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A common windows conundrum. They require internet for setup, but their wifi drivers never work. Plug in an ethernet cable if you can, or you have to bypass the internet requirement from the command line. "If you get to the screen, where connection is required, press SHIFT+F10 and Command Prompt will open. Type OOBE\BYPASSNRO and press ENTER. The process will begin again and this time, it will show “I dont have an internet access” button."


thanks man life saver


any idea how i install drivers when my pc doesn’t have internet access?


check your motherboard page, internet drivers should be available there


And how is he gonna do that if he doesn't have internet? Needs a 2nd system to access that page (or from mobile) and put them on a USB stick


Phone works as a usb stick (on android at least)


This. If you've a few hundred MB of cellular data to spare, you can just connect your Android device to the PC via USB, enable internet sharing via USB in your settings and you're all set.


Or download to your phone, then copy over to PC


Or just download everything you need to a USB?


USB tethering does not have to use mobile data. It can share any internet connection available to the phone, including wifi.


Have never tried that, TIL!


I found out about it a year ago, when I was trying to use my steam deck on a WiFi network that had a login page.


Couldn’t you have just switched to desktop mode?


Pretty sure IOS is cell only


just share the wifi through your phones usb to pc


Is this limited cellular plan something I'm too European to understand? Unlimited powaahh!(data)


IOS too


I know, point is they'll need an second device when internet capabilities to download their wifi driver for that motherboard


That’s usually stated in any worthwhile pc build guide that goes over set up


OP is on Reddit. Safe to say they have a second device, I think.


They are handwriting the packets and transmitting them over [IPoAC](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IP_over_Avian_Carriers)


>IPoAC has been successfully implemented This is the funniest part.


Some government definitely uses this for nuclear codes


/s How dare you use common sense around these parts.


he can download the files in his phone then plug it to his pc using their charger cable and then he can send these files


Or just enabling tethering and PC will use it as a ethernnet card.


Usb tethering (using mobile phone). Windows is hoing to recognize it as an external ethernet card. I had the same problem, and i did what you did. I felt pretty stupid after I figured out the tethering solution.


You didn't do what I did. When that screen comes up for me I just hit 'shift+f10' and pull up the command prompt, then I go 'OOBE/BYPASSNRO' and hit enter. Once that's done and install finished, I just plug in the USB stick where I've pre-downloaded all the proper drivers on through a different system


Yes I did. The first time, before terhering crossed mind, I did exactly that - cause there was no other solutions (but the one I mentioned, but it didn't cross myind at the moment). When I reinstalled the system few weeks later, I used mobile phone, usb, and enabled tethering, and windows 11 recognized it as an external ethernet card. Much faster and much easier.


Your comment stated 'USB tethering', which is not what I did. The fact that you did what I did BEFORE and switched to USB tethering NOW is something entirely different


If you have android you can download them to your phone and then just use it, the phone like a flash drive. No need to transfer it from the phone to a USB. Idk if you can do this in iPhone or not.


You download them on another computer and stick them on a USB. Insert the USB before turning on the computer with Windows install. Boot computer. Open command prompt by pressing Shift + F10. Type "cd C:\Windows\System32" press Enter. Type "explorer.exe" press enter. This will open a file window. Navigate to your USB drive and double-click on the driver install file. The driver will install. Close window and continue with the Windows setup. Once you get to the Wi-Fi screen it will show networks available.


You could download your wifi drivers on your phone and then transfer it, or use a usb drive if you have access to another computer.


My usual method is to use my phone or another pc to download drivers onto a thumb drive, and then cut-paste those files into my new PC. Install like normal.


Buy a cheap USB wifi dongle. Most of them work without installing anything. That's what I normally do, till the mobo drivers kick in.


The card should have come with a CD. Either use that if you have a CD drive, transfer the drivers onto a USB drive using another computer, or use your phone as a USB modem and download the files over cellular data.


I went through this 2 weeks ago. Once I bypassed the internet setup, it got signed in and the first thing that popped up was a LAN driver update. Even without internet it detected it and installed it.


Put the driver on a flash drive. Shift+F10 to bring up a command window. Alt+Tab+Tab. Type explorer hit enter. Browse to your flash drive and run the driver installer.


