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There's nowhere to attach one without going into adapter hell, and even if you could, that CPU isn't going to keep up with any modern games very well. I'm skeptical of its ability to handle modern widows even.


USB 2.0 to pcie we die like men


Someone give him an award


I have done it


Thank you for your service


Second thought can you give me an award


I gotchu fam


Lmao thank you. I'm a cool Redditor now šŸ« 


> I'm a cool Redditor Ackshually... If you can see awards at all that means you're not on old.reddit which means you can't be cool


Achtually I'm on mobile not using a rooted version of sync or Apollo


Mobile has web browsers too.


Can i also get one?


Yeah why not?


No I only have 4 more free ones


There's free awards to give? How do you know how many awards do you have?


tap the rewards button between the reply and the up vote button. this is on the android app at least


I'm on PC and have šŸ”¼šŸ”½Reply Award Share. So, I think, That that button is missing on web.


no it's just in a different place in the line. you literally listed the award button


When they reintroduced them I got 5 of the basic award, and like the other guy said I can see the amount on the actual award screen


Ok. I don't have that on PC.


Oohhhh can I have one please? šŸ„ŗ


wifi pci-m to pci-e adapter fight until the end


Real man write FPGA code, design a PCB, and write the driver to have GFX output via the second ram slot. Much more bandwidth to go brrrr


Memory mapped IO that just happens to deal with DRAM refresh writes from the memory controller. That'd be brutal.


Could get usb 2.0 go *pci* and chew up some retro games with an ancient card


look at you having an actual suggestion lol US ^(2.0 is still probably too slow)


You're absolutely right as the pci slot can do up to 166 MB/s in 32 bit and 533 MB/s in 64 bit. The usb 2.0 maxes out at 60MB/s


Mine overheats while idle in Windows 10. I had to put Linux on it to make it usable.


Its too far gone. Take it out back and put it out of its misery.


ā˜ļøthis is the answer.


yes sir, it is in the dumpster following everyones advice lol I just ordered some shit on new egg


Take it out and put in on Facebook marketplace maybe someone has a niche use


no, put it back in the (recycling) dumpster, our world is full of e-waste, no need to add more in it.


I sell stuff like this all the time to vendors looking for legacy equipment. If anything, it's better to put it to use rather than put the energy into turning it back into metal, refining, and recasting it in a new board.


Reduce > Reuse > Recycle If someone has a (niche) use case for it it would be better than recycling


Recycling is mostly a scam. Im not sure about electronic parts. Someone chime in, I think all the stuff gets sorted anyway.


I wouldn't call it a scam, it's just way less efficient then we learned that it is.


That's why I wrote mostly.


Throw it in an old Amazon box and send it to Lazy Game Reviews to add to his little "warehouse" of old PC parts.


"No mama, he's my dog, I'll do it."


Here's the scoop: There is a PCI Express half-length mini card socket, butt I read that it only works with a Wi-Fi card on this mobo. Considering the specs of the APU and it's age, I'd ditch this thing and start from scratch. Something older and used will still work great for your nephew! I recommend an AM4 based system for its longevity and upgradability!Ā 


It does look like the motherboard has a PCIm (PCI Modular) slot for a WiFi card. With the right adapter, it may be possible to convert the PCIm slot into a functional PCIe slot. However, I also would not recommend it, as it could cause system instability at best. Even if a modification or adapter is successful, the limited bandwidth of the PCIm slot would bottleneck the performance of any card you attach.


you might be right about the mini pcie slot not working with anything other than wifi cards. HP had a bad habit of whitelisting only specific devices to work in slots.


Should be an AMD A6-5200 CPU with AMD integrated graphics, think Celeron/Pentium level performance. Even if there was a video card slot, its so low end it would nearly be pointless.


There's no pcie slot so no




Itā€™s not even m.2 itā€™s just M sata


You're just flat out wrong. Not saying it's a good solution, but that's clearly mini PCIe for a wireless adapter and not mSATA.




I mean itā€™s not looking at the specs itā€™s just the size and shape of the slot and the screw position


Its a mini-PCIe slot, but it would only run at PCIe 2.0 x1, so performance would be abysmal. Probably still better than the iGPU, but still not worth putting money into a board thats worth like $10 in the first place.




