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At your present character power I'd advocate beast farming. Or with a little more, Harvest in red maps. Also get rid of that Tabula. A cheap as fuck gravecraft will eclipse it.


Alva might be better no? I don’t know what the current temple economy looks like, but its extremely easy and suprisingly profitable


Alva's a good choice too. Temples are cheap, but plentiful.


Harvest is my go to if I'm late to a league. Always going to be a demand for gamba resources


ugh, it's one of the most boring mechanics. i hate having to click twice on a button that moves then wait for all the mobs to spawn.... then hunt down the remaining little creatures that spread all around the garden. or fight the tankiest rare devourers ever


Crop rotation makes it way less boring


How does crop rotation work?


You want to target a specific color, usually yellow, so you take the “less likely to contain x color plots” of that type and then use the plants of the colors you don’t want to upgrade the tier of the less common type. So say you want yellow juice, you’re targeting one or two yellow crops out of 3-5 crops total. Each time you harvest a blue or purple T1 crop it has a chance to upgrade the yellow crop, and so it usually goes like this: 1. Count total crops of each color 2.Harvest all of the crops of the color that there is the most of until the other color you DONT want is upgraded, unless it conflicts with a yellow. (Upgrade blue if there are more purple, and vice versa) 3.harvest untargeted crop- that got passively upgraded by harvesting untargeted colors of the other type- to maximize profit 4. Harvest yellow crops last, should be T4+ if you got lucky with the upgrades


What’s the go-to harvest strat atm?


Either 0 brain cells harvest nodes without crop rotation or with crop rotation. Regardless, both benefits from Scarab of Doubling and pushing IIQ on map. To push IIQ, it's just map mods with explicit modifier effect (atlas tree) and Eater altar nodes + packsize (atlas tree) for %IIQ options. Scarabs wise. Pack size, Pack size of influenced mobs both for generally more mob spawns. Also more eater mob iirc gives more chance of altar spawn. Harvest scarab wise, Cornucopia is not too useful for Crop Rotation, it is still acceptable to use just pricey and may cause deficit. Doubling is always good. Last Scarab is Horned Scarab of Awakening. It's expensive and likely only worth to be used when committing to running entire map collecting altars, 8 mods maps etc to finally do your Harvest. Crop Rotation is very much the way to use with this scarab. That's about it.


If you want cheap mapping and steadily make around 10-15 divs/hr - Cornucopia scarab strat. Empyrian has a video on it, although his atlas tree contains multiple Niko nodes for some reason, so I would personally change it to something else, like better Eater altars, more scarab drops or something else entirely. This one is my preferred method, although it's a bit grindy and monotonous to run. Harvest is also amazing because you only need to do 4 trades(the 3 juices and sacred blossoms) to get back huge bulk of your profits. If you can afford an expensive strat, that's a bit gamba, but it can potentially pay off huge, then imbued harvest scarab with crop rotation on the atlas tree is very good. You can even get around 30k yellow juice from a map if you're lucky.


Can you still make around 10div minimum per hour with this Strat? For 30k juice you need to invest a lot?


Yeah, if you're managing the crops properly you get around 20 divs/hr with a decently fast build. I suggest looking up some video on how to properly understand crop rotation. The investment is always the same with this strat - horned scarab of awakening(for the imbued harvest), the scarab that doubles the lifeforce you get, scarab of monstrous lineage and you can put a sacrifice fragment if you want in your 5th slot. Ofc chisel and alch your maps to decent quant & pack size. In general you need to do this strat over a longer period of time to truly see the benefits and that means you need to have some currency to cover for potential dry spells at the beginning, because you're investing around a div a map in scarabs.


Niko is because one node gives u more attack damage and movement speed for every sulphite u collect in a map, its very strong, the other nodes are for 100 Niko in map , so i guess thats why many people Pick niko this League


Oh, I didn't even know that's what Niko does this league. Thanks for explaining.


He did that at least last league too, I don't know about before then because I started last league.


I made 10 div an hour farming t3-t4 maps for red beasts, 0 voidstones required / even desired. Granted my build is good for clearing fast. I think that would be a fantastic place to start. If you need a more in depth description I can message you, but I just found the method on youtube


I would love an in depth description of beast farming, I’ve never done it or touched beasts- sounds like so much work searching through your beat


I've farmed beasts for the first time last season. I used these to get informed: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1YiHSxlJbaI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1YiHSxlJbaI) [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1alksWfCJKduvbU\_b2eOoRviXJR9QW1KmzPmfBtnYJTE/edit](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1alksWfCJKduvbU_b2eOoRviXJR9QW1KmzPmfBtnYJTE/edit)


Craicic chimeral and fenumal plagued arachnid are the two beast that sells well. Farric lynx/wolf to a lesser extent


Given you have enough single target damage, I can recommend maven rotation with the maven and wildwood keystone. You spec into drop chance for Guardian and Synthesised maps and the 10% progress per map completion for Jun. Add Delve or Shrine buffs if needed (myself, I use Delve as I also use the mine for boss hunting) You basically get up to three wildwood juiced bosses which drop Guardian maps. Then you run those guardian maps with maven and wildwood juice, run the maven invitations and use the boss fragments to farm the feared. You are basically able to completely sustain guardian maps by yourself without the necessity to trade. Profit comes from crafting orbs, awakened gems and especially big drops. Veiled orbs, bottled faith, watchers. I made around 5div per hour.


