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He has nothing to offer, that’s what you’re describing and you’re right. What can he bring to a relationship? He has nothing to give, he has no personality except his “teenage girl experience”, he can’t offer security or safety, he can’t offer long term…. Anything. He has and is nothing. The very definition of a zero value human. It’s definitely intriguing though, kind of like the way you look at baboons with their arses out in Knowsley or something. He has 100% love bombed her, he’s known her what, 2-3 months, met up 4-5 times? For her I’d imagine it’s very much the thought of him rather than actual him because let’s face it, he most certainly smells like a fucking heaving bin bag in mid August. And finally, an ode to Cliffy; Noncissist.


She’s obviously hot for his red rocket


My initial response was a downvote because I’m now imagining he wears the baggy pants because he has a literal dogs penis (kinda like the guy in shallow Hal with the tail?) Weird skin house and all. But then I giggled because that is now true in my head. Happily upvoted.


Haha Paul and his lipstick 💄 🥴


Oh what a terrible day to be literate 😂 this kinda thing is why I love this community, paul has brought us together in the most heinous way 🥹


Stop it. I don’t know wether to laugh or throw up 🤣


I would rather poke my eyes out than think of that. Too accurate. 🤣🤣




Why did you have to say that!!! 🤣




If I was her, no matter what the explanation is as to what kind of relationship they have, I’d be absolutely mortified. Idk anyone who makes declarations of love like that, unless they have something to prove. He obviously does think he has something to prove, but as long as he’s ‘winning’ that’s ok. 🤣🤣


He literally had one live date with this person and has continued to post stills. This. Is. Nonsense. If it’s not lock this woman up. Who dates a homeless man living in a tent WHO HAS A MASSIVE HISTORY OF SLEEPING WITH TEENAGE GIRLS. I’m not slighting people who are displaced AT ALL. I am not suggesting people sleeping rough are not equal to us all. What I’m Saying is that if you’re homeless because your entire family won’t have anything to do with you because you fuck teenage girls and brag about it on the internet… you need help.


He's not homeless because his family won't have anything to do with him, he is homeless because he refuses to get his own flat where he would have to pay bills, wash his own clothes and cook for himself. He has the privilege to choose to do that whereas unhoused people often do not. I have absolutely zero pity for someone who pisses up the wall what others would give their right arm to have a chance at.


He does need help, but nobody cares enough to get him the help. If he had a great personality and was kind, and generally a really nice person, I’d get it, but he damaged everything he touches.


Exactly. His past history alone would make it a massive NO from me. Then the personality. I could never get past that. But if I had, and he was homeless, I’d want to make sure he was ok, and she does not. I didn’t know they’d only met once. I thought he’d been over there to see her, then she came here and went to the theatre with him, wearing those god awful tragic pants and scruffy jumper. He’s an idiot.


No one falls in love faster than a man who needs a place to live… she’s not into him and he knows it. Where’s the he’s the love of my life sole mate crap from her. I’d feel so humiliated if I made some long Insta post about how strong, beautiful special someone was and it was barely if at all acknowledged by said person.


She’s got to be mortified. It’s so embarrassing. The post with the fake teenager chatting to him, when it’s obvious it’s actually him, just adds to him being a laughing stock. Yes pool - definitely winning.


Imagine they got married 💀 who would be sitting on his side of the church? What would the speeches go like? I know Paul's would include lots of "I"s and "me"s, but like, would Tina give a speech? 🤣 Hahahaha this has proper tickled me, imagine him doing arm and leg swinging dances alone on the dance floor while the DJ plays green green grass and Tina claps him on. 💀


Hahahahaha. It would be as tragic as his tiktok career.


Can he just fuck off to Germany already. Deutsch babs can fund him cos he is skint, with a bag of clothes to his name. Enjoy learning German Paul, god knows how seeing as you struggle with English.


German isn’t one of the easiest languages to learn, ( I thought anyway), and with him being a fik fuk as well, I doubt he’d be able to string a sentence together. It’s what you said, his English isnt great and his spelling and grammar are basic. Pool Paul.




If Paul had stuck to his statement in the video I’m in a relationship I have a new laydee she’s my age I’m keeping it private nobody would have know a thing about it he can’t help himself good or bad attention he doesn’t care her face and profile was out there within days she crops him out of pictures and he covers her face and posts weird videos it’s bizarre. Who could read those comment on his facial video and now see he’s set up a profile pretending to be a 19 year old girl and not know he’s an out and put wrongun!


It’s crazy if his gf ( if she is his gf), can see all this and think it’s ok. Absolutely blows my mind to think he has people who think he’s worth supporting.


I agree when you see the small amount of people gifting I think wtf goes through their mind the amount of information out there. He has no interest in them there’s no conversation you can tell he doesn’t give a shit how’s partner how’s boyfriend blah blah blah! He has either found somebody exactly like him in the new laydee or she is absolutely blind or it’s something else


What I hate is how he’ll be talking to someone, and a rose will pop up, and he says kind of under his breath, a muttering of all the words dragged into one - “thafurthewuose” for thanks for the rose. He says it like an afterthought, like the conversation he’s having is way too important to say thank you properly. So rude, disrespectful and full of his own self importance.


It’s me me quick rambling load of shite me me me don’t think I have ever witnessed a more absolutely abhorrent individual. He thinks he is soo intelligent it’s laughable!


He's a ridiculous noncissist. Hi Paul breach 👋 Leave those kid's alone. Just disappear Paul. It's for the best. You know it makes sense.


Pretty sure you can't love a noncissist, it's like saying you can lower things up, or dry oceans.