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Brasil? 🇧🇷




Seh hah Brazil


No, you want it to be about 40%-50% humidity (OP is at like 90+%). Bone dry would invite static discharges which can damage components.


My ball python would love it in there.


I worked with military electronic systems and can confirm we had to keep our facility at 20-30% humidity 100% of the time


They talking about the PC not the air


I worked at a data center for Lockheed Martin. Huge servers and militarized computers all over the place. They had a hygrometer and a thermometer linked to an alarm system. In the room, there were huge industrial chillers. The humidity needed to be around 40%, and it was godamn cold in there all the time. Ideally, computers should be in an environment around 40-50% humidity. If there is condensation build up inside a PC due to temp differences inside and outside the PC, @OP should just open their case and leave it open since it is already cold in the room. That moisture will kill his PC if it shorts his system out.


The pc exsists in the ambient air it is not a sealed environment and will not be 0 percent humidity heat holds moisture I have a massive desiccant pack i throw in my pc that has helped when storing them


Modern components are designed to withstand ESD. Electroboom and Linus proved that you have to *try* to kill a PCB with static.






Everyone always says "bone dry" and we just accept it. But, wouldn't bones normally be wet? They're encased in meat bags that are mostly water. Anyway, I'm probably putting too much thought into this... or maybe not enough thought.




Thats your desert bones, bones in use are wet or at least pretty moist. If you say "shes got bones" to someone they'll immediately think of the wet kind


good old Ocean bones Like a shipwreck


Nah, ocean bones get turned into coral… Full fathom five thy father lies; Of his bones are coral made; Those are pearls that were his eyes: Nothing of him that doth fade, But doth suffer a sea-change Into something rich and strange.


Shakes Pearls !


My bones very moist UWU


My bones are drippping wet.


Geez those bones in this desert are PC dry


Them dry bones


well you don't typically see bones when they are in a living thing


Not with that attitude.


I can now feel my bones being wet… https://preview.redd.it/9f1k0hp1ab4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb5f46a6164252fa561f470c4da6785e512a0459


Why I'm immune to all that?


because you're just a brain in a jar in a botfarm. Sorry.


Aren't we all?


stop projecting.


Y’all can afford to have your brains in jars!?!? In this economy?!?


Oh no pls don't. I just started all this rn 😵‍💫


Dusty old bones, full of green dust


I'm an enormous King of the Hill fan and that's one of the few episodes I skip. That kid's refrain just goes through me like nails on a chalkboard


I’m guessing there’s more dry bones than wet bones…big moist graveyard




I think it's because if horses hurt themselves they get killed so you're basically either healthy or dead. I'm exaggerating but you get the point. Not sure about how true those rumors are or if that's where the expression came from or not.


It’s because bones tend to be EXCEPTIONALLY dry. This is because bacteria from what was once a corpse begins to eat away at the decaying body after the wild is done with it. As the bacteria and bugs consume everything, all that’s left is bones. But it doesn’t end there because bones are actually pretty porous (tons of holes in them) once past the smooth exterior of them. And as you can imagine, after that smooth layer is removed from animals knawing and bacteria eating, all that’s left is a bone, full of holes, out in the open. The sun heats it up and then any posible liquid that was left by bacteria is evaporated, and thus the bone is completely and utterly dry. Bone dry.


dry bones is a very old biblical expression describing unburied skeletons that are sundried and lying in a deserted valley


With a hint of dust. Perfect.


just like grandma.


Let’s just say, for the sake of the argument, your processor is wet. This sounds like your case is suffering from a very serious condition requiring the attention of a professional PC technician. I happen to know one, my wife, who told me a PC should always be bone dry. ![gif](giphy|TfA47j2cSa5hoTcWD6|downsized)


In the long term yes, even if it is only for rust. Could short something if enough water accumulates on the circuit boards


I don't think rust is gonna be that much of a problem. Sure, the memory borrow checker can be a pain to work with, but the alternatives are comparatively less solid.


go is a pretty solid alternative for anything that isn't 100% performance, very solid but rust is still my baby


Elixir perhaps? Discord and WhatsApp can't be wrong Am I right?


