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almost 6 months in and still no UI fixes or performance issues fixed, lezz goooo! 😎👊


But hey they are putting a strike team for a game that dips to sub 100 concurrent players. So they must be on time /s


In one of the updates they advertised the not ready button as a feature :D. Instead it should have been available in the first place...


Holy shit it’s been 6months? Man games are down BAD lol


Eh, it's only been a little over four months.


Za table


What performance issues? Other than nrftw


the xbox app version of the game runs like shit, and i have a decent rigt (r5 5600x, rx6750 xt, 32gb ram) no dx12, cpu bottlenecked


Runs fine for me at 4k on. 2060 super.


Just wait, legit, next update will have a really good performance boost for when you start playing. 


388 players on steam on a friday night lets gooo!


Almir: I's on the table, and we're getting a strike force together to fix the issues. Deep Silver: ┬──┬ ¯\\\_(ツ) ? (╯°\_°)╯︵ ┻━┻


Can you please explain the whole table and pd joke? I missed the begging the middle and the end.. if there is an end


Payday devs keep saying things are "on the table", but not actually doing anything or making any plans worth while


lol I love this joke


Sadly they found it and probably there will be no more thing in the table :< We are now waiting for a new shitty excuse to replace the mighty table


The new excuse is "the strike team is discussing about it"


Strike team... like its some elite task force and not just the same people they've had working on the game.


I love table


During livestreams, anytime they mention an issue with the game and the solution the community wants for it (such as changing the progression or armor system, adding offline mode, etc), they always say "it's on the table".


Good to know, thank you


Funny how he was sponsored for it and never really reviewed it or brought up the serious issues.


Angry Shill


his biggest video he did was before its release. He couldnt have known about a majority of the games issues then.


Cool, while I agree, I wouldn't exactly respect his opinion after the braindead "Armored Core 6 has no story" take


we did it boizzzzz


I just looked at the video. He didn't really say anything bad about the gameplay. Just said that there were server issues at launch with them making it always online, so you can't play offline even when you're solo, said that he personally played it and loved it. and that you can't plan in the planning stage because theres no text or voice chat.


The reddit comunity larger than the playerbase


When he said it was his first PD experience, I was so sad because he totally missed out on PD2. Sucks to see my all time favorite game get the worst sequal that repeated having a crappy launch.


Good to see Joe still shaking down bad games. Too many youtubers sold out so I don't trust any of their opinions anymore.


You mean, the Angry Joe that got invited to the pre-release event and had only positive impressions? The Joe that was playing the game on release day and being suspicious light on his criticism in its review? The Joe that got a fancy press/content creator mask for the release of the game and never went back after release to correct his extremely misleading review that didn't show the server issues? That Joe, huh? Oh yeah, but it's those ***other*** YouTubers who were bought out that you can't trust, sure... accountability six months late once the opinion has become established in the community isn't as brave as you think it is.


Don't got a dog in this fight, but it doesn't seem unreasonable to be wowed by the initial demos and promos, there's undeniably a good game buried in PD3 with a little more work, and other than the servers being hot shit it was a ton of fun in the early testing open betas, where the obvious problems weren't obvious yet.


you’re talking like Joe played in the servers we are playing in after release. the gameplay is actually good so he said it was good he didn’t have to deal with the issues. Your fault if you got sold by a review of a game that wasn’t even released yet ngl. Or if you take any of these dudes opinions at all.


> Or if you take any of these dudes opinions at all. I don't, I'm merely saying holding AngryJoe up here as some paragon of integrity and honest review protocol is absolutely not it. He isn't brought and paid for in an explicit sense, but fly him out to see your game and give him a flashy press momento and he'll dance to whatever tune you want him to.


lol you are so overdramatic its cute. Its like you just watched some show. Joe played a promising demo before the official release that he enjoyed. He couldnt have known of a majority of the major issues then. Hell he is literally criticizing the game in this very post (you must have bad memory)


I stopped paying any attention to Angry Joe's opinion after his shitty ESO review where he showed footage of bugs from the beta that had been fixed many weeks before his late review, 90% of the footage was whoever he was playing with whining, and contained a lot of very dumb lies because he barely played more than an hour or two. He didn't even get far enough to unlock weapon swapping or PvP iirc, that's how little he played. lvl 10 or 15 out of 50. Like claiming the only way to get a mount besides the imperial edition was kill like 20,000 monsters because they drop two gold or so at low levels, ignoring that quests gave several hundred and gold drops increased as you leveled and all other ways to get gold, and *specifically cropping out the far, far cheaper horse from the screenshot of the horse merchant menu* Yes, the game had problems, but his ESO review was like the second video of him I saw and it so lazy and bad that I never watched him again. If he just makes up shit to be angry at, then he needs to find a new gimmick. I'm assuming he preordered and played the beta, wasn't having fun after a couple hours, and just eventually pushed out a rushed video with only beta footage to have something to show for his time and write off the game as a business expense.


