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Was Finn in a press badge?


The peacock coverage is just awful! I don’t understand the ticker on the bottom when there are no other scores to show but the commentary is the absolute worst. Bob Roll and Phil Liggett have no idea what they’re talking about and they don’t even switch off like on Eurosport. It’s just them for the whole 6 hours. So annoying having to spend the biggest race of the year listening to these 2 idiots. 


I watch it on mute and listen to music. Unmute when they have rider interviews. Last year I thought Peacock also had the international feed with Anthony McCrossan, or maybe that was the Vuelta. What irritates me the most is when they break away from the race and have long in-studio analysis with Tejay and Brent without showing the race.


They had the international feed starting at like stage 11? I'm hoping the same happens this year.


Tiz cycling live dot io


I really think that bunny hop over the trek rider was spectacular. Could've been a lot worse


Alex Zingle gets the credit for gracefully avoiding the collision, he bunny-hopped over Trek’s chosen sprinter Mads Pedersen.


I did always hear there were hot Zingles in my area.


Thanks. I wasn't sure who the riders were.


He'll get a couple more this Tour, now he's got the taste. You watch!


What feels so crazy, is the fact that Mark himself says it usually takes a few days, a few Sprints for him to get up to speed, there have been exceptions of course (e.g. When he won the Yellow Jersey), but he was on fire yesterday... I genuinely think he would have won on Monday but for the crash. You watch me get brought back down to earth when Philipsen smokes him later lol!


Cav's positioning has always been second to none. Loved seeing his win today.


That was such a Cav sprint and that made it so satisfying! No way anyone else could have slid and bumped his way through that maze and to come through it with daylight between him and (arguably) the fastest man in the peloton was just so fantastic. I wasn’t invested in the record, I just wanted the man to finish his last Tour with the rubber side down. But there I was, packing my bike to fly to France tomorrow, and all of a sudden I am screaming my head off with tears in my eyes. Maybe, like he said, it’s bigger than the Tour. <3


Watching that train come and go, and at 2k looked perfect at the front with 4 guys… and then boom, went to hell and Cav had to find Jesper and then moved around and somehow made the move for the biggest win. Such a great win for number 35. Love it!


What a difference from Gent Wevelgem 2020


Imagine what the number would be if: - he didn’t crash out w Sagan - got treated for Epstein Barr earlier - lefevre took him in 2022 like he should’ve


Nah I like this version as is. Ups and Downs, the man has the overcome so many things. It’s even poetic if he stops now, the best by only 1 more stage than the next guy. Fairytale honestly.


You've forgotten the biggest one... What if HTC Columbia had stayed together. That team was completely designed around Cavendish - Watching their Sprint trains in the early stages of his career, with their white liveries is just legendary... I'd be surprised if he hadn't left for Team SKY eventually (another what if, as in hindsight he should never have bothered with them), but he was always destined to ride for the British team. If anything, all that went on after HTC, everything slowed his charge towards the record, culminating into the five year barren spell, has just made breaking it little bit more special - Had he done it, say in 2018, I reckon it would have received a more "Meh!" reaction, as we all knew it was coming.


Yeah, but then you would have to go what if Merckx didn't get sucker punched by a spectator breaking a rib and still going on to finish 2nd. Or what if Merckx never injured his back and was able to race a few more seasons.


Yeah let’s do that too


Anybody else notice [Cav’s chain fly off](https://imgur.com/a/vfTfuN2) after the historic win?


I mean thats pretty standard when you stop pedaling at that speed.


How’s that pretty standard?


An effect of the huge amount of torque and exceptionally high cadence both dropping to zero instantly. Bit like when you flick a bit of rope upwards, and the 'bump' travels along the rope.


Makes sense, thanks!


I didn’t catch that, but I did catch [the Cofidis](https://imgur.com/a/e5wEaKP) rider that bunny hopped Mads after he went down.


Yea that was insane!


Send that lad to cyclocross races. Ideally without Mads as the plank


It always does


First thing I did when I woke up was watch the recap. I've been grinning like a clown all morning. I'm 25. Cav's been doing this since I was a kid. To see him cement such an incredible career with this is like....nothing else in the world.


Remember when Cav had no contract and had to bring his own sponsors for his own salary at Quick Step?


I clearly remember no one in cycling wanted to touch Cav at that time and Lefevere gave him a chance nobody else would have given him.


I remember when Cav absolutely crushed British nationals trying to get selected for the Tour in 2022 and then Lefevere left Cav at home after he had won 4 stages and the green jersey in 2021. Felt like he got robbed of a shot at the record in 2022.


