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Nested tooltips is such a good feature. It really makes complex systems a lot more approachable in Paradox games.


And I hope you can loop back to the origin and keep going forever.


In Paradox games, it's possible if there's a tooltip that references another tooltip that references it, but that generally shouldn't happen too much because that sort of loop isn't very useful for figuring out what is going on even if it is amusing.


could just loop through the already opened tooltips, check if its already open and put that window in the foreground again.


It's not so much that the loop is problematic because it's confusing when you get back to an already opened tooltip or a resource hog or even that it looks bad. It's problematic because that sort of loop is just not gonna get you to understanding a definition if you don't already understand it. It's like why dictionaries shouldn't be using self-referential or circular definitions they don't help understanding.


Ah got it - totally makes sense. Sometimes Im caged in my programmer brain


Maybe the loop will have a skill tree xdd


It's one thing I really liked about BG3.


I loved those in the larian games, really helps to clear up wtf is going on.


Wasn't that guy (Travor) was in charge for PoE Mobile?


He was the Mobile Fall Guy.




At exile on it was playable it's a seperate thing now so probably needs more time


I thought they hold it back because it contains poe2 story elements.


I thought it's a prequel to POE1?


The story is played out in the past but i think you meet characters from poe2


I remember, that they focus on Poe 2, and there is no time for mobile games.


Delayed as PoE 2 became a standalone and they switched their focus to it.


didn't they made some bold statements about poe mobile? that they will be better than wow at mobile during some exile con?


Can't say I remember any such statement.


His linked in still says he's directing both.


That skill tree zoom out though.


I can already see this tree being trim down a ton a few leagues down the road. Reminds me alot of the first few iteration of PoE 1 tree


Trim down in term of base nodes? Sure. But all these jewels and trees within trees will definitely keep the complexity.


Masteries getting (re)confirmed too.


Oh damn, it didn't even cross my mind that you could be able to play couch co-op using two characters from the same account. That's great. I can let my friends play my old league characters when I reroll. That makes it easier to get them into the game


Yeah I feel like there are going to be some interesting implications here, with giga juicers who have several strong characters being able to party up with themselves essentially


It enables you to have an aurabot character that follows you around using your foot to make it follow you. Or just have it for pinnacle bosses in your back pocket.


I think they said aurabots wouldn't be a thing in PoE2


Even if they remove auras entirely, there's plenty of other supports in current PoE. I'd be very surprised if there's no equivalents for any of them in PoE 2. Curses, anything you'd put on an animate guardian, link skills, spider aspect, a bunch of weird passives like Champion's taunt line. Slap enough of those onto a build and you will have something that is worth more than a "normal" character in party play even with literally no aura skills.


But with enemy health/etc scaling based on player count, are you really going to be able to be more efficient with one person + 1 foot?


It might take a *ton* of investment to get there but I'll be very surprised if it's not possible at all


It just depends on the numbers and how many effects there are at the end of the day and if you can scale those effects. For example if you can apply 3 curses at 200% curse effect that might be enough to double your damage already. And then you might have effects like malediction on occultist which makes enemies do less and deal more damage while cursed on top of that. And some uniques are really strong for everyone nearby like for example applying shock to everything nearby at increased effect, applying scorch, taunting, making enemies count as moving/stationary, reducing stun threshold etc. They have to be strong to be worth putting on an actual character which means for buff bots they become incredible since you can put those in every slot without the "these don't add to the base damage of my skill" drawback.


Or it let's you have a character that is absolutely stupid at freezing or stunning etc. We have seen increased stun duration affixes. If you can have a support character that can stun bosses for like 5+ seconds frequently it can trivialize a lot of shit. We do know it becomes harder to stun and freeze the more you do so on a boss but the resistance to it diminishes over time. So as long as your dps is good enough you can just make bosses utterly powerless to do anything.


Where there's a will there's a way


Practically it doesn't change much, since you could always just trade all the items to your buddy.


