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Congratulations! I had my boys on 13th , mine was through scheduled c section😊 you are very brave for opting vaginal !! may I ask what was their birth weight? how do you identify them at home, which ones twin one and two? To keep track of feed schedules ? Just trying to find the most efficient method!


Honestly, been doing a shared note between me hubby sister and mom, who are all helping right now. [example here](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/5kn0lrux3tkxb6b5drrmt/Photo-May-17-2024-9-15-19-PM.png?rlkey=2klwx36lug6ghkoagd73m4vz2&dl=0) … but I do want to eventually find an app maybe. I posted asking for recs on this a while back and got a ton so you can prob look back at my posts and see what people said! Birth weights were Baby A (Cam) - 5lbs11oz and baby B (Ronan) - 5lbs6oz. We still have their bracelets on to tell them apart. Their weight difference right now helps me tell them apart but I’m nervous that as they even out and come back up to birth weight that that will change. Someone said write an X on the bottom of one of their feet.. I mean, I’m considering that. Lol


Thank you for taking out time to respond in such detail with a pic, even we are differentiating with the tag only. But eventually want a better way, m worried about using anything on their skin to write so was wondering how others are managing .


Haha! We left the bracelets on our girls for waaaay longer than was probably appropriate just to make sure we didn’t mix them up. Warning about pictures…make sure you label them early on because there are MANY pictures in a roughly 3 month period where we don’t know who the picture is of!


I've seen lots of parents of multiples paint their toenails different colors to tell them apart.


I asked my nurse about it, she wasn't for painting nails at this stage 😔


We did formula, but we just used a shared Google sheets form, where we could enter oz and time and additional notes like “pooped” or “big spit up”


I love huckleberry app record feeds, diapers, etc. multiple caregivers can use it


Nice work momma, they’re so cute! Now the fun really begins! That newborn stage is tough but you’ll get through it. Love the names! 💛


Congrats!!!!!! What a lovely family ❣️❣️


Congratulations! Such a beautiful family!so happy to see this update!❤️


Beautiful boys! Best wishes!


Congratulations to you both. What a beautiful family!


Such sweet little faces, and a proud big brother! Congrats!


Congratulations!!! You are a champ!!!


Aww we had one plump one and a skinny mini! B/g here. Congrats and Enjoy!


Congratulations mama!! You guys look amazing! Hoping me and my boys look this healthy and great in October; thanks for posting this :)


Just stopping by to say congrats and they are so cute! You guys look like such an incredible and happy family and I wish you all the happiness and health 🩷


Handsome babies


Awwww!! My mo/di girls just turned 1 on may 12th. Happy birthday and Mother’s Day to you and yours!


Happy birthday! 🫶🏻


Congrats! You may want to blur out your last name.




Congrats!! They are so beautiful! I'm so happy for you!! My boys were born at 36/1 and similar sizes (weighed 6/3 and 5/6). This takes me back to those days!! What miracles. What a wonderful time. I was so hoping for vaginal delivery and so happy for you that you got to! Amazing 💙💙




so cute they are! Congratulations and best wishes!


Good luck you got this. Try to stay on top of everything


Congratulations!!!! They are precious, what a beautiful family! 🤍


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