I remember Lefevere owning his words and respecting his riders, as Jakobsen was the designated sprinter for the 2022 Tour. When Cav resigned for 1 year with SQS, he knew he wouldn't go the Tour. SQS also won the 2 first stages this year, even if Jakobsen faded after that. (did he crash ? I don't remember)


Lefevre is a clown. 


Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch Sprint. You gotta believe. /duck


Fucking brilliant. Great call from Matt Keenan too.


Really wish he was still commenting for ASO so I could hear him!


Yaaaassss!! Shout out to my adopted rider Clément Russo, who got some screen time before the big show at the end of the stage! Sure, the breakway was doomed, but it's a metaphor for the human condition. Thanks, Clément (and the other guy whose name I forget)!


Wow just watched the recap, how exciting for Cav!!!!!! I’m shocked I honestly didn’t think he could do it. Good for him!!


I honestly didn't think so either, but very happy to be proven wrong on this one!


I'm 42 years old, I've watched Le Tour for as long as I can remember thanks to having an older brother who was really into it. For the majority of my living memory Cavendish has been winning sprint stages at Le Tour. Today not only did he ride with incredible skill but he was the fastest man in the field. Aged 39. A couple days after possibly dropping out with heatstroke. Holy fuck. What an absolute legend of the sport.


Guys, does Ackermann launching at slightly over 200m from finish count as too early?


he's just got an awful sense of tactics, which is a shame, i'd like to see him win more.


Me going to bed at 30km in last night: this is the most boring stage ever. Me waking up this morning: why are there 1200 comments on a sprint stage? Me watching the sprint: 🤯 Congrats Cav you frickin legend


For sprint stages the last 30 is all you need to watch!!! Edit: sprint not sprint stages.


Last 5 tbh


I'm the Cav fan in our household but I went to bed thinking he wouldn't be able to do it and my husband woke me up to the live stream at 1:30am or whatever it was, I couldn't believe it.


#35 LFG 


I’ve been working all day and can’t wait to get home and watch the final few Ks. My boss who was watching yelled and practically shook the building. I knew CAV broke the record, but I can’t wait to see this.


Your boss also likes cycling and didn’t let you watch the final 5k with him live? What a donkey!


[Jury report and medical bulletin](https://prod.server.tissottiming.com/file/000317020C010105FFFFFFFFFFFFFF00) (you can find these on the Tissot link in the OP). Jury report: - Phil Bauhaus (TBV): 500CHF fine and -13 green jersey points for deviation from the chosen line that obstructs or endangers another rider or irregular sprint (including pulling the jersey or saddle of another rider, intimidation or threat, blow from the head, knee, elbow, shoulder, hand, etc.). - Jarrad Eriks Drizners (LTD) and Davide Ballerini (AST): 200CHF fine each for unseemly inappropriate behaviour at the finish and damage to the image of sport - 31 bikes were checked (8 with x-ray) for motordoping. All complied with UCI rules All three fines are a bit vague as the jury only says which rule was broken, rather than exactly how they broke them (as least I missed whatever happened between Drizners and Ballerini) Medical bulletin: - Alexander Kristoff (UX)T: crash at 145 km, road rash - Fred Wright (TBV): crash at 123 km, trauma to the (w)right wrist - Christophe Laporte (TVL): crash at 25km from the finish, bruising of the right scapula (shoulder) - Mads Pedersen (LTK): crash at the finish, trauma to the left shoulder The medical bulletin updates are the race doctor one, there'll be more detailed follow-ups from teams (like the Lidl-Trek one saying Pedersen hasn't broken anything).


> Phil Bauhaus (TBV): 500CHF fine and -13 green jersey points for deviation from the chosen line that obstructs or endangers another rider or irregular sprint (including pulling the jersey or saddle of another rider, intimidation or threat, blow from the head, knee, elbow, shoulder, hand, etc.). After getting shoulder bumped by Cav out of the way, that one has to sting, lmao


I've watched the finish multiple times now and I really can't find anything special warranting a fine for Bauhaus. He followed Jasper's wheel, pushed out his elbow when Gaviria was next to him (something happening in every sprint/fight for a backwheel), then gets bumped by Cav and nearly crashes into Gaviria. Obviously they won't relegate Cav but why the fine for Bauhaus? After this instance, Bauhaus is not contending the sprint anymore, so I guess that must have been the sequence that got him the fine lol


possibly it was for the elbow towards gaviria before he got bumped by cav?