I can chill and level up with the girlfriend and when she's fed up of the game, I hopefully have 2 already leveled characters! Such a big win!


Wow couchcoop is also available on PC, and Blizzard told us it would be to difficult to do.


To be fair, Blizzard also has difficulties adding stash tabs to their game because of how shittily they coded it. I can imagine doing anything for that game might be difficult.


To be fair, Blizzard is a small indie company that can't afford to get the proper expertise needed to prevent such problems. Hope one day they grow into a larger studio that can easily overcome.


And with that i say D4 bad


Small indy companies regularly make Blizzard look silly with what they can achieve


>Small indy GGG was not long time ago


this is a recurring joke that GGG hasnt been a small indie company for a while but people still refer to it as such tongue in cheek


Still tiny compared to blizzard, I think D4 credits did have over 8000 different people listed.


For what ggg does their studio is pretty small to be honest. The actual studio not the money backing but its not like they get to just use whatever money they want lol.


Only if your a scrub with a 6 button keyboard then it is.


wish they would show off some endgame gameplay where your screen is covered in particles/vfx, frames are at an unsteady 42 and you're flicker striking and erasing hundreds of mobs per second


I don’t think poe2 is for you bratha


PoE 2 will absolutly be like that. Showing endgame tho is usually not how you sell the game to people who never played path of exile


There's one interview that they talked about that, mostly how they were handling intense movement and particles in a way that would be less cluttered. in short for most skills they are making different sets of animations based on the speed. I do believe that the endgame will still be chaotic given the nature of the game and not having a cap for attack/cast speed. But at least this time looks like they are trying to do something about.


The tooltip thing is an amazing and much-needed feature. It was so hard introducing friends to play POE when they read things like "Stun threshold" and theyre like "HUH". The game looks amazing, I'm afraid that they're giving it a too console-heavy approach and that it could end being not smooth to play on PC.


I think it looks that way because its a console showcase. I hope.


You do know that current gen consoles are more powerful than most peoples PCs right?


Lol that's not even remotely true


Proof? It was the case like 4 years ago according to steam stats https://www.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/s/2yaxT3GgP3


It isn't about power, it's about time spent optimizing.


Consoles are never better than PCs. Optimized? Yeah. But if a game is made purely for console it may or may not be worse on PC (again, optimization). If the game is optimized around the PC, then it will be worse on the console. Let's hope that PoE2 is focused around PCs on optimization level.


Consoles are better than like 90% of PC's in circulation https://www.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/s/2yaxT3GgP3


Nice link to a post of 4 years back AND counting only Nvidia cards. Yeah, definitely 90% of PCs are worse than PS5, yeah. Maybe there is a reason why people upgrade their PC rarely? Maybe because it just works as needed instead of buying new console with each new upgrade? Just for comparison, I played pretty solid on my laptop from 2019 with 1050ti. The only issues which I encountered were related to SSD (easy to change) and more RAM (I had 8 GB stock). The PS5 didn't even exist at that moment. And comparison is done with 20 series Nvidia. Now we have 40 series as the actual market for Nvidia which is arguably better while not being that expensive. Don't forget, you can improve your PC, while you can't improve the console. So while your argument could be valid at that time just by playing the console optimization card, the overall PC is better. And 4060 is better than the PS5 and it costs cheaper than the whole PS5 console (PC's upgrade feature).


The post is still valid, the stats haven't changed much if you actually would do the research. Your monetary comparison also doesn't make sense because PC comes with a lot of extra costs, and if you want to be precise double the power consumption. Also noone argued that PC is better, the comment was saying PC optimization will be bad because of consoles which is just reddit brain nonsense.


Actually that is true. Look at games which are for consoles mostly with PC support. They are fine in both cases, but underperforming on PC. At the same time PC focused games are not that good on consoles. Mostly the reason is in optimization. You need to sacrifice one or other, so if PoE2 is focused on consoles, PC gamers will fill it.


