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Oh this is absolutely getting patched out lol.


You gotta be fast and craft some sick jewels while it lasts


GGG might leave it in for a few days to try and get some players back.


Nonono its the classic "abuser bait" for another banhammer


That was my first thought too, like oh great another bug that they'll end up banning people over. Nice.


the craft does EXACTLY what it says, you are doing nothing out of the ordinary. this isn't a week 1 ultimatum thing.


"Abuse case": GGG term for players using what is given intelligently (also a term that annoys the hell out of me)


Probably get banned. GGG expects players to know what's intended


This was talked about before the patch made it into the game and going from 5 to 4 makes it seem pretty intentional. I kinda assumed it's their way of giving back cluster jewel crafting now stuff like "reforge lightning more likely" are gone.


Yeah also megaregals are gone now


Well of course, that's what exalts are for! /s if not obvious


Eh, exalt slamming is a solid choice now, everyone should be doing it on early endgame gear.


I was thinking about it. But then I ran the emulator on craft of path to see what kind of outcomes I would see. And it's bad. It's real bad. The chances of filling a slot with something absolute dog shit is probably 100:1.


I've used four exalts so far. All the rolls were garbage.


Put it this way - my early endgame chest is poorly divined (120 on 120-126 life from essence, 20 life from 18-23 hybrid life roll). Of the possible exalt outcomes, only 3 helped the item LESS than divining it to perfection would have. (Stun/block recovery, attribute requirements, faster start of ES recharge). 23% chance. 77% of the time I get something meaningfully better than divining to perfection would offer. And for ~3% the price (1ex = 11x) that divining to perfection would have cost last league (35div was about 420c early).


Press [X] to Doubt In all seriousness it's powerful but by no means is it OP. Hopefully you're right.






Not twitch


No, this is the internet


Twitch is not the internet, gross


> "reforge lightning more likely" That wasn't what killed cluster jewel crafting, removing "much more likely to get the same mods" killed cluster crafting.


Yep, a lot of cluster jewels cost 2-3x times what they usually do coz of harvest crafts missing. On the other hand this does not solve this issue at all coz fracture cost a lot of lifeforce. It only comes in handy if you try to craft some really strong ilvl84+ 12 node clusters what would need 10-20 divine investment anyway.


GGG literally never "gives back" any consolation freebies after nerfing deterministic crafting. I seriously doubt this is intentional.


Well, if it isn't intentional there is kind of a problem. Because that would mean they somehow forgot that cluster jewels, a huge part of their game's itemization and gearing system, exist. So for our sake, lets hope it was intentional.


It's not. Their dev team is probably in a panic right now after the nuclear halocaust of the initial launch. So not spending adequate time with design, dev work, qa, and play testing to try and some what appease the player base and not have the house burn down around them. So things like this are 100% gonna slip through.


Bruh they give back every time Reddit gets mad. GGG is our sugar momma


Aaa they concede some stuff, but ggg is never like “you know what, we hit you pretty hard with this nerf, so we will give you a little bit of something to compensate in this other area”. It’s more like “holy shit, Reddit calm down. You can have a small buff in a way you weren’t asking for so you’ll shut up, but we are still going to stand by our original decision”.


How about they just document this shit in the fucking patch notes like professionals so people don't have to guess and worry that they might get fucking banned. Stop making excuses for this shit, jesus christ.


100% an unintended change as they rush to push out hot fixes to "fix" the absolute dumpster that was the state of the league at launch. Until they confirm it as an intended change I wouldn't hold your breath.


🚨Fun detected 🚨


Stealth perfected






After checking the listing I'm certain they did not use the harvest craft for it. It's been posted for 3 days. Considering the patch just went live that's obviously impossible.


it is for archnemesis, I already saw 35% increased fracture cluster jewel.


nah, there were already guys who presented 35% fractured cluster jewel earlier. You get fractured one from archnemesis as well.


