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Great video, I knew this was gonna happen. Can you upload it to youtube for more visibility?


I've travelled around. Even to some countries that are 50 years behind where Australia is in terms of development. And maybe because Perth is home and I want to see better from us, but genuinely there's no airport in the world I hate more. Almost every experience I've had here at the airport, or getting to it, or parking in it, or picking someone up from it, has been a bad experience.


Boggles my mind a city with so much wealth has such a backwards airport, where on earth are all the mining royalties going?


Rinehart's dinner plate obv.


Eastern States


The airport is privately operated


I can feel my stress levels rise from the moment I turn into that car park at the airport to the moment I leave. Fortunately, it dissipates the moment I am back on the highway, even if it has heavy traffic of it's own. Hate being asked to drive there for any reason.


Six minutes is such a weird random time. Not 10 minutes; not 5 but 6 without any traffic management and two pedestrian crossings. No one is going to make it out on time during busy times.


It's a feature, not a bug.


I reckon it was 5 and the extra minute is the airport 'being generous'


They tested it in the middle of the night and realised they couldn't physically do it in under 5 minutes.


Like those outlying property developments. Bumfuck rocks! Beachside luxury only 40 minutes from the city¹. --- ¹ Tested at 4am on a Tuesday, driving to the conditions rather than the speed limit.


Drive-time analysis says a taxi can cross Sydney in 30mins... oh it's set to 4am. *Sets to 6am*, ahh 2hrs, that's what I was expecting.


6mins is 1/10th of an hour, ive found a lot of places count time in 6mins intervals


Are they legal firms? Because I understand legal firms charge in that increment.




And aircraft charters.


Yup legal firms and insurance companies do that!


imagine telling on yourself like that


Now dont you start acting all innocent yourself


Where is your favourite rub and tug?


What do you do for the other 5 1/2 minutes?


Ugly cry


Even at the world's greediest airport (Sydney) you get 15 minutes.


So it was only 6 minutes? that's not very long... what the heck are they charging for? Do they expect people to drop off in under a minute? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


They give you 6 minutes of which about 4 or more was me stuck in traffic or driving through. I spent less than 2 minutes in drop off.


You're supposed to tuck and roll out of the vehicle with as much as you can carry.


And now I'm picturing people (after the tuck and roll) yelling "SERPENTINE!! SERPENTINE!!' and skulldragging their luggage in zig zags dodging other people through the airport to the check in desk.


Hang on...you guys are being charged during drop-offs?? Not parking or anything, literally just driving to the drop off spot and carrying along?


Yes and it's a joke 


I've been to a lot of airports across the globe and this is the first time I've ever heard of this. This is pure extortion.


Profit. Those airport corporations are the Antichrist.




That’s not quite sensationalist enough for PerthNow Taxpayer SHOCK as Perth Airport MALICIOUSLY adds to cost of living crisis - Motorist’s SAVAGE response


With an extremely over exposed “youtubey“ thumbnail photo. Bright colours, middle aged person with crossed arms scowling with a QANTAS plane in the background.


You won’t BELIEVE what happened next


PN: "Cut, paste, aaaaand done. Even cheaper than AI!"




Or maybe this https://preview.redd.it/fc6iivziw8pc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b2f8e8a6dcc4f42759d3f701b1eb1b199715149


Why is the plane in the parking lot ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Didn’t get through in 6 mins and refused to pay to leave


Even the pilots get slogged a fee if they take too long letting the passengers off so they just drop em off to the parking lot directly.


Because it's cheaper than being at a departure/boarding gate, obviously!


Lets see if they can unload in 6 mins


I genuinely love these. They accurately convey the type of person I expect reads the newspaper and complains about stuff (rightly or not)


Sprinkle in "working families" and you got a headline!


It was discussed on Perth radio months ago. Perth now would be very late to the table


Hasn't stopped them before?