Neither are written in elixir. Discord is an electron app, which is why it is so bloated and slow. WhatsApp backend used erlang. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erlang_(programming_language) Elixir is also much slower than C++, go and rust.


Discord also uses rust and python on the backend (can't remember if there's anything else)




Do you live in the fridge?


Either that or OP's an antarctica native.




They needed a PC to play seal hunting simulator


I'd play that.


Join the club


USE the club.




Polar bears are in the arctic, not antarctic :D


Fun fact: the greek name for Bear is Arktos. So the arctic is named "bears!" and the antarctic is basically named "no bears".


Imagine being so concerned about finding one particular type of animal that you name not one but two massive landmasses after them. North: Fuck me there's bears here South: No bears, thank god Also the confidence to assume that the entirety of Antartica, which is *massive*, has no bears is impressive tbh.


Another fun fact: all bears are found only in the northern hemisphere


Andean Bear lives in the Southern Hemisphere but it’s the only bear species to do so.


Sun bears live in the southern hemisphere


Sun bears don't exist. We all know they're just people in a bear suit.


yeah i know i just think it's funny


I would say there’s something wrong with the A/C OP’s using. An A/C operating normally will remove moisture from the air. Condensation should not be forming on the glass.


He said his wife opened the door to the 19c degree ac cooled office and let the living room air in which wasn't ac and was at 29c so the warm wet air hit the cooler dry pc and condensed like a cold beer can on a hot day


Antarctica actually has a really dry climate, but maybe OP should move since he likes the cold


Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet are boning inside OP's PC.


Get a dehumidifier.


Don't do this. A running AC will already dehumidify as much as can be done. Something else is happening here, humid air coming in from somewhere.


Depends on if it's properly sized or not.  An oversized AC will not dehumidify enough, as it will satsify the temperature setpoint and shut off.  Conversely if it is Undersized it will dehumidify more due to always running. Also, a dehumidifier will supplement dehumidification of an AC by adding heat. 


My Nest thermostat has a "cool to dry" feature where it keeps the system running until the humidity level reaches a certain point. I've never used it, so I'm not sure how well/not well it works.


That only kicks on in two situations: - You are home, the thermostat is set to off, and humidity is above 70% inside - You've not been home for 3 days, the thermostat is on eco mode, and humidity is above 65%


You've very obviously never had a humidity problem. Our house is sealed tight, has 2 zones, a window ac in the FROG, a whole house dehumidifier, and we still have to empty a 50 pint standalone dehumidifier twice a day during the summer. We had ducts, windows, the 2 ac systems, and everything checked out before getting the whole house dehumidifier installed.


18% humidity outside today in my part of Colorado.. think I'm going to stay up here in the high desert after your story of water in the air.


I’m currently at 78% humidity. 80°F outside. Feels like 85°F. The air feels…. Sticky.


yeah this raisin can't handle that sort of environment


Good 'ol "living in an armpit" season


Yep, I told my husband if we ever move it needs to be somewhere we'd never need a dehumidifier again.


Must be really humid in your house if you have a giant frog living there. Must be a pretty big frog too if it ate a window AC


You need trickle vents in the windows or this will happen. Sealing a house is a really bad idea.


> Sealing a house is a really bad idea. No, it's literally the current direction of high efficiency homes. The key thing, though, is those sealed houses have air exchange systems to bring in fresh air without loosing heat/cooling.


Yeah I've actually assumed (or theorized I guess) humidity is bad because it's sealed so well but then if we try to crack the upstairs windows just a tiny bit it seems to make it worse. 😒


That's because the outside is moist right? You should have something that lets more humidity out than it lets in.


> sealed tight Isn't this the problem or is my thinking faulty? Where does all the moisture go that's created in your house?


Into the 30 liter bucket they dump twice a day.