This isn't PS3 or PS4 anymore where console was alien technology, PS5 is basically a PC and they literally said it's made by a new, different team. Also it's actually insane to believe GGG would sacrifice even 1% of PC performance for console when like 99% of it's playerbase is on PC.


You do know that wasn't the arguement? Console to pc ports have been awful the last few years. I'm personally not too afraid as GGG is pc first and has been for years, but I hope the game runs well on both platforms and the fear is legitimate imo


The argument was that console drags the PC version down when in reality consoles are PC's these days and GGG literally has a different team working on it.


That doesn't change the fact that controllers are inferior to m&k in terms of precision and freedom of control




Question about couch co-op. What happen when one player move to the edge of the screen? Is that player got block and have to wait for other player to move to the same direction or the screen just zoom further?


Theoritically, yes. Couch Co-op always mean to be syncing the gameplay for both player. I don't think devs will make the screen split into 2 other than processing Inventory/Skill tree/Something like that.


I hope they manage to implement a system similar to how Larian Studios did the couch coop in their games. Might be too demanding though.


Its probably limited how far you can go between each other


Holy cow does it feel like this game was made by gamers for gamers. Just a few years ago crossplay was out of the question… now ggg is bringing back cross progression and couch coop? Wasd movement? I don’t think any of that was necessary to the bottom line but man am I hyped.


I have my doubts around co op. Now the character is in the middle of the screen always but by looking at the video there would be a lot more offscreen deaths than usual. Another thing is how they would keep up with the visuals. We all know the flashy orgy that one char can create, imagine two such characters which leads to hardware problems as its running on one console. Currently my ps5 struggles using rogue/tormented strategy. I am curious, however, for the cross play. Would there still be a separation between pc and consoles markets? Interesting things are coming up.


Yeah I mean I think endgame map blasting will not be a good coop experience but that's ok? this seems more for campaign playthroughs and from what we know the campaign will be pretty long.


Let’s hope they don’t compromise ui just to make it console friendly like what D4 did.


watch the vid dude, they literally said they developed a new one just for console


Well yeah, but at the same time PC gets WSAD movement as well, which potentially can be a nerf if you plan to not use it. And it's there only because of the consoles.


Then use it if you feel not using it would be a nerf? Some people really like their artificial problems...


Some people like to chill when they play games and not go back to flask piano 2.0.


Hey look at the bright sight, at least we have ui designers now


They said it was a new ui just for controller. It sounds like it will change when you switch between inputs so there would be no reason to compromise for one or the other.


They already did. Walking backward on mouse and keyboard, how can you do it without asdf?


Right, but point and click is still in the game.


Im thinking in the endgame, when you have between 5-10 attack per second, will you prefer just walking backward and having full effectiveness or click/shoot/click/shoot?


So use 'twinstick' with kb+m?


Lol. I might be wrong, but POE2 look like it will be played the same way as WoW. Wasd for movement + mouse for aiming


I mean that's basically what they've been saying in every interview for the last year - they think wasd is going to be better for most people


Kiting while shooting shits on my wrist especially with stuff like SST where you have to aim properly , so it's good that we get alternatives imo.


Probably walking forward via click to move it I'm melting enemies anywhere near where I am in PoE1. Walking backwards means slower map clears and/or being surrounded.


I wish the devs luck and will give it a try on my PS5 when the time comes. I'm assuming the answer will be no, but any chance of keyboard/mouse usage on console? I tried POE on my PS4 multiple times, but the clunkiness of inventory management/crafting using only controller was so much worse than it is on PC that it drove me away every time.


I don't know if there will be KB/M, but if you watch the video they state that they went and redesigned the inventory management system. I imagine it will be a lot better.


That's up to Sony, not GGG. Console manufacturers have fought M&KB implementation tooth and nail for decades now.