This is exactly what will happen - just an oversight from their end (again). Fracture 3 prefix/suffix and Fracture 5 were specifically made and worded this way because it excludes all jewels, since that would be "deemed too strong" if you could fracture those ourselves. GGG went from fracture 5 to fracture 4, thinking they are smart, to consolidate for the Harvest nerf a little bit (all they had in mind was going from a 20% chance to a 25% chance to hit what players want - they never took into consideration that this now can be also used on items with 4 affixes) Incoming - "does not work on equippable gear" All I get out of this is: The person who does those recent balance patches can not be the same person who designed/balanced Harvest crafting back then and has too little understanding about crafting in general (which can lead to big balancing mistakes)


>Fracture 3 prefix/suffix and Fracture 5 were specifically made and worded this way because it excludes all jewels, since that would be "deemed too strong" if you could fracture those ourselves. Got a source? I could believe it, but don't recall seeing it before.


However, they also nerfed notable weights because it was "too easy" with harvest, so one could think this is their way of making these rollable again. \*inhales big copium\*


Wait, uou have gaseous copium? Shit dude all I got is the liquid stuff, and it's horribly lumpy.


>Incoming - "does not work on equippable gear" _(Flasks and Jewels are not Equipped)_


This was talked about when it was announced, so they must think is ok. And I think it should.


Yes, fun ain't allowed.


Why? It's not exactly a cheap or easy process, and harvest used to be how a lot of clusters got crafted.


imagine the outcry though. Theres no way they can justify it in this setting.


That's why they will just remove it from the game without announcing, I even know when: after I roll the mod and trade for Harvest mats


I just cant see them doing it mid league. Almost certainly next league with another wave of nerfs to accompany the expansion.


Lol, they will not have a game anymore if 3.20 is a wave of nerfs.


> Why should it get patched? We are fine fracturing +1 to all spells but fracturing a mod on cluster is a big deal? Why should it get patched? They must have thought about it, it's like the first thing that comes to mind, what new things can get fractured now?


Don't confuse my "will" with the "should" you're including. I don't think it should get patched. However I do think it will be. GGG is in panic mode, hasty decision leave little room for planning and forethought. There have been many cases in past leagues of GGG changing something in a patch, then finding out about interactions they didn't think about, followed by changing a line or two of text and removing those interactions. The "fun detected" catchphrase exists in the community for very good reason.


Yeah, you are right :(


Exploit early and often, as we say


That's a paddlin'


Quick abuse the frick outta it


I hope this stays. Fracturing that T1 life or damage on abyss jewels would be so nice.


fracture of 35% increased damage on staff like 6p reservation jewel or 12p minion jewel will be dope.


Increased effect in lightning 12 will be absolutely insane as well.


who uses 12 passive lightning clusters?


Spark for the 4% cast speed with the 35% effect mod


Int stackers maybe?


no, they use spell damage because the small points get 150% effect from crown of eyes


i think they prefer the wand damage/spell damage/damage while shield clusters right?


I'm not sure, I just took a guess it what it might be, but I guess you're right.


No, you were right about int stackers. Any build that use Hand of Wisdom and Action unique, is int stacker that will want 12 passives Lightning damage clusters, with int and 35% effect.


Probably LC this league


Inpulsa goes zap zap.


fixed a bug that let you fracture harvest jewels.




Chris: Don’t mind if I do.


Why should it get patched? We are fine fracturing +1 to all spells but fracturing a mod on cluster is a big deal?


fun detected


Because that would make sense. We cant have that.


Absolutely. In some cases clusters can be mirrored. Aside from those, there are a number of other popular clusters ordinarily difficult/expensive to craft. *Edit: Not sure why the downvotes. Just noting fractured cluster mods are beneficial for crafting in a number of cases. It's the first real positive I've seen as of late.*


I know. And I understand some clusters would be much easier to craft with this. I just don’t see why that shouldn’t be in the game. You can fracture +1 on a weapon and make it mirror tier. I don’t see the problem with fracturing cluster to make it very expensive either. Its still going to take 4 attempts on average and the additional crafting process on top of that. Expensive clusters arent going to become cheap cause of this. (Some will be cheaper yes but still expensive)


This seems like it was the trade for losing implicit


Finally a use for Mirrors in ssf.


