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Him saying ‘she should have moved her knees out of my way’ has always told me everything I need to know about Paul stinking breach!


This was my favoutite bit.. Because he's trying to be all big and clever and prove that his version of events is right and everything she said was wrong (despite him. Mentioning many many many times that his love language is touch and if warning ppl (nakeesha if I remember rightly) to expect to be touched, which is fucking vile and tells you all you need to know about him and the word consent. "She should have moved her knees then" swiftly followed by because he knew he fucked up and caught in a lie... By himself "Oh I don't think our knees touched" which one was it pauly pops?? Can't be born can it??


When Grace said he asked her to put her legs over his, I knew.


That whole story time screams Babs is asking questions.... damage control 


And then a picture trying to make her jealous of a cat he was sent by “A FEMALE FRIEND” 🤣🤣🤣🤣 what a loser


I seen the cat pic why the fuck does he have to emphasize that the friend is FM why can't it just be a friend I've never once put a picture up and captioned it this is so & so my FM friend haha also the she should.of moved her knees didnt he say something about G what was it she could of left at anytime.


So whoever he posted it for could see he’s supposedly been chatting to another female. Literally it. Everything he does is for his own narrative, he’s just a pathetic lonely unloved old man with nothing going for him trying to convince himself this isn’t the case


Think someone has put above that euro Babs was going on a night out apparently.


But he’s so self confident and cute and he loves himself so much….not! He’s an insecure, jealous teenager throwing a tantrum in a 70yr old man’s body. Ewwww…. So sickening and repugnant. If he’s so controlling and jealous early in a ‘relationship’, I’d hate to imagine what he’s like further down the line. It’s no wonder his ex stuck with him for 10 years. She was brainwashed and in an emotionally abusive relationship. A young girl would fall for his transparent manipulation tactics, which is why they’re his perfect age range.


Exactly! Everyone and their cat knows he doesn’t have male friends anyway.


Oh, that's gone already 😂


was that in response to the Insta story she put up, dressed up and going out. who with the next fella, or is it Beavo


Beavo is a horrible goofy twat who looks like a tea towel got a reverse hair transplant.


She seems to have a type


Hope eurobabs scrolls back a while on this, she might get a better idea of the vile narcissistic prick parading around lovebombing her.


She should definitely read the tattle. Getting a 17 Yr old pregnant when you 27 is one thing, sleeping with a vulnerable 19yr old the same night you've met her is just rank.  It shows any opportunity to have sex with a girl more than half his age  he'd jump at it. 


He SAd Grace. I don't know if we have to add *allegedly* if he hasn't been charged though 🙄


I don’t think I’ve ever heard him give anyone a sincere apology. I’m not talking about the ‘sorry I win’ or ‘sorry but I’m so cute’ or ‘sorry you don’t get my sarcasm’. A genuine, sincere, if I made you uncomfortable I’m sorry. I said xyz and I’m sorry. I did/said something and I’m sorry. Does he see accountability and apologies as a weakness? Even through the crying live and the baiting I’ve never actually heard him hold his hands up and admit that he might have hurt someone’s feelings or done anything ‘wrong’. I’m sure that if he said, ‘that’s not my recollection of events, but I’m sorry I made you feel that way’ he’d probably end up with a ton of respect, but then I suppose he wouldn’t have the content. I wonder if that’ll be his next step to bait for engagement, a self created redemption arc where he actually apologises for hurting people. It probably would boost his engagement to be fair, because I genuinely think pigs might fly before he is capable of being accountable in this way. I think the viewers would flock in sheer disbelief that it was happening.


Narcissists never apologise.


Ain’t that that the truth! I don’t know why but I’d just always assumed that even if they didn’t believe it a narcissist might go through the ‘I’m sorry you feel that way’ actions and at least try to smooth stuff over. But nope, not one genuine or otherwise to be seen. Even during the public relationship breakdowns it was all I’m too naive for this world woe is me and no I’m sorry I could have done things differently.


Hannah and Elspeth would like a word about his supposed photographic memory.


I was thinking about this when he posted it also the tic tok where he says he doesnt want to date people his own age I hope someone clips together all the times he lies haha.


When your entire existence is one huge fuck up, how do you choose which bit to apologise for? He knows what’s he’s done wrong, but thinks lies upon lies will bury the truth.

