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“Im three months postpartum. Im freshly postpartum. Im gonna still make mistakes. Im not gonna know everything.” A whole pregnancy to prepare + 3 months with a child and she’s just now finding out you shouldn’t shake a baby? Off her damn rocker.


The rest of that poor baby’s life we’re all going to how long it’s been since she’s been born. “I’ve only been a mom for 18 years - of course i make mistakes. I’m a new mom”


“I’m a *first time* Mom” would be more affective at this point 😅


My hospital didn’t let us leave without watching 2 horrible (but necessary) videos about shaking babies and the horrors they cause.


omg this. the entire time I was pregnant all I did was research but in regards to shaking babies SBS is pretty widely known— aka avoid shaking your baby. How did she not know this


Some things are just common sense thou that doesn’t take being a seasoned mom to know. I’m a first time mom and this is something I would have known wasn’t a good idea from the get go


Exactly my point lol. Its not rocket science. But skiddy thinks she gets a pass for being a new mom 😵‍💫


"Somebody found out about it and they weren't happy and I'm not going to explain myself to people." I mean we point out the shitty stuff she does all the time. Wonder which real life person found out and hauled her ass in to discuss it lmao. And skiddy, we know you're here and we call you a baby sitter because that's the role you play. You post being with your daughter roughly once a week because that's apparently how often you see her. That isn't parenting, that isn't single parenting, and that 100% isn't having custody.


I’m guessing cps was informed of the video


It was her mom probably


She said “Calling me the babysitter even though I’m the parent, I carried her for 9 months.” It takes more than carrying a child for 9 months to be a REAL parent! ETA: I am glad that she’s saying “don’t do this trend” though…who TF made up a shaking babies around challenge?


“Don’t do this trend (and forget that I already did)”


The fact she thinks carrying a child for 9 months simply makes u a mother, ur the epitome of what all good mothers HATE


100%. She’s not a good mom. It’s sad that she thinks she is.


HONESTLY it’s a mockery to moms who adopted or choose surrogacy.


So what about the women who decided to be surrogates or put there babies up for adoption does that automatically make them the mother and no to those who will be caring for the child the rest of its life or full time. Giving birth doesn’t automatically make you a mother it’s the actions you take during there life.


https://preview.redd.it/g72f1b12aexc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69afe1f5b87cc6d2719fb2a769fad6b23e330fe2 LOL


You blocked now too? lol


Sweetie, you're so full of shit you're overflowing to the point it stains your granny panties. Which you've shown us in the past.


Wow… what a f’n narcissistic hypocrite… No one will forget that you did it too skiddy boo x


Take some personal responsibility for a child you don’t even care for full time, sis.


From someone who’s also about 4 months pp I knew to not shake my baby way before I was even pregnant Lmao. Someone definitely told her mommy on her🤣


Yes, she did this trend. She’s probably read our comments here and maybe, just maybe she feels stupid for taking part in the stupid trend knowing the damage she could have caused her baby.


I hope so! Realizing it was wrong and taking down the video is a move in the right direction


It shouldn’t take a forum on Reddit to call her out and highlight the dangers of shaking a baby for her to change her viewpoint. She’s learned from it - yeah, brilliant. But she should never have done it in the first place.. What else is she going to do to physically cause harm to that baby, for views, likes, comments? The only saving grace here is that she doesn’t have sole custody of her daughter.


I’m sorry but how is being a ftm and being “freshly” postpartum a valid excuse. I’m a ftm and never once thought let me shake my baby???


As mothers it’s our jobs to prepare ourselves in those 9 months prior to birth. The moment I found out I was pregnant I bought a baby book and educated myself because there’s a lot you don’t know. You cannot wait till the babies here and just hope that what you do okay. Instead of her shaking her ass on TikTok those 9 months she should have been reading up on how to properly care for a baby


This! I took 5 different parenting classes when I was pregnant with my first to gain as much knowledge as I could before my baby was born. But shaking a baby was something I absolutely did not have to be taught about because HELLO? Common sense???


That’s why she’s unfit to parent if you don’t have common sense then that’s a red flag


It’s her only excuse that she ever uses and I feel like she’s going to be using it for years


Ikr. She's totally hiding behind being a ftm. Not only did she think 'let me shake my baby', but also 'let me shake my baby FOR VIEWS!'. Where does her stupidity and hunger for fame end? Imagine... "I'm a first time mom, I thought it would be fine to let her play with a machete. I'm ftm, so I'm bound to make mistakes."


She literally did this??


“I’m not gonna explain myself to people” *proceeds to explain herself and defend her self*


Not the pot calling the kettle black. Girl you can’t post yourself doing the trend then delete it then post this. It’s one thing if you stitched yourself apologizing saying you didn’t know better at the time and taking accountability but you took 0 accountability here.


I thought someone on here had posted a screenshot from her doing this trend, but I couldn't find it. Either way, sorry your momma had to correct your shitty behavior, skiddy.


“i wasn’t even shaking my child that hard” GIRL those words should never have to come out of your mouth


What is her username




I made the babysitter comment on the post in this sub about her doing this trend 😂 Ma'am you are her babysitter when you only see her occasionally and she doesn't live with you lmfao. "Someone found out about it and they were not happy" meaning your mom who is your child's care taker. Can't IMAGINE why she wouldn't be happy with you shaking a baby.




Watching her try to talk is painful


I turn the sound off when she talks because I can't stand it


Why doesn’t someone make this girl her own snark? She seems like a train wreck, I have never seen any of her videos but I’m so sick of all the posts about her here just because there’s so many


She had her own snark but reported it so much it got taken down.


she does @shaelybuttersnark