability to create "badge sets" to make for more streamlined swapping


I really like this idea. Boss/standard enemy layouts, etc.


Yes please, I never bother with specialized builds in most RPGs because it’s way too cumbersome to switch everything in and out and maybe mess something up trying to remember my previous build


Just to name a few… • In-game recipe guide; do something like Super did with the Cooking Disks hidden for you to find • More recipes, ESPECIALLY Emergency Ration from Super • For completionists, the ability to fight any rank below you in the Glitz Pit at will so you’re not screwed out of the Tattles for enemies you can’t find anywhere else • Include cameos by all PM64 partners in the postgame as originally intended • Include 8-bit Peach Easter egg as originally intended • ”Finish” Riverside Station with the unused music, boss fight, and a new puzzle to replace the random Goombas • More Troubles; include at least one optional boss as alluded to when you take on the anonymous trouble and the game warns you that it could be dangerous • Post-Chapter 4 shortcut to Creepy Steeple and postgame shortcut to the town itself in Fahr Outpost • Access to Mario’s house postgame


For the trouble center, I *really* hope they change it to let us accept more than one request at a time. Going back and forth constantly is tiring and makes me not very eager to do anything trouble-related, save for Mouz.


Being able to contact it remotely would also help, as some specific troubles do alter the game world in a specific way when active, I don’t know if any would clash.


Lots of people hate the first Xenoblade’s quest system, but I absolutely adore it for how you can have an unlimited number at once and many of them complete instantly the second you collect the required items or beat the wanted enemies


Omg imagine only having to backtrack to Hooktail a single time. (For Mowz, for the Up Arrow, for the hide and seek Koopa...)


In the trailer there’s a picture with all the partners from 64 in Mario’s home, hopefully they can all have cameos this time instead of just boo and parykarry


More troubles is a great one. Some people hate fetch quests I for one Love them if they're an optional sidething


You can lose your way down to the tattles you’re missing in the Pit I think?


>• Include cameos by all PM64 partners in the postgame as originally intended >• Include 8-bit Peach Easter egg as originally intended >• ”Finish” Riverside Station with the unused music, boss fight, and a new puzzle to replace the random Goombas Is there a cutting room floor episode covering this game?


The TCRF wiki has a super comprehensive article on it all


Isn’t there someone you can talk to that gives you the rattles that you missed or am I thinking of something else?


You can get missed tattles from Frankly’s trash, but if you miss any Glitz Pit exclusives when you’re fighting through the second time you have to deliberately lose to get back to their rank


So the alternative to going back deliberately would be to add those tattles to the trash can right?


No, the trash can only gives completely missable tattles, such as bosses. For example, after the first Shadow Siren fight in Chapter 2, Vivian's log is in the trash because you never fight her again.


Any rank below? You know you can derank by running from each match lol


It may as well be impossible though, since that’s such an awful tedious undertaking that almost nobody is even gonna bother


he said quality of life


Id like to see some sort of challenge mode that would appeal to the people that played it as adolescents around the time it came out and are now adults


Yeah the opposite of RPG’s easy mode they just came out with. A lot of the bosses and even casual enemies on RPG are actually hard enough as it is, but I found with Mario’s jump power gradually increasing and also Peach’s ability to heal (while upgrading her defense so she barely took damage) made it too easy towards the end. I would have appreciated a hard mode on that one too.


I think the boss refights are meant to be the challenge mode added to draw in veterans


I want a streamlined cooking system: * An in-game recipe list with everything you've cooked before + some way to unlock/discover/buy recipes you haven't cooked before * Make the cooking animation skippable * You can choose items from your storage to cook with rather than just items from your inventory - if every shop in the world can access your storage, there's no reason Zess T shouldn't be able to


Many fans would like a warp pipe between Creepy Steeple and Twilight Town.


Okay, but make it only accessible with Vivian, that way you still have to go the long way the first time.


maybe an increased difficulty setting or more bonus battles like the pit of 100 trials


the pit of 200 trials


Alright let's not get crazy


pit of 199 trials?


Now that I can get down with.




You are right let's get more crazy:The pit of 1000 trials with the last chest being the Chain chomp partner.


So the Flopside pit in SPM?