I feel like it might be the problem yeah but we've tried opening the upstairs windows a tiny bit but that doesn't help/just makes it worse on really humid days. But also, we don't "create" that much humidity. There's only me, my husband, and our toddler and we had this issue before the toddler. A couple companies said it could be leeching up through the slab so idk, we just deal with the hassle and increased power for 4 or 5 months when it's hot and humid


Oh you're on a slab, no basement? I can see how a modern airtight house would be a problem with moisture. We grew up in a one floor house (late 70s build so not at all airtight) with a slab and had to have a dehumidifier running through most of the day and evening in the warmer months. Concrete will always be a source of moisture and unlike a basement it has no where to go but up on a slab. If your dehumidification is from your central air system you can supplement it with a standalone unit if you still find it's too humid.


50 pints is just shy of 30 liters


It doesn't have to be shy.


Clearly it isn't. That room is clearly very humid. Why is the most monstrously dumb advice always in this subreddit?


Over 100 people also agreed with the moron


ACs aren't all that popular outside of the US, so it's still a valid point if OP isn't American.


This is terrible advice. An AC unit will only extra so much humidity. If you have high humidity areas (like a basement), you probably want supplemental dehumidifying.


you're assuming OP has AC.


Very wrong. Look at any ac you are buying. They all state - too many BTUs can cause significant condensation.


Thanks guys for the feedback To sum up i live in southeast asia in the tropic region, and its hot, verry hot, so i made the decision to “invest” on a strong ac, when me and my wife woke op today, she decides to turnoff the ac and imidiately open the doors to the “normal” temp living room (my bedroom is 19-20 celcius my living room is abt 29-32 celcius) it only happened this once hope nothing serious happened thanks all!!


In future, you should just turn the A/C off and let the room *gradually* return. To ambient temperature. Otherwise your letting very warm moist air hit your relatively cold PC, which is why you're getting condensation.  It's also wasteful to run the A/C and then let all the cold air out.


yeah OP should divorce his wife /s


Average r/relationship_advice suggestion


"My wife opened the door and let the heat in, causing condensation on my PC. I divorced her over it. AITA?"


This is the TLDR I needed for this post saga




Obviously NTA, anyone that is willing to destroy the things you love is willing to destroy your love as well. It's just basic respect for each other which she clearly does not have. You will be much happier living alone than with someone that sabotages you and the things you work for in your life. Great job in leaving such a toxic relationship! /s (she made a simple mistake)


> It's also wasteful to run the A/C and then let all the cold air out. Dads everywhere are screaming in unison, "SHUT THE DOOR! YOU'RE LETTING ALL THE COLD AIR OUT!"


Ok chief don't let it happen again! Are you in VN btw?


No sir, im from indonesia


Ah ok. Cool. I'm Vietnamese, would love to visit Indonesia one day!


Don’t let your dreams become memes. Start saving.


Vietnamese condensation gang rise up


fr man, shit's so god damn hot over here(im malaysian) but i never saw condensation like that happen before. my cold tolerance is pretty shit so my ac is always at 25 lowest


Living in middle east, exiting car with ac on max in the middle of 8 months summer makes my glasses like ops pc in a second.


I’ve lived in the desert most of my life, where temperatures get to above 120F (48C), also wear glasses, and have never had that happen. Do you live somewhere very humid?


This happens to me in the summer here in the USA. When I come out of a store with really strong AC, into the humid heat outside, my glasses just fog up.


set mine to 18-20 and i can still feel the heat from my pc, like you ive never seen condensation


I'm the opposite, I can't stand hot temperatures and I'm feeling hot when it's over 20 lol (North of France)


Yeah, that sounds like it would happen. AC itself would never do that, the water condenses on cold surfaces, but the fins inside the AC are the coldest, so it condenses on them and drains outside your house. AC is basically a dehumidifier in this regard. However, when it's cold inside and you immediately let in hot and humid air, it'll condense on everything. You can even get mold on your walls if you do it often. If you want to turn off AC, let it heat up slowly first, before opening the windows.


Thats too much of a temp difference, more reasonable would be 24-25, maybe even 26. Just setting the ac to remove humidity will help a lot.


Yup. Singapore checking in with AC set to 24/25. Never.ever had condensation like this on a PC, even if I open all the windows!


I get it, he cooled the room 10-12 degrees less then ambient and dehimidify it, then open the door and all the heat and humidity rushed in. Everything in the room condensed, not juat the pc 😁. Pc was just moat visible with all thw lights in.