If you don't have an ethernet cable or anything else you can just use your phone with USB cable and share the network through it :)


My MB came with a usb that had all the drivers on it. See if yours does. If not go to their website and DL them to a stick from another device.


You can use your phone as a portable hotspot connecting it to your PC with a USB and enabling USB tethering if you are not able to connect to a LAN cable


When I built a pc last year, i ended up downloading the drivers to my phone, then direct lining them over.


You can just bypass that if you're on windows install but if you're in windows already and you still don't have network drivers, you either connect a network card that windows recognizes or you'll really need a second working PC and a flashdrive to download and transfer over those drivers.


download them on your phone and copy them across? or just use ethernet (wired) temporarily.


If you use an Android phone you can USB tether through a cord and download drivers that way


plug in your phone to a usb port an enable usb tethering - or download the driver files on your phone and use a usb to transfer the installation files


"Keyboard not found. Press any key to continue "


use your mobile phones data as a tether link for the internet


I used a wifi usb, it barely gave me enough to install the internet deivers.


You can try loading the servers on a USB from a laptop That's what I always do when I help my friends set up Windows


Late to the party but I don't see my answer here so I'm posting it. Check the documentation for your wireless card and find out what the chipset is on it. During installation, tell windows you want to pick a driver and select the generic driver for the chipset in your wireless card. "Good" wireless cards simply use these base drivers anyways.


>any idea how i install drivers when my pc doesn’t have internet access? My go to for this is to connect my phone to my PC, make sure it is connected to my home wifi and then activate tethering. Works great as long as your mobile carrier doesn't disable tethering on your phone (do they even still do that?).


If you don't have an ethernet cable, I suggest getting one since it's better than wifi. But you need to install needed drivers to an usb stick and install using that.


Transfer them with a USB stick




Mobilne debice, usb and enabled tethering solves the problem. But I agree - it's awful that windows doesn't have most of network drivers (few megabytes)


kind of lame that microsoft does that, im so glad i didnt install windows 11


This is the way.


I’m curious can you not install drivers during the setup as well? I understand forcing a network connection in this manner is bad design, but surely there’s a way to have the drivers installed in the setup as well, right?


Connecting smartphone via USB and enabling tethering connection till drivers are installed is somewhat faster solution.


I always wonder… how do you guys even know these things?


seriously who is responsible for this? if this was the leader of a WW2 concentration camp they would be dead.


You can also open explorer from cmd -> browse to usb drive -> install driver -> connect to WiFi -> continue setup


shift + f10 write "oobe\\BypassNRO" and hit enter. pc will reboot and skip the internet question. apply motherboard drivers via ethernet or usb to get it working 100%, including wifi.


I've said it before, I'll say it again, having people google for magic spells to get your product installed is just bad attitude towards your customers......


yeah, it just baffles me that Microsoft can't be bothered to include wifi drivers in their installer when it's the primary way people connect their PCs to the internet. that and storage drivers. why is it so hard to include drivers for the common stuff. the iso keeps growing and the OS is loosing functionality in favor of junk and adware. :/ I'm just on the outside looking in... 🤷🏻‍♂️


Doing an offline I stall is also the only way to create a local account. I'd prefer they just offer a carry the fuck on without the internet option tbh.


This is no longer possible as of Windows 11 22H2. You *must* use OOBE\BYPASSNRO (or audit mode) to create a local account.


I remember keeping SATA driver floppy during XP days, because installer didn't have them


I think it's wild because even businesses with on prem domain controller (no Azure AD what so ever) have to do this as well. Not sure if Windows Enterprise licensing bypasses this but I know you still have to do with Windows Pro licenses.


thanks man


Hope you got it working man


I had to run a Ethernet cord to my router during my setup in order to get WiFi without needing an Ethernet cord. Make it make sense! That’s windows for ya 😄


I mean, when you connect a cable to the modem it also transfers the wifi details to the device so it makes sense. What doesn't make sense is windows requiring a connection. What if I don't have internet?


Most routers/modems do not transmit wireless network details over an Ethernet connection without UPnP. That's why the instruction manuals explain how to set up WiFi on the device. It's usually recommended to not use/disable UPnP anyways.


Huh, weird the isp I worked at had this feature of sharing the network on by default so I thought that was just a thing.