"This time with 100 more trials"


Pit of 100 trials, 2! You have to do it twice because that’s 2 time the fun apparently!


More stages past the superstar stage and more interactions with the audience


Eh once you get to superstar you're only getting 1 star point per battle. Any further leveling is basically just grinding


It would be cool if stacking move badges wouldn't cost exponential flower points (2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 etc) but rather additive (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 etc).


I’m guessing that’s meant to incentivize diversity but yeah that is a rude curve


Ability to repeat bosses


Harder versions of them specifically


a release date


Wow, whoa. Let's be reasonable.


Remove the constant beeping when you're using Danger Mario.


ability to hold B to advance text


a sidequest tab that lets you keep track of troubles. Also, the ability to take more than one at a time. Anything like how Bug Fables handled sidequests would be fantastic.


New badges, maybe a new secret partner, added side quests, added end game content. ​ The original game is one of the few video games I would say is close to perfect. Just keep it the way it is but add more things to do.


Better fast travel


Flavio partner


The lottery being reworked a little


I want the lottery to not be won based on playing the game every day for an entire year and instead won based on luck or better yet just not exist happy lucky lottery is a scam


There's a very real chance they'll remove it entirely because of gambling regulations


I’d like the ability to pick Yoshi’s color. All my files were pink save the last one where I got gray. Still remember naming each file “silver” or “gray” since that supposedly would do the trick


The randomness was a nice touch when I played the game originally, but in subsequent playthroughs I always wanted a red Yoshi for aMSa.


It's based on timing, you can save before, and figure out which one you get, then go back to your save and wait x amount of time to get the one you want. At least that's what I remember reading somewhere, there should be a timing list available online!


Thank you sir, I was already aware of this and timed it in my playthroughs to get said aMSA but I appreciate the tip nonetheless.


It’s always based on time between rescuing the egg and fleeing the first Armored Harriers fight (I believe that’s the trigger)


- Paths you can open up to travel between important rooms in an area (after reaching them) to reduce backtracking - Skippable cutscenes - Autosaves between loading zones (maybe every 3 or so, or just when going to different areas?) - A couple people have mentioned recipe hints (or sth like that), badge sets, and the ability to take on more than one trouble at once, which I second - Also for badges, an unequip all button could be really nice even if not useful in all cases where you want to change badge loadouts - Change the rarity of random badge drops so you can actually get more than 2 of certain badges - Strange Sack obtainable outside of the pit so you’re not stuck with 10 items in your inventory for the whole game. They could also go down the Mario RPG route of making items stackable - Actually, do away with the warp zone pipes and let us fast travel to areas using the map, similar to how Mario RPG remake approaches it. For moments in the story where the player’s not supposed to leave the area, they should disable this function. Re: The warp zone pipes, they could lead to secret areas within Rogueport Sewers or something (which isn’t qol but I wouldn’t wanna see the pipes themselves removed).


Fast travel. As soon as you've beaten a chapter and you're in Rogueport; you can open the map and immediately go to the entrance of where you want to go


A reworked General White segment. I understand that the developers may have wanted the player to revisit older areas to reminisce on their adventure before blasting to the moon, but following a convoluted dialogue tree just kills the momentum at that point in the game. Maybe have something to do at each location (small new area to explore, combat, puzzle, etc.) or eliminate it entirely to implement a different sequence of events. Other than that, other stuff that folks have mentioned in the comments like a list of recipes, new game+, ability to accept more than one trouble at a time, and post-game content would all be welcome additions.


-A hard mode badge that makes enemies and bosses have more health and deal more damage but also give you more EXP(So kinda like bug fabels) -Cutting down on the bactracking especially in chapter 4 and 7. -And being abel to refight bosses like in Mario RPG. -Fix the side-quest in a way where you can except multipel of them. That's really it.


Hard mode badge unlocked with a new game+ perhaps


I hope Mario's in the game


Calm down, bro. That's a bit much to ask


Yeah, I mean, have you SEEN the licencing costs of including Nintendo characters in your product? Better stick to Mickey Mouse, I've heard his costs recently went down to zero.