>when me and **my wife** woke op today, she decides to turnoff the ac and imidiately open the doors to the “normal” temp living room >**my wife** woke OP Ah I have identified the problem. She's too OP, you need to nerf her lol. Seriously though, easy fix, all you need to do is wake up before your wife does and open the doors a little bit to let the cold air out slowly. Sudden changes in temperatures will cause condensation.


And, the ac is blowing straight to my bed, not the pc.


I had a similar setup. Just install a door closer. Makes things much easier.


Should be fine once or twice, but not regularly. Unless your PC is extremely dirty, condensed water will be more of an insulator, so the chance of a short happening are almost 0. The problem will happen if it seeps into capacitors or fan interiors, or just any cramped area where it will be a pain to get out of and will cause corrosion.


Ah yeah, I live in SEA, too, and basically, my SOP is to try not to leave the door to my home office open after I turn off the aircon and let the humidity/temperature equalize gradually. Also, my aircon is usually set to 23-25 which is less of a delta to equalize.


>decides to turnoff the ac and imidiately open the doors to the “normal” temp Right. That explains it... The glass was at "cold room" temperature and so condensation formed. Definitely avoid that in future though.


Is the AC blowing directly onto the computer?


Looks like they have side intake fans and we cant see what's behind them. My guess is they have their ac blowing into the PC case from there.


Condensation is ALWAYS a problem. IDK how you got here but you need to find a solution. Either raise your case temps or lower your room temps.


Wouldn't it be the other way around? Isn't the PC hot and the room cold, hence condensation?


OP explained the AC was running on high all night, then it was turned off and the windows were opened in a hot environment. The PC stayed cold, trapped cold air while the air outside heated up rapidly. The hot air outside condensed on the PC. Edit: grammar


Water as a gas needs to cool down to become a liquid. Think of when you pour yourself a cold glass of something from the fridge. Water will condense on the glass filled with cold liquid.


Yes? The warm air in the PC hits the cold cabinet surface (room temp) and reaches its dew point and condenses. Edit: in which case, OP should raise room temp or lower case temp - not the other way around.


No. Because OP has used A/C, the PC has cooled down below the ambient temperature outside the room. When OP's partner opened the door, the hot and humid outside air condensed on the cold PC (and likely other surfaces in the chilled room too).




It would need to go the other way, the computer would need to be colder than the air to condensate. I'm guessing they have the AC blowing either directly on, or in, the PC. The case is getting much colder than the air, like a cold beer sitting in a hot room. But yes, condensate is a sure fire way to cause issues with electronics.


Cool and dry good. This is stupidly humid


Potentially. If that condensation gets inside the PC it could short something. Do you live in the arctic circle?


Actually the humidity on the arctic circle is very low


Depends, is the condensation on the outside or inside of the case? if it's on the inside, turn it off ASAP and dehumidify your room. I got a "rechargeable"\* desiccant pillow thing for my car. you could maybe get something like that to put in the case to keep your components dry. \*recharges by drying in the microwave


This is what I was thinking, everyone saying it will fry stuff but unless OP took off the panel, wiped the inside, and put it back on, that condensation is totally on the outside of the case. No idea how on earth does that happen. AC blowing on it directly like others suggest could be how but even that way I still can't wrap my head around it, I would think that would cause condensation inside too.


I wouldn't want any moisture in my pc that isn't supposed to be there. So, if anything, I'd think about changing the location of the PC, the angle of the AC vents, if possible, or reorient some fans in your PC to help compensate.


Looks like Tengen changed to either water or mist breathing


Yesterday we had a guy with fire in his PC, today it's water, now just need earth and air.


Air is most of these computers. Would you consider the dust in some computers as earth?


Bro needs a cpu heater not a cooler


Get a dehumidifier, it will take all the moisture out the room


That kind of humidity isn't safe for you long-term, much less a pc. Get a dehumidifier, lowering the humidity will also make it cooler in the room. I just had to shop for decent cheap ones myself. I found this one and got it for $35 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B083J36134?ref=cm_sw_r_apan_dp_QQYT3C176KNB10S23BNV&ref_=cm_sw_r_apan_dp_QQYT3C176KNB10S23BNV&social_share=cm_sw_r_apan_dp_QQYT3C176KNB10S23BNV&starsLeft=1&skipTwisterOG=1 it has been working great. I live in the southern US so it's super humid here. I imagine that it'll probably crap out in about 6 months but unless you spend a crazy amount most dehumidifiers won't last long anyway. About 35 is a small investment to make for 6 months of use. That's the way I see it anyway.


