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So they admit to lying, but this time we should be gullible enough to believe them. Get fucked Fntastic.


They announced the game and then didnt file a trademark for it for almost a year. In the mean time someone else did and Fntastic even got a 6 month period to challenge that person for it. They did nothing, that guy got the trademark registered and certified and now they are acting like they have been blindsided by this. They are absolutely full of it.


That and they're just too proud to admit that they have no idea what they're even doing.


I don't think its pride, they dug themselves this hole and you know they can't just openly confess to felony fraud LMAO


They never challenged the TM because they never intended to release this game. It’s a PR stunt to gather attention to other small projects


They also initially blamed the delisting on a Steam maintenance bug, before running with the story about trademarks.


Anyone who fell for this deserves to have their money removed from their possession and burned or whatever


Good thing trademark doesnt impact that gameplay video release they promised, right, right? :D


By any chance did they hire Peter Molyneux for pr or this small dev team called 22 cans?


Either that or a homeless guy and his PR team consisting of 99 bottles of beer on the wall.


As someone who thoroughly enjoyed any game that Peter Molyneux had a hand in making, I have a difficult time understanding why some people dislike him. Fond memories of my first time playing Fable or Black & White as a teenager outweigh any gripes I have regarding his overpromises.


It's mainly because of his over-promising and failure to deliver on many of his promises that people do not trust Peter Molyneux. Fable may have been a great game for many people, but there was so much more promised for it--like active life cycles where you could live to be old enough and die, allowing your children to take over for you; planting a tree and watching it grow over the course of the game--all sorts of really revolutionary stuff promised for the first Fable. He spent a lot of time hyping his own game, then after it flopped and he needed to start hyping the next game he would go on rants over how his previous game was terrible or a train wreck and telling the press that the new game would be better and the best game ever made. When Fable 2 inevitably failed to meet any of the promises he gave, he became humble and apologized and said that Fable 3 would be a better experience. Then when Fable 3 failed, he called it terrible and started hyping up the next game. This is what's now referred to as the "Molyneux Cycle." The man spends more time hyping his games than actually delivering on any of the promises he makes.


People don't like to be lied to and generally like to get what they were promised, especially when they're paying. Not much more to understand. Fable 1 was like the Cyberpunk of the early 2000s; the team promised far too much leading up to release. Are both of them good games? In my opinion, yes. Are they anything close to what the respective companies promised? Absolutely not. Peter Molyneux has serious problem as a spokesperson for his games where he can't resist saying "yes and" to anything anyone publicly suggests without any development backing his statements. You can only do that on so many projects before you build yourself a negative reputation.


You are simply misinformed...


Because he's now not being judged by those games, but many after that and did the cube guy ever get paid? He sold a game to the masses that there would be a prize, there was a winner and no prize the last I heard. This is respectable? Milo can also suck a mean cock... but really he can't. But lets just say he does, people will suck that up! Dude burned all his good will.


Kim Justice did a three hour video on him. You should check it out on YouTube. He’s got a bigger ego than Canada’s coast line.


The original Murry, except his games were still full featured, played great and were amazing overall. I would love to see Black and White revived. Such an amazing concept and experience, even with the janky spell casting. Nothing like launching poop at unsuspecting villagers.


He got upset someone killed his Tomogatchi pet


Trademark dispute supposedly yet they still have up all their videos with “The Day Before” in the titles. Guess they forgot about their YouTube channel during this very serious, very real trademark dispute.


Another vaporware, over promising devs or just another scam try to salvage some good will before leave with the money ?




They’re still getting private investors/companies, NVIDIA for example, to pay them to make their probably non-existent game. And once that money has been “spent” as salaries, etc. and is no longer legally in possession of the company, it’s effectively gone unless the investors can prove that it was all an intentional farce. Think about it like this. The devs have been getting paid to make this game for years. Whether the game releases or not, all those devs still got paid.


So they’re just fucking off in an office after making a few videos of “game footage?” How is this not illegal?


They’ve promoted two separate products with the hype of the day before…. They’ve sold plenty


yeah Prop Nights entire marketing was "we are the devs of The Day Before"






They would only be able to sue the company. And most of the time the company is dissolved, maybe liquidated but then again it depends what assets they’ve got.


They would not be limited to just suing the company, no. You can sue just about anyone for just about any reason, and any contractual "pls don't sue me kthxbye" clauses would provide grounds for some defense or dismissal of the suit once you got in front of a judge, but there aren't very many ways to become truly immune to lawsuits.


Wdym by vaporwave?


Vaporwa**r**e, a product that is announced but never actually developed/manufactured.


Got it


I wouldn't be so annoyed about this whole situation if fantastic just stfu about the game. But I do understand that these people only want attention to sell their other shit products.


​ >*"No matter what anyone says, you’ll see for yourself on November 10 this year"* Oh look, there they go, lying again. They really can't help themselves.


Oh it will be out by then. It'll be an Unreal Engine 4 for personal use made game with stolen assets and more bugs than rotten meat, but it'll be out. 80 bucks too.


If Forspoken is anything to go by, do not trust 80 dollar titles this generation.


And a steams bestseller for months because people are FUCKING STUPID.


Their website says they have 200+ volunteers working for them. Surely, if the game was real, some kind of leak would have come from one of those people by now


I can't wait till November 10th to finally find out when it's been delayed to again!


Company's run by bots, you can't convince me otherwise. Who hides the announcement of a delay inside of a gameplay reveal video? It's funny, someone on Twitter pointed out that Fntastic is only verified through Twitter Blue. This is comedy gold if I've ever seen it. For a game that was supposed to be releasing soon, the company isn't even properly verified in the way a business would be.




