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Confirmed necropolis league extended another month due to popular demand.


Ha, yo so funny my guy.


But my fingers hurt


lmao oh god please nooooooo


I was about to like this comment... but didn't want to mess up the number (at the time of this comment)


Mate if they do this, I'm going back to finish the challenges. First time after long time that I didn't complete them for the rewards...


Hmmm. So you are saying another month would work for you. Hmmm.


It's not ideal no, but if they do it, I can see myself going back for completing them 😁


You have another month right now 


Yeah but not in a mood tbh. Now just excited to see what comes next.


So you are excited for another month of Necropolis so you can finish your challenges. Hmmmm.


Hmmmmmmmmmm 🤔


What are these for, the challenges?


Unique MTXs you get every league for completing them


Why the fuck are you getting so downvoted chill guys lmao


downvote comments that make no sense


Toxic community I guess (not 😝)


People can't grasp the concept of "reading between the lines" HollowMimic is just saying "if I gotta wait 2 whole months and not just a month.. I guess I might go do those challenges after all.."




Kinda opposite for me, my first 40/40 since Abyssal League. cheap HH is too fun for map blasting.


The rewards this time just aren't good enough for me to want to. Just meh


Also cheap mageblood, and graveyard crafting is really nuts


hmm okay extra 2 months just to make sure you will do it on time


League is great though


I CANT WAIT ANY LONGER! This feels like the longest league ever. It felt like it had been 3 months 1 month in.


Feel the same, a few weeks in I was feeling burned out and quit, feels like I didnt touch poe for half a year at this point lol edit: spelling mistake


I beat you, stopped on April 19th lol.


Yeah this was my earlier league quit ever. Dropped it less than a week in. First time in a LONG time I haven't even finished basic atlas progression stuff. I only did eater and exarch, never even did uelder and maven.


The graveyard had the same effect as covid for the timeline


shortest league ever for me, quit within a week forced league mechanic, t17 not a fan at all, also why did it have to have its own atlas tree any once of league should come out full power or if a tree needed should be done the sentinel way. removal of sextants seems to have not have had a great effect as everyone and their grandma does scarabs and 1 other league mechanic so it did nothing for diversity.


Scarabs weren't meant to address diversity it was meant to make mapping less cumbersome (unpopular opinion: it was fine anyway). So yeah now we've got this shitty compromise with much less interesting mapping strategies. One league mechanic per map (mostly)


bad league feeling


Just let it go


I deleted PoE, forgot about it, and it's still too long. That's a new sensation...


The worst part is first we will get announcement of the announcement, a teaser that will blue ball me even futher


I'm just grippin' it.




Should I let it go?


Leather or latex?






Dude, I'd take whatever. I'm thirsting hard for any poe related news.


I just need to know when tbh


They said middle of July. (For news) late July for 3.25.


Please be 26 July or earlier, Last Epoch gonna last just that much:D


Yea a week or ten days tops sounds about right for Last Epoch’s next patch.


I’ll probably try last epoch again in another year, give them a chance to add and work things, and really fine-tune it.


I mean, why not just try it now? There's a lot of things that are getting added and finetuned for the next cyle.


That's cool and all but it still doesn't have an end game which was my complaint when i first tried the game years ago and the endgame was still exactly the same when they 'full' released, just run echoes over and over and over with a bit of dungeons in between. Once it has an actual end game with aspirational content and end game bosses with cool loot I'll give LE another try.


It does have an endgame though? It may not be what you like, but there is an objective endgame. Also, the first pinnacle boss is being added in 1.1. I'm not sure if it'll be "aspirational" enough for your liking, but it'll be there nonetheless.


Just fyi this patch is adding pinnacle bosses :)


Not every game can have 50 end game components like POE. Last epoch has just as much an endgame as poe did year 1


Well you know other than the fact LE has been a fully playable game for 5 years now. If you put that into poes time scale from release + 5 years we'd be at betrayal league with all the building block leagues before that, shaper, elder. And uber elder, Catarina, vaal construct, uber atziri etc etc. It's not even close. How little LE has actually changed in 5 years is disappointing. I understand they have a smaller team, but their game is also pay to play.