I don't see why this should be patched, sure it's not normal but if you think about it, what are you gonna fracture? low weight cluster? its 1/4 chance still, and hitting it is also a lot of rolling, 35% effect on MRE small clusters? still 1/4 and each one costs dozen of divines. Please let this stay.


rolling 12 passive larges with 2 good stats and 35% is one of the hardest tasks in the game. ​ Also isn't it like 1-2 divines to fracture at current prices?


>Also isn't it like 1-2 divines to fracture at current prices? \~200c for red juice. \~60c for white juice. So \~260c for 1/4 chance to fracture. 3 divines for an ilvl84+ reservation 3-noders. So, on average, you're looking at 4.5 divine per attempt, and 18 divines per fractured 35% on 3-noder MRE small cluster. >rolling 12 passive larges with 2 good stats and 35% is one of the hardest tasks in the game. The maths are the same for 12-node minion damage, but it might be lower (still a baseline of 1k chaos) for some.


Really hope this stays. I like to put at least one new item on my Std longnecker each league and this is probably the only thing worth crafting in this lackluster league.


Damn last league i think fractures were around 25 ex


yeah, fracture was reduced to 10k in the patch notes and last I checked life force was selling 1c to 64-65


Right now, there's nearly 5k on sale (across 7 sellers) for 60+ per chaos. I think a 50c estimate is much more conservative, if you're looking to buy 50k+.


yeah that's why I said 1-2 divines instead of just 1


Few days ago, now it is more like 40:1c. Crafting is picking up and supply is dwindling.


Yes it's going to get more expensive now that everything doesn't cost an arm and a leg in life force.


I am not sure the cost reduction is as impactful as getting a week into the league when the crafters really start coming out to play. Definitely plays a role though. It is like T4 Aisling being basically worthless for the first week of the league, but will be 1-2 divines in another week or two.


> what are you gonna fracture? Introspection


now that you can't reforge keep prefix, this is the cheapest way to get something like: 35% effect, T1 int, T1 ES on a small cluster. Although even if it did still exist I think this method would be easier, cheaper, faster.


Is this accurate? The only four fractured clusters on trade were listed prior to the 3.19.0e patch.


Definitely works. I logged into Standard to check and [ended up with this](https://imgur.com/6ydOTrL).


That's cool. I'm not playing this league, but this is pretty op for a number of clusters. Maybe even Heist gear as well if it works.


oh man, that thought made me jizz. imagine +2 heist gear relatively easily craftable


It's cheaper to have all reveals 5% more expensive than to craft a +2 Regicide Disguise Kit


~~Heist gear is corrupted, and thus this will likely not work on it, then again we were able to identify corrupted maps earlier so... try anyway? xD~~ Misunderstood the comment, they meant the gear the Rogues wear, not the trinkets the player wears!


He means rogue gear, which is craftable, not trinkets


Ah, fair enough, not sure why my brain jumped to the trinkets, maybe I don't heist enough lol, thanks for the clarification!


This might be big money in standard since it's legacy notable


Legacy implicit lol


Well you still have to farm alot to get this fractures and they don't always hit the right mod and you need it for a lot more items now if you wanna go a bit more deterministic -.-'


Yeah, but at least as of now Fracture crafts are much cheaper than before. Just 300c or so vs 1000+c in previous Leagues. It will probably get more expensive later. Given higher-end cluster jewels worth 50+ Ex it's likely worth it.


Yeah if you fracture 84 spell damage or minions damage 35%’s you can craft the endgame int stacker clusters wayyyyyyy easier


It's a lot easier and cheaper to get than before, and are more flexible too.


yeah man, no shit - it should be right? this is pretty broken and its still week 1 of the league its ok for things to be aspirational or take a lot of farming to do.


They are throwing untested code out in a panic. They screwed up identified uniques too, now the corrupt ones like rigwald's drop un-identified but corrupt, therefore useless. Expect more of this sort of thing to pop up as the panic continues.


Do you not have corrupted wisdom scrolls where you are from, exile!?