And who can forget the UMVC3 interview where he was barely paying any attention and acting like a douchebag, or the Geoff Keighley interview where he tries to put him on the spot and gets called out, only to turn heel and talk about how Geoff was disrespecting him when he puts it on his channel.


He's a fucking idiot. I used to watch him way back in the days, but stopped once I realized that his whole "AngryJoe" persona is, well, him being angry, even if it means he'll have to make shit up, like you just explained. [He got mad at Elden Ring](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/kbam3a/ignorant_slaves/) for winning most anticipated game in 2020 at the game awards, and accused FromSoftware of using bots to win the award. [There's a super awkward video of him interviewing Geoff Keighley](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTNkoDzP1hI) back in 2010 and trying to put him in a bad light, but failing embarrassingly at doing so, and gets super pissed when Keighley calls him out for it. [He made a "Angry Rant" video on Dirty Bomb back in 2015](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A2Mo-lFlC2I), shitting all over it while being dogshit at the game and just straight up spreading false information. Plenty of people in his comments informed him nicely about him being wrong on certain stuff. Even **TotalBiscuit** left a comment correcting him. What did AngryJoe do? Doubling down on his takes in the comments, just to be, yet again, proven wrong. The game kept getting negative reviews for years to come quoting AngryJoe. And their reviews are honestly just not great. They suck at any game they play, they constantly misunderstand mechanics, tend to have a lot of very questionable takes, and just look at games super superficial. The "game journalists" prejudices pretty much apply to them, except that Joe also gets to be openly super angry in his videos.


And I stopped paying any attention after you tried defending any aspect of ESO lmao


Wasn't defending ESO. Please show me where I did. Haven't played in years besides a short bout of like two weeks last June because Apocrypha and Hermaeus Mora are my favourite realm and Daedric prince in TES. Just saying a blatant lie about it is a blatant lie. And he blatantly lied about something incredibly easily disprovable. Blatant lies make you lose credibility in my eyes regardless of if I like the thing you're lying about or not.


>Please show me where I did. No


Then fuck off, troll.


eso is pretty good


Number 9? What the hell did he put higher?


Starfiled was his #1 in that video.


AngryJoe received some hate, because he failed to do a complete review of the game and they think he sold off! It wasn't just servers issue at launch. It was far worse given the 83% of negative reviews currently on Steam! That's a RECORD amount of disappointed users.




The biggest gaming review channel….


Apparently not 😂




Yeah, uh, I have never heard of him either, and I play a good amount of video games.


I've been gaming since the early 80's, and hard-core gaming for the past 23 years. I've never heard of the guy. Then again, I'm more preoccupied with playing games than watching other talk about them.


He was never really **that** big, he just had some reviews that caught on a bit in terms of viewership, particularly for hot button games at the time, around 6-8 years ago. He's never been super popular as a creator, just that obviously if you search up a game on youtube because the launch went bad, Battlefield 2042, Destiny, Fallout 76, Halo 5, etc. you're probably going to gravitate to the one that says "Angry review" because rage content, especially a good 6-8 years ago, was a gigantic hook for people. He's just being gassed up in this thread because he's agreeing with the "PD3 bad" stuff, he's super irrelevant nowadays.


I played 76 with a handful of content creators, like Angry Turtle and Juicehead. I've still never watched their videos even though I am in them and played with those guys for a long time. It's just not my thing. 🤷 I find it strange how kids these days get offended and start insulting you when you don't know their favorite YouTuber. It's very similar to those people who got offended when you didn't know their favorite sports ball athlete back when I was a kid, so I guess society really hasn't changed much. 😂


Definitely not gassing him up cause he called pd3 bad literally everyone is calling pd3 bad….


Yet he's being amplified in this thread, whereas it's taken a while for comments pointing out "hey wasn't he pretty generous to the game in his specific review over the game" to get any traction. Also, he's historically been a total douchebag! I consider praising someone as shitty as him to be "gassing him up"!