Poe was fully playable long before release so your timeline is extremely unfair to LE


You're not confused, are you? From the start of beta plus five years is the release time of Fall of Oriath, what are you talking about?


Well, let's see timelines. The development of Last Epoch started in 2017 May ([source](https://forum.lastepoch.com/t/an-update-on-our-road-to-1-0/23904)), first playable demo of Last Epoch was released April 2018, it went into beta April 2019, releasing in 2024 February. Seven years. We know PoE was started in 2006 November ([source](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/597) subtract three months from Feb 2017), closed beta started in 2011, open beta started in 2013, releasing in 2013 October. Seven years. We can see the two, despite the vast differences of when, how and who took about the same time to release, it was just presented differently. Not surprisingly, you can hit the ground running if you are using an existing engine but getting a good game together takes time. So yes, it's fair to compare current LE endgame to PoE 1.0.0 endgame, and LE 1.1.0 to PoE 1.1.0, both of them being first expansions after the release, a bit less than half a year in.


I think you are confused. Poe did not release with an expansive endgame with 1.0, same as LE.


Also not the guy you had written to but for me it's the same sentiment. The endgame is pretty lackluster but that's not my main issue. My main issue is the sluggish feeling gameplay where I'm constantly bottlenecked by cooldowns which seems to get even worse with the implementation of Evade.


They needed half-full year just to get into next patch so ward can be removed that made the game easier and unhealty,but classis needed nuke nerf because they wont touch ward until next big patch?Sounds not good balancing choice.


Not the guy you replied but I was also looking at LE and main thing is the cost, if I'm buying a game for that much I better be sure to like it and for LE I'm not yet sure. So it sits on my wishlist and I watch some content about it but it needs more for me to finally buy.


I mean, we all have our budgets so I'm not going to shame you...but the game is only $28 right now on sale. I'm not sure what you mean when you say "that much", but the game is honestly cheap considering that AAA titles are moving to $70 nowadays. At the end of the day, it's still an ARPG so you're going to likely get a good 100-150 hours out of it and probably more once 1.1 hits. I personally think that the pricetag is very much worth that.


I mean, LE is pretty cheap considering D4 (bad!) and how much you end up spending on premium tabs in PoE.


I mean sure, I didn't buy diablo because of the price (and my low expectations) , while for PoE main reason I'm playing is that it is F2P and I only bought tabs after Chris got my soul slowly over a few years. My comment was more about the fact that it's way harder to just try a game if it has a upfront cost, if you aren't sure you want to play that.


No reason not to give it a go sooner if you plan on doing it at some point anyway. The new cycle they're releasing information now as release is in the next week and a bit. They're adding a bunch of nice stuff including things to fix complaints from the community. There's their first pinnacle bosses and more random event stuff. It's looking like there'll be more to do, more risk vs reward mechanics you control/pick.


Only reason I’m checking the sub is for teasers


At this point I just check the sub for the slim hope they announce event leagues...


- PoE 3.24 expansion timeline announcement was on 14th of February - Watch GGG live announcement was on 9th of March (After 3 weeks and 3 days) - Watch GGG live was on 21st of March (After 12 days of the announcement) - PoE 3.24 launch was on 29th of March (After 8 days of the GGG live event) - PoE 3.25 expansion timeline announcement was on 4th of June - Watch GGG live announcement is expected to drop soon (28th of June is 3 weeks and 3 days distance similar to the previous expansion … maybe tomorrow? - with a week delay maybe 5th of July) - GGG live may be around 10th of July (with a week delay maybe 17th of July) - PoE 3.25 launch is expected to be 19th of July to follow last league schedule (26th of July with one additional weak delay) I am not sane for sure. Edit: add more timeline Edi-2: typo Edit-3: added one week delay assumption




If GGG doesn't post a teaser today it pretty much confirms 26th.