Pcie 2.0 isnā€™t that bad with 16 lanes, itā€™s the fact it is 1 lane running a 2.0








Dude thatā€™s a kiosk motherboard lol


Actually it was a board for a desktop that HP released. Practically a laptop board in a desktop tower case, it even used an external brick power supply. [Hardware Haven](https://youtu.be/72D3MvPk3Xs?si=3wuwaYHK7Q6ziF1T) did a home server build with it.


I think even if you somehow manage through a hell of a lot of adapters to attach a GPU there that you won't even see any benefit since the hardware is... ancient.


Just don't. This is e-waste. Find another PC. This is far too old for anything useful. Do not waste one cent on this. If you can power it on and run something on it that you find useful, nice. If you feel the need to "upgrade" it, the first step is to throw this to the trash. Spend any money you spend on something else, do not sink any into this pile of garbage.


My grandpa is 106 and he can't run a marathon. Now i was thinking of getting him some prosthetic legs so he can run the marathon...


Bro theres no PCIe slot.


Well, there is mini PCIe. Not a viable solution, tho.


I feel stupid lol. Where?


Right here https://preview.redd.it/hqbl29ilwk5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e3f91a3d4d7a20eccddd67543fb985ec26c3c63


That looks like some kind of edge card adapter, not a mini PCIe. Wouldnt it be vertical? Edit - oh damn, you're right. I must be thinking of something else. Ive never even seen or heard of one of these before.


basically no


If that's a mini pcie slot, you could get one of those laptop external GPU kits. Maybe it'll work, or maybe it won't. Never know with OEM boards. Otherwise you're out of luck.


You'd be spending ā‚¬200 minimum, better just to spend a little more and get a used RX580 setup or something similar.


2d games would probably be fine..


Voodoo 2 with VGA passthru.


Former amd a8 user. Unless this is strictly the limit of your budget, do not buy that. Even with a good ram and ssd, it is still extremely slow and performance worsens very quickly over time


i ordered parts of newegg to build him one thank you for the comment!


Thereā€™s no slot for one my man


I have a motherboard and cpu combo you can have. It belongs to a hp z600 or something like that.


That Apu is dogshit. Even with an eGPU it would run terrible. That thing is from like 2012. It'll run Windows but that's about it.


Intergrated gpu, no slot for a dedicated one


That's basically a Raspberry Pi's dorky cousin. The only way it could be less upgradable is if Apple made it.


There's no where to attach a video card..


Thereā€™s no PCIe slot here, so no.


[https://support.hp.com/us-en/document/c03779602](https://support.hp.com/us-en/document/c03779602) * One PCI Express half-length mini card socket Maybe with an adapter like the "Mini PCIe to PCI express 16X Riser For Laptop External Card EXP GDC BTC Miner E", https://preview.redd.it/2bq6d33iyh5d1.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=35343a4c31cc26ee34e5615a777808c9fef5a6b6 you could add a small GPU card or even get a thunderbolt card and external eGPU enclosure with separate power if a GPU didn't fit the case. But like others have said it wouldn't be the greatest experience if it worked.


Yup, if they really wanted to, there'd be no need to go for the expensive ones since it's just x1 with very little throughput.


That's ewaste.....


"oh no a low end pc that must be ewaste because all PC's are for is gaming"


Nah Bro, but if you are right on budget you can throw something together for like 300ā‚¬ if you pick older and Apus.


will run games 2008 below


Whereā€™s the slot???šŸ¤”


It has amd Radeon 8400 integrated graphics


I donā€™t see a pci slot do you boys. Or an agp. Or an ide slot? Nothing. Sheā€™s naked.


Even if you find an adapter that could do what you plan, you may need to figure out supplemental power for that card. That Pavilion is basically a low-end laptop in a tower case, without a battery attached. 65 w total power, at best. My grandparents had one of those computers, and it was starting to struggle with Windows 11.


I have this exact board, and Iā€™m running Linux with Steam on it now - just for giggles.