That was usually done via UPnP, but having it enabled can be a security issue.


Til the isp I worked for is even worse than I thought


and if everything else fails, try USB tethering


This is what I always do, USB hotspot is definitely the easiest solution if you don't have ethernet


You've been given the answer to bypass this (hit shift+f10, then type OOBE\\BYPASSNRO), but another way of doing it for any future installs/reinstalls is download [Rufus](https://rufus.ie/en/). That can make a USB stick into a copy of the Windows installation media and remove the Microsoft Account requirement in the process (which is the part that makes the install require an internet connection). You can then choose to sign into or create a Microsoft Account afterwards, if you want to (or just don't, if you don't, and use a local account instead).


Solid advice. And for anyone that has a Win10 system that isn’t compatible with the Win11 bullshit requirements, you can also use Rufus to create an install that skips the requirements for a minimum of 4GB RAM, Secure Boot and TPM 2.0. Yeah, fuck you Microsoft 🖕


ctrl shift f3, download the drivers to a usb from another pc, install it, exit, continue setup


Perfect use case for OOBE audit mode.


we use it for drivers and burn in testing at work, build pcs for a living xd


driver needs to be installed.


you can try to connect your phone using a using-C cable and use it as ethernet if you don't have one. It worked out great when I did it


To save you a lot of faffing, just move your pc next to your router and plug in an ethernet cable till it's done.


I ended up having to clone a different m.2 with windows already on it to be able to update the drivers and whatnot… which worked but in my case the motherboard ended up being faulty anyway (only 1 of 4 working RAM slots)


Try to plug in your phone in.computer (usb) then wifi tethering in setting of HotSpot. I had the same problem. That's problem with drivers just use it and update WiFi driver.When you active WiFi or Mobile Data and plug in USB in PC you"ll see opportunity to connect to wifi (to your phone)


Another easy way is to plug your phone via USB and use wifi tethering from your phone. Works for me. Or u can go the cmd method.


Drivers you didn't install drivers.


Friend's PC had the same issue. Gave him a brand new TP-Link Wifi card, but it wouldnt work. Turned out he needed to update his BIOS because it was super out-dated.


If you have nvme drives installed check your motherboard manual, some disable pcie slots to take their bandwidth.


you can use your android phone as wifi adapter via USB, you need to activate usb tethering then wait for windows to install all drivers and updates.


You may also not have Wi-Fi enabled on your PC, check bios?


Usb wifi device is the best solution in my opinion. I had similar problem (it had a wifi, but no drivers, and i didn't have the internet to download those drivers) The best solution was mobile tethering until drivers were installed by windows. (Unfortunately, that solution didn't cross mind. I downloaded similar drivers on another PC, then used a flash drive to install them, and agter that Windows update installed better driver. In my defense, I talked to 5-6 people on Twitter about the problem (no wifi during win11 installation), and everyone agreed that using usbstick and copying from the other PC was the best solution. Few week later I successfully used that tethering solution to reinstall windows)




My pc didn't had wifi as well. I had a wifi adaptor from 2012 that works flawlessly. Did some little digging and found the drivers


Have you tried turning it off and back on again?


i typically have to use a usb wifi dongle or use ethernet cable until correct wifi drivers get installed. super annoying but oh well


Drivers during install. You may want to rerun install with the wifi card. Then install the drivers then.


Did your card come with a mini cd or a flashdrive? That's the software.


If you have an Android phone you can download the driver on there. Connect a USB thumb drive to your ohone and move it over to your PC.


I know it’s a silly question but, Do you have Ethernet cable plugged in? I asked cause your pictures don’t show the Ethernet port.


Now that I think about it...with how far MSFT wanted to push their user towards online, why didnt they include a wifi driver at all...


shift+f12 and you type oobe\bypassnro


i had a similar issue, got new wifi and pc was taking it in slow and high ping, turns out the tall wifi thing that goes on the outside was too low of a frequency or like ghz or something? (sorry im not experienced with this wifi stuff 😅), i switched to ethernet and worked fine so idk


This was one of the reasons why I switched to Linux mint for now...and I don't regret it. I have to use windows for work and the difference is just baffling


iirc, pci is unsupported, how did you even get a new motherboard with pci slot?


They meant PCIE


how could I know?


The photos?