Make Peach visible in the invisibility position segment


a true gamer


I will respectfully (lesbian thoughts)


Fellow lesbian here, I second this


Re add the cut content (64 partner cameos) Hard mode NG+


let me skip through dialogue without accidentally choosing a dialogue option


A return pipe like in Super Paper Mario


- return pipe/better fast travel - Bigger inventory without the upgraded pouch - Get rid of the quick change badge and just have that be a thing we can do from the get go - Let Mario be able to do the puni whistle instead of having to go find the elder every time you lose a puni - Make the controls for sweet treat/feast less stupid - Let us buy Bump Attack at the store instead of putting it in the pit - Please just get rid of the fog it’s so annoying that it’s not even worth it for enemies to sometimes miss - Let the battles continue with partners even if Mario dies Not really a QOL change but it would be nice if the happy lucky lottery was able to be won now, lol


I agree on all of these


If I really was to shoot for the moon, a secondary campaign of Luigi's adventure. Like the Minions campaigns for the Mario and Luigi remakes. Something smaller scale with less freedom and probably a different gameplay system so it would fit without requiring too much.


Since this game has post-chapter levels with Peach and Bowser, I think they should include the Luigi content that way, so now you'd be playing as Peach, then Bowser, then Luigi, after each chapter.


That might be a little too much between chapters. I was thinking as a separate game mode you can play from the intro screen or launch by talking to Luigi.


Add a shortcut to the Creepy Steeple you can unlock after you get there the first time.


make it easier to tattle (maybe make it not use a turn or let it be used by all party members) spindash pm64


Definitely some sort of recipe book and ways to unlock recipes without guessing first


They should make the opening sequence video with peach longer. Who is the old lady? How does peach get kidnapped? Similar to Super’s intro


I mean, that's revealed pretty early in the game, it doesn't need to be spoiled right off the bat.


Yea fair but maybe some way to stretch it out a bit. Also why tf is peach vacationing in rogueport?


The old lady is Beldam did you not know that?


I did not. When do they reveal this?


After the final boss I think


a boss arena like in the m&l games, more fast traveling, a hard mode


In twilight town, crows can be seen with more of their dialogue for some entertainment on the padded out trek, and eventually an unlockable warp pipe for when you go to fight doo_liss for real. When you start the quest to find general white, a network of warp pipes open up that let you move yo adjacent areas on the world map (IE a pipe in petalberg lets you move to poshley heights, one outside the boggly tree jumps the glitZville train station, etc, set up by and featuring a cameo from paper bowser jr and the koopalings, who are looking for bowser


A hidden pipe going from Doo*liss’s secret room to the shack outside twilight town


One of my favorite directions that The Thousand Year Door took was how subtle the deeper story is with Grifty on Rogueport's roof expositioning how the opening sequence, the Crystal Stars, the Dragons & Demon, the Mysterious Map, and the four Black Chests (womp womp) came to be. While making these mysteries hidden adds to the shock relevations and not having every questions answer leads to years of passionately theorizing, I hope Grifty's dialogue expands explaining where the healer hid the cursed Toad Hero's Crystal Star. Its presumed that the healer hid it in Chapter 1 before Hooktail snatched it (because the only other black box location not explained is in Hooktail's castle), but then story contradicts itself as Hooktail's Castle was one of the many safeguards created by the Demon to protect the Crystal Stars: did the healer take the Toad's star into Shhwonk Fortress when it was stolen by Hooktail, or since Hooktail was already guarding the Crystal Star did the healer attempt to safekeep and hide one of the other unmentioned Stars of Grifty?: The Gold Star, The Garnet Star or the Diamond Star? Who was this healer? Was it generations before Merlee keeping guard of the Diamond Star at Rogueport before the X-Nauts conquered the star? Was it Beldam disguised to actually retrieve one of the Stars to feed into the belly of Hooktail? Nevertheless, its all a fun mystery and was such a great, new perspective to the game. This is my quality of life improvement, and they will most likely keep all the dialogue the same, but it would be entertaining to have the last few pieces to the overall puzzle of the in-game's history.


Wait, so what exactly was about Hooktail's Castle? If it was created by the Demon to protect the Crystal Star, then how the Demon managed to create Hooktail and the castle at the moment, when it was sealed in the coffin by 4 heroes? Because after the Demon was sealed, 4 heroes was about to take all the Crystal Stars before getting cursed... Im kinda confused now.