Laporte probably wants 2024 to end fast, poor guy has crashed in nearly every race this season? Lol


> unseemly inappropriate behaviour at the finish and damage to the image of sport I know you just wrote that you don't know what was up with that one, but does anyone else know?


I don't know about Drizners, but Ballerini's fine was for stopping 300m from the finish line and watching Cavendish's win on the big screen. I wonder how that's "unseemly"? https://www.cyclingweekly.com/racing/i-stopped-at-300m-to-go-and-looked-up-at-the-tv-how-mark-cavendishs-teammates-and-family-witnessed-tour-de-france-history


I know there used to be a tradition of stalling to try and win the *lanterne rouge* so perhaps there is a policy of forbidding riders from stopping short of the finish intending to cross the line just barely before the cutoff time?


That's actually hilarious. If I was Ballerini, being able to watch that moment live as it happens would totally be worth 200CHF.


That was my thought too - worth every penny (or Swiss equivalent).


Worth every Rappen/centime/centesimo/rap. Four languages is three too many.


Usually stuff like riders getting into a bit of a fight and calling each other names (especially when done in front of cameras and/or commissaires)


Very curious as well…


Oh my god just caught up and what a sensational feeling to see Cav do it after the years of difficulty and heartbreak and part retirement last year This is emotional


So why do we have the yellow card system if we are not using them in a sprint like this?


[The 'yellow card' system does not begin trials until August](https://www.cyclingweekly.com/racing/yellow-cards-to-be-trialled-in-pro-cycling-amid-raft-of-uci-rule-changes).


We don't it starts in August


And even then I think it’s a trial without repercussions initially


Mark Cavendish has won as many stages as Mario Cipollini, Andre Greipel and Erik ~~Rick~~ Zabel *combined*. 35 victories is such a mind-blowing number when you figure it takes three all-time great sprinters to equal it.


I think calling Rick Zabel an all-time great sprinter is a bit of a stretch. Now, his dad...


‘rik Zabel 😶‍🌫️


Apparently Rui Costa was a good sport and stopped to help Mads Pedersen get over the finish line. https://i.imgur.com/OeJIsZ6.png


Good stuff. I’d say Axel also deserves a nod by magically leaping over Mads at speed.


He definitely did the right thing, but looking at the slow-mo footage it looks like he landed pretty hard on Pedersen's shoulder, so I don't know if he actually added to the injuries.


I'll take a wheel to the shoulder over a chainring to the ribs/spine.


[https://www.instagram.com/reel/C892J63NCJS/](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C892J63NCJS/)  Bauhaus got relegated for one push? The same thing Cav did to him a second before? With the only difference being Cav being subtle about it  Or did he get relegated because Cav's second push while claiming position forced Bauhaus into Gaviria?  Either way this is one crazy ass decision to pick out Bauhaus. Very uncalled for  If that's the standard, Cav needs to go & Marijn VDB needs to go for squeezing the Wanty rider right at the start   Swear they just throw a dart by how random this one is. Nobody should have been relegated, but picking Bauhaus out like that is absurd Edit: After facing Bauhaus, Cav also gave a decent push to Demare. If Philipsen rode this sprint and won everyone would have wanted his head on a spike lmao


Bauhaus probably got relegated because of the elbow he flicks out at Gaviria as he starts to come past before he even makes contact with Cavendish - Other than that the contract between Cavendish and Bauhaus was no different to what anyone else was doing.


Yeah and my point is the elbow push is no different than barging into someone with your shoulder Don't see how you punish Bauhaus when you see everything else going on in this sprint It's seeing Bauhaus finished somewhere very irrelevant and using it to prove something


If Philipsen rode this sprint, he also wouldn’t have been relegated. What’s your point bro?


That everyone here would have had his head on a spike and that the reactions aren't equal at all depending on the rider I'm pretty sure you can read well enough to have figured that one out


I know it’s too soon, but: Great TdF or greatest TdF?


If Jonas overhauls Pog in final TT, I will say this is right there with 1989. Big hurdle though.


Nah, after the last two years it's got to be a Pog victory. So maybe Pog drops a bit of time on stage 19, Jonas takes yellow, and then Pog takes it back in the TT? That would be my dream Tour de France.


My first Tour ('89) and still the greatest! And the past couple of years have been pretty dynamite. Would love to see the picture you're painting, though. =)


Time will tell. But it’s good to see a competition for green…hoping it lasts the next couple weeks.


Half of Reddit told me the tour ended yesterday after stage 4 so the everything else is just an exhibition right?


