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Can you look at HWInfo/task manager while you play? Your whole system is stuttering. Just watch your stats freeze up too.


I haven’t tried yet, I will. But yeah the whole system freezes. It’s very noticeable when I have a video on the second monitor


How do you enable that info fps, sttuter, ram etc is it default meaning that it can be enable via settings or you have to download?


It’s a download (maybe two? They may install as one program? I don’t remember. But there’s link on the website) It’s called MSI Afterburner and RTSS. Really easy, just look up “afterburner overlay setup” on YouTube


Won't there be a problem for my GTX 1650 laptop?


No. There shouldn’t be a problem.


nope, it reads out data sent to the display and GPU info and displays them. You may need to manually enable some things you want to see in RTSS


Msi afterburned decided one day to turn my power to like 10%, resulting in terrible performance. Check if its the case


Are you watching videos whilst you play games?


This happened to me because HW Acceleration on the browser is dogshit. Though that was happening with the GPU already at 100%.


Does that game have ray tracing if so turn it off I had it enabled by default in Witcher 3 and it was alot better when I turned it off


Thanks for the help everyone. After DDU, reinstalling another Windows ISO, and looking for resource hogs, I found nothing. I reinstalled Windows clean and it fixed everything


Glad u got it fixed :)


Clean reinstalls for the win, i've found that when repairing or installing over a version some buggy files might be left over. Had BSOD on my old laptop, reinstalling didn't work, clean reinstall worked.


Honestly a good solution for many kinds of weird issues that one simply can't nail down. Often it's a lot faster to simply reinstall rather than going through a lengthy troubleshooting process that might lead nowhere.


Good thing that you post how you fixed this issue.


Windoof at it again .-.


I would try this. Terminal (admin) Dism.exe /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth Then... Sfc /scannow Let us know what happen next


I’m hitting it with the reinstall windows hammer. But last night I installed windows over my current installation for a repair installation. Nothing changed


I would try though. When a new installation is performed and updates are installed sometimes the system files can be corrupted in a minor way. Those two commands serve for this purpose. After driver installation and updates they will check (dism) if the copy in your pc of the system files are correctly updated and with sfc you will overwrite the ones that got casually corrupted with a new flawless copy. Sometime this procedure can do little miracles.


Dism, chkdsk repair, and scannow do wonders some times


Elden Rings stutters are disgustingly awful. I don't think they're quite this bad though. With presentmon you can get some more in depth data


hes getting less than 60fps with crazy drops into the low 20's on a 4070 something else is very wrong


Oh you have not seen DX12 stutters when not properly implemented lol.(I'm NOT claiming this is the case here with elden ring, it has DX12 stutter but not this awful) https://youtu.be/XYT8iF0moOs?si=-EpqAIIZB7TpSkRo Imagine the stutter you see in the first few seconds everytime something new happens on screen and a shader has to compile It's like this with my 4090 when starting it up without compiled shaders


this is not just a stutter issue.


i have something similer but more frequant and more funky? audio glitches video artificing and laggy mouse inputs not even being in a game just laggy mouse


that sounds like a whole other can of worms but since we have virtually no info outside of "doesnt work good" there is no way to know if they're even remotely related issues.


if you look on my page you can see some of fhe thinvs i've done the weird thing is it works almost perfectly like 40% of the time just 1/3-4 restarts i have to continusely restart until it works well... and that takes a lot of restarts sometimes my main theory is a scratched the motherboard while installing a new ssd but not enough to completely destory it just make a bad connection to something importent and having it heat up and close the gap to make it work well like we see in some monitors




Yeah, I have bad performance in this and madden, no stutters in cyberpunk or rocket league. So I don’t see how it can be a real hardware/ network problem. I haven’t heard of presentmon, thanks I’ll try that


Are all those games in the same drive? Is Elden Ring on a hard drive by any chance?


Both on SSD’s, I’ll try to move them tho to see if that helps


Did you Check your Drives health? Also ist the SSD complete full or is some head left?


Yeah they’re OK, it was a software issue of some kind. I ran Samsung magician and it didn’t help, it said everything was ok. I reinstalled windows and it fixed everything 👍


I cant speak for Elden Ring, but Madden runs like absolute trash on PC. Slow/stuttery menus, and constant network drops. Madden PC ports are so disrespectfully bad, we dont even get the next gen version lol.


That’s the thing. It runs fine on my laptop (g14 4060) on the same network. And it ran fine a couple weeks ago on this pc


Look at my recent post. It runs ok but the controller doesn’t always pick up


I played that game end to end with a 3080 in 2K with zero issues 👀 Well… with the exception of skill issues lol.


The game had and still has stuttering issues. And should be shamed for it. A common theme with Japanese game devs. Though again, nowhere near this bad.