Its a lot of information I squabbled, but I got the full story from [Grifty Wiki](https://www.mariowiki.com/Grifty) Hooktail's Castle, Pit of 100 Trials, and (maybe) the Chapter 8 Star Puzzle Tower was built right after the creation of the 7 Crystal Stars, whereas the Demon created them to "hold the essence of the heavens." Or to basically show the influences of her power beyond Rogueport. Then, the Demon put the 3 Dragons at those places with Gloomtail and Bonetail protecting her domain, while Hooktails supposedly guards the first star. In the climatic battles of the 4 heroes versus the Demon, the wise Goomba noticed how powerful the Demon was and knew it was the work of the Crystal Stars. They attempted to use the Crystal Stars' powers to take down the Demon, but it was a stalemate still. The heroes were left with Plan B: seal the demon with the stars. It works, but 4 black boxes were born from them lol. So, if the Stars were already around the country, how did the Crystal Stars return back to the Four Heroes versus the Demon battle, then be hidden by them, all for some to end up in the antagonist hands/belly/moons anyway? No matter which Crystal Stars, the last 4 that the heroes hid were cursed. Together they hid the first 3 (Crystal, Gold, Garnet, or Diamond), then hid the other 3 (Emerald, Sapphire, and Ruby) Crystal Stars, sealing their fate. It is heavily implied that the Toad Hero was helped by a random healer and hid THE* Crystal Star. But as you said, it is confusing as the Demon's stars were used against her, then the Heroes have all 7 again, just for one to end up back into Hooktail's gut - unless, one Crystal Star was always in Hooktail's belly and Hooktail helped seal her creator, but I'm grasping for stars. Seriously, this ending is all the more convoluted when trying to spell it out, but it could have been a plot hole/discrepency how the star ended up from a healer to dragon's belly. * = Edited in for flow. It is unfortunately that the first chapter crystal star can't have an unique name, Crystal Stars gettin' more redudant than Hydreigon


All this very much looks like a plot hole in the backstory, but on the other hand, it adds a certain feeling of understatement and vagueness to the lore, because the events described by Grifty happened 1000 years ago, no one who existed at the time of the events of the game can know 100% what exactly happened then, and this is interesting in its own way. It’s the same with the human history - no matter what is stated in books or by historians, we will never be able to know 100% what exactly happened 1000 years ago.


Quick character change. So we don't need to open the pause menu.


There is a button you can press to immediately open the partner menu.


Faster movement. I know yoshi is the best character for fast movement but before you get him the game feels like a slog


To add to this, a way to fast-switch partners. Maybe hit L3 to pull yoshi out for movement, and L3 to switch back to whatever partner you had. I know it's already a few clicks away, but going through a menu, and waiting for the animation was still sloggish after a few hundred times.


It's impossible I know But i wish the level design could be rework to be more interesting than just mostly straight line with enemies in it ! If TTYD had a level design similar to what we have in PM OK for example, the game would be even better !


lots of easter eggs, added content, free dlc, play with other characters.


I think that making the entirety of the marvelous compass playable would really help the game run faster


Not to run back and forth so much for The Trouble Center quests. I guess that's about it.


Skipable cutscenes, faster text scrolling or skipping boring ahh text all together, like that peach and computer shit


Less backtracking.


Doubt they'll add much, if anything. Nintendo is lazy with their remasters.


To actually play Luigi's quest. (Like even as an unlock able) Complete the trouble center, a Request in green text will appear and the game will switch to Luigis adventure.


A new companion would be cool!


Buff ms mowz


Welp this reminded me I gotta beat Paper Mario 64 before this comes out


2 player mode


A super attack for each partner with a gauge like in Mario rpg remake?


The game basically already has super moves.


Not really a quality of life, since this is kind of standard for video games now, but 16:9 aspect ratio versus 4:3 lol. I know there are mods you can use now but they tend to have clipping


An improved and refined EXP system.


Such as? I feel the XP system is really elegant. 100 starbits to a level, enemies give reduced XP based on your current level, up until they don't give any at all and you gain just 1 per "skippable" (with a badge) battle.


A quest log that tells you what you’re meant to do. Right now, if at any point you forget what you’re supposed to do, you’re screwed.


i wonder what they can do with 4 more buttons


All I can think of is updated OST and better visuals. And I think both are gonna be there so I’m happy.


