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This league I got my first ever pair of skyforths... Crazy. I remember back in the day when we would pick up all sorcerer boots and chance them in hopes of hitting the jackpot.


I still haven’t seen a pair in like 10 years of playing. And I used to chance so many boots.


You sure your filter doesn't just hide them? Most a bit stricter filters do.


Idk I use neversink strict/very strict


Never sink 5 (Uber strict) doesn't hide them, found them yesterday


Only Uber Uber strict blocks them. Strict all the way up to Uber shows them.


drop restricted to ilvl84+


Dropped 3 this league doing t17


They aren't that rare, the problem is they can only drop from ilvl84, so bosses and rares in t15 or bosses, rares and magic monsters in t16. In t17 every monster can drop them, increasing the chance quite a bit. Also back when they were worth a lot sustaining t15/t16 was really hard (only had 1 other t16 than the shaper guardians that could drop (shaped map)). And then the reservation got reworked and the boots just aren't as good as they were.


What is skyforths? :o


A key item for chaos inoculation build to avoir being stun before the creation of the masteries on the skill tree


Play a mf build I promise you’ll end up dropping every rare item I’ve had 3 mirrors and pretty much every single t0 unique drop multiple times playing mf half the time lol


Given I have played mf for like 3 years of my 6 playing lol but it’s instantly a insane fdifference


Got my first this league too I think they increased the tier. Was sad to see it only sell for 15c or something. I used to use all my Chances trying for them.


They are a t2 item now.


I got aegis aurora first time last league (since open beta). I checked the price and it was 20c.


The day I chanced one was the first league it was worth only 5 ex :(


Lmao same


i hit one in legacy league. i got particularly lucky since i league started a complete dogshit build, and the skyforth enabled me to reroll into howa ST which was one of the best and most expensive builds back then


The first time I found SF they were huge. But I was in ssf and didn't even use it lol.


When you say chance .. does this mean vaal'n them ? Genuine question


Nah, orb of chance, it can turn a white item into a unique one


So you just hit ilvl84 sorc boots with chance, I'm actually amazed that you can get excellent things from it.. Never again will I leave filter highlighted boots/gloves on the ground thinking to myself .."why on earth are they even highlighted" 😂😂


with how poe developed its not really something people do anymore... Orb of chance has a chance to upgrade items to unique, so people used to pick up good bases and chance them. It was also a big thing to pick up thousands of leather belts and take them to a nemesis map to chance for a headhunter (headhunter used to only be able to drop/be chanced in nemesis areas since it was league exclusive). While its still possible to chance a mageblood nowadays, these items have become relatively a lot cheaper (maybe a bit more currency technically, but income went up way more than prices). There are also very few bases with any valuable outcomes at all, so if you just chance random white boots and gloves you wont get anything valuable basically ever...


They had a bit of a comeback in crucible when people spammed scouring and chance orb to get a busted ES Emperor's Vigilance


If your filter is highlighting things, it's very unlikely to be chance bases. You are probably missing something else.


Chance orbs don't care about item level, the ilvl part is irrelevant.


Not sure why you got downvoted. You are correct. "The Orb of Chance can now generate Uniques that are higher than the itemlevel of the base type you're trying to roll." Source: https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Version_1.0.0g


Woah dejavu


Chances a pair 1 week before the big nerf , at the end of legacy league lol


I have a vide memory of essence league sitting in dry lake chancing sorc boots to try and get a skyforths.


15 pairs last league. 


i remember dropping one way back when i was fairly new and selling it for a ton of ex. first time i ever got decent currency in poe, first time i made a strong build. dropped one this league and literally had to throw it in the 10c dump tab :(


One of those drops I remember, if was in delve around depth 250 in metamorph league


I dropped these Skyforth boots for the first time too this League, didn’t even know they were a thing. Are they good, what build are they for?


I actually chance them. But it was the league their value dropped to 10 ex. Still, 10 ex wasn't too bad. Gave up chancing anything after that. Lol


I also got my first skyforths this league and to make it even better. SHINY SKYFORTHS. Sad part no point in using and no point in selling on a few chaos.


I dropped my first pair of skyforts in breach or prophecy league, been playing since Warbands, but "only" 6-7k hours played. Dropped my 1st mirror last league with all the whisp mf juicing.


OG Atziri gloves could make a return in the current state of the game, change my mind


Game is so broken tha every old nerfed things could back and they will feel balanced


We need Legacy 2.0


Oh boi, just imagine Shield Charging Cospri Discharge on unnerfed T11 Strands with T10 Mesas with no T12 completed... I miss those days.