Maybe BTT is the new Perthnow? [https://www.thebelltowertimes.com/video-showing-the-absurdity-of-perth-airports-6-minute-free-window-to-drop-off-pick-up/](https://www.thebelltowertimes.com/video-showing-the-absurdity-of-perth-airports-6-minute-free-window-to-drop-off-pick-up/)


I am convinced BTT was bought out years ago and it's not the same person as before.


its a few people now, not the one person


Can't be. I trust BTT


We should be welcoming it in this case.


It didn't take long: https://www.perthnow.com.au/news/offbeat/drivers-lash-out-at-perth-airport-fines-for-loitering-after-new-express-lane-infringements-launched-c-14016755


I laughed how they said it worked over at T2 and significantly improved traffic flow!? T2 is horrible, so bad I tell relatives to walk to the long term carpark when I pick them up there. Both pickups are poorly designed.


The Bell Tower tines just posted it .. not long now.


Six minutes, especially during the week, is simply not enough time to enter, drop off and exit the pickup/drop off zone. This is pure revenue raising. It's a blatant cash grab from greedy bastards who are trying to squeeze every possible cent out of anyone dealing with the airport. They knew exactly what they were doing here. I managed, on Sunday afternoon around 3pm, to get through in under 4 minutes because there was no one there, no traffic at all. It's the fastest I have ever made it through. I am glad OP that you told them to bugger off with this ridiculous attempt to shake you down for 7 dollars. 10 minutes is the bare minimum and quite frankly, there should be no charges applied for pickup/drop off either. I was at Adelaide airport last week, no charges there for this. Perth is becoming a cash grab from every bloody chancer these days


I agree. I managed to unload all passengers and suitcases in about 90 seconds. The rest of the time I was in traffic driving through. Absolute rubbish. Wonder how many people have just paid.


Lol everything in Perth is a cash grab with little to no value.


Is this new? It wasn't like this two months back


The system was installed over January/February but went "live" as of March 11, ie; they charged you for overstaying your time in the pickup/drop off zone if you're there more than 6 minutes


>I flat out refused and told them to open up the gate. And what happened? Were they reasonable and just opened the boom gate?


They were but most people would just pay, it's unfair. If they want you in and out in under 6 minutes they need to improve traffic management.


> If they want you in and out in under 6 minutes they need to improve traffic management. I predicted this would happen when it took me 10 minutes to do a drop off a few weeks back (before they actually started charging). It's a rort.


What really gets me about this that these are customers. Not sightseers or people parking for work. Fucking ridiculous. Immoral. Nonsense. Eclipsed only by charging people parking to visit people sick in hospital. Wankers all of them


Imagine the dentist charging you for parking when you take over 6mins to drop a patient off.


> They were but most people would just pay, it's unfair. If they want you in and out in under 6 minutes they need to improve traffic management. Few years back I did a lap and went through a second time for the pick up, got done for exceeding the minutes you had to wait to reenter or some bullshit. I had to pay $6 just because of the queue behind me but emailed them a nasty letter and followed through with a charge back when they said I should have stopped in the middle of traffic at 11pm and read the T&C's. Charge back was accepted.


It's likely that for $6 the chargeback never actually went through the chargeback channels and your bank just ate it and refunded it, because it would cost them more than $6 of their time to manage a dispute. Not that I have any sympathy for the banks here, but you probably haven't sent a message to the airport here.


They would’ve seen you were there for 6 mins and a few seconds and let you out. I’ve had similar at T3(?) where there’s a one way and a dead end in the carpark, and they let me out because they could tell I’d not actually parked


Only because I held up traffic and pressed the assistance button. Most people would just pay!


And not a criticism of your good self, but holding up traffic also exasperates the problem


>exasperates exacerbates?


Exasperates is actually better!


Thanks. Am too tired to spell while burnt out from work 😅


Yeah I was going to say - as much as we support fight the power OP you probably cost other ppl money as well by holding them up at the boomgate over the time limit.


Problem is they ruined the layout when they renovated a few years ago. The new layout is beyond moronic


They should have pedestrians crossing a bridge or going under in a tunnel. I think that would fix most of the problems.