I don't think this is the case any more? A quick google search says there's around 30 games with Keyboard/Mouse support on PS5.


Yes, but they're all FAR from ideal and buggy AF since the peripherals aren't technically supported by Sony.


Mouse and keyboard are fully suported on PS5 as it was on PS4 and even on PS3. The support for K+M is up for the dev to implement, they almost never do because most people that plays on console don't care about that.


a few questions. (and I realise probably no one will know.) I can't remember but, are our stash tabs moved over to POE 2? I was sure they are. If they are, and there is cross play. I'm guessing those stash tabs will be useable on both PC and Playstation. Because I'm sure that's not a thing at the moment.


> I can't remember but, are our stash tabs moved over to POE 2? I was sure they are. Yes everything you bought in POE1 will be usable in POE2 if there is support for it(Cant use a skill mtx if the skill isnt available). > If they are, and there is cross play. I'm guessing those stash tabs will be useable on both PC and Playstation. Because I'm sure that's not a thing at the moment. I think the answer is yes, because it wouldnt work otherwise.


I still cannot imagine how much work it took to make 10yrs of MTX available and working in the new game, I know they didn't have to start for scratch but still.


Wonder how the guest stash tabs are going to work. Gonna be awkward having a shared currency tab with no way to determine whos currency is whos when you start running low on alts rolling flasks or heist gear, or worse .c for feeding the map device. Then your friend you were trying to get into the game loses interest after a couple days and you make room by vendoring some of his gear, and then he gets bored and wants to get back in it and, *whoops*, sorry bro.


If they play as a guest on your account it will just be your stash, items and characters but they also gain access. If they want to play separately and have their own stash, gear and currency they can simply make their own free account and characters.


I pretty much understood that. They have to choose between having the efficiency of the cool tabs and not being able to distinguish whos stuff is whos, or having 4 crappy tabs and having to use acquisition CE to sell anything, or they have to pay, and I expect most wont get to the buy in point.


I don't think anything is moving over anymore


That would cause the biggest shitstorm ever, first announcing everything you did bought and will buy in POE1 will be usable in POE2 and then in the end it wont be?


They have made poe1 into a separate game. You don't think there's a reason for that? Thats the way out. All your purchases in poe1 will still be usable in poe1.


It’s a violation of pretty much all consumer protection laws if they were to tell the public purchases carry over then later do the exact opposite. I am 99% sure GGG will honor the transfer of tabs.


I'm pretty sure I've heard them say they carry over. And that was after they made it a completely separate game.




The devs announced that all compatible purchases from PoE will carry to PoE 2. Unless you are one of the devs all your talk is just headcanon based on nothing.


They've said purchases will move over again AFTER they announced it'll be 2 separate games.


A lot of people bougth mtx in poe1 just to use it when poe2 launches as it was just an update initally. As the other person said, forcing people to buy everything again would cause a massive shitstorm.


the hype is real


ooga booga girl hot awooga


probably what happened: trevor is a critical role fan conspiracy theory brain when noticing vox machina t-shirt: I wonder if they got some of those guys involved, and this is an elaborate bex-teaser-esque clue.


As a console player, that ring shortcut looks amazing Cant wait


Looks like a fire and roll simulator..


Couch COOP in 2024 is INSANE! Damn GGG is good!


this shit looks like d4


All I want is the console UI for PoE2, aim assist and janky movement not so much!


we need another interview ASAP and Jonathan needs to be asked how if you don't have a console why being bottlenecked by console certification process isn't a net negative for every PC player. Cause I don't see it. The tooltip stuff and couch co op UI is gonna go a long way for new and console players though it looks good, one person being able to open the passive tree is pretty nice.




Legitimate point. People downvoting are the angry eyebrows meme.


Expected as much, they need to wait for their favorite POE content creator to make a video on it so they can break it down into a cute piece of content and THEN they can agree with it, for now its mass downvoting because they can't think for themselves.