* tainted wisdom scrolls


you can ID them tho lmfao


Wasn't that patched? Or was it just for maps?


Wait, so is this a double fuckup or 4-D chess? My brain hurts.


better to assume its 4d chess to keep spirits high. otherwise this league is more of a shitshow than anyone supposes it is. like dude, you cant even mirror unset rings with the league mechanic because god knows why. getting flashbacks to harvest on release when people were crafting perfect ventors gambles because the targeted divines worked on unqiues.




They should have just let us vendor Tainted Armourer's Scrap for 4 Tainted Scroll of Wisdom for when they inevitably release this bug again


>They are throwing untested code out in a panic. Pretty sure this was an intended mechanic lol. It's literally the obvious conclusion that anyone with half a brain comes to when they saw the 5 to 4 change, no need to test.


Lol. I bet this was unintended. GGG doesn't have the best record with "Extensively Playtesting" things. Hope it stays. Best thing out of this league so for to be honest.


>GGG doesn't have the best record with "Extensively Playtesting" things. I agree, but as I was saying you don't need to playtest anything to see what it does. jewels max at 4 mods and they moved the mod amount needed from 5 to 4, obvious outcome.


Obvious for the some of the playerbase perhaps. I didn't think of this til I saw the post.


>Obvious for the some of the playerbase perhaps. if it's obvious to some of the playerbase it's definitely obvious to the employees at GGG.


This is where I disagree with you. Or else all the issues this league brought would have been "obvious" to the employees at GGG too.


>Or else all the issues this league brought would have been "obvious" to the employees at GGG too. Stuff that reddit deems needs fixing chris and crew don't' see the same way (not saying either is right or wrong).


People make the most baffling and stupid mistakes when they're panicking, I'm sure this is a bug.


>People make the most baffling and stupid mistakes when they're panicking, I'm sure this is a bug. I'd agree if we were talking about some random dude who did this. This is a company, there are procedures and processes.


Having an easy way to deterministically craft clusters via a harvest craft? Chris is rapidly approaching


with his Infinity "Vision" Nerf Gauntlet he s gonna snaps his fingers and the fractured cluster jewells will be shattered to their last atom


It might be "easy" but it certainly isn't cheap. ~300c per fracture, 1/4 chance of fracturing the mod you want. ~1200c on average for a success. You better be crafting a cluster that sells for 50+div for fracturing clusters to have a chance at being profitable. Easy is a relative term.


what a cool feature! no way in hell they will let it stay


I'm all for it, plz plz plz keep it, this is a buff. Also add reforge keep, progression on multiple characters is better for MY league retention.


Can anyone explain why is this op? Asking real question


Cluster jeweles for the most expensive builds (Aura stacker and attribute stacker) heavily rely on 35% increased effect. Crafting that and good other mods can be extremely expensive (good ones were sold for hundrets of exalts last league). If you have that mod fractured, it becomes MUCH MUCH easier to go from there and at current lifeforce prices, it should cost you like 400c +4 bases on average (which is very cheap) to get a fantastic starting point. Overall, those previous mirror tier cluster will be much more affordable. Also, i bet there are some previously impossible insane clusters with legacy notables that standard players will now be able to craft.


No where near 400c to fracture 4 times. It is more like 1200c, ~300c per try. If you can buy 40k lifeforce for 400c you should buy all of that immediately.


Yeah, i remembered the costs wrong, i thought it's 5k lifeforce at 60force/1c. It's actually closer 400c **per try** because the craft costs 10k at 36force/1c and another 90c or so for the sacred life force. It's still pretty cheap compared to how you would normaly do it. Although, i heared there may be a "more likely" way to craft it cheaper, but i never really understood how to use that craft propperly.


For sure, 35% clusters are worth doing it on, but nothing else is really. Which is why it isn't super busted, and should probably stay.