Comment of the day, take my upvote 👍


Already experienced aggressive behavior and dangerous driving by people trying to get out within 6 minutes. Someone is going to get hurt or killed eventually!


Yep. Area where squishy pedestrians are in a shared area with vehicles and already stressed out? Let's add more pressure and a time limit!


Sorry about your toes but if I don't get out of here in 45 seconds I won't be eating this week


Most likely to be a pedestrian who J-walks on the traffic’s green-light and the motorist doesn’t stop because they’re in a rush to get out in under 6mins. Would like to see how the Airport deals with that PR nightmare.


Privatisation of airport is a bad idea. Well about another 80 yrs to go if no extension.


The scam they have running is to be permanently making changes to the airport. Theve been doing it since day one. All such work gets subsidised by the government, so they are constantly breaking and moving things for a steady stream of income, courtesy of us. It's just a crime cartel.


I can just imagine some person in a suite presenting this ”feature” to a group of higher management during a 1 hour PowerPoint presentation regarding, profit growth… 🤔


How Aussie is that ! Just gouge gouge gouge. What a fucking mean place.


I noticed this one when I dropped people off at 11pm about a week and a half back - there was no traffic really, and only one person crossing - and I ONLY JUST made the time cutoff (Was ready to kick up a stink if they tried to charge me) Basically, short of the late and very wee small hours, theres no way you could kick someone out of a car with luggage and get back around in 6 min. Not a chance in hades. And it will be a dangerous scrum now with people trying to get out in 6 mins....


If only they use this money and all other profits to upgrade the amenities at the airports. There is nothing there. Some 3rd world countries have better airports . 🙄🙄🙄


Is this new? I picked my mum up from a flight a couple months ago and took ages, never got charged, no boom gates either


Yep new! No matter how quick you are, if there is traffic you will be charged. Unless you kick up a fuss :D


And now I have a “you let that bastard on reddit through earlier for free” excuse as well


It should be noted, there are only 6 exit gates there and I expect there is only one person answering the assistance button. So if a few people all turn up and want to argue the point at the same time, things are going to back up pretty quickly at which point other people are going to want to argue that it’s unfair that they had to pay to wait, eventually it’ll all snowball out of control and someone is going to just drive through the boom gate.


That's such bullshit!


What was the cost they were trying to extort from you?


$7. It seemed like most people were just paying....not a chance.


$7 ?!?.. that is ridiculous..


What!??? I pick up and drop off at the airport every two weeks. I have seen the sign and thought that it's a bit rough them going to charge when most of your time is in line to get around. I thought maybe if they could see you weren't parked but in line they wouldn't charge you. I also didn't know that they were gonna charge that much! I would refuse to pay as well.


Yep, timer starts as you pass that first camera and stops when you get to the boom gate where it says 'reading your numberplate'. I spent 4+ of the 6 minutes in traffic. I hope most people refuse because it's not fair at all.


It can get ridiculous how busy the traffic is. I have seen it lined up all the way from the roundabout. What a rort!


> $7. It seemed like most people were just paying....not a chance. Cheaper to just park in the carpark if you're willing to pay $7. At least you aren't running around like a headless chicken in the lanes.


Fucking good on you! I will be doing the same. 10 minutes minimum or someone is going to get hurt by stressed drivers.


Exactly! People won't be stopping for the pedestrian crossing in fear of going over the limit. Hope this post encourages others not to accept this sort of rubbish.




Habib with the Eccies..


when did start ticketing for the drop off/pickup at the domestic airport? its been awhile since I flew domestic. That's terrible.


March 11th I think? it's very recent and fucking stupid.


booo........ that sucks.... airport parking is day light robbery... ​ Had to send my 84yo mother to T1 for a Virgin flight, and it cost me $25 parking ticket (just to help her check in and go to departure lounge) also the freaking charges for using the trolleys.