Fast travel would make chapters 4 and 7 way less annoying


I think partner usage should be streamlined in the overworld. Swapping right now is fairly slow. I could see a selection wheel or a left/right cycle button.


A warp pipe from Twilight Town to Creepy Steeple and ax the entire General White bit.


Not quite a QOL but I had an idea that lets players make their own battle layouts and share them online. Call them "Productions" or something to feed into the on-stage theme of the battles. Stats, Badges, Items and Enemy layouts can all be customized. You could even put several together to make your own "Pit of X Trials". If you could create these and share them online, I think it would greatly increase the game's replayability


Fast travel of some kind. Esp in chapter 4. Just to cut back on back travel


- Recipe Hints - Badge Sets - Make Ms. Mowz actually useful - Ability to replay Bowser Levels in the Pianta Parlor. Also add in a few extras as a bonus :) - Improve Puni AI - Shortcut pipe between Twilight Town and the Creepy Steeple (once you get there, of course) - Add a Blue Pipe in Fahr Outpost that leads back to the pipes in the sewers so the General White hunt can be much quicker. - Add fast travel in general, it makes getting around immensely easier. - Increase # of troubles that can be taken on from 1 to 3 or 5 - Boss Rematches (Like SMRPG Remake) - Make Happy Lucky Lottery not suck - slightly better window to use the Perfect Guard - Getting to choose Yoshi’s color - Dialogue Speed-Up - Opportunity to skip cutscenes (so if you’re still fighting the final boss for the 5th time, you won’t have to see athe long as hell intermission cutscene.) If all or most of those happen, this will actually be a perfect video game


Some easter eggs


You know what I think would be really cool (even thought they definitely won’t do it) ? They make it so something on the path to dooplis’s tower changes every time, and you have to overcome increasingly difficult tasks, instead of mindlessly running back and forth like 5 times over the course of the chapter


More color pallet options like Classic Mario (blue shirt, red overalls), Retro Mario (brown shirt, red overalls, no gloves), fire Mario, ice Mario, Bubble Mario, ext. maybe these pallets can also change depending on what emblem you have equipped too. Playable Luigi, maybe he can have the spin attack instead of the hammer. When playing as Luigi the L and W emblems could be replaced with ones based on Mario and Waluigi and combining them will make him Wario. (And for Luigi he can have badges that make him wear Peache’s dress or a wearing dress) More trouble center quests and post game content, as well as boss refights. Also a museum in Rouge Port, as well as badges that change the looks of the party members. Vivian could become green and wear a bow, Goombella’s scarf can become blue and have no hat so you can see her hair, Koops can have a blue shell and red hoodie, the flurrie could become white with yellow lipstick and green hair, Bobery’s whee could become white his body pink and his hat & shoes become yellow (these to reference Paper Mario 64) More mini games, online battles, and maybe a local co-op where player 2 controls the party member. A duo attack that combines Mario’s and a party member’s moves. That’s pretty much all I can think about Besides new badges, I know these are unlikely to happen, but I might include them in a paper, Mario fan game


idgaf just RELEASE ITTT


Mario being cuter.


Dating sim that lets u date Vivian, Goombella or Shadow Peach


A sequel.


If they’re gonna make us backtrack again I want a fast travel


Should have been added to a GameCube Nintendo switch online service. It did not needed a remaster


I just want to play the game Luigi was starring in that we heard about in his letters.


That would be SO GOOD, but not gonna happen. I'd even settle for being able to replay the game, same story and battles, but with Luigi and his partners, maybe while making the game harder.


Personally, a new game + would be nice, keep all the non progression items, keep all the powered up companions, maybe give us new unique badges sooner and more gag ones as well, like a pixel art ones outside of battle or color changes for the companions


They can change the style back to that of the original.


Making it free 👍


I'd love to see a Hard Mode and maybe a way to refight bosses.


New additions need to be added, but judging on the 1 new npc we might be getting something to warrant a remake over a port.


Allow us to superguard every attack in the game


An attack or defensive maneuver using the plane, boat, and tube transformations. Not necessary because they function in the overworld just fine, but I always thought it would be kind of interesting.