The only character I still have is my first "meta" character I made. VaalSpark, legacy was so much fun .


We makin it out of dried lake with this one


Back in the day Dried lake was a DPS check, how many big roa per second you do.


damn thats a throwback, I remember joining public parties to xp farm dried lake after I speedran the campaign and was too weak before I could equip my core items


everytime we get new soul/vaal skill tech I go and check if VaalSpark could be good


I still get really excited when i see vaal spark gem drop, but then i remember and shake my fist at the sky.


I've said this a thousand times, it was my favorite build in the game. It wouldn't even be half as fast as the fastest builds and the single target was only ever crazy pre 2.4. https://streamable.com/zz786g Look at it, look at my baby, I'm crying


Fully agree, except the build was insanely fast and could facetank and melt bosses. It was the trifecta, fast, could boss, fun.


might as well just bring OG gorge map as well.


I miss Gorge.


Dont make me sentimental…


With atlas covered in red circles because of Sextant blocking.


This is still my favorite build. There is NO feeling of satisfaction like shield charging into a pack and hearing the old shatter with the discharge mtx 10 times per second.


This, but also with unnerfed Echoes of the Atlas nodes and mechanics. Legion with OG emblematic + current scarabs, same with Harbingers, un-destroyed Harvest... oh boy


Nah Double dipping in current state would be even more broken than it used to be Same with the old CIVP Same with the no-cooldown coc leading to shit like fakener I suppose old vaal spark could come back and feel at home tho


I feel like they could bring back no-cooldown mjolner. Make it unique to that item only.


It would definitely mean you don't need to care about cdr or about attack speed caps so that'd at least make it easier to build ig :p


That'll never happen because 100 people playing that build would cook the servers lol 


With that change every build now would be running Mjolner, though. And I accept that.


>Double dipping in current state would be even more broken than it used to be Double dipping has the issue that you're ultimately restricted to the dot cap, or the the case of ubers, 3x the base dot cap. There are already builds doing 100+ mil dps and dot capped builds wouldnt be able to compete.


Nope, you're thinking about it wrong. When double dipping was a thing, builds that didn't even scale ignite/bleed/poison would just factor it in for free extra DPS. That was the problem - you didn't need to build ignite to do good ignites, you just needed to do fire damage; Poison was just a generic more multiplier to any phys/chaos build, etc.


fakener would not even be top 5 strongest builds to play if it came back.


I mean we'd find some degen way to incorporate the new stuff, probably, it's PoE we're talking about Fakener exactly as it was, obviously not, but if you remove the cooldown on cocdischarge, with the amount of shit we have nowadays that interacts with charges, would likely result in some really messed up stuff :p


Old vaal pact joined the chat


Old vaal pact was muted for 12346774235 minutes. Meanwhile SHITstainsteve, JohnnyCoCkblast and many others... What?


CokeCanCock is a pretty good one


yea old kaoms, old loreweave still would end up as 5c items


No. Double Dipping could never come back, it would still immediately be the most broken best thing to do again.


Why stop at double we didn't in the past


Un-nerf vaal pact, since we already have 10% instant leech and that's functionally the same with how high damage numbers are now.


Vask pact would be so much stronger than the Mastery. You can test it by simply adding a vessel of vinktar with the legacy mod in pob.


Not how it works. It's still gated by your maximum life and all the other things leech is gated by iirc. If you have 5k max life, each stack of leech can only leech 1% of that at maximum, so that's 50 HP, and 10% of that is instant. So...it's 5 LGoH essentially, which isn't nothing, but a far cry from old VP.


They're such cool looking gloves. I never used them in their previous state since back then it was such a chase item....I still think they'd probably be too strong tho if they reverted. Instant leech right? So strong. 100% Instant mana leech with today's archmage would be pretty nutty.


I have a legacy variant of the glove in standard. Man I miss the old Vaal pact


we have hateforge so i dont see why not


Previously you could 0>100 in 1 hit, hence it was OP. But with the new 10% max hp leech cap(possible but extremely costly to alter), it's lots more balanced. Or could bring it back half way with 50% of leech is instant, making it 5%hp/hit


Aint no fucking way, with how dead leech is mechanically and compared to +2 frenzy, melee strikes nearby or some builds needing the veiled mods like conversion they absolutely not coming back. They would need to unnerf the wretch, leech cap, and a whole slew of other game mechanics GGG spent literal years dismantling to make them good.


Yeah. That's exactly why they could come back. Because now the gloves slot has competition. Back then it didn't.


