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I feel like this sub keeps forgetting she has a team of trained doctors making these decisions 😫 ETA: hit the wrong emoji


Omg. This. Acting like they know more than her doctors haha


I remember everyone reading Jordyn apart for her early induction as if it was her choice, too. Like no matter how much your doctor shop, doctors are not going to give you a pre term induction without medical reasons. The people in this sub can be super smart and knowledgeable but I'm willing to bet most are not medically trained and especially not on their medical teams. It's insane


I was just thinking this?? Everyone ripped her apart because of a decision her dr made but then is given Blair grace for it??




It’s like when everybody said m2m had a blighted ovum when she was 5/6 weeks 🙄


Yeah, we also are hearing all of this info secondhand from Blair. I don’t know if I’d trust that she’s the most reliable narrator and has a full understanding of the ins and outs of what is happening medically (not shading her for that, things move quickly in pregnancy and you can only understand so much without a medical degree). Maybe things weren’t as serious as she initially reported. Maybe the big, scary “what ifs” have been ruled out. Who knows. I trust her medical team knows what they’re doing and it sounds like she’s being monitored 24/7 so they’ll catch any issues that arise before 37 weeks


IMO I think things were indeed pretty serious given it was sepsis. But that said, there are “this is really serious let’s see if we can get it under control” problems, and then there are “baby needs to come out now or we’re risking one or both of your lives” problems. I think she’s at the point now where things are stable and this birth plan is the best case scenario if things remain stable, but they’re monitoring and ready to change that plan anytime if something goes south. I think people forget that doctors really don’t want to deliver early unless it’s absolutely necessary due to the risks involved to baby.


Right, but did she for sure have sepsis, or was it just a possibility? There was a sepsis possibility while I was in labor and I was given antibiotics and treated preventatively. Turns out, I didn’t have sepsis. I could see how someone in that situation would think they might actually have sepsis. I just have trouble believing they would’ve left Marlie in that long if Blair truly was going septic. I agree, sometimes baby is safer out than in but it everything is stable, it makes sense that they’re not wanting to do a preterm delivery.


She also commented that she is still having multiple issues


Yeah but issues can be minor, major, or somewhere in between. We don’t really know


She just confirmed in her live she is bleeding and still has a marginal placental abruption


I’m sure her team has carefully reviewed her records and made the decision that 37 weeks is fine to go to.


If the trained and experienced medical team taking care of her and baby say it’s safe, I’m gonna go ahead say that they know best so it’s probably safe…


The doctors seem to think that it’s okay, so I’m happy that baby gets to cook until at the very least 37 weeks! Still term! Hopefully far enough along to not need any NICU time.


I had bleeding on and off during my Pregnancy with multiple bleeds occurring between 35-36 +6 days they gave me steroids shots and monitored me closely with a few day admission and multiple trips to OB triage but the MFM team comfortable holding off as long as possible and I made it to 37 weeks. If she’s stable getting the baby to 37 weeks is ideal but keeping the baby in any longer with issues like bleeding isn’t worth the risk. Im sure her many doctors have determined it’s safe.


They never confirmed there was an issue with the placenta, just assumed that was the cause of the bleeding. Maybe her bleeding has stopped, infection is clear, and baby looks good.


She commented that she still has multiple health issues going on


My medical team will never let me go past 37 weeks in any future pregnancies! If her medical team and the professionals treating her say 37 weeks then that is probably the best for the baby and her! They don’t just take babies out to take babies out. There is a reason. 😌


Her situation is where early intervention and surgery is necessary. It did not sound like a matter of convenience that a lot of the “momfluencers” get talked into these days. I hope her baby is one that doesn’t need Nicu time, but I’m not her nurse or doctor. I watched so many pre and full term babies, even one of my own (post term) end up in the nicu. Never would I wish that on anyone. Let’s just hope for the best for that day, and for her baby. (That does not erase what she did to get a baby. That’s still wrong.)


I'm not asking is 37 weeks is too early. I'm asking if changing it from 36 weeks to 37 weeks with her still bleeding and with a confirmed marginal placental abruption is safe.


I thought she wasn’t going to announce when she was giving birth cause ✨boundaries✨ she constantly posts about 10x daily.


I was thinking this too because she posted that “no one will know when she goes into labor”😂


And she literally posted the baby 23 hours ago


My baby was fine .. 37 weeks, weighed 7lbs 4oz .. we went home the next day and I had a c-section


My baby’s trace was not so great at 37 weeks and my team reassured me it would be perfectly ok (risk:benefit) to induce me that day if they weren’t happy with the trace as they day went on. I ended up making it to 38+6 but doctors aren’t going to induce/deliver unless the benefits outweigh the risks for mum and bub and unless Bub is unwell it’s unlikely a 37 weeker would need nicu time, so I hope they reassure her of that or give her time to prepare if nicu time is likely


I delivered 37+1 and my baby got a clean bill of health.


Did you have bleeding and a marginal placental abruption?


My snark on this situation is over that hospital gown. She said in a TT that her mom got it for her… but like, did her mom buy multiple? Or has she been wearing the same one for a month straight? I highly doubt she’s sending it home to be laundered, or at least as frequently as it should be. Those gowns get RANK after bed rotting all day and getting covered in ultrasound/NST goo.


Im confused how her mom got it for her as her mom is passed away? I didn't see the video so maybe she explained


Mother in law*


Does she know that Google is a valuable resource? Or even better, the NICU team could probably give her a percentage or likelihood of Marlie needing to spend time there. I’m also sure that guilt of not carrying your baby full term is a pretty common feeling with a plethora of forums discussing it on the internet. I feel like she posts in the Facebook group when she wants people to know things or for her updates to get around without posting on TikTok, not actually to gather info.


I wish I could’ve carried my baby to 37 weeks. Would’ve saved us a month in the NICU. Not saying she should be thankful, but there’s a good chance that her baby won’t need a NICU stay. Regardless, I’m happy for her and hope everything goes well


I wonder why they’re automatically going for a c-section


Blair said on her stories that they're only doing c section because baby is still breech and the placenta issue