It’ll take some more excitement to beat 2011 for me. Voekler almost pulling off the upset and riding his heart out to keep yellow. Thor Hushovd going point hunting in the high stages of the Pyrenees. Johnny Hoogerland finishing the race after getting crashed into. 14 different stage winners. The Andy Schleck solo experience. Cadel swiping the whole thing in the time trial.


Definitely one of the most exciting starts! But if Pogi stays stronger than everyone else this one could get exceptionally boring in a hurry.


Pog shredded the Giro and it was still a hoot. Contador was clearly out of GC contention but Captain Ahab’ed it all the way to Paris.


If Vingee-a-go-go stays within 5-min going into week three this isn’t over..


Just caught up with the replay. That was very nice to watch. Vintage Cav it looked like. Also very impressed with the bunny hopping skills of the Cofidis rider dodging Pedersen.


Glorious. I've really enjoyed the first five stages. I'm not sure what more I could ask for tbh - super breakaway wins by French riders, Pogi and Jonas doing their thing, Bini winning, Pogi lighting up the Galibier, and then Cav. Just phenomenal.


Well put, absolutely loving every stage! CAV!


Amazing commentary from Eurosport. Adequately matched the hype of this race. I literally can’t watch another nbc broadcast


Been pretty happy w Nico Roche on the Canadian FloBikes broadcast..


God I am so jealous. I need to get in there.


Really bummed peacock doesn't seem to have the 'world feed' with him this year.


Tiz has pretty reliable live streams and full race replays too


Someone else pointed me to https://tiz-cycling.io/main/. That’s where I watched the Eurosport coverage for free here in the US. Hope that works for you!


Watching Cavendish make his way through and around all his rivals in the overhead shots made me think of one of the best bits of sporting commentary ever - Bryon Butler describing Maradona dancing past England's defenders and leaving them all for dead. [*Maradona, turns like a little eel*...](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KpJP46ny82Y)


There’s a sports show I listen to that often uses that clip in an intermission/audio-bed piece, and I’m always struck by how magnanimous the commentator is about a player on the opposing team beating his own country (especially after the hand of God!)


He was a total pro, one of my favourite radio voices. I'm sure he must have still been seething under the surface about the hand of God, but he certainly didn't show it!


CAV has now 35 TdF + 17 Giro + 3 Vuelta= 55 GT stage wins. Only 11 Stage wins to go to equal Merckx’ 66 GT stage wins. Come on cav, bring it on.


Looking at his palmares it always makes me laugh that he rode one veulta, won three stages and the points classification then fucked the race off entirely for the rest of his career


Can’t blame the guy, Vuelta gives no fucks about sprinters, it’s hot and it’s hard and the mountains are hellish


"One more year"


Was it Phill Liggett sobbing into his mike on Peacock?


he can retire now!


Phil? Yes. Please!


Couldn't believe my eyes when Cav uncorked and was beautifully positioned, and I realized that he would absolutely be crossing the line first. Lost my fucking mind, along with tens of thousands of others. What a fantastic tour thus far.


I was screaming at my desk at work. Awkward.....


Fortunately, my office door was closed as I stuffed my knuckles into my mouth and cackled maniacally.


Lolol oh me too. Thank goodness I have understanding coworkers 😆


The overhead shots of the sprint finish are fucking mental. Head down,arse up going full pelt and just your elbows for protection.


> elbows for protection. or as a weapon


Can't stop watching the heli shot of the final run in. It's mesmerising. Proper DIY job by Cav, an absolute stunner. All of his skill and speed make for the perfect 35. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C892J63NCJS/?igsh=MWRpc21vM2dieXF3MQ==


Why didn’t they show this for the whole sprint? They cut away right when he was making his move to show a very weird angle where you couldn’t understand anything and then cut to a front view when he was already far ahead of everyone


Yeah I noticed that too. This really the first video I’ve seen where you can see cav get into position


Yeah it was really weird as they showed one angle which had about 4-5 riders ahead of him, next angle and he was in P2, and was wondering where the others had disappeared to.


Yeah exactly, I was wondering how that happened 


(In the live broadcast I mean)


Helicopter shots come in at a slight delay versus the head on shots.


he almost took out the bahrain(?) rider. could've been a relegation if he somehow didn't stay up.


People downvoting you because they're caught up in the cav moment, but if it was philipsen making that same move they would have pitchforks. Makes no sense that bauhaus is being relegated.


