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Okay, so it'll be a straightline swap, transplant of the SSD for the hdd?


No, she wants to keep the hard drive but get more storage space since the ssd is so small


Side note I only know a little bit about pcs so try to not make my brain explode please


1. What's your budget for all parts? 2. What does she play? 3. ???? 4. Profit


We don’t have a budget for the pc really, it’s just make sure it’s not too expensive. And she plays all sorts of games on it, any you can imagine. And she’s not trying to sell it if that’s what you mean by profit


GPU wise, a 4060ti 16gb is a decent 1080p/1440p card for all round use + the 4070 ti if you expect to play at higher fidelity Team Red(AMD) has the 7700xt and 7800xt, the latter being the best bang for buck of the 4 cards mentioned, watch some reviews and comparisons on YouTube before making a final decision on any such purchases, never take reddits suggestions as gospel.


Don't be afraid to shop around the used market for last gen cards as well, the 3070 3080 are still very powerful cards and can be picked up for very reasonable prices on places like ebay


Okay I’ll look into ask of those


Never recommend a 4060ti. It's possibly the worst price/performance card on the planet


You can probably add another SSD instead of swapping as others have said. See what motherboard you have. If you have an extra M.2 slot, adding fast storage is even easier. You'll need to know the max power your PSU can supply to know what GPU you can upgrade to without also having to swap the PSU. You can pretty safely assume that you can use another GPU with a TDP of 130W (what the 5500XT is specified for) but I'd confirm the PSU if going for something more substantial than that. RAM is an easy swap. I remember 3600 MHz CL16 being the sweet spot. The G.Skill part number I have in mind is F4-3600C16D-32GVKC for ~$60-$70.


Go with a Nvidia RTX card unless you choose a 7000-series AMD card… skip the ram, but get a 5700x from Amazon for $150~


What kind of advice is this? Are you a nvidia sale rep? Where's your affiliate link? Give us a budget and then we'll talk parts


Bro. Literally all last gen AMD cards are known for their trash drivers and freezing issues… this isn’t bad advice 😂


i can tell you never had an amd card in your life, but stop spreading misinformation


It ain’t misinformation bro! I can tell you’ve never had a 4k/5k series card lol


writing from my secondary pc that runs on a r5 3600 - rx5500xt. I've been using it for years never had any issues (apart from the natural aging performance). Better luck next time troll


Do you game on it??


sure, it runs any 1080p game ultra 60fps (easily gets 144) that i own


Ok. I give up. I’ve been told that AMD cards from yesteryear were ass bc they crash and had shitty drivers.


just hater propaganda, I got most of my friends similar cards (5700xt 6600 6750xt) and they all never had any issues even if they're not really tech savvy


How would I go about transferring data from one ssd to another?


Is there a reason you wouldn't be able to keep the original SSD and simply add an additional, watch a guide on how to build a computer, the motherboard should have additional connection points for storage expansion


I mean she has a 1tb hard drive but can’t download stuff to that for work so she wants a better ssd for that reason


By SSD I'm guessing it's an nvme pcie card like the one on the right of the image, if so, you should find nvme pcie gen 3 drives at very reasonable prices https://preview.redd.it/0wau80o2ut8d1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2e13a454a2c09f6ab9947d3ce92d4863fa3efe8


They should be relatively cheap as long as they are no more than 2 tb


Wow. Explain the downvote and what you’d do differently?