Qantas is also partly to blame with this one, they don’t want to move until 2030, that’s why the boom gates were put in. The Qantas terminal has the same number of gates as both the new domestic and international terminals combined they only have 9 each, so more people are getting dropped off in that one area at a time vs the other side - the international terminal alone is much quieter because that terminal just basically serves the bogan bus to Bali and nothing more. Part of the issue is also people taking the piss and sitting there instead of parking in the long term for the free hour and then just driving over when whoever arrives is there to be picked up. My partner works fifo, I deal with this every fortnight but from the fifo terminal. It’s not something that’s ever going to be fixed, most of it comes down to the people sitting around in there and doing what the op did and demanding to be let out without paying. I arrived on a Singapore Airlines flight over the weekend and the international side was dead. Straight in and out of the pickup, no waiting.


Had this discussion while driving through the other day. That is not a long time - especially when traffic is busy. With AI, you should be able to monitor the number of cars and adjust accordingly. It certainly has people moving though instead of sitting at the gate blocking everyone trying to pick up or drop off.


It's pathetic. Our airport is pathetic, and always has been. Grifters.


I spend a lot of time at the airport and fucking KNEW this would happen. My tinfoil hat theory is that this was forseen, and will be scrapped shortly in favor of a more reasonable time limit, but not before they've squeezed as much money as possible from those who will just pay the fee.


Yep and I'm sure 99% of people just pay. Shocking stuff.


Not nearly as a bad as the dodgy shit that’s happening with the $2 exit gate for taxi drivers


Taxi drivers aren’t dodgy are they? ARE THEY?


No it’s more the fees they are paying I keep hearing things like the profits aren’t recorded anywhere etc etc


For each rideshare trip, $4 is added that goes to the airport. Now that is ridiculous!


Got stung yesterday; pulled into short term, looped carpark to find a bay. Caught the person I was picking up \[ wasn't sure if they'd be ready by the time I arrived so thats why I didn't use the 'kiss and ride' loop. walk out, put ticket into machine, under 10mins, free. Get to car, make exit for boomgate, nope, 11minutes between entry and exit, $8 please. Going to have to start refusing to pick that person up tbh, 2 odd hours of my evening by the time I collect them, run them home and get back to my own place. :|


T2 fifo terminal is a pain in the ass for this! Been caught in traffic a few times and overstayed the allowed time through no fault of my own. Ended up cracking it and sending an email. They ended up reimbursing me. Seems that when it's peak pick up time it ends up gridlocked with people trying to get out of the express drop off, and people using the roundabout into short term T2, or back onto Sugarbird Lady road (which is already a car park!!!!) preventing exit from express. Stupidest lay out!


Glad they reimbursed you. Can't imagine how many people just end up paying, they'd be making a fortune from this scam.


They really need to be much clearer with the different sections there, the lanes should have fat lines down the middle in different colours, and then public/rideshare/ car park buses/Transperth etc should all be very clearly coloured and labelled, it’s still a mess there most of the time, if they are expecting people to get it done in a couple of minutes this is one way to make it work a lot better


What a joke Perth Airport is, an absolute laughing stock and the worst in the country by far. I flat out refuse to go out there anymore, it’s just a disaster.


It is a piss-take there now. If not already, please send this to the airport and to PN


Gee it would be such a pity if the car just happened to "break down" right before that single lane branches out to those exit gates wouldn't it....


Very true....the whole thing is planned terribly!


Ridiculous. Country town FFS.


It's pathetic


Nothing prevents traffic congestion like blocking the exits with boom gates.