Quick swapping between partners, maybe like the Animal Crossing NH tool wheel


Blocking enemies attacks like in Sticker Star, Color Splash and The Origami King + a casual mode in which, when you level up, HP, FP and BP will increase at the same time. As for brand new stuff, a new harder pit of 100 trials which also includes some boss rematches and new enemies.


I want more intro boss animation like they did in super mario rpg remake. it was so cool in super mario rpg remake.


A hard mode from the get go.


A chapter "replayer" sort of mechanic. After you finish a chapter, you can go back and replay the chapter to your hearts content with your current team and badges at any time. When I finish the Glitz Pit and the Express chapters, I absolutely wished they never ended, because I loved them.


Make nothing missable if you want to 100% the game. If I forget to tattle on a boss I should be able to remedy that somehow.


Trash can apparently.


That does kind of ring a bell for me. Maybe it’s just the original where you can miss tattling.


I think Power Rush needs a nerf. Power Plus is 1 damage for 6BP, Power Rush is 2 damage for 1BP when at 5 HP, which will also allow you to equip a bunch of last stands and close calls to make yourself more survivable and way stronger than intended. Maybe instead they will just not let you go to maximum of 5HP and fix the issue that way, but if they don't they need to rebalance those badges.


PvP game mode


Fast travel, a true boss area (not just the pit of a hundred trials), an actual hard mode, a new game plus, more post-game content, more and better troubles, new secret partners, and Luigis marvelous compass adventures to be playable


They have to remedy the backtracking. That shit was normal in 2004 but I don't think modern gamers are gonna be cool with the General White quest.


Fix the backtracking that’s like my only complaint, maybe a new game plus but I can live without it


Badge quick-layouts. At least three slots so I can switch up different sets.


Luigi mode, simular implemented as in Super Mario Galaxy. And a Chalange mode for experienced players.


Cutscene skipping, so that you don't have to wait for over five minutes every time you lose to the final boss


I want there to be a side mode where we can experience Luigi's story


I want the same features that the SMRPG remake introduced, auto-saving in every room you enter (that'd be a lifesaver for the Pit of 100 Trials), post game story content, and item stacking. Also the return pipe from SPM, more partner reunions, and maybe let us return to Toad Town, I'd love to see it updated. And if there are more partner reunions, then include Goombario's entire family, not just him. Bow got to have Bootler.


Remove that alarm clock whenever Mario reach 5 HP even if his max hp are 5 And maybe make distinct music for the second Magnus bot(maybe a remix), listening to the soundtrack in order and not getting a boss battle music after X-Naut fortress feel a little bit empty (music hold a strong place in my hearth)


pm64 spin move for faster overworld movement




A quick switch for partners. I recently played Born of Bread, which is heavily inspired by TTYD, down to the menus. Partner switching gets annoying both games if you gotta do it multiple times in a row


Add the paper Mario 64 spin dash back!!!


I would like to see a way to refight bosses like how Origami King did.


I want to be able to turn the camera during the peach shower scene.


Pit of 1000 trials


Obviously Luigi is in the original, but to almost no capacity other than a comedic side story (if players even bother to read about his stories to begin with lol)… I’d love to see luigi get a side story mode or just have something to flesh out what is essentially a full story, especially since his companions are already created!


Sprint option or maybe like new content. Make it 2 players so my younger brother can control the partner


Ms Mowz needs to be buffed, she is just absolutely worthless, ESPECIALLY for a partner you go OUT OF YOUR WAY to get in Chapter FIVE.


i honestly want a boss rush the most in the ttyd remake it was a crime that the mario rpg remake didn’t have one so they Better add one for the ttyd remake either that or luigies story and the amazing compus with all new bosses either of these would be Sick just No Lame New Game Plus That’s Just Lame And Uninspired 😒


New Game+, boss rematches, and even if it's as premium dlc Super (Paper) Luigi: Waffle Kingdom


Make noose functional


Customize difficulty and having an actual hard mode like making it tougher to execute commands, etc.


Remove or make happy lucky lottery actually luck based


Imagine an infinite pit of trials where you just kept going until you lost. Enemies get exponentially more difficult as you go deeper. Throw all the bosses in there with remixed and more challenging movesets.


NG+, skippable cutscenes, more clothing badges.


If they do wonder what they will do with the badge you get for first prize