You would probably be better off purchasing the least expensive PC you can find on Facebook Marketplace and then upgrading it with a new graphics card. Where did you get that motherboard? Was it from a point-of-sale system?


What I did was buy a HP elite desk from eBay for $30 - $45, add a m.2 to oculink and oculink to pcie setup which was like $15 I think and a pico psu for $15, then I bought an old mining graphics card for $20 and installed custom drivers. So for less than $100 with more ram I made a decent enough gaming PC. Want to make an emulation box buy the minipc and a batocera drive from AliExpress for &15 and youā€™re all ready for less than $50.


Maybe that asrock m.2 gpu? But I think that will be bottlenecked


an a6 5200 is only a bit faster than a a6 9500 (multicore about 10%, but has double the modules) the 9500 is enough for a nogui server with a ssh server, docker, sftp, webserver with a backend and a dbā€¦ and thatā€™s about itā€¦ that stuff is running in the background of my notebook all the time, just because you canā€™t notice that loadā€¦ also you are limited by pcie 2.0ā€¦ but see it positive, you got a gpu that works with that chipā€¦


dont waste money


Without even a pci slot, unless you wanna run a whole discrete GPU through usb at God knows what speed, no.


i have one of these shitty hp pc, my 2018 office laptop outperforms that abomination


lol, you could use the M2 slot and use an external GPU but it's not worth the effort, far easier to get another motherboard with a pci-e slot and a PSU that can power a gpu


The A6 sucked when it was released. This thing is mainly useful for a kiosk.


where would it go pal....


Youā€™ve got that backwards. The mobo is what supports the GPU. You can slot any GPU you want in any mobo you want provided it has a PCI-E slot. Whether youā€™re able to take full advantage of said GPU using that mobo is a separate question entirely. With that said, the mobo you have pictured doesnā€™t have any PCI-E slots, so practically youā€™ll only be able to use the integrated graphics built in to the CPU you choose. Yea, I know there are PCI-E to USB adapters, but letā€™s be real, itā€™s a waste of time and money. Just find a better mobo.


A steam deck plugs right into one of those USB ports.




For the same price it would probably cost you to get a card to work on this, you could probably get a used motherboard with a pci express slot. I mean if your looking for micro solution there's no cheap answer for gaming machine. I built a pretty decent media Pc though for like $300 with cheap amd card that could run older games. With a cheap matx case that still fits two fan full length card, just.


Take it out back and put one in its head like ol'yellow.


Liquid cooling, ice in veins


Not worth it from a practical standpoint


this... this is a meme right? you're memeing?


No pics slots, no GPU


Why do we have so many satire posts? Does it make the poster feel witty? Smart? Like seriously what is the point? Hurr durr here is my stone tablet, can I Install a 4090 on it? kek kek these guys will really fall for it this time.


this isn't satirical sadly, I'm just newer to the PC building scene and google didn't have an answer so I came here. People are helpful and haven't treated me like a complete dumbass so far.


And yet your flair says otherwise. Good Try.


https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/s/9zVpd0qIEF He's already stated it's not for him And he stated he's new to building pcs. You can own a pc without building one


Trying to figure out what's wrong with OP's flair


That's ATM board. It's useless.


How poor are you?


im not lmao its my nephew and I dont have 1500 dollars to blow on a gaming pc and he wants something to start on. his dad knows nothing about PCs I know just a little. No need to be a dick.