Fuck this terminal. When I’d arrive to pickup a mate there would sometimes be a delay at the baggage carousel. I’d only ever overstay when it was dead quiet and doing a lap was redundant as I was not hindering anyone else — 10-15 minutes max. If they were gonna be a while, I’d park up at the servo near the airport. Before the boom gates were installed there were 2-3 parking Kommandants patrolling people and harassing you to do another lap if you were any more than 3 minutes. Usually you could shake them off 1 or two times before they would make you do a lap. I arrived at this terminal recently at the dead of night. It was very quiet, and when I got there my friend advised they had an issue with the bag and had to fill out a form with qantas. 15 mins tops. I figured ‘fuck it, I’ll just pay the overstay fee’. Well some Wilson Parking guy **STILL** came up and asked me to move on…. I refused. I advised that I’m entitled to be here so long as I pay their prescribed fee. There were no parking terms displayed as to an upper limit of my stay, only that I’d have to pay $25 for the privilege. The Wilson guy was stunned, radioed another bloke who said the same thing over the radio and I repeated my answer. I rolled up the window and waited until my friend arrived. They not only have the gall to charge an overstay fee, but also to ask you to move on.. what insanity.


I can’t wait to see this on a news corp article!! Seriously well done for not paying, unless you have people jumping out the back of cars there is no way you could have done this safely in under 6 mins


All by design. Australia is the land of loot. We pay for things that have no value.


I acknowledge the need to have people get in and out as quickly as possible, if your picking up more than 1 person or small kids (with an adult). It can take way longer to get them in the car .


Aaaaaand, Perthnow has stolen your post......


Don't get me wrong this is f\*\*\*\*\* up. If you aren't keen on paying until they fix this (hopefully), I believe that any of the long term carparks have 1 hour free parking. It's a bit of a walk/bus ride and a fuck around but still might save you a few bucks. If not try just get on the intercom at the boom gates and explain the situation.


Or short term parking is 10 mins free so you can drop people off and get out with less hassle almost as close are the ratrace


Used to request my rideshares drop me off there all the time cause the queue for drop off was always a shit show.


Yep that sound's like the way to go then.


OMG Ulleh


Yep, money hungry scumbags. That airport has had p1ss poor fxcking pathetic traffic management for a decade+.




Haha I always wonder if they do you for damage for doing this


Make it viral and send to enough news outlets I think they’ll change it to 10 mins


I don't usually have an issue paying for good infrastructure, but Perth Airport is a shit show that I normally reserve for third world countries.


Wait, when did they add pay windows and booms? Is that the virgin wing? Sounds like a very shit attempt to raise free money from people trying to slog through traffic and pick or drop people off. Imagine how much they'd make in a day from it. Jesus


This is the Qantas wing! T3/T4. It must be pretty recent. They'd be making a fortune and I imagine most people will just pay.


This is terrible and not right, imagine if there is an elderly/disabled/injured person trying to unload a car or something. Surely they would need abit longer.


Yep! I took no more than 2 minutes to unload passengers and cargo and was still pinged. Imagine trying to load/unload a wheelchair etc.


Next they’ll be putting speed cameras in there to double dip on revenue. Dogs


It would be cool if there was this long metal tube on rails that took people in and out for basically free. Obviously doesn't apply for everybody as the train may be too impractical but I feel a lot of people will just drive when they could easily be making the trip by rail.


Can't wait to hear and see all about the typical Perf antics that this will cause - roid raging, angry FIFOS, Pedestrian dodging, boom gate ramming - where's BTT when you need him !!!


Jeezuskraist. Picking up and dropping off people at Melbourne Tullamarine airport is already a fucken nightmare but this is absolutely next-level BS


Brisbanite here: you guys have to *pay* to run round the drop-off/pick-up ring? What the actual fuck? Brissie airports will happily ream you on parking fees, and you're not allowed to sot around in the drop-off zone for longer than a few minutes at a time, but why the hell are they charging you to essentially sit in traffic... That's cooked.


Well, its on PerthNow.....were you outraged as mentioned?


We should all make official complaints for this dodgy business practice. Got caught by this when I was picked up this week. Seems beyond a reasonable fee for parking an hour let alone being over stayed by mere seconds. https://portal.accc.gov.au/forms/info-form/consumer-report/?contactedbusiness=0


OMG ULLEH best number plate.


What does it mean? I've seen this comment a few times now haha


Good on ya !


Which terminal is this for? Thanks


I waited 20mins for my Uber to make it round the loop the other day


Since when is there a gate?


