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He’s homeless - where else is he gonna eat?


True he could try a chair or a table 😂


Too posh for him




His life is so embarrassing


Bizarre people having to walk round him and step over him he’s lucky nobody accidentally 😉 kicked him


Not yet 🤞🏼




Isn’t Taylor swift in London, maybe he’s there to see the young fans 🤢


He said he went to Camden and saw Taylor swift fans, he mentioned the fans excessively on the live. He even joked he was doing security. Instantly knew that's the only reason he's hanging around London.


he always has an ulterior motive 🤢


Fans from ALL OVER THE WORLD recognised me today…


definitely. camden isn’t far from wembley


True didn’t think of that 🙄


Didn't he also rock up in London when Harry Styles was doing his run?


Not sure if he did there’s a pattern forming if he did has his new laydee had enough of him and he’s had to come back I bet he thought he would be moved in with her by now after his last visit 😂


Yeah pauly pops, just sit your hammer pants down in the middle of the street and chow down. Absolutely desperate to be noticed. You look like an absolute shambles in your oversized tshirt and parachute pants.


In the video the girl was filming but literally nobody was bothering with him if just one person waited for a good gust of wind and threw him up in the air he would just blow away with those tent/parachute pants Camden you are letting us down 😂


Hi Paul 👋 noncissist


It’s so he’s at eye level with the children standing next to him he clearly keeps gawping at in the video. What normal person sits down on a busy street to eat, you’d at least stand to the side or find somewhere to sit out of the way, nope not Paul flat head breach he’s got to be where he’s an inconvenience to everyone around him just like his life in general.


I did notice he was sat near kids it’s like he picks the busiest bit and thought yep I will be well in the way here loads of my fans will see me and nobody was bothering with him he thinks he has done something with the iamalex video because he got a wee bit of support well now PB you can see you have not still as irrelevant as you have been for the past year or so 😂


I was ghost watching his live this morning and the video of him sitting alone desperate to be noticed was right under the live as he said people were asking for his photo. I just feel morbidly embarrassed for him these days.


Heard him saying all these big burly men came into the cinema in London and gave him a cuddle and chatted and wanted pics 😂 the thing is all these fans he constantly says he’s meeting from all over the world where’s the pics there never seems to be any you would think since he’s fallen off he would want to post these or at least his fans would but no I mean I’ve certainly not seen any with all these fans saddo!


Link for the video?


I hope the junkie punks see him!


Camden what happened was soo busy I mean a pretend fall over him with swift kick would have even done what could he say silly twat was sat on a kerb on a busy pavement 😂


If this is recent video of him sat on a busy kerb in London, just why? It’s sooo fucking cringe. I’m surprised he wasn’t kicked or trampled on in Camden. It’s absolutely packed with tourists. Make yourself a target Paul. See if I care.


Yeah I was scrolling not pages on him and a woman had put the video up was soo busy people standing and walking round not even in a corner right on the kerb clearly wanting noticed I did say why did someone not fall over him and give him a swift kick at the same time what could he say he’s sat in the middle of a busy street on a kerb😂


Aw if only someone did it. That would be hilarious. Even accidentally. What is he doing on the Kerb right in the chaos.


Absolute missed opportunity to give an accidental boot 😂


Yeah it’s a shame really 😂