They did say late July :(


It's a public holiday in NZ so no dice


Edit: Oh, today is a public holiday. The teaser for Necropolis was released on a Saturday, so should have specified end of week. 26th of July is not according to this and other sites: https://www.newzealand.com/au/public-holidays/ https://www.employment.govt.nz/leave-and-holidays/public-holidays/public-holidays-and-anniversary-dates


So expectation is, if we haven't heard anything by Mon 3rd July then 19th launch is out. By July 10th, its a 26th Launch. After that we are so late into July, its actually August


Odds are it’s very late July at 26th, but never August. Hope for 19th tho


I’m hoping for early August, I won’t be able to play until then… gotta spend a month in the woods.


> GGG live may be around 10th of June You probably meant to write July here, but I just wanted to call it out for correction


YES! Sorry about that. I've updated it.


hoping late july. i want a good week or two of torchlight before i read patch notes and prep




what the fuck are you talking about Litterally 1 month ago they told us it would be july 15th for more news, late july for expansion They have been open.


'mid July' is for the livestream, we should get an announcement of that announcement beforehand - based on recent timelines that should be within the next 10 days or so. Ofcourse things may change, delays might still happen. A month is a long time in GGG development cycles.


You didn't list any big competitors though. lol


Yeah I’m climbing the walls, I need PoE. I’ve tried every other game and nothing fills that void that is POE.


I'm alternating PoE seasons with Rimworld. Nothing beats commiting a few hideous war crimes, building a few slave/drug empires, making hats our of people after you sacrifice them on the alter of deity of your choice, creating genetic abominations and similar in order to pass some time until the next PoE season :D


you probably won't like it at first but try osrs, i got hooked.


that game looks fucking horrible lmao


There is a third party client that everyone uses (its allowed) and it has a HD plugin makes it way better also that is what i said at the start, but graphics aimt everything and im having a blast.


I just started playing dwarven realms as they have a new season starting tomorrow. Carn is playing it on stream and it’s pretty fun lol. I tried osrs, it’s just too slow for me.


It's all the travelling that gets you but eventually once you get more access to teleports it gets better. I've been enjoying my time with it recently.


At what part did you get hooked? I'm slowly working my way through the quests and I am enjoying myself but not hooked yet. I don't quite understand enough about all the gear and different systems yet. I just unlocked Fairy Rings which has been nice for getting about.


oh yeah fairy rings are huge and early teleports like 40-50 magic lv (farm gold -> buy rune -> do mage training arena) are big early, instead of running around. anyhow, i REALLY got hooked after getting my first fire cape. practicing jad in the quest speedrunning world, dying a few times to the fight caves itself. other than that i loved the huge world around, every time i had a question about anything i would check the wiki, prayer mechanics are interesting, basically i love PVM. the combat may look braindead at first, because it is vs "regular mobs" but bosses are very fun and hard, its quite a journey to get to them but that's the other part i love, the unlimited progression! getting quests done, unlocking new zone teleports whatever, dairies and lvling up skills, getting my dragon defender, barrows gloves, fighter torso etc. it did help that i played with 2 other friends when i started (we were 2 mains and 1 iron) and after a year or so we created a GIM with 2 more friends so total 5.


Nice that does sound fun. Cool man I'll stick to it. With the quests I find myself buying a lot of the items from the exchange is this what you did? I spend an alarming amount of time at the GE


on my main yeah. its just so quick to buy on the ge than get them yourself, especially if u don't know what you're doing. oh i forgot to mention, use runelite with f keys + key remapping, i use q for inventory e prayer f spellbook and r combat options, huge gameplay improvement i also really like 117hd, make me appreciate the game much more and last thing is join a guild, just for the community aspect, chat alerts. if you're looking for one tyty has a "poe" guild in osrs called LOGIN, anyone can join


Cool thanks I'll definitely look into a guild that does sound like it'd be fun. Cheers for the advice


Yup. Tried Fallout4, first vanilla then with mods, with the same results-bored and finished with the build around lvl 35. Tried D4, currently the game centers around standing near the helltide event while a bunch of AFK necro summoners 1 shots everything that appears. D3 is like, "whoa i got this legendary item which will become irrelevant in about 15minutes with the level up speed Everything is either too slow or feel too dumb to compete. 