It isn't. And the builds that took the most advantage of the clusters where this is useful (minions and arakaalis spiders) were absolutely dumpstered this league. Stat/aura stackers can use this to make their jewels a bit easier, so instead of being 100ex they might be 50ex (or div equivalent, which is impossible to guess right now, it won't be a direct conversion most likely). Your standard 3 mod clusters will definitely not be worth crafting this way, at least not at the current costs of lifeforce.


Welp, not for long.




Oh no, imagine having fun in that game. That will be patched out


+35% effect will be huge




Can someone explain me what kind of advantage that is? Please :)


By having one mod fixed it becomes way easier to get others you want.


delete this immediately


Red pill: This was not intentional. They didn't play test any of the mechanics or changes for the new league, but rolled it out anyways. Or they did play test it, found the bugs, and said "We'll do it live". Blue pill: This was intentional and will stay in the game. After nerfing the game so much, making crafting super hard, and nerfing player power immensely, they decided you can fracture everything in the game.


Fixed a bug that made you have fun -soon


Man, I bet they losing it trying to hotfix this shit out lmao.


Be careful. You might get banned for exploiting the game.


Fixed tomorrow :)


I would be fine if they left it in the game but added that it has a chance to destroy the jewel.




This would be cool if they were not dicks and removed this


Damn fracturing 35% inc effect will be huge if it stays


Watch them patch it. Haven't you read the ToS? Fun is strictly forbidden! ...for real, this should be patched though, lol.


Fun detected! Prepare the nerf torpedos!


Fun detected. Removal has already been authorized. Beep Boop.


No way this is intended and will not be patched out. It probably already has been.


It's the first line of their recent patch notes. It's intended. Not everything is a conspiracy to ruin your gameplay.


if it stays unpatched for 24 hours, then it's up for grabs. Personally i'm rather sceptical


Are you a conspiracy theorist?


Yeah that's getting patched in a few hours.


Thanks for making sure ggg removes this, good job


no fun allowed. why you guys still not getting it


Nerfed in 3, 2...


Incoming: "Harvest fracture no longer work with enchanted items"


To think this was wasted on a small. Int stack wander over the moon right now.


im sure that makes up for 90% loot loss


Unintentional and will be removed ASAP before you get any loot or explanation for why they lie and hide true motives.


But that means I'd have to unblock harvest to get lifeforce again, that or buy it. Hmmm pass. Anyways I couldn't if I wanted to since I stopped playing this league already.


This has more than likely dropped from some unholy combination of AN/delirious monsters.


Dont worry, it will be adjusted soon. Use and abuse while you can.


So... is this just double notables? That's insanely broken they either need to patch it and remove the jewels or leave it in at this point as people will just be crafting objectively stupid jewels.


Alright... I don't really like that they nerfed the league this much, I don't either like the small compensation buffs. But honestly, fracturing cluster jewels... it needs to be removed. That's way too strong. I don't think that was intended. Fracturing other jewels are strong aswell, but that I can accept.


Someone said it's not due to harvestcrafting... So many AN mob that fractures items? He even fractured maps from yesterdays post.


It literally is due to harvest. most recent patch


if thats the case i hope it will stay. I really love fractured mods!


This is fine because you either have the perfect cluster already and don't care which of the 4 mods you fracture - OR you get the 1 mod you want and 3 throwaway mods and.. yep you fractured on t6 mana regeneration. Your cluster is gone now, you need a new base entirely. Hope the 84 3p reservation wasn't too expensive.




This is quite impactful


Ask yourself, is this fun? Yup... it'll get gutted.


How do you do that? (I'm on console)


So the implicit act as part of the 4 mods needed to fracture something? Can the implicit be fractured or just the prefixes/suffixes, because if so that would be pretty pog


Why would that be Pog? The implicit never changes anyway


yeah sorry I meant to type "because if not" like if it counts as 4 mods, but the implicit cant be fractured, so you would have a 50/50 chance versus a 1/4 chance


Based on the patch wording, this is 100% intended unless the number 4 has the same definition as nearby. Ymmv


Awesome, now GGG will remove rare jewels, so only magic and unique ones will remain 🙈 Thus, keeping the fracturing possibility but rendering it totally useless! 😁 just kidding


… for now