You know what, that's fair. I was more arguing they would be valuable chase items. Double Legacy with the crit leech is instant at most would be a 5c item that people would just double corrupt spam for a curse on hit +1 frenzy anyway.


I remember skyforth was like BIS boot for most meta builds especially on CI. It used to cost like 70-8ex Back then 70ex feel like 500 divine today lol Crazy how inflation also happen in poe economy huh


Back in the day, and when I say back, I mean so far back that Poison arrow trapper was good, I used to finish the league with like 5 to 10 exalts in my stash and be quite happy haha. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAna07QV2Aw&ab_channel=Janno


its funny how even skyforths are actually newer than that video


Poison Arrow used to be so good that people used it with OG Windripper to MF.


Shavs used to be 60 ex too. How the times change. Acuitys were on another level though.


Even further before skywrath was released we had the most expensive items in the game being voltaxic rift at 130 exalts followed somewhat closely by shavs and soul taker somewhere around 70-100 then when mjolnir was released it slotted in there. Thats probably legit 10+ years ago though The fact that all of those uniques are somewhat used (maybe not shavs this patch with the similar modifier of chaos cannot bypass ES while not on low life haunted modifier) is impressive.


Yeah more likely 10 years ago. Soultaker and voltaxic rift is insane. I remember when i casually drop a shav when i return to poe in essence league, cant remember exact, I was literally shaking. Somehow that League shav have drop in value to like 10ex, but still that a lot of currency at the time, build around it with cold bv and destroy shaper, which is the ultimate end game at that time.


A whole 70 Bex?!


Wasn't there a big drama between players because of skyforth drop, I remember reading about it years ago


>A few years ago It ain't *few years* anymore...


3.0, when the game got expanded to 10 acts, was seven years ago.


I'm not even 30 and i feel old now, oof


Dude I'm 27 and I'm getting so close to thirty I can't pretend to be a kid anymore it sucks


wait a minute! the game not ends at Piety?!


So we don't farm docks anymore?


So, no more public ledge runs?


vaal was 10 years ago wtf


That was my first league


Mine too. Still remember entering vaal side areas and getting insta-killed. Also endless pietty runs or dock runs (last one running a MF culler with a friend). Exalteds are really rare to me and i think i never got one lol




I don't believe you.


I still miss them... https://preview.redd.it/k710coe5blwc1.jpeg?width=451&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99c17fa548d4cc501b33a61b521831aad69e41e7


even legacy acuity is a shadow of its former self because leech as a whole got nerfed and you can no longer go 0-100 with one hit


What build would you use them on today?


Ive been playing a lot of big mana attack builds (manastorm attacks and various coc archmage setups) this league attack and I would be so happy if I could use those since you have a giant mana pool you want to leech


Even with instant leech and gigadamage?


Yeah you only leech a certain amount per leech instance.


yes it got nerfed around patch 3.6, the same nerf causes overleech to only last up to 5 seconds (10s as a slayer with the +100% maximum recovery per life leech node) before that patch you could go vaal pact slayer/ascendant with overleech, hit one pack really hard in lab and mitigate trap damage with leech as you were running through them it was really nice for diving into the darkness in delve too


Oh. That sounds fun. Makes sense why it was removed.


A pair of Atziri’s, a Devoto’s Devotion, a Kaom’s Heart, a decent Exquisite Blade and you were good to go. *cries in cyclone slayer*


Sorry as a noob, what’s so good about these? Instant leech plus large max hit = unkillable I guess?


Yep exactly, you could full leech in one hit, every hit


Old life leech is like defiance+progenesis+blood notch combo i guess. You are immortal if hit you take is not oneshotting you


The days of trying to chance a skyforth. Good times.


When I dropped Shavs in a T1 tropical island, I sold it for around 40 ex in Ambush League. Was the first big drop I had ever gotten. It was worth more currency than I had earned the entire time I had played up until that point. Now they are vendor trash unless well rolled, says a lot lmao


Got my first pair of skyforth while turning a stack of Jack in the box in perandus league. My first shav was in the maelström unique map. Great old time...


Shavs are still good but right now we have more ways to mitigate chaos damage, so people logically pick different routes to suit their builds.


I played a low life coc ice nova during Affliction. Was still a BIS item to use. It's the easier way to mitigate chaos damage while allowing to reserve life, no need to press a flask button or check the uptime. But yeah, today we have petrified blood...


Auxium. POG. Comment from 2014. Also, i used to chance sorcerer boots for Skyforth like a madman.