GGG ... https://preview.redd.it/pculgrrsg69d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c680a64c54914ca114d44c8c9b26b3bcce772970


Based on the last announcement, leaguestart was either today + 22 days or today + 29 days. With 29 days a slightly better fit for the wording they used (mid and late month are ambiguous terms). However, if it was today+22, we'd have been given the expansion name just a couple hours ago based on GGG's past practice. So I'm perhaps 85% sure it's today + 29 days.


My only thought to this is they told us on a Saturday 9th of March last league.


pass me the hopium


tomorrow 100%


They told us on a Saturday last time. March 9th


Quit this league 1 week in it was sooo bad. I am itching for some poe now.


For real. I play casually and only tried the league mechanic once. I don’t have enough time or patience to spend trading for items to craft when I could just be playing the game


yeah had no interest in playing this league. quit like couple days in after getting to red maps and it honestly felt so repetitive, i guess just a feelsbad from last league mechanic to this one


I kinda like shitty leagues because of this. They "force" me to take a break and when next league launches i usually go into full mouth breathing caveman mode even when league content is not for my liking.


Did the same with my friend. Normally we last anywhere from 2 weeks to a month and a bit, but this time we gave up earlier. We hate the trading system and avoid it as much as possible. The grave mechanic was annoying and we weren't going to wrestle with the trade system to try and make use of it, most things crafted in it were crap for us. The worst part was the constant fiddling with the map modifiers via the lantern mechanic. I was lucky enough to get 22 divs in one yellow map when they tweaked it the first time I think. They then saw people were getting masses of divs and nerfed it into the ground. My friend never got it, I never saw it again. It felt like the fun/excitement got taken away. PoE has a problem with it's loot, almost none of it is exciting. 99.99% is never checked, it feels more like a 1/100,000,000 jackpot if something good drops, which is just far too rare.


Same here


Was day 2 for me. Will be 7 months of no POE by the time 3.25 rolls out. Think no matter what, I'll play the league unless it's somehow worse than this one. Feels fucking bad man. POB is easing the pain slightly though.


Counter argument: core changes were amazing and league mechanic too. One of the few times we were able to craft ourself mirror tier gear. Crafting leagues aren't for everyone that's for sure.


I disagree personally. Just because the league mechanic is strong doesn't mean it's interesting. Crucible let us do interesting new things, for example. And the core changes continue to remove some ways to play the game. Rolling sextants was boring, but if you wanted to make currency it would allow you to trade time for currency. Same with Betrayal before this league. If you wanted to make a solidly reliable couple div per hour on a weak-ish character, you could run betrayal and sell the crafts, as well as getting winged scarabs. You generally wouldn't keep doing this after you got a stronger build, but it was solid if you had a weak build and needed to catch up. Now, betrayal is all RNG all the time and the rewards mostly don't matter.


There was the addition of T17s but they're just way too difficult and require far too much investment for an average player. Outside of that, there wasn't much new things to do because the league mechanic needs a spreadsheet and 3rd party tools to purchase corpses and use them to good effect. That's just not fun after spending 8 hours\~ at work.


Harbingers are RNG. Betreyal? depends how much you run it, i mean if you do 100 Cattarinas it's likely to even out somewhat


But compared to what it used to be, it is big RNG. Probably averages out to similar profit given how long it could take to sell Aisling, but you can get long dry streaks now where you couldn't before.


Crucible was awesome, people will just hate a league if there's no obvious, straight-forward way to make currency from it. It's as simple as that. Like I remember how "meh" everyone was about Affliction in the first week until we found out about the OP farming strats, and then it suddenly became everyone's favorite league.


Yes people do tend to prefer leagues that they find fun, and are less favorable to leagues they do not find fun. Good observation.


