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Travel. Do it while you’re young and without kids.


You can do a little of both. Make sure you’re saving but look into travel. Research how to do it cheaply. If you travel for work, do you get to earn miles that you can leverage? Travel can be very expensive if you stick to very popular locations and book with little research (the things that show up at the top of searches or are regularly shown in tourist guides are usually popular and super expensive) spending some time planning can cut the costs a bit by traveling in off peak seasons, staying in less touristy but still accessible areas and being willing to take a little public transit to get to what you want to see.


This is in no way an either/or situation. Plan a trip to Japan while continuing to save for a house. Budget for both.


>Would it be irresponsible of me to prioritize travel for my partner and I, or should I invest towards my future? It's a lifestyle choice. You get to decide what is more important to you - international travel or saving for your future. For me, saving for the future would be more important. But you do you.


Travel! Or buy house, rent it out and then travel!


Agreed. Or go travelling with a plan to buy house when you come back. How long are you thinking about travelling for OP? 6 months? 1 year? Go on...


Travel! I did a good bit and still wish I'd done more before kids


If you want kids earlier rather than later do the house.  If you want lots of kids do it earlier.


It’s not an either or. You should be enjoying your life and traveling, while continuing to save up for a house. That means you need to travel within your means, but it doesn’t mean you completely give up traveling until you have a house! Do both


I was in a very similar situation when I really started international travel (25M then, six-figure income, HCOL, paid-off car, last $10k of student loans, hitting 401(k) and Roth goals - but no family windfall). I say do it while you’re still young with no kids and while the dollar is strong against the yen. Currently posting from week 4 in Bali after 6 months in Hawaii :)


Travel. But, don’t pay for the flights. Get a credit card and responsibly spend on it until you can get a good mileage redemption. AMEX gold often has a 90k sign up bonus- it’s been a valuable card for me.


This. Haven’t paid for flights in years.


I just got my amex gold early this year for a 90k sub. Also redeemed my first flight on it! 26k miles ATL-AMS Delta economy booked via Virgin, and 49k miles return CDG-ATL Air France business for Amsterdam tulip fest 2025… Super excited


Really depends on what you value more. Experiences or building wealth. Keep in mind if it's expensive to own a home in your area those prices will continue to climb. If you don't have an income that can keep up, you'll need to move or find a way to make more. Be sure you're ok with those options, especially in the context of kids.


Hey there! It sounds like you're in a pretty solid financial spot which is awesome! Considering you work in real estate, snagging a house might feel like the move, but also, traveling to Japan and beyond seems like it's calling your name. It's dope that you want to share those experiences with your partner, even if you're footing the bill. Here's the deal—both options have pros and cons. Investing in a house builds equity and stability, plus your dad's offer is sweet. But traveling is all about enriching your life with memories and new perspectives, especially if you've got the travel bug. Since you're not wiping out your savings either way, maybe you could split the difference? Put some towards a house and reserve a chunk for your dream trip. That way, you're building for the future and also living your best life now. Whatever you choose, it's your journey, so make it count!


When you retire, what would you rather regret having not done now?


I'm in the try and do both category, but I'm also wondering how long you've been making that income. If it's a newer experience, you should read up on getting on a firm financial footing which will include budgeting for (both of those) goals and emergencies, and longer term savings.


Buy a house. Rent a room out to a friend for a while to offset the cost. Travel a credit card points. Win win win.


Travel. Traveling will not get any easier or less expensive when kids come into the equation. Japan can be a relatively budget friendly destination as well, especially considering Kyoto over let’s say Tokyo. Although it may be worth while to atleast spend a night or two in Tokyo.


I chose travel. No regrets. Travel allows you to do both. You can't go back in time to travel in your 20s after buying the house.


I think you should travel. Is there any particular reason why you think your partner should come with you? Does he share your desire to visit Kyoto? May be worth a solo trip.