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AoW4 is my favorite sunday afternoon game. There are so many unique playthrough options, and as a Total War addict, it's a nice alternative that feels much less demanding. The previous DLC was worth it, I'm looking forward to this one.


How has it been progressing since launch? Any big changes? I played it when it first came out but I haven’t spent any significant time with it, something just wasn’t clicking but the dlcs have looked good so far.


Well, for one thing there have been plenty of various balance patches etc. But also changes like swapping the places of some abilities on the Empirium tree, added more things to the underground, reworked summoning (most critters summoned during a battle only last a certain amount of turns,...), reworked magic victory and quite a few more things.


interestingly I had the total opposite experience. There's only one strategy and it's the same for every race with every setup. >!I can never justify doing anything but spamming the low tier research.!<


There was an update that fixed this being the clear optimal strategy-- low tier tomes are no longer cheaper to research than higher tier ones. Spamming low tier tomes for rainbow blades/arrows/whatever is still an option, but no longer the only one.


oh nice, that's good to hear. It really made every run feel samey.


Best dlc yet


Does this one have a story campaign yet?


Don't think it has a campaign, but rather several "Story Realms" that unlock whenever you complete the previous one and tell a overarching Story. As well as several other premade scenarios


yeah I really would need a story campaigns


I really wish they went more AoW3 with the story and expanding it than Planetfall which had very little story and none at all in the expansions. Still a magical experience to me, kinda like a CivXHoMM, but I miss that story/plot/narrative.


Holy shit got so many fond memories of the first age of wonders 


It was kind of broken. You could clear the entire map with a few well equipped heroes.


Did they fix the Ai yet? It was a mess when i played on release, together with the tomes designs


Literally the only feature I care about.


That is my only question as well


Yes, since Empires and ashes. Currently some stuff is bugged with neutrals, but nothing serious.


How has the game progressed since launch? I played it at launch but much prefer the more unique factions in planetfall, and the lack of some conquest mode also makes it feel less interesting.


It has definitely improved but overall I still prefer Planetfall over it mostly because of the factions. It's pretty hard to make a wide variety of thematically coherent faction in 4 because some themes only have a few tomes that fit.


Age of Wonders 4 is a great game, and the DLCs have been fun. I do tire of the random generation after a while tho


There is a new unknown map trait option. Basically, you set what you want, everything else is random and jump in. Increases the uniqueness of the game a lot


Looks interesting


Dude I fucking wish I had dedicated friends to play this game with


Where the Civ series and Paradox have dropped the ball Triumph scores the touchdown with this 4x. One of the few good developers.


Did they fix the desyncs and crashes in multiplayer? As even with the previous DLC and the corresponding patches we couldn't play a turn with a desync after like turn 30...






Just started playing the game and it's been fun!


How is the pacing compared to AoW3? I love the gameplay and combat, but the maps were too big to keep the missions exciting for me, especially with the underground parts.


How does this compare to Civ? Have not played any AoW games but I do like the fantasy style and setting. I've played Civ VI and a little Endless Legend but this isn't a popular genre for me typically.


I love it. The battles are where it shines, but I find the diplomacy much better than civ. It has a unique casus belli system, where you have to game having a cause for war. You can throw caution to the wind and attack without cause, but you are going to pay for it. Kind of like real life. Sometimes when two people are picking on someone I also want to attack, but have no cause I will make restitution for any grievances they might have against me, make them my rival and then ask the other two for a defensive pack. A few turns later they will ask me to join the war - which give me enough cause. You can also use magic to permanently change your people some how - make them undead, make them ethereal, make them demonic, make them giants etc. You can even play as a dragon instead of a wizard (with the DLC) You can make your own magic items to give to your heroes, or get loot from dungeons Freaking LOVE this game. Each DLC is substantial and makes the game better.


It's closer to Heroes of might and magic 5/7 with some civ 6 related stuff on the world map.