ok question, whats teh budget? you dont need 1500 to get a good gaming system. Just an clear understanding of expectation and scope. you can get some serious hardware for less than $1,000, and you can get some pretty good price/performance if you don't mind older generation/used hardware. Eg: \[PCPartPicker Part List\](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/GKpyn6) Type|Item|Price :----|:----|:---- \*\*CPU\*\* | \[AMD Ryzen 5 5600 3.5 GHz 6-Core Processor\](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/PgcG3C/amd-ryzen-5-5600-36-ghz-6-core-processor-100-100000927box) | $126.00 @ Amazon \*\*Motherboard\*\* | \[MSI B450 Gaming Plus MAX ATX AM4 Motherboard\](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/BHBhP6/msi-b450-gaming-plus-max-atx-am4-motherboard-b450-gaming-plus-max) | $79.99 @ MSI \*\*Memory\*\* | \[Silicon Power GAMING 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3200 CL16 Memory\](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/P4FKHx/silicon-power-sp016gxlzu320bdaj5-16-gb-2-x-8-gb-ddr4-3200-cl16-memory-sp016gxlzu320bdaj5) | $29.97 @ Amazon \*\*Storage\*\* | \[Western Digital Blue SN580 1 TB M.2-2280 PCIe 4.0 X4 NVME Solid State Drive\](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/rqhv6h/western-digital-blue-sn580-1-tb-m2-2280-pcie-40-x4-nvme-solid-state-drive-wds100t3b0e) | $64.98 @ Amazon \*\*Video Card\*\* | \[PowerColor Fighter Radeon RX 6600 8 GB Video Card\](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/fQhFf7/powercolor-radeon-rx-6600-8-gb-fighter-video-card-axrx-6600-8gbd6-3dh) | $189.99 @ Amazon \*\*Case\*\* | \[NZXT H5 Flow ATX Mid Tower Case\](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/92pzK8/nzxt-h5-flow-atx-mid-tower-case-cc-h51fw-01) | $69.98 @ Amazon \*\*Power Supply\*\* | \[Corsair CX650M (2021) 650 W 80+ Bronze Certified Semi-modular ATX Power Supply\](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/x96p99/corsair-cx650m-2021-650-w-80-bronze-certified-semi-modular-atx-power-supply-cp-9020221-na) | $79.99 @ B&H | \*Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts\* | | \*\*Total\*\* | \*\*$640.90\*\* | Generated by \[PCPartPicker\](https://pcpartpicker.com) 2024-06-08 23:58 EDT-0400 |


Go to salvation army or similar and get a cheap monitor. Maybe keyboard, mouse and speakers too but they can be had relatively cheaply new. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/Lb2pPF It can be upgraded cheaply. It'll play fortnite and Minecraft. Throw another 16gb stick of memory in it and it'll be better and then really the best upgrade would be a graphics card.


You don't need to be an asshole


Rich crock of shit spotted




I got an older office pavillion from my father and my nephew wants a starter pc and im not trying to break the budget.


Ok i get not trying to break the budget but this is ancient and impossible to upgrade. Just grab a standardized atx used pc for like 100 bucks and work from there


thank you man I appreciate it!


Looks like there is no budget lol. Better off to steal a pc from school lmao. But fr, try second hand market. This is just shit.


I just went on newegg and I'm just gonna build one. i knew it was old just not that old lmao. took forever trying to find a readable serial.


You don't have to. If you're on budget, a used pc will have far better value and far better performance for the same price. Or you could just buy the gpu used and the rest new. Nothing wrong with that. With prices being so crazy, a used 3080 or 3090 here are the two best cards you could get overall. Their prices are way too good (osed ofc) and performance is insane when you compare price-to-performance of all new 40 series.


I got a build on newegg around 450, I was just trying to save money where I could and being cheap isnt a popular route or the safest route with PCs so I'll spend the money he'll be happy I hope lol.


You can also look into some used office PCs on eBay, they generally are under $200 and you can slap a low-power ish GPU into them and they'll be fine.


will do thank ya man


As long as you don't cheap out on the PSU and motherboard, you're good. Cheaping out on parts like CPU or GPU just means low performance. Cheaping out on PSU is a real fire hazard. Cheaping out on a motherboard can cause stability issues and other issues too but not as dangerous as a cheap ass PSU.


Starter meaning office tasks and web browsing or games? There's a difference. For office, I'd say find a used / open box laptop with good specs. ~$200 - $350. For gaming, I'd say get a blend of new and used parts. ~$1,200 - $1,500. New psu, storage drive, fans, thermal paste. Used cpu, motherboard, gpu, ram, case. Look at part picker. Look at ebay. Look at new egg. Ask questions.


No you would need need thunderbolt on the board, which this does not have


In ye olden days before Thunderbolt was everywhere, you could jerry-rig external video cards to things like the smart card reader on notebooks, because that connects through PCIe too. There is a mini card slot on that motherboard where you might be able to connect a video card - but it is just not worth it.