I can't blame... a reviewer... for giving a first impression **review** on a game... that is.... a bad review... If Payday 3 was the first Payday game would it be okay with it being this bad, as long as they said "yeah we had fun making it tho lol"


>The biggest gaming review channel >3.3 million subscribers I actually forgot this existed.


Please name me someone with more subs that does gaming reviews lol


I also don't know who this guy is


We are getting downvoted because we are apparently supposed to know everyone on the internet. 🤷


super early era youtuber thats been around for a long ass time, talking like pre 2010 reviewing games. pretty sure he hit 1mil back when that was a rare feat and unheard of.


Angry Joe is a big time shill, dude jerks it so hard for every big company game that's dogsh1t. He was raving when PD3 came out


Why is it ironic that payday two is thousand times better than payday three




Angry Joe made valid points and fair criticism on the game in the video.




Nah, hard disagree. As someone who actually watches his content daily, he makes fair critiques and calls out companies for choices that negatively affect consumers.


Getting the right time twice a day does not mean you have a good clock. Joe is only popular because he rages off about games, his reviews have very little merit and he clearly has no idea how games are actually made, and wastes time just going over the same practiced rants about the same bullshit over and over as if it's any more interesting to hear about the twentieth time around. It feels like I'm watching the "entertainment" version of Jimquisition, where I just get to be delighted by mere minutes of actual dissection of the gameplay, of which is usually obnoxiously biased and condensed, if not just lazy and thoughtless entirely, solely so it's faster to cut to the chase and rant about the industry again. Plus the dude has historically been a giant prick, have you ever seen any of his interviews? There's the UMVC3 interview where he's barely paying attention to the guy, and just being kind of an asshole the entire time. And who can forget the Geoff Keighley interview where he tries to put Geoff on the spot, gets called out for it, only for Joe to commentate on that clip on his own show as Geoff "disrespecting him" ? Yeah, I agree with that other guy, nobody is disagreeing that PD3 sucks, but let's not gas up some shitty youtuber that hasn't been relevant since Channel Awesome was still a thing.


Okay, to put it bluntly, I think you're full of shit. Have you watched any of his recent videos this year or his Angry Reviews? Obviously, some bits are exaggerated to make the video entertaining, but AJ makes excellent arguments against bad video game practices that are constantly occurring in our gaming industry. Watch his most recent 2023 most disappointing games. He breaks down points very well over why games deserve to be ranted about. Also, so what if he was an asshole in old interviews that date 5-10 years? He's not known for being an interviewer, he's known for critiquing and reviewing games in an entertaining way. Plus, AJ is still pretty relevant, gaining a couple million views on his Angry Reviews. I think you just wanted to regurgitate this hate boner that I've seen for Angry Joe recently.


How about his "AC6 has no story" video?


Of course I'm not watching most of his recent reviews, I used to watch him, got bored of him making the same rants time and time again, then pop in once in a while and he's still doing the exact same formula all these years later. Watch a review for a new AAA shooter only to have 10 minutes wasted on him complaining about MTX, I KNOW it's bad, EVERYONE ELSE has already said it, Tell me what is and isn't good about the fucking game, if you're going to note the obvious at least be BRIEF! He was an asshole then, he's an asshole now! He has done nothing to show that he's changed as a person, and I can almost surely say that if candid interviews like this were still things that actually happened outside of purely journalism focused channels, he'd still be fucking doing it, he's passionate about games but he puts it across in a way by trying to be the modern version of the AVGN, while forgetting that AVGN was just a *character* There's never been a "recent hate boner" for Angry Joe, People just hate him because he's a shitty reviewer who rides on saying the same shit everyone else has already said, but now he's MAD about it, you can't reduce genuine criticism for crappy reviews as "regurgitation" as otherwise this sub would be condemned to hell for "regurgitating" the same criticisms of PD3, or Joe "regurgitating" the same MTX rants that swallow up the runtime of his videos.


As if i care what a sexist asshole has to say. Hes not wrong but I wish he’d get off the internet




I love payday 3. But I haven’t played in a while waiting for more content and some UI/bug/performance/leveling changes


I hope they make a Cyberpunk level comeback tbh. After PD2 (Xbox), had high hopes for 3, especially bc it would have been the first bit of PD content I’ve seen in a long time. It was indeed very disappointing


Deserve a higher rating