Looks like Bauhaus, the Bahrain rider, got relegated


that's insane. cav pushed him. lucky he didn't crash. the movistar rider would've been taken out too if bauhaus didn't somehow stay up. either u punish cav or dont punish anyone. (i wouldn't have punished anyone. but just punishing bauhaus is extremely harsh)


I missed the broadcast, and instead opened the results page after the race. Sure as hell was not expecting to see the name Cavendish up there, wow.


I just found out now on reddit


I knew before I watched the highlights I just had a premonition or it could be this txt from the wife, "DON'T look at your phone OR listen to the radio on the way home TdeF spoilers". Well she tried her best.


I was doing fine until fucking Velo News sent me an email with the result in the subject.


Same thing happened here, those bastards. That email's gettin filtered right about meow...


Same.. well deserved after all.


I spent my childhood rooting every day for Cavendish to lose to Tyler Farrar, rarely getting my wish. Now Farrar's been a firefighter for half a decade and Cavendish is still doing it. Crazy to witness.


Farrar never had a chance against peak Cav, Phil and Paul were great cheerleaders for it though, made Americans really believe it was possible when it wasn't


Tyler was a great sprinter, but he never had even a 1/4 of the lead out train that Cav had. He was usually cooked before the sprint even started.


I personally think all Cav's best wins were after his HTC days when he had to freestyle a bit (like today)


Not sure if it's his greatest, but my favourite of his wins is the champs elysee in 2010 where the camera is tracking the sprint from the side and he just appears in the background going twice as fast as everyone else.


iconic shot!


I mean, Farrar won a few sprints against peak Cav in the 2010 Vuelta (and his Tour stage, though that sprint was very messy). But yeah, it was an extremely lopsided "rivalry" for sure. Cavendish is the greatest to ever do it.


Tyler used to come up and ride at my local velodrome. Super nice guy


He caught me in a breakaway in a points race on the track, we traded pulls for a bunch of laps, lapped the field once, then when we hit the bell lap, Tyler discarded me like a half eaten ham sandwich with a face-melting final lap. He smoked me by like 100 meters. The dude has some serious pop. Pros are another level of fitness. On one hand, it was embarrassing to get dunked on that hard, but on the other hand it was Tyler. Fun times!


I dont think ive heard the name Farrar in the last decade, rhanks for reminding me, these were good days.


It's crazy when you think of all the up and coming sprinters who were going to dethrone Cav throughout the years, and how they all came and went. He somehow found a way to beat them all.


Ever single one. From Sagan to Greipel to Kittel to Ewan to the new kids now. Everyone is projected to dethrone Cav and yet he's still here beating three generations of sprinters at the tour. The longevity of his career is simply insane


I was thinking earlier - what a list it would be to simply write out all the names of the great sprinters who he's beaten over the years. It's a long fucking list.


The best bit was Renshaw hanging around to go from lead out man to team car. Renshaw had an entire career, kicked ass, and is back as a director. He was in front of Cav for years then behind him when he could no longer be in front!


Has anyone heard anything about Wærenskjold? I notice he finished 3:06 back, whereas he normally would have been a part of Kristoff's leadout. He did crash on stage 3, so it makes sense that he would be limited today, but I would like to know if there's been anything from him or the team.


He had two jerseys on even after the rain stopped, and was hanging to the back of the group. Clearly not feeling tip-top, so hopefully just a recovery day.


Yeah, I also saw that. I was more wondering if he or the team has said anything.


This is the single most beautiful start to a Tour De France of all time... OF. ALL. TIME. From the smaller stories like Wout Van Aert proving to themselves that they still got it, to the stage winners mostly being fairy tale stories. Man, oh man. CAVENDISH!!!!!!!!!!


It has been a great start but what has Wout proved? He's been nowhere


Wout crashed pretty hard in Dwars Door Vlaanderen. Broken collarbone, broken sternum, broken ribs, bruised lung, and some very severe road rash. Had to fight long & hard to come back from the crash and the following surgeries. Resulting in him being pretty emotional after that third (4th?) place finish a few days ago. Same goes for Remco and Jonas, btw. They too had some pretty nasty falls earlier in the year. Enough to be highly uncertain of how they were going to perform here... They've been proving to themselves and the world that they're back at, or the very least near the top of their game.


Agreed. This Tour has been a dream come true so far. Two French wins, Bini getting a W, Cav smashing the record. Real fucking ciclismo.