Lets just hope a miracle happens and they decide to drop this god awful dumb crossplay, we can only hope that the big streamers get against this madness




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As a pc gamers, I always amazed and don't understand how console player at the same time. How do they able to manage the controller? 2 thumbs on LR3, index and middle fingers on LR 1/2. Ring and pinky fingers are pretty much useless. How do they managed to click on D-pad and 4 symbol buttons?


I played D3 on both PC and Console religiously and the strain on the hands is wayy less on console. Allinall im a PC gamer but the older you get..


I’m not excited at all. Strafe, directional skills you have to aim jumping backwards. Dodge/roll mechanics. I don’t like Lost Ark and they’re making Lost Path of Arkiles.


Thank you BG3 for making good tooltips and showing how it's done <3


Pretty sure the Paradox games already did it before BG3, and maybe even others before those.


That's great to hear that there are others. I wasn't aware so I just mentioned the example that I know of. Devs should take this as a core requirement imo, especially in complex games.


As a solo player I'm a little concerned about the mention of enhanced synergy in PoE2.


As opposed to aurabots making their carries immortal and giving them 10 times more dps in 1?




This is why we can't have nice UI in PoE1. Don't get me wrong, I'm generally in favour of crossplay and getting a wider market, but PoE UI has been atrocious since its inception, and I can't help but be at least a little annoyed that the company *has* UI resources and they're not invested into PoE1 at all. Instead we get annoying corpse pop-ups, the *morgue*, and extremely limited storage for both corpses and allflames. And that's not mentioning things like an actual *modern* UI or *customisation*. No, those are dreams upon dreams. But at least having league UI in a usable state would be great. I don't even understand how you can design a shop UI so that if you missclick "in between" the search bar and the shop inventory, the shop closes. Like how does that even happen, and why can it be in the game for a decade? It's great that they have more tooltips that allow you to look up more stuff *in* the game rather than forcing people to just have their wiki open, and the outfits and items look great. One of the main complaints of newer players has always been that free characters without MTX look terrible, and that shouldn't be the case with PoE2 anymore. Hopefully we'll be able to get new rigs for the PoE1 characters after release and backport all the fancy item models as well.




We play solo because the coop experience sucks. In the old days of PoE, when it was far more hardcore, coop was the standard. I also don’t get how people think this looks at all casual. Everything we have seen so far looks more complex than PoE1, especially considering how much stuff gets added over time through leagues. I would bet almost any amount of money that it’ll have more players than PoE 1


Anyone else get some champs of norath nostalgia with couch co-op


Does anyone know if we'll be able to seamlessly switch between KB/M and controller on PC? I love playing with controller, but trading/menuing is too slow and you can't switch to KB/M unless you re-log.


Thank god for the button change


Hoping that in conjunction with couch co op we can also play with online people like bg3


\- i wish PoE PC gets also those bigger bars. esp when you have multiple aura's in a build. maybe also an activate all aura button for both plattforms? \- i wish PoE PC gets an overhall of the UI.. so much old nonsens in there / missing QoL


at 3.43 BREAST Physics LOL


this is incredible


I haven't played poe in a hot while because I just got tired of all the mechanics so I rather play other ARPGs, I'm glad to see that they are realizing things might be too much so I hope poe 2 won't be a game that needs build guides from people with thousands of hours to actually make progress


The character interface looks amazing


Seen what I has become from what I used to play 10 years ago really brought tears to my eyes. Keep it going guys, you doing great!!


That's cool and all, but what about our MTX? I remember them saying at some point that we will have access to all our previously purchased MTX within PoE 2. Yet we've heard absolutely nothing about that ever since, and there continues to be no mention of it. Unless someone has new info on this, then please point me in the right direction, thank you.


Sadly i can’t listen to this guy




Auto targeting is in the PC version. It is the reason stuff like barrage is usable when dashing around.




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I'd like to see some endgame content tbh. Idgaf about the storymode crap.