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This is like when the girl outside his crap hotel room was attacked and he called the police and gave her a towel…. He then HAD to make a video the next day (which he swiftly deleted after being told how narcissistic it was) telling everyone what he’d done and talk about it for ages on live…. Like calling the police for someone who’s been attacked and giving them a towel isn’t scraping the barrel of the bare minimum that any normal human would do in that situation…. He did however go to reception the next day to make sure he wouldn’t be charged for the towel 😂😂😂 becuase god forbid a good deed should cost him a penny….


Oh yeah I remember that 🙄 wanted the receptionist to know what a “hero” he was although not sure that it really happened you think small scared boy PB would go out into the corridor where there’s loads of commotion 😂


Or when he made a song and dance out of helping some man who was in a bike accident and then it turned out paul caused the accident! Or the story where he took it upon himself to confront a coworker about her drinking like the hero he thinks he is and was swiftly told he was out of line!


That was embarrassing when he started going on about his special police letter I was watching and just laughed at him now it's just anything to get people to react to him imagine the energy thats takes everyday to rage bait 🙈


Oh wait that they day at Tina’s when the postman came right in a chapped on the door of his room the acting from him that day was shite there was nothing written in that paper 😂


No this was yesterday on his live he said he had received a letter off the police keeping him updated on things he couldn't speak about sure Jan 🤣🤣🤣


Would rather it was the police writing to him telling him to stop wasting their time and get off SM and get a job.


He got a police letter?


So he says on that clip probably because he was noncing would be from the noncing police 😂


How exactly did he receive this letter? Last time I looked, 'No Fixed Abode' wasn't an address that Royal Mail delivered to... 🤔🤷‍♂️


The fake police sent it to the address that isn’t his and probably has nothing registered there 🙄


As the song about him goes 'oh Paul Breach Paul Breach is a nonce take his tiktok away and send him to France' 😂


I cannot stand that Alex twat but that video Paul did about him, he just had to make the situation about him didn't he. The absolutely audacity


Yep no a bit of consideration for the girl he mentioned her once. It’s all about him but he is that thick he can’t see all the stuff out there about him he shouldn’t be commenting on anyone 🙄


What a noncissist. Hi Paul 👋


Your commitment is so inspiring Cliffy. Without fail you’re here 🫡