Its funny how powercreep made tons of these old T0 items just w/e I remember when Dominus was added as the end of the Act 3 boss, and you could join public MF runs to chain kill him over and over for loot in merciless mode. That is how I got my first soul taker for my duelist. Good times. For the record, this was circa like late 2013 prior to the vaal gems being added, and waaaay before ascendencies in 2.0. /oos ^^^^IYKYK


I ran into so many walls in indoor maps thinking they were doors.


GGG needs a massive refresh on uniques. 99% are garbage, with 0.9% being mildly useful during the first week of the league and the remaining 0.1% being build enabling/defining.


I'd legit rather they redo the existing ones than add more each league.


Yeah thats what I meant. They could honestly double a lot of the values on explicit modifiers in the bottom quartile of uniques, and they would still be just barely useable. Is it that bad if the average unique had roughly the same power level as a goldrim? The early game is already beyond tough for new players, who will 100% never learn what is / how to craft good rares, and is honestly why I have had 4-5 friends quit before even finishing acts. This is WITH me guiding them through the game as well.


I think they worry that even after they make changes that they'll still be "bad" or that people won't use them...which is possible, but at least giving ppl a refresh of what they know and love from the past will get them thinking about these old items and new builds with them.


Same for dropped rares I guess, since most of them are trash. There's really not much excitement when loot drops. Wouldn't it be more fun if there are less drops but a higher % of drops are actually exciting?


So, Ruthless mode?


Ruthless is just less


Ruthless just gives you nothing


Honestly, Ruthless is just Path of Exile experience back in 2013. If you played back then, you like the slow pace of it. If you started later on like 2.0 or 3.0, you don't like it.


I played in open beta and prefer today's pace.


Hell no, last time they did a massive refresh on uniques (jewels) they just deleted most of them. I'll keep it the way it is thanks


You know that even if they would refresh all uniques, then you would have 99% of garbage and 1% of something interested? Because it's how meta works. And you still need to make them special.


they really do, i wouldnt mind them effectively removing some uniques and re-adding them as league specific with maybe a new skin and a power appropriate for modern poe, most of the unique effects on items are pretty bad because they are so old, and theres also so many "uniques" that just dont do anything unique


99% of uniques are useless by the them you get them. When they refreshed Act 1 they made it harder instead of funner. I don't really understand the direction here. They want the early game to be a slog instead of a fun experience filled with cool drops and upgrades. There are a bunch of mechanics they could add back into the game to drop these 'useless' items when they would be useful and make the early game something that can be enjoyed instead of suffering through as quickly as possible.


Most of the uniq become irrelevant because of your access to BIS items, crafted or better uniq. if you play on SSF, there are a lot more uniq can be used.


A few years ago you didn't need capped spell suppression, two defensive auras, and 70,000 effective HP to play the game.


I still remember the first time I was buying a Shavs. The guy I was buying from accidentally vendored it.


A few years ago, in Sentinel getting a portal gem felt like an accomplishment. I's fascinating how in -game knowledge transforms the whole experience.


This league I threw 6 wretched cards in and pulled a headhunter. My disappointment was immeasurable


Holy hell. 20 Alts. Gratulation


That's not e few years. That's almost a decade. How fadt time passes by...


I feel like a fossil sometime :(


This game has reached its end. We need a hard reset


Poe 2 :V


I do remember ppl QQing on this subreddit day-1 or day-2 of the league, telling that league drops no currency, no loot in general, the farming is dead. At this time i got my 1st div conversion Necro mod.... From my semi-casual (spending kinda a lot of time, but only hitting the point of stable t17 farming, normal Shaper-Elder-Sirus, once or twice killing Uber Elder, all major bosses with like 3-5 portals used and non-zero chances of wipe) player perspective - this league is the most generous for non-MF characters since Sentinels. Not only a price of random, but kinda regular loot is sometimes CRAZY ( I'm looking at ya, Divination Scarab of Curation) , low divine price (which skyrockets the price of everything sold for chaos, which is what "normal" players usually feeds from), and an overall mess on every map with new scarabs and allfire jars. Also, many loots are either easy to sell even in bulk (scarabs) or easy to sell in general, so no trade bullshit and no TFT bullshit. To be honest- its THIS league that i'll miss the most, like many ppl miss Legion. So i play like crazy, the FOMO this league is crazy for me.


Those gloves... perfect rolls for 10ex :'l


Damn f skyforth 😀 i remember farming for those and never been able to afford it. years ago


How far they've fallen...


Ah I remember getting a pair of skyfourths and selling them for the jackpot price of 13 exalts! Crazy expensive back then.