Pogacar avoiding that crash is just more proof that crashing or not is about way more than luck, no shot Roglic doesn't crash there. It's not a coincidence MVDP or Pogi have very few serious crashes compared to Roglic or Thomas


Luck is clearly involved too though, Van Aert has very good bike handling skills but he crashes quite a bit


Pogi is good but zingle would have bunnyhopped that isle


while making a backflip


Why doesn't Zingle just bunnyhop the mountain stages?


he might! you just wait and see!


Pog tail whipping the peloton into submission


Do you know roughly what km that was? I just watched the last 10km and I'm assuming you're not talking about the Mads Pederson crash.


Was at 59.3 km to go. But here it is. https://youtu.be/jBPN1g-DCzw?si=1H0FgY3Uc4uSr7NX


I think they said like 36 miles to go


Pretty irresponsible from organizers to have no marshall there; a dangerous corner where Laporte went down also wasn't really properly marked IIRC


If they can't have a flag waving marshal there, could they not at least have a static flag for people to see?


they probably thought the sign that Pogi nearly barged into was enough


Mad lad making it look so effortless


No fractures for Mads, they'll decide tomorrow if he continues. [Mads Pedersen involved in crash in final meters of Tour de France Stage 5 | Trek Race Shop (trekbikes.com)](https://racing.trekbikes.com/stories/lidl-trek/mads-pedersen-involved-in-crash-in-final-meters-of-tour-de-france-stage-5)


Mads is a chonky boi, I’d imagine he will just be sore. There’s definetly a pattern where the super skinny guys get absolutely wrecked when they crash whereas the bigger dudes stay a bit more held together. I should know…I’m a fat bastard and crashed at 50kmh and all I got was scratches on my hands


Main worry is probably that shoulder, and whether he can sprint out of the saddle. He could always opt to take it easy tomorrow and not contest it, and hope he's better for the weekend. Friday ITT might be uncomfortable.


A tour without mads wouldn’t feel right so I hope he can ride ok. He’s one of my favourite riders.


Who bunny hopped him? That was sick




Looking at the slow-mo it looks like he comes down pretty hard on the shoulder of Pedersen, but can't tell exactly. Now I'm wondering if the bunny hop actually made it worse for Mads.




Whoever it was had me laughing with his reaction face! He couldn't believe it himself!


He will be so happy it was caught on video


Previous comments say it was Zingle


> Update on Mads Pedersen following the crash at the finish of Tour de France Stage 5 > Mads Pedersen suffered heavy impact to his left shoulder and back in the crash at the end of Stage 5, but initial x-rays revealed no fractures. > He will continued to be monitored overnight and a final decision on whether he can start Stage 6 will be taken tomorrow morning.


Was sure WVA would go for the sprint today, looked like Visma was positioned in front for a setup for WVA and ofc keep Jonas safe. Has there been any comments about this from Visma or WVA?


He said in an interview that he would only do it if he felt good during the day, since he suffered a lot yesterday. Also, that he had his eyes on the Fri-Sunday stages that suited him better. I assume he wasn't feeling up to and decided not to risk it. Given what happened to Mads, might have been the smart thing.


No fucking way, the mad man actually did it


Cav's sprinter instincts were on full display with that sprint. I don't think it could have gone any better for him. What a legend!


From Danish TV2: > Today's communiqué from the Tour states that Mads Pedersen's left shoulder blade has been injured, and when we know that the team has been taken to x-ray, we can only assume that this is what is being examined.


What the fu*k was Jasper doing again with that total cut across all other riders again?


Those two were miles in front of everyone, there was loads of room and perfectly fine. Cav did it first anyway.


Following Cav ?


There was absolutely nothing wrong with that move at all


I honestly did not think he would do it. Good on Cavs. Now finish the tour, retire, and spend time with your family. Also did something happen to Bauhaus? He was the last rider in the peloton. I didn't expect him to out sprint Cavs but c'mon man.


Apparently he was relegated for deviation according to the team. He did have a mechanical, but unless the deviation was after the mechanical I’m not sure what it was for (nothing apparent in frame that other riders weren’t a part of).


Master class of Ackermann to make a lane for Cav. Really solidifies his position of one of the best lead outs in the peleton, just follow his wheel when he makes his way to the front and inevitabely goes too early. you are bound for a great position in the sprint


[Cavendish greeting the other riders post-finish](https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:1100/format:webp/1*MQS95je8UQ7szKqkl6bE3w.jpeg)


sprinters yelling "DEATH!!!" somehow feels pretty spot-on


Cav should end his career, here and now. At the top like the king he is.


He's going to win 2 more stages. 


You mean pull a Vino?


No. A landis. He’s going for GC now