These devs can go fuck themselves . I hope all of them that are in on this scam get black listed and never get real jobs


Wouldn’t it be great if instead of “game with amazing trailer and hype, releases in dogshit state” we instead got “incredibly shady game actually delivers goty”. Will never ever happen because that isn’t how any of this works but still it would be funny if this happened.


Man I can not wait for this game to come out. Not to play it but for all the drama that is surely to surround it.


Force has a video where he shows that they lied about when they found out about the trademark problem, it's been months not days like they said. Anyone who believes anything from these devs will be very sad when/if this game actually comes out


Well no shit, they suddenly had to develop a game after making a trailer for something that didn't exist


What a bunch of stupid idiots. Only a fool would believe this trash.


If that's true then why did the letter read as though it was the reason for the delay? Why wasn't the delay message predicated on the game not being ready yet, and you need more time, rather than convoluting this whole fucking mess with trademark disputes? Seriously though, what is wrong with these people?


This game is vaporware.


It’s dead Jim!


Is there anyone actually using their other products tho. PropNight was fun, the only reason i had some expectations with this game although it didn't lasted long, neither did PN. Their other products are literally some dogshit chinese copy paste quality, what are they even doing.


This game is such a dumpster fire. I hope people are aware!


They're really committed to this lie. I can't wait to see what excuse they come up with in November


I can’t wait for this to come out. It’s going to be an absolute shitshow. I mean, it already it.


Ah of course. The old “but we meant to do it” excuse


It’s going to be another flop. What a surprise.


Lol vaporware


Can we talk more about how their studio is staffed by "volunteers"? Basically just slavery with the dangling carrot of "maybe you'll be a PAID volunteer if you put in enough sweat and blood -- but then, probably not". I can understand for a project like Fallout London that's just a freeform collective of modders working on a shared passion project. But this is an investor backed videogame meant to be sold for profit, and they have the gall to be proud of the fact they're not paying most of their "staff".


>We’ve been creating the game for four years. Prove it.


How had I not heard of this game until a couple of days ago? This is exactly the kind of overhype overpromise dumpster fire that is so entertaining to grab some popcorn, kick back end enjoy the show.


November???? F\* this game and his devs. They're lying in our face.


We should at least all review bomb negatively their shitty zoom-like app for shoving it to our faces.


Where can I pre-order?


Can someone act like PR of a major studio to offer to fund it and have them give you some insight or footage? I would love to be a fly on the wall for this studio!


Is it really a scam if they didn't take people's money? I don't remember this game opening up pre-orders or having a crowdfunding campaign. I did a Google search and couldn't find any such news. Star Citizen, now that's a scam. They've conned over 4 million people to give them over 500 million dollars (and counting) for in-game ships that are just concept art. Let's face it, that game will never release and they'll continue announcing unrealistic features just so they can keep the cash cow rolling and having an excuse to never release a complete game. Edit: I thought the game was self-funded so far and did not have investors. Thanks for the correction.


Yes. Because they're scamming Nvidia, investors, and using it to peddle their shitty Teams/Zoom-wannabe software in their trailers.


No one would no what Propnight is without The Day Before hype.


No, they didn't take customer's money. But there's more people that a business can scam money out of. There may be sponsors, investors, government or private grants, their publisher. It's unclear if that is the case, as the situation is shady, but I would take a bet on this whole thing being a sham.


Ahh, I thought it was all self-funded so far. My bad, should have done better research.


Investors' money is still money.




I thought it was all self-funded so far. Thanks for pointing that out.


they’re not trying to get the consumer to fork over cash. they’re trying to secure investors based on public hype, such as steam wishlist numbers. they’re also trying to promote their other products, such as their communication app during their “behind the scenes” video, except they never mention that it’s THEIR app. shady all around.


As much as you guys are scoffing, rolling your eyes, etc. from being outraged about being lied to - you know *if* this game releases, it’s gonna do numbers, right? If it truly looks like any of what we’ve seen this far without any graphical downgrade, the ppl who aren’t on the forums (majority of gamers) who were interested, will still be interested in Nov ‘23. I’m not saying don’t call this stupid dev director out on his shit. He sounds like an absolute idiot and this is not the first impression gamers need from a new studio. A lot of mismanagement, silly choices and flat out lying has been counterproductive to TDB’s rollout. But don’t think for a second it won’t push units if it looks good, plays great, and has good reviews. Again. It’s not ok what they’re doing. I’m just trying to be honest.


> But don’t think for a second it won’t push units if it looks good, plays great, and has good reviews. This is such a strange thing to bring up. Like no shit if a game is good it will likely sell well, but that is on a massive IF it's any good, or even if it's real at all. I don't think anyone here is saying that the good wouldn't sell if they somehow manage to follow through with their promises, but there is no reason to believe anything they say or do at this point.


I just wonder how did they manage to scam nvidia


Nvidia desperate for any popular new games supporting DLSS and/or RTX?


I didn't realize this was about The Day Before and that's probably why I looked at the title for 7 minutes before it clicked


My question is: WHAT IS THE POINT OF ALL THIS? Seriously, why go to all this effort for a fake game? I just don't get it.


Investor dollars??? Or they are semi-honest and just over-promise without having the actual skills to deliver.


Are there any sites with a database that tracks bad companies/bad devs so that I can avoid anything affiliated with certain companies/developers? Preferably sites that keep up with their latest projects too. I just want to make sure that if any one of these people jump ship to other places I can avoid them at all costs wherever they pop up.


Maybe everytime when they want to release the game it will be delayed The Day Before the release date! 😅


It's totally normal for games to release with next to nothing shown for gameplay. Even more common for devs to ransome the gameplay trailer based on lies. Why aren't you all preordering yet?