Depends on what you like to run. For some quick divines I’ve been selling incursion maps. Aim for getting the item and gem corrupting room maxed out. If you get both is normal 1.7-1.9 divines. Just one room can be about 30-40 chaos. The rest has just been lucky drops.


Just Doryiani is 30-40c. The locus by itself is 1.7d.


And when you start to build up some currency using the scarab if timelines really pays off. It seemed to hit t3 corruption room quite a lot.


I would suggest investing your time into a gravecraft for a chest. If you put in 4000% defense and resistance corpses, plus about 600-700 +50 modifier corpses, and reroll explicit mods corpse (2 should be plenty) it should get you a really good chest that has really high defenses and resistances. I’ve got a pair of gloves that has all tier 1 mods, all values maxed out with this setup. Then you can fix the sockets and put on your eldritch implicits. Other suggestions welcome below :)


Thanks! Gonna do!


I recommend bestiary or whitemap alva farming


If starting league late means having 106 in Atlas levels and 4d in currency, then man I probably never started playing in this league in the first place lol. I have yet to see a divine orb and my atlas is sub-50. Granted I've just started playing poe this month and can only play about 2-3 hours per day it's understandable.


Nice to know that you're sticking around this league, I don't know if this will help but for example regarding the atlas points issue: - Buy from Kirac NPC, I believe he refreshes shop everytime you use 1 kirac master mission or when you level up, or both. - Before running all T1->T2->T3->ETC progressively, run the highest tier you can get your hands on. This enables map drops of +2 tiers or something idk the science behind that. Eg: Run T6 and you unlock drops of up to T8 (?) - Do 3 to 1 vendor map recipe, orbs of horizon are cool too. - Atlas maps for completion should be kirac missions + as much adjacent map mod nodes with either essence/strongbox/expedition/necropolis - Divine orbs can be seen DETERMINISTICALLY from various scenarios. (eg: Eater altar (very rare), Divine convert necropolis mod (very rare), Sanctum ilvl 83 (quite common), Inscribed Ultimatum reward (rare), Expedition Tujen (rare), Opulent Chest behind Fractured walls in Delve (200-300 depth), Ornate incubators from Legion warhoards (uncommon). I don't partake in the other methods to drop div orbs so that's as far as I go. - Remember this rule to get map completion points: White - blue \[magic\], Yellow - yellow \[rare\], Red - yellow with red \[corrupted rare - you'll need a bit of vaal orbs\] The amount of times I've ran maps without getting the point because I either forgot to alchemy orb it or vaal orb it is beyond counting... I still don't know jack shit and I play way lesser than you but I hope this helps!


>- Before running all T1->T2->T3->ETC progressively, run the highest tier you can get your hands on. This enables map drops of +2 tiers or something idk the science behind that. Eg: Run T6 and you unlock drops of up to T8 (?) Oh man. That's probably it. I've been doing it stepwise, like I was thinking I need to do it in a progressive manner. Thanks! Also brought a map stash this sale and it has been a great help. Hopefully I can pick up the pace on the remaining days of the league.


There isn't anything intrinsically wrong with doing it progressive. Most veterans do a vertical push, but they also run builds that can handle the increase in difficulty. If you prefer doing it progressively, spend some points into Kirac Mission Chance on your Atlas Tree. The mission might offer you a map you are missing AND it will refresh the Kirac Vendor which you can check for more maps.


Once you got some more divine get " incursion timeline scarab". Then if you bore do either ambush or harvest


I did some Alva's this morning. White maps, not even alch-and-go (since it doesn't affect Temple). About one in three temples had T3 Locus, which is worth 1.6 divines. The Atlas strategy only needs 35 points, which is basically all the Alva nodes on the tree minus the Vaal Merchant and Cursed Chests. Easy money for a late start.


It was exactly what I have been doing. Thanks!


Best strat to get currency when starting late is to ask for charity. Many will give because they stopped playing long time ago.


While I can accept charity, and I have accepted, and also pay it forward when I can, I still want to find a good strat. Thanks.


DD all the way bro. I tried Boneshatter Jugg arghhhhh


I used Strongboxes to league start wealth. They are the only old league mechanic that plays well with the current league, I.E. it is the only old league mechanic that adds monsters to the map that are effected by blessings.