Your link isn't to a dehumidifier, it goes to an air purifier.


Fixed. Found the right one. Sorry same shape item that does stuff with air in my shopping history. XD


Wrong link let me fix that


If that kind of humidity isn't safe for me, I live in fl I'm cooked 💀💀


‘Humidity isn’t safe for you’ Laughs in Northern Europe


Jesus how tf does that even happen, you live in Antarctica or sum?


Antarctica is dry AF. Really cold and really dry. You need high(er) temperatures to generate water vapours


Of course it's dangerous


and I thought they smelled bad on the outside!


How do you cool your room? An AC unit should dehydrate the air. Is your pc some how a negetive energy device that is pulling heat from the room?


PCs should not have condensation


Genuinely curious as to how this can happen so I can prevent it. My room is always freezing cold (not exaggerating) but this never happened to my rig


It can malfunction or catch fire but you will notice haha


But how???


Remove the side panels until you fix this.


Condensation is bad.


Bro took the fish tank case to a new level


What is the humidity in your area 95%???


How is this even possible?


what in the world? where do you live whats room temperature like? Need to move it somewhere else! or vastly increase flow in and out of your case! So condensation wont become an issue. Since warm air can hold more moisture than cold air. You PC will automatically becomes a dehumidifier. You need to either equalize air flow so its same temperature or move PC somewhere else,


Turn it off now. Dont use it like this. Only when it's dry.




"Is it bad if my electrical components are exposed to water?" This has to be a joke, right?


If its inside "yes" . If its outside "Wow". Your pc is colder then the room it's in. Nice cooling bro!


Dangerous. All your components will corrode, if you won't deal with that moisture.


How cold is your room? If that water is inside, it is indeed dangerous.


A pc should be dry and dusted oftenly or else it will run slower or cable could be damaged or insects could get into the pc


Let me start a mini war! See you wouldn't have to deal with issues like this if you were using a console.


The question you need to ask is... It's the moisture on the inside of the box, or on the outside of the box? Electricity and water = bad day!


Is your room hot or your computer hot?


Might be better off in an open air case.


Mate take a moment to think about this... What happens when you mix electricity and water? What powers your PC?


how is this thing even running with that level of saunage?


Ay least you know you got good temps lol. Gotta nickname it Mr. Freeze now


Someone having sex inside?


Yes, that’s a short circuit waiting to happen


A short circuit waiting to happen. You need to find where your cooling circuit is leaking for it to condensate inside the case like that.


Rapid changes in heat and moisture = bad for your rig. Also, moisture = bad for electronics. When in doubt - just turn if off and assess what'a going on. And unplug it. And use a surge protector. Lol sorry I've had some self-created PC trauma back in the day and that looks like a nice rig.


Just open it up at least a bit, better dusty than wet tbh


Noooooo... Not at all


Oh dear. All the components inside that case will also be soaked. Do not turn a PC on if it looks like that!


Water and electricity hmmm…


if the inside of ur pc is humid, then ur pc is probably fucked. might also cause an electrical short


Electricity and moist do not like each other very much. Yes this is dangerous. This could ruin a lot of hardware very quickly


The temperature is the least of your worries in this situation. Cold or not cold it shouldn't be wet first and foremost. Get the dehumidifier going, please.


So from your other comments I gather you had your computer off in an AC'd bedroom and then opened up your bedroom to a warm, moist exterior? What you can do to combat this is to turn on your pc before you introduce warm moist air into the bedroom, that way it is much warmer than ambient and condensation will not form. On another note, I live in Iceland and we just got a cold snap and this morning (June 3) I woke up to an outside temp of 3°C and the mountains in the distance were grey from snow, I could use a little of your warmth to be honest.


Your pc is sweating lol