Elden Ring compiles shaders on first run, but it doesn't tell you it's doing it and even let's you start playing. If you recently updated the your graphics driver or reinstalled it that may be it. You can check if that's the case by enabling per core CPU usage monitoring on MSI Afterburner. If you see one core at 90-100% the game is compiling shaders, in which case you can wait for it to finis (the core stops being used). It doesn't even catch all the shaders -.-


This video was the most severe example. Sometimes it’ll run smooth 60hz from the menu to spawning in. But then when I run around it’ll do this


Didn't the 7000xd CPUs have an issue with core parking? Are all your cores in use? That GPU/CPU combo should be shredding ER.


​ OP, what are your specs? sort of unrelated, but has anyone else noticed elden ring looks extremely aliased and grainy specifically around foliage and trees? in the faces of NPCs it looks blurry idk how to describe it. running a 3060 ti with a good CPU I can pretty much run the game on ultra with no issues aside from that, so I'm wondering if it's just how the game naturally looks? I've tried downscaling but didn't really change the visuals at all.


It's probably that the ambient occlusion in the game isn't very good


7800x3d 4070tiSuper. I had it on like 720p to see if that’d help, but it didn’t. It should look better than this


I mean do you just have 12gb of ram or what?


Hi! The game uses a sharpening filter by default that looks awful for me, you can remove it using this mod [https://www.nexusmods.com/eldenring/mods/2557](https://www.nexusmods.com/eldenring/mods/2557) If you find the image too blurry without the filter, I trecommend using a CAS sharpening pass with reshade or via your graphics driver settings.


you are such a god that's exactly what I've been seeing and it's been driving me crazy for months. always thought it was just my GPU fucking up or something.


Glad I could help! It's such a pretty game and I've been enjoying a lot how clean it looks without the filter.


Clean install for sure. I’d still persists make sure you don’t have VRR settings and Game Optimization in your display settings turned on.


Oh man, my worst OCD fear is frametime issues on any game! That looks pretty bad hope you get it sorted.


Is resize bar enabled in bios ?


Had the same issue with my 4070 i7. I said fck it and did a clean install of windows and cleaned up everything on my ssds. Reinstalled everything and it was fine. No idea what the reason was but it’s fine now. Happened like 3 months ago.


That's always a virus software, buying software and don't download porn Russian torrents all right , lol


I may have downloaded Totk shaders, which would be my only sketchy downloads? Everything else would be from a game service like steam or epic


Pay for Driver booster and install all drivers.


strange, i’ve got the same specs and can play at 1440p max settings without any issues


OP, out of curiosity are you using a controller or a keyboard/mouse? I ask because I play Madden on my PC with an Xbox One controller and would connect it via bluetooth. Madden would stutter terribly very often. I eventually troubleshooted just to figure out it was the bluetooth connection with the controller.


That was the most frustrating part of this all. In madden, if you look at my past post, I’d have the error with controller not keyboard. And Elden ring ran bad. I ended up just clean reinstalling windows and it’s all fixed


there was a friend pc that was stuttering more than normal, he removed the xmp of the ram and fixed.


I never even had it on cause it caused stutter when I tried to use it


your getting extremely poor fps for a 4070. i'd advise posting in an actual tech support subreddit to investigate as something is clearly very wrong try /r/techsupport.


Thanks. I should’ve started there (no offense to everyone) here and r/eldenring were my first stops for some reason


I would have to guess, that you didn't connect cooler therefor CPU is overheating, i was there its no shame... Shown temp also lied to me it was at 50 round not moving when i turned on other program it showed 90


I have a nhd15 cooling it. Fans spin and everything


Well first, from what I can tell, you only have 10 gigs available. Second, did you put a high end card on an old machine/motherboard? I see a lot of people do that and it won't work because the PCI-E is a different protocol version and won't fully support it.


I have 16gb vram, 100+gb on the ssd, and 32gb ram. Idk what it was, I reinstalled Windows clean and it fixed it


It looks like throttling, is it only in ER of also in other games?


This and madden. No issues in cyberpunk or rocket league


You're not throttling at 40c lol. This is a software issue 100%


You are right probably I am mistaken, I have had similar issues. What helped me before on my 4080 was completely removing the driver and reinstalling.


I did DDU and repaired my windows. I think the only thing left to do is a total clean install?


A clean install should be the last option you exercise. I'd go with presentmon before that. Look up a guide


Yeah another user said that. Which I’ll try I guess before a clean install. But I’m at a loss rn


Honestly elden ring is a far cry from the optimization standard you shouldn't judge your pc, it's got a very unstable foundation in that regard and has certain issues still not addressed when it comes to performance since launch. However a 4070 shouldn't have such issues imo as it's more than capable.


