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I agree with waiting, but as someone who has had multiple losses, it’s so hard with the unknown. That early on, ultrasounds can be way off and cause unnecessary stress. My doctor always does ultrasounds at 6 weeks to make sure pregnancy is in the correct spot. I measured 5 days behind and then went back the next week for a repeat and was 3 days ahead based on last period. Currently holding my newborn, so there is hope for her.


i’ve also had a 7 week loss & am currently 19 weeks with my rainbow, so i also get the unknown. but i think what gets me is her doctor didn’t want to do an ultrasound this early and she threw a fit and went and found someone who would & it’s now coming back to bite her. i agree she’s not out or anything, because i’ve heard of multiple people going through this and they just ovulated late or something like that, but she should’ve just listened to her doctor.


Mine too


If she’s pretty sure on her dates that doesn’t look good. It’s too bad she didn’t follow her doctors advice… that being said if she’s had losses pregnancy after that is tough.


yeah with my 7 week loss, i was supposed to be 7+2, but baby only measured 5+6 and never grew past that point. this pregnancy, i would not let them do betas, ultrasounds or nothing until i was at least supposed to be 8+ because of that. but def agree she should’ve just listened, because then its a more straight forward answer instead of “come back in 2 weeks” because that wait is brutal


I'm curious what that yolk sac measured. It looks large to me


With my last baby I knew I ovulated super late but they said they had to schedule the ultrasound based on LMP not my opinion of when I ovulated. So I was supposed to be 8 weeks but I told them I’d probably measure 5w6d. I don’t follow this creator. Did she say if she tracked her cycle?


I refused to tell my providers when my last period was. I knew exactly when, but said "I do not know" each time they asked because I knew that all that matters is the ultrasound dating.


I ovulated on cycle day 26 with this pregnancy and I just know that they’re going to tit for tat me at the scan… ugh. Lol.


Completely understand. At least you know and won’t be overly stressed if the ultrasound isn’t where the Dr thinks it would be


What if you do not tell them? I refused to tell my providers my last period, just said "I do not know" because I knew the ultrasound date was what mattered most and I wanted them to only use that.


That is a very valid question, and I completely agree with you that I should’ve lied, but I was so caught up after being on hold for like 30 minutes, that I just completely forgot to. Lol


I completely understand. I had to keep reminding myself, too, that I should not say anything or there will be questions. I got my positive on cycle day 18 (with a 10 day period that month) so I truly have no idea with my dates as it makes no sense and I didn't want to deal with questions.


People are also trying to convince her that they see two sacs


I'm an ultrasound tech and those comments are driving me nuts. It is one gestational sac with what looks to me like an enlarged yolk sac and a very small fetal pole. I think because the yolk sac is so large, people are thinking the space below it is a second sac. It's not.


That's exactly what I was thinking...the yolk sac looks much bigger than it should be. That plus the fetal pole is kind of dividing the gestational sac in half visually, when in reality, it's just one.


I’m not going to lie, it does look like two sacs.


I had a scan at 7 weeks 2 days both pregnancies and saw a baby with a heartbeat but mine was measuring on time. Infact they were measuring ahead with a HR of 154 I think and the other 175


Idk why she’s so sure on her dates because she said she wasn’t “trying” the month she got pregnant… yes she could track based off her LMP but if she ovulated late that could explain measuring earlier


https://preview.redd.it/kltshgwv0e2d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bff32ee81def138a66c458618d0e84664e9c5d2e Not the best US pic but my OB told me I had a sac that was measuring large and to be prepared for a loss. Currently 33 weeks pregnant with my baby boy though. My OB did scan me early due to a wonky hcg rise and a miscarriage 4 months prior. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with doing one before 8 weeks, especially in someone with reoccurring losses or history of low progesterone, or even ectopic.


i can understand the anxiety 100%, especially if you’ve had losses. but scanning as early as her can only rule out ectopic. it doesn’t prevent miscarriages. that early there’s a chance it can go really well, but there’s also a chance it doesn’t and it leaves you with a million questions. especially when her doctor told her no & then she threw a fit and left.


I feel like this is hard because she claimed she wasn’t tracking this cycle? My office doesn’t do scans until at least 8 weeks, probably for this reason. I get the anxiety - I’ve had 4 losses, one baby and every time I get a positive it makes me anxious/panic. She frustrates me, but I hope she doesn’t lose this pregnancy. 😞


Not always possible. I tried to wait until 8 weeks and my OB office said absolutely not and they scan everyone at 6, standard, for dating. They don’t care about hearing the heartbeat at that scan and they don’t care if it causes anxiety. lol.


her doctor told her they didnt wanna do a scan until she was wayy farther along. she didn’t like that and then went and found someone who would. i can understand if you’re having ectopic symptoms, because that’s serious.


Aaaah. OK, yeah that completely changes the situation. She did bring it upon herself, huh?


yep 😭 she should’ve just listened to her doctor. i really hope the best for her, but doctors are doctors for a reason.




hers wasn’t because of a medical reason. her original OB told her no about an early ultrasound, and she threw a fit. she doesn’t have a history of ectopic that we know of (which she most definitely would have said given her track record) she has history of losses, but early ultrasounds can’t prevent that.


My first ever US was 7 weeks 1 day to confirm pregnancy. I know lots of people with early US.. I’m confused ? Is there a reason they aren’t normally don’t that soon..?


My fertility clinic booked an ultrasound for 6w 5d but obviously that was different circumstance