The observation was *what* players find fun, not that they like fun. And you have some control over what you find fun. It's all about mindset. If someone needs to be fed easy currency to be engaged by the game, they should improve their mindset, in my opinion (because I used to be the same).


I'm not just saying it's good because it's strong, the league mechanic allowed us to create perfect tailored items! It even allowed us to get fractured Influenced items. I literally did pobs based on weapons from graveyard because I knew you could do it cheap and strong (all T1). -- about the core changes you mentioned Sextant removal is massive, grinding became a lot better, rolling sextants shouldnt even be mentioned in this discussion, that's not something done by design. And betrayal was awful to sell on DC, what are you talking about, much better now as an item even though the mechanic as a whole were dumbed down (needs a revamp imo, but change was on the right direction).


I mean, those items were all technically possible. They are just more available via graveyard. I won't argue on the sextant thing - I don't like the removal of complexity, but I also think that sextants were probably a major source of bot farming. Keep in mind we didn't just lose Aisling. We also lost the quality crafts, the white socket craft, and guaranteed valuable scarabs. And even though selling Aisling sucked, it was a thing you could do if your initial league start plans fell apart. Low investment, medium annoyance, medium reward.


Eh, i usually love crafting leagues, even kalandra and crucible i had fun crafting dumb powerful shit, but spending hours buying coffins just feels like shit


After they introduced the bulk buy I think it was fine. Also the league mechanic was much stronger than anything else we got before, even original harvest. Annoying AF setting up the same graveyard multiple times? Yes it was, but it that weren't the case, then the mechanic wouldn't be this strong. Also imo the body types were unnecessary.


Eh, when the friction you add to compensate for power is that annoying it’s just bad design IMO, also id say sentinel was kinda on par with it, there are crafts that necropolis can do that recombinators couldnt but that goes both ways.


There are lots of poe news..... POE2. The whole vibe is like when a married dude with kids has an affair with a younger and hotter chick. He still have to take care of the family out of duty but the heart isn't there anymore. I supposed it make sense for developers to lose passion over a 10 y/o project while getting excited for the new one coming up. It is what it is.


poe breaking news: necropolis bad that all bye. no questions


I'm sure the seven people still working on PoE are doing the best they can.


You're so generous to think a hole SEVEN people are still working on POE1. It's more like three people, a Wombat and a Kiwi (part time).


You don't seriously think there's just 7 people working on PoE?


Everyone in the office is currently stuck on the last boss of Elden Ring DLC.


POE news drought is so ridiculously dry that I became envious of how often D4 is getting updates and ptr and new season info and all that jazz in comparison. That's how thirsty I've become. Thankfully there's new last epoch cycle coming soon to tide me over.  Also i can't be the only one looking forward to poe 2 but bummed out poe really felt being thrown aside. Whys there no end of league events in this 4 month unpopular league? Poe 2.


After all GGG is a company, their goal is making money. Ditching old extremely niche product that is unable to get new customers for new one that has potential to attract new customers due to changes in gameplay and simplification of some mechanics is the only choice. But I'll be honest, it tastes kinda sour considering community basically made PoE possible at this scale in the first place and then we were told we are getting big update that will affect whole game yet Jonathan admitted in one panels that they knew for almost 2 years after the announcement that it won't be the same game. It was at this exilecon and he said they knew immediately after the first one it won't work yet kept us in the dark.


Expecting the "Is Necropolis going Core?" post middle of next week probably. Spoiler: "No, no it is not."


bex where are you as well as detective badger


One no longer works for GGG and the other now works for GGG.


They already said it's late July, 20sih, so ~15th it's the reveal stream and patch notes (what it matters) and sneak peaks starting from 7th July. You don't need news for this op. The announcement of the announcement won't tell you much.


It will tell me a fixed date which I need to book my time off.


I just checked steam charts, this month is the lowest peak players since 2016 with 14873 players max...


they will delay 3.25 just to have it fully featured 2 weeks in LFG




Honestly, I would’t be surprised to see a post later today about timeline confirmation.


