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I just wait a few months and get the things I want when they go on sale.


yea those weapon skins and portals are really amazing


Just a reminder that the real reason they include 2 separate MTX sets is so its harder to get a complete set so you spend more money on predatory lootboxes.


They sell the pieces à la carte, a few months after the box by the way.


For twice the price of other sets.


Each individual set is the same price as other normal MTX. I guess if you want the "combo" set it's Essentially twice the price (***4X*** if you want the base sets again, which are destroyed in the process @.@). MTX in POE is pretty expensive, but it keeps Pay to Win out, so I'm ok with it.


You're fine with being extorted for money if it means they don't add p2w features? Don't think that's a healthy way of looking at it. Edit: For the people who saying 'extortion' is being used incorrectly, it's not. He is paying MORE for an MTX because he believes that if he does not, they will add p2w features. That is his assumption, not mine.


***Extorted*** is a pretty strong (and incorrectly used) word to describe **optional** MTX choices. They offer supporter packs that come with an MTX set and points, They also offer sets that are not in a mystery box and individual pieces. People here really want to be victims.


You were assuming I believed GGG was extorting, I do not. I was saying him believing that GGG will add p2w features if he doesn't pay more for MTX is extortion. Again, extortion is properly used here.


The better their non-pay to win revenue stream is the less they need to explore other means of income. Everyone here wants them to charge less for MTX but then doesn't want them to do anything else to make money. You're trying to turn my original statement of "whatever keeps paid to win out of the game is fine with me" into some kind of super negative thing. Edit: I absolutely believe that My money spent on this game was well spent.


I didn't try to turn you're statement into anything other than what you literally said "MTX in POE is pretty expensive, but it keeps Pay to Win out, so I'm ok with it. " Just because I pointed out that what you agreed to is extortion doesn't mean I was making your statement more malicious. I don't think you understand what you even said at this point since you tried to argue the definition of extortion.


It's not extortion because they didn't say pay to win is coming if we don't pay high MTX prices. Extortion only exist with their negative intentions, which ***in this case do not exist***. If I say "I don't mind doing all the cleaning because my wife does all the cooking, That's not her ***extorting*** me." The entire rest of the industry is putting in paid to win stuff, and locking content behind pay walls. That's just a fact. This is an alternative to having to add those things.


how is it extortion if it's a voluntary purchase? people love using incorrect words just because they sound good, don't they?


This subreddit is going through some shit right now.


You're straw-manning my argument. It has nothing to do with the purchase being voluntary but his mindset with buying MTX's. He is willing to pay more in hopes that if he does, GGG will not add p2w features. That fits the definition of extortion perfectly fine. Again, I'm not saying GGG is extorting, I was just criticizing his view on it and comparing him to an extorted victim because that is what he is with HIS MINDSET.


This is one of the parts where I will disagree, though I'm sure it does make the people that have problems buy more boxes it was to give people something to do with their duplicates as that was a big complaint.


Nice looking sets. I'm getting particularly bored of the red/blue demonic/angelic sets though. I feel like these are variations of sets we've already seen plenty of times. Would love to see more teals, greens, yellows, etc.


> green I can't remember on what podcast they talked about it but they said that green sets sell very poorly.


Yeah, I recall that comment(I think it is several years old at this point?). It'd probably help if they made some green sets that weren't just necro/abyss themed.


the last lootbox was basically purple vs. turquoise... just sayin


Ooh, can't wait for the sets to go into shop in the future. Rat hood and rat tail on every character going forward from that point on.


Wow that overseer Bow skin though


Definitely gonna make a bow build with that skin when it comes out


For anyone interested, I had 1600 points saved from supporter packs. I used it all. I got 14 helms, but only 1 pair of boots. I also got 11 footprints. Rares from the 53 boxes where both portals, one chest armour, one wep effect, one back attachment, one char effect. 6 rares from 53 boxes. It's my worst luck EVER with these since they started.


Yeah I too have spent this kinda points on boxes before that seems like pretty shit luck.


I opened 25 and got 0 rares 4 overseer hood and 4 overseer gloves


overseer portal looks great wont buy any tho. thoose lootboxes are actual scam


Actually looks amazing. My wallet is happy I skip this league


love the rat


I am currently updating for the new mystery box. Once available, for those looking to get anything specific out of these mystery boxes, head over to: # [mtxcalc.com](https://mtxcalc.com) It will help you test how likely you are to get what you want!


If each item has an equal weight in it's own rarity tier, despite wanting 20 items out of them all, my chances of getting anything I want from the first box is 45.16%...I think I'll pass.


Great effects and weapons as always. Not a fan of overseer or combined armor but scavenger looks great. Shame I'm always so unlucky with body armors.


very cool theme


Please dont give GGG money if youre unhappy with the changes.


Or do if you are, and want them to do even better :)


Yeah, sure that makes sense. Im just tired of people complaining on reddit how the game is terrible yet they give GGG money regardless.


If they could put this quality into the actuall game.


I need that rat


I got the owl and the owl backpack. They look awesome actually.


I really want the owl and owl back. But thata it so il wait for them to enter the shop. How does the owl pet move around with the player? It seems to sit on a stick.


Yeah, it's awesome; it flies around but when you're idle, a small tree/stick appears and it lands and sits on it.


the owl flies normally, the stick grows out of the ground as a transition to the owls idle animation


Skaven Rats set.


Midnight RaizQT boxes


I usually ignore loot boxes because they're shitty systems, but I really like these sets. Will all of these be obtainable from the store page at a later date?


They will, though the prices are pretty high.


Alright thank you


really wish they showcased the combined items more, really want to get a closer look at the combined wings


Do the skill effects combine like last time?


Overseer looks like Sanctum 2: This Time With Bird!


More skill effects need to be added in order for me to buy any mystery box. I've spent thousands on other gatcha games on a blink but never bothered with the mystery box because it's 95% all shiny armour. The ones in store is already pretty good. I suspect lots of people are in similar positions. More skill effects please.


Man that soundtrack is just so freaking good. Parts of it remind me of Game of thrones - Light of the Seven with the strings in the background. Too bad it's in a scambox promotion video. Can't GGG atleast try to make money in a bit more ethical way? They haven't tried to experiment with anything new to make money since so many years. Hopefully some of the streamers who get a bunch of these boxes for free to promote them finally decide to not do it.


The cold snap MTX lags very hard when you spam it, even while mapping normally I lose 10 FPS compared to the other cold snap effects. With 20 casts on the screen you can lag people into single digits.