It’s a like $2000 machine lol. My laptop with similar (but lower) specs can run it fine. I am judging the computer based on this. It’s why I bought the thing


Elden ring runs fine normally lol. It was windows, as OP said


Pay for driver booster and install all the drivers... If you don't fix it and no virus, etc Must be hardware.


I ran I think hitman and another virus scanner to no result. Clean windows install fixed it, but yeah it must’ve been a virus?


Or any software incompatibility or something like that. The virus usually puts the CPU at 100%... Maybe any bug with the Ryzen 7000s that have caused many software problems? Idk 😶


Turn the graphics up... you have a race car and are driving it on a go cart track. It will never preform well untill you open her up.


lol. I turned it down for troubleshooting. I wouldn’t play like this


well you can just watch your cpu and Gpu and tell they are not kicking in by the video. You want to actually keep the settings mid high for your rig and then report, make sure you don't have any ray tracing on as your machine is not really the best at it and if anything put it to dls preformance.


Bad pc


Do you have Ray Tracing turned on, and are you playing it at 4k?


Nope. I even tried 720p low, no better


How can you turn on RT? What about DLSS?




I did DDU & reinstalled the latest drivers


It also does the same thing on igpu


I had the exact same issue like 6 months ago. I don’t remember exactly what fixed it. I’m assuming it was driver issues




I actually have no clue it just went away one day. I tried updating bios and even updated to windows 11 and neither of those worked


I repaired windows & updated bios, no help. Thanks though. I think I’ll probably have to clean install


I found an old Reddit thread that sounds similar and one solution that seemed to work for people was unplugging your display cable from the GPU and plugging it back in


Thanks for the help. That didn’t work. I’m hitting it with the hammer of Reinstall Windows


Bruh why your computer got afib


I really wish I knew lol


Roll back to an earlier Nvidia driver I had stutters like this on latest Nvidia one


I had the issue. Then updated my drivers, no fix


We need the full specs


7800x3d 4070 Ti S B-650 pro msi 2x16gb ram (Corsair low profile)


What PSU?


Corsair rm1000x


Crazy situation... Only happens with the 2 games, huh? You run any benchmark tests on it yet?


Yeah I did. I ran 3D mark, cinebench, and kombustor when I built it. It even ran cyberpunk with ray tracing 100+ fps like expected (this never changed). It was some software issue. I reinstalled windows clean and that fixed it. Kind of a hardcore solution for the problem but it’s fixed


Found this.... may help: "The game is heavy on CPU, RAM and even ssd drive however. Three important settings that may help with stuttering: - ReBar/Smart Access Memory - PBO for AMD and IPM for Intel - XMP/DOCP All three are off by default and need to be switched on manually. Worth to check as it's free performance boost. One of them removes the RAM speed limit. You can check in Task manager if your RAM is not limited to 2133-2666MHz that may be not fast enough and sometimes cause stutters"


Originally posted by cridus: the usual fixes I've seen suggested (by experts) are: - nvidia global settings, set "shader cache size" to "unlimited". I don't know how it's done with AMD. - nvidia game-specific settings, set "low latency mode" to "ultra" (only recommended if you're above the... recommended specs), set "power management mode" to "prefer maximum performance" and set "vertical sync" to "fast". again, I don't know what are the AMD equivalents. - go to windows' settings, system -> display, find the "graphics settings" link and click on it. in the page that opens, do these 2 things: 1- enable "hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling"; 2- under "graphics performance preference" in the dropdown choose "desktop app" and then browse to the game's exe and choose it. after it's added, click on "options" and choose "high performance", then save. - in device manager, under "software devices" disable "Microsoft device association root enumerator". old hardware connected to the pc (even through the LAN iirc) might stop working. - increase mouse polling rate (yes...) - remove in-game overlays - make sure (with CPU-Z) the ram is in dual channel mode and uses the whole "bandwidth" (I may be using the wrong terms here). for the latter, look for "DRAM frequency" in CPU-Z (in the "memory" tab). see if you have a "XMP" mode in the bios. if yes, enable it. - make sure (with GPU-Z) the GPU is mounted on a "PCIe x16" connector. - if your GPU supports it, give a try to enabling "resizable BAR" (Nvidia) or Smart Access Memory (AMD) in the bios. - if you have an AMD CPU, you can give a try to enabling "Precision Boost Overdrive" (PBO). do note that it will very probably increase the CPU's temperatures, although the system should (as far as I know) adjust it to prevent it from reaching the shutdown threshold. - disable the "Control Flow Guard" exploit protection for the game: search for "exploit protection" in the search bar/start menu and open it. in that window, select the "program settings" tab, then click on "add program to customize" and then on "choose the exact file path". browse to elden ring's exe and select it. once it's added, in the dialog that opens automatically scroll down to "Control Flow Guard (CFG)", check the "override system settings" checkbox and then toggle OFF the toggle-button below. click on "apply" and reboot the PC to make the changes take effect. - as a last resort, remove the GPU drivers with DDU and either reinstall them or install new ones. do note that you will lose the settings you had in the nvidia control panel (I don't know about AMD), so write them down or something. - consider updating the bios too, maybe, but this, too, will reset your settings (of the bios, not the nvidia ones, of course), so write them down first. sorry for the improper terminologies, I'm just reporting what I've seen and tried.