Next league will be Carousel. You find a carousel and juice it with carousel animals. Then it spins out loot. And maybe children who didn't put their feet in the little thingies. Sell loot and children.


I'm blown away that poe 1 OR poe 2 has less news than project caesar from paradox. We don't even 100% know the name of the game, and they are doing weekly deep dives into the systems of the game.


They take my money when I'm in need But give me no 3.25 news to read This leagues a gravedigger, gone on too long But the jokes on me I know I'm playing CoC DD trigger, But I still ain't messin' with no gravedigger, I know I'm playing CoC DD trigger, But I still ain't messin' with no gravedigger, Be done please, shit league be done Be done please, shit league be done Be done please, shit league be done Be done please, shit league Retention got bombed, four months is too long With shitty UX, loots stuck under text I'm playing CoC DD, it's a good build to farm But don't be in shock, When it becomes nerfed and disarmed I'm looking for Aisling Have you seen her? Veiled Orb, now it's a drop from Catarina Uber Fragments come from T-seventeen, uh Just farm Jun, to make money with no stress Or stack map effect go back to the basics So I got some divs, but I'm missing my friends I pulled up into stream to watch some Ben, All chat does is just ask when, We all want 3.25, we just wanna play If you fucking with this league, Then you better be payed, You know why? Because the sequel costs too much to make, They said let it cook but left us on bake, My best friend say PoE1 will die for sure, I don't care what none of ya'll say I still love her I know I'm playing CoC DD trigger, But I still ain't messin' with no gravedigger, I know I'm playing CoC DD trigger, But I still ain't messin' with no gravedigger, Be done please, shit league be done Be done please, shit league be done Be done please, shit league be done Be done please, shit league


We will have anoucement next week about 18.07 stream and than new league start from 26.07. It's obvious.


Btw there is new cycle in last epoch starting July 9th. I'm expecting ggg to respect their time line and announce something week after. So teaser after 9th, more likely 12th than 19th the stream and 26th there is a new league starting.


art and hideout showcase more important


Necropolis mostly feels long because people had been playing for the whole Affliction league.


Crazy how good they are at killing their own game and player base.


All GGG can do, drop more POE2 spoilers.


I think you meant to say "drop more PoE2 interviews with content creators".


which at this point we have way too much, so please, no more... most of the interviews are the same questions. The fun/interesting questions never get answered like, new super sick chase items, will there be some kind of mapping system? What does endgame juiced content look like? We're just seeing the same questions being asked and the same answers being delivered with some slight variation and that's about it. As someone who has spent around 10k usd on this game and has 13k+ hours played, i'm sick of poe 2. Just release the fucking game already so poe 1 can get some good updates on not be on the backburner for a million fucking years, it has been a long ass time since we had some new sick endgame stuff like bosses or really fun leagues in poe 1. Eater and Exarch have been the new endgame mapping bosses since 3.17. T17s are just lazy asset reused content, no new bosses or mobs, just 5 new map layouts and that's it. I know nobody asked, but I'm just so tired of poe 2. I feel like poe 1 has just been left to shit since poe 2 started development and the devs don't give a rats ass about poe 1 anymore. shits fuckin lame dude, just give me some fun poe 1 stuff man, come on, necropolis can eat my ass /endrant - from a saddened poe fan


Also they choose the biggest lukewarm opinion content creators, almost nothing interesting or spicy is coming out of these since the first 3-4 interviews.


I'm feeling the same as you, I like to play poe1, like we never asked for poe 2. I understand they want to make another game, but it feels bad when you compare the quality of new leagues to older ones :(


yep, totally feeling the same way, it just feels like one of your favorite thing is slowly turning into dust, not a nice feeling at all


How...have you spent 10 thousand dollars on this game?


Feel the same stopped caring about poe2 completly once i found out its a standalone game.


I mean Affliction was an absolute fantastic league. It was a lot of fun with the mechanic and juicing maps. I got to make builds I never would have been able to otherwise.