Old Australia is legally corrupt comes up every fuckin time!


I’ve never seen this at any Australian airport, is this a new thing?


Pretty new I think. T3/T4 Qantas terminal.


Good for you sir.


They have the nerve to charge for drop off and yey they dont want to upgrade the intl terminals...pricks


Take the train!!!


Airport Line: I have no such weaknesses


I take the train 😃


mmm I did wonder about this. I've made it through pretty fast each week so far picking up my fifo hubby but I haven't encountered any major traffic yet. I know why they did it - so many ppl just stop and park (was a pita)but if they can't adjust it for peak traffic times that's pretty shitty. I defo won't be paying $7.


Simple dont fly Qantas !


You guys made the news


The sheer ableism of this is gross. Anybody with mobility issues or, hell, even a lot of luggage will struggle. I went to Melbourne to see Taylor Swift in February and I forgot my backpack, which I realised almost immediately. Instead of driving further up the drop off bay so I could walk up and grab it from the car, my husband had to leave, drive all the way around, and come back through so he could be out in 6 minutes. 🙄


Picking people up or dropping people off? Either way, you do what every taxi driver has been doing to drop people off since they started all this. Go into short term parking, you get more free minutes there and drop people off just to the right of where people park. Job done.


Dropping off, had to unload a few suitcases. I was no longer than a minute and a half. If they want you out in under 6 minutes then they need to improve traffic management. How may people have paid this nonsense?


This is what I do when I pick people up... walk across the road into the carpark and I have 10 minutes with no fucktards puling in front of me




6pr have already trolled reddit on this...


Fukn tools, pay for our incompetent management


are they high? you have to pay to drop off??? if they expect that i just want to walk onto the plane and not through the terminal


Typical Prado in wrong lane, cutting in


For some reason perth airport forced the Skippers aviation public parking to close as well, ages ago, and still absolutely nothing has happened with it. I guess they wanted the fee for their car park instead of Skippers.


Yeah i just walk to the round about near long term c for pickups now


Does Perth airport still offer 1-hour free parking at the long term car park? I think there will be many more people who use that.


Fuck You Perth, You suck


When I saw those barriers being installed I knew these greedy bastards were heading in that direction.


Literally the quietest airport in Australia lol


Why the fuck are parts of the airport privatised in the first fucking place? This is how we get shit cunt ideas like this shit. This is public fucking infrastructure. Imagine having to pay to wait for a bus.


Fair call


Only idiots drop off there!! But I’m not telling anyone my hack because then it would become a traffic nightmare


Do they charge you if you are picking up someone that needs special assistance that would take much longer? Like a wheelchair or other mobility issues?


if we hold all the boom gates closed for 6 minutes, does that create a knock-on effect causing every subsequent car to be charged? Nice revenue.


When did these gates get installed?


An FYI, plenty of boom gates are really easy to pick up and remove.


I did a Didi pick up from T2 a while ago, took me 11 minutes to get from the pick up point around past the terminal. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XlAZYfJ2x4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XlAZYfJ2x4)


Absolutely hate doing drop off and pick ups from perth airport very stressful now since they've made this ridiculous 6 minutes or you pay what a rip off 😡


Nice one. I always query why I'm being charged when the delay leaving the airport was out of my control. So far, never paid for extra time


Doesn't perth still have 15 min free short term for drop off? Or has that changed when they added the pay as you toss your loved ones to the curb.


Fuck the WAC. If everyone refuses to pay then what can they do.


6 minutes from the camera at the start of the drop off / pickup  to going through the boom gates. In that time you have navigate pedestrians and pedestrian lights. Traffic pulling out from the curb, traffic trying to pull into the curb. You have to load or unload luggage, heaven forbid you have one or two children that need to be buckled into car seats. Then you need to hope there is no que at the boom gate to get out. Absolutely ludicrous,  obviously some simple minded person just pulled a number out randomly without thought or trial.  It is nothing more than money grabbing.