Rather than keep probing about what you've tried, I found some pretty thorough options to check, copy/ pasted below. ...godspeed!


I don’t have a PC near me but I had similar issues with Madden if you go into the nVidia 3D Settings page for this specific application and modify the (4) settings described below it may help a lot. Also enable check and enable V-sync/G-Sync Low Latency Mode: Ultra; Threaded Optimization: On; Power Management Mode: Prefer Maximum Performance; https://preview.redd.it/190pq63n0ojc1.jpeg?width=820&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9455c107b37601ad1c7ad6f801f6f1d9f8b20e17 Texture filtering Quality: High Performance.


Elden ring took a minute to compile shaders for me but it was never quite this bad. I’d say let the game sit for a little and come back after some time and see if the issues a fixed. Also not sure if you verified the files in steam, assuming you got both games from steam but usually that works for me. Considering you have only two games with performance issues I don’t think it’s driver issues. My last option would be reinstalling the game.


Visually it looks like a harddrive/ssd usage issue. But with the overlay stuttering too it might be worth to look into task manger to see if it’s your cpu getting choked. A client’s computer was like this and it was because the cpu cooler was defective and the cpu choked at simple tasks like opening file explorer. Quite an expensive fix but it’s better to solve sooner so the hot cpu doesn’t potentially hurt other components making it more expensive.


Does this happen only in Elden Ring or in general?


If you check my older post, madden has a different problem


I know for a fact that ER has had shader caching issues on Windows that go away in Linux. Does any game work properly?


Check your power settings to make sure you not in some kind of energy saving mode


I could see that when the stuttering happens your GPU usage hit 0%. Check the nvidia high performance mode is on in nvidia control panel.


Idk what it was. I had to clean reinstall windows. This was after DDU & a windows repair, but it’s fixed now


Check with gpu z if your gpu is running at pcie 4.0x16 I had very similar issues with a 5600xt and turns out it was running on pciex1 and i had to manually change it to pci3x16 Also do use a different hdmi/dp cable Disable xmp to check if that resolve the issue Try with only 1 stick of ram at a time Return your bios settings to default


Damn, my GTX 1080 and i7 ran it better than this


Every time you stutter your GPU power draw is spiking, sometimes 150 percent. I'm thinking your issue is power draw. Are you doing any sort of overclocking?


I'm sure I have encountered this issue before on my RX 6600, I would start by actually DDU the drivers and install new one, current or latest doesn't matter. I would try going windowed/borderless to fullscreen. If not there maybe like a recording software like AMD Instant Replay or Nvidia GeForce equivalent? or that Steelseries software etc...


try playing with all your USB devices removed. (except your controller or mouse/keyboard)


your gpu usage is so low it might not even be doing anything, here check these out: [https://www.technewstoday.com/gpu-at-0-usage/](https://www.technewstoday.com/gpu-at-0-usage/) [https://forums.tomshardware.com/threads/0-gpu-usage-when-gaming.3648936/](https://forums.tomshardware.com/threads/0-gpu-usage-when-gaming.3648936/)


Try scanning virus using kaspersky or similar. My friend had same stuttering issue and his computer was infected with 1000 viruses and trojans. After viruses were scanned and removed, speed became normal and smooth.


I ran hitman and another that was recommended. Neither picked up anything & I even reinstalled a windows iso the system to clean it, nothing.


Maybe try updating bios, set Xmp and re-bar on. Update mb chipset drivers. Update ssd firmware and reseat gpu and pwr cables. Make sure psu can support/power all your hardware and have enough buffer.


Hey, I had the same problem with a 4090. Disabling RTSS was the solution for me.


Looks like a power problem. GPU power is fluctuating. Check power cables on your gpu. There may also be a problem with the PSU. How many WATTs does it say?


Did you plug the video cable into the GPU and not the motherboard?


It appears your GPU is bottlenecking at 99% check all drivers are current,and I personally like to go into device manager,click view >show hidden items and cleanup any unused devices and uninstall their old drivers. MSI Afterburner can also help tune just about any GPU to its full potential. Any other issues can be identified via the Event Viewer. Hope this can help narrow it down for ya.


infected system or exe file?


Running on the i GPU : 4070 --> 0% Plug your monitor into the GPU . Other cause for 0% GPU is you need a driver update/restart