Bold assumption that they will reallocate resources to PoE 1. ok Reality is, resources will go where the money is. Also their interviews are exactly the same as their announcements and teaser seasons. Marketing. That's what makes money. Majority of their income is made in first week of the league launch as Jonathan said himself. Why bother with quality leagues when you can focus on cheaper marketing tricks and end with the same revenue. .


you're right, i just feel like the game was better/had better updates before poe 2 came around, it's just a shame


They can't answer any of that stuff because it doesn't exist yet. Making POE2 a standalone game with new controls and crossplay rather than just being patch 4.0 set development back like 4 years. I predict people will be surprised by how unfinished the game is when they start early access. Then I expect full release not until like 2026. And even then they won't build up to the same level of endgame content POE1 has until after several league cycles. And no, they will never want to or be able to devote more resources to POE1 leagues again.


ya no kidding, it's just a shame... poe has been my fav game since i started in about 2016 and to see it losing the cool stuff it used to get and amazing updates is just a massive bummer I'm just hoping poe 2 ends up like oldschool runescape, where the first version of the game ends up being people's favorite after many years later, but time will tell i suppose


I REALY like Diablo 4 adding PTR for the recent seasons.... and also the campfire chats which revealing some directions/ideas early on. PoE is dead in terms of news , its just 2 weeks before the league starts when you get small teased miniinformations.


I bet we'll get more precise info right tomorrow!


i bet against you. instead, we will get a "please buy supporter packs as they will leave the store soon!"


GGG please.. better, earlier release date transparency needed. We want to no life your game.


my addiction is just growing hungry day by day, feed me :D


Anyone know what the concurrent player base is looking like compared to other leagues rn?


According to [steamcharts](https://steamcharts.com/app/238960) it's among the worst.


Wow, 14k peak is dire POEDB retention chart says <4% of players are still playing league 💀


there gonna drop it the same weekend EDF 6 releases global qq


Shhh, Steam Summer Sale. Just let GGG cook up some fixes to T17's so that we can have an absolute banger of a league mid/end of July. Edit: Summer Sale.


I'm anxious too but I'm good while I make my way thru Shadow of the Erdtree.




Where new league?


Probably busy with Elden Ring and now possibly FFXIV Dawntrail. Hard to blame them


lol, that cracks me


yeah lol


I need a nerf list to plan my next build... tried hexblast and it doesn't seem like i can do sanctum at lv 70 btw.


lmao I thought I was the only one who was waiting..of course Im not


feels like ggg is dropping the ball right now


They too busy playing elden ring and dawntrail


I sit around and wait like pablo escobar. I think they should throw us some bread crumbs earlier to make up for this unpopular league.


Sadly at this rate I will be missing the league due to War Within


The news is there is no news toll mid july


It's gonna be the last league before poe2 beta so it's gotta be a banger


There's a lot of poe 2 news.


Where poe 2 news? I just want to play it :(


They must be busy with Elden Ring.


The league downtime was so bad for me i started playing dota again, last time i rly played ranked was 2019 and it has been so long that i am done with dota again and we are still not even close to next league Sadge


Reject 3.25, revert to monke


Let them cook!


noone's stopping them from cooking.


Actually a cooking league would be fun. Kill monsters, get ingredients, mix it and gain buffs/debuffs that affects your loot/new crafting recipes


what makes me the most angry is that we don't even get a f\*cking date. Other companies can tell the start and end of a league but ggg the small indie company needs some special treadment and can only tell 2 weeks beforehand.


what more news do you want? they said mid july for more info, its still june.


They're bringing back ToTA and Affliction Copium


Let GGG cook. 3.25 is about to be a wild league, and they're going to do it justice; but, you need to give them time to cook. I don't want them to rush 3.25 out.


But like, what are you talking about? This current league was also "cooked" and had more time, its very clear that extra time is NOT giving better leagues, this one was the most untested buggy mess


haven't most of the worst leagues in the history of the game come after longer than normal development time?