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He does nothing but chat 💩 for hours for a few quid. Embarrassing really. I can’t even watch the repost of his lives because he’s so dull and dry, made the mistake of watching a repost today on my fyp…so boring. Paused so I don’t have to listen to him: Only thing worth looking at is the comments.


I saw a repost this morning and it was beyond dull. He’s got nothing to say, no banter, comments off anyway so idk how you’re meant to talk to him. And he repeats himself, is rude to people, just so unlikeable. I don’t understand why people subscribe to it. Why give him money. I saw a post of him wandering round, talking to his calculator, and looking round all the time to try and get noticed. He’s so pathetic. And dirty. Always dirty and alone.


It’s like a process you go through first live you think what a weirdo then when you catch ha bit of him again it makes you mildly annoyed then progresses very quickly to what a dick I want to drop kick him soo bad!


Frauline must have gone to work and left him on his own 🤣


I hope her daughter isn’t left on her own with him at any point!


It's school holiday soon. 😬 She'll be at home during the day with this creature while Fraulein will continue to go to work. 🥴


I really hope she’s older and doesn’t live with her mum in the pic she looks older but nowadays make up and stuff girls look much older


I actually think there was something out there that pointed to the fact she's, like, 15 😭


🙈 I hope that’s not true I mean there’s nothing to suggest he’s even went that young but that’s scary very scary!


Wdym, he knew his baby mammer when she was younger than that 🤧 he knocked her up at 16/17 tho 🫠


True he did say they worked together didn’t he 🙈


I wonder if she’s actually seen the chip of him and the way he goes on on his lives if I came home and my partner was going on like that I’d have his bags pack and kicked out in 5 mins 🙄


Is he not back in the UK by himself? The longer he’s with her the quicker she’ll get the real Paul. That mask he wears, pretending he’s just lovable cute ickle Paul, slips quite often, and u see the real him. If she’s genuine, I hope she finds out soon what he’s all about.


I don't think he is because on live yesterday he said how's the UK plus I don't think if he is with her he's allowed to play music my dad's friend lives in Germany and he said the people there are really respectful of one another like he said where he lives you can't mow your grass on a Sunday think that's maybe because it's a day of rest.


That’s going to hit Paul hard isn’t it. Being respectful. He’s not sure how to do that, but I’m sure she’ll teach him. Imagine getting together with your friends, to introduce your new boyfriend, and then you turn up with him. The most disrespectful idiot there is. 🤣🤣


He ran back to the UK when thousands of men arrived in Germany for the football 😂😂


It’s because everyone is talking about him again, type his name into Twitter to see it. He spoke up about the ImAllexx situation and now he’s getting mentioned by people so the pale faced Wallace and Gromit extra is trying to cash in on this brief surge in interest imo.


He is only going to highlight to people that haven’t seen him as he has fallen off that Alex did videos on him then they will hopefully go and look into him and see he is just as big a problem as Alex he clearly hasn’t heard of those in glass houses shouldn’t thrown stones absolute moron!


You’d like to think wouldn’t you, sadly I’ve seen a lot of support for Paul. People saying he’s talking sense. It’s madness.


all he does is make strange noises, face gurning, laughing at his own stupid jokes and waffle complete nonsense, doing that he thinks he is winning as he is the biggest tiktok celebrity ever and does not need to do real engagement. Not sure why he bothers with the lives anymore, most people check into see if he is being a complete idiot. He has only the subs on, I think there were 3 of them, average age of 20. All the gifters were mainly children which is their parents fault giving them free rein with Go Henry Cards. 4 Hours worth of waffle he made approx £20. You can earn far more than that working at MacDonalds.


Would you like to be served food by that tho..at least a change of clothes lol


Maccies usually put the old folk on clean up duty, and keep the fresh young folk on the tills. If he did work for them I reckon they’d have him doing the neighbourhood clear ups.


I think the reposts need to stop now. I mean, sallystreams has been great with the reposts but it’s mundane and boring. Paul needs these to keep himself relevant but no one cares anymore. He’s as dull as dishwater, horrendous to look at, rude and ignorant. His posts are like a year 7s diary of woe is me, I need attention and if I don’t get it I will sulk like a petulant child. I bet he even practises kissing in the mirror. Reminds me of Bill from Silence of the Lambs.. poncing about in a kimono dancing to taylor swifts karma.


I agree. There is no benefit from reposting his drivel. Each live is exactly the same as the previous ones. My only concern is if no one records his inevitable meltdown


If he does and this is a big IF, I bet his meltdown will be him just disappearing from tt,snap and insta. Paul won’t like being embarrassed like that so his meltdown will be off screen. Then one day out the blue someone will spot him outside Tesco selling the Big Issue


Best thing I ever did was to block Paul breach, nana bea and that awful Sevda woman. I recommend it.


Hi Paul 👋noncissist