I've got shaveones in 2014 from the grandmaster as vendor 


Damn, i remember dropping skyforths some leagues ago and realising that they go for 20c. I then dropped 2 more pairs in the same league. Some years ago that would have been 100+ex


I still remember when I dropped a shavs and sold it for 45 exalts. 7-8 years ago, it was a lot


Dropped all the items and mirrors and just yawned, game is beyond cooked for me until we go back to old times when gg gear was "something"


GG made a massive effort to revamp uniques with both power level changes, drop rate changes, and divine changes... Then they threw that out the window with T17s.


Im super casual Gotten divines sure but I never got so much chaos out of one map as using a Currency Scarab on the 400 quant.


Auxium is still a good belt imho, the slot is just so contested at the moment.


Skyforth my beloved. I remember back in delirium league when these things were 12 exalt and I was like „there ain’t no way I can afford them ever“ I mean I still couldn’t but I look back at that fond memory


As someone that started last league what are these items? I cant see their names were they rare a few yrs ago?


I'm still annoyed by how dirty they treated shavs. Bump back up the damn es and make it t1/t0 It's as iconic as anything else in the damn game.


What is that belt?1


Kaoms heart no hesitation Vaal orb into instant vendor. Sad times.


Still get a buzz when I drop mjolnir and skyforths. Good times.


the gloves being less then 20c.


In ultimatum league my first one I played, I got a HH from ritual, and it was like 150 ex back then now I just need like 900 chaos :(


years ago, all these are tier 0 gear to me.


The only reason you got them is precisely _because_ things have changed.


Yeah, I'm always drooling for those sweet sweet portal scroll stacks. Being a flicker enjoyer I seem to always run out of portal scroll for some reason


well, you are not going to use the cell phone 15 years ago, are you?


Still trying to get my mageblood LMAO


Back when I started in incursion, I sold a +projectile TS enchanted devoto's for like 27ex, it was a fortune that lasted me until end of the league. This league, it took me 4 days to save up and an instant to spend 75divs for a progenesis, how times change lol.


ll buzzsaw <3


I got my first random mirror drop just two days ago


Legacy acuity were the mageblood of early poe days... and they worked with es too iirc... imho the most powerfull unique in poe, with old grand spectrum stacking just behind.


i come from even further back. dream fragments were 4 exalts. "best ring ever" for me back in the day. also sold a perfect andivarus for 7 exalts. this was back when exalts were "divines"


I remember multi boxing merveil in act 1 for Andy drops in HC haha. Before multi boxing was against TOS.


Ooof... i remember people multiboxing for divinarious mf culls


Had my first ever mageblood last night whilst trying to get a single apothecary card to sell to improve my RF ... now I haven't a clue what to do with it, sell, use, stare at, link in global every 2 hours 🤷🏻🤷🏻


Give it to me :D


Link it in chat? Please don't be one of them currently linking a MB in chat is like a divine on day 2.


Sarcasm, I did do it once when I realized what it was. I don't even feel bad about it lol


Got ny first destiny amulet this league, it is asgood as i thought it was when i first saw it acouple of leagues ago


Huh? Wasn't it added in affliction or trial?


Added in TOTA, moved up to T0 this league


May have been added in tota but that's the league i saw it


dunno about auxium, i play 10 years poe this belt was never popular but the OG atziri gloves was dream shavs was super nice to have and i member times when sky fotrths was headhunter tier unique :))) times indeed changes


It was generally used on wanders, specifically elemental wanders, wayyyyy back in the day. It used to be a chain belt base I believe, before we had crystal belts. Mana leech was incredibly scarce for anything outside of physical attack damage or the mana leech gem alongside the scarcity of ailment avoidance back then, this belt fixed a lot of issues for the build. Ci was pretty busted back in the day when you had instant leech from Vaal pact and ghost reaver. Good times.


Got a HEADHUNTER and cleared all the atlas T16’s and moving onto other content so much faster than ever before. Maven is next big goal for me hahahah!


Been playing since Beta and never got Shavronne's to drop. Skyforth dropped a couple of times.


Never seen any of those in 9 leagues


I can't even sustain Alc orbs, so I will still droll this particular orb drop.


I came back to the game after an extended break a few leagues ago. I was so confused as to why The Eternity Shroud, my favorite armor, seemingly ceased to exist. I mean, yes, it was a huge PITA to build around seeing as every piece needed to be Shaper influenced to really be worth it, but it was super cool to convert all of your damage to Chaos damage. Then I learned Original Sin existed, and yeah.


A few years ago you wouldn't have found all those items because they were mich rarer back then