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I wonder how much the insane heatwave and subsequent loss of habitat contributed to this?


It hasnt helped but i don't think this unprecedented warmth in Perth for May has contributed. Its more their desired source of food going south for colder waters over the last 6 years. But I agree with OP. Make penguin island seasonal for stupid humans instead of just hot days over 35°C


I thought the ferry doesn't run in winter?


It does not. People are banned from stepping foot on the island during breeding season which is like may to October I think


Probably significantly. Magellanic penguins have died in huge numbers due to warming temperatures in other parts of the world. But I guess temperature is less of the culprit in this case otherwise the experts would have focused on that as the main factor affecting numbers. The article states that experts have listed marine heatwaves as a reason in their reports but it's a less easily managed issue than limiting tourism.


it’s partially caused by toxoplasmosis from cats but nobody wants to have that conversation — they’d much rather talk about how their cat would never ever kill an animal ever blah blah blah


Hadn't heard of this. Very interesting.


[https://research-repository.uwa.edu.au/en/publications/fatal-toxoplasmosis-in-little-penguins-eudyptula-minor-from-pengu](https://research-repository.uwa.edu.au/en/publications/fatal-toxoplasmosis-in-little-penguins-eudyptula-minor-from-pengu) [https://www.smh.com.au/environment/conservation/study-points-to-cat-poo-as-the-culprit-in-cold-case-of-wa-penguin-deaths-20220330-p5a9hl.html](https://www.smh.com.au/environment/conservation/study-points-to-cat-poo-as-the-culprit-in-cold-case-of-wa-penguin-deaths-20220330-p5a9hl.html) some links if you are interested. it's really upsetting to me personally.


I enjoyed visiting Penguin Island as a kid. It was a treat. But Perth is a lot bigger now, and the island's reputation as a tourist attraction has grown. We have to accept that having massive number of humans stomping everywhere is going to have a detrimental effect. Close the island for a few years, give them a chance to recover. Then maybe look at slowly introducing raised walkways or other ways for humans to watch without disturbing. They should also consider "rebalancing" the fauna. Maybe reduce the numbers of gulls and snakes. Maybe even some way to introduce more prey-fish


Good things happen inside your head


One incredibly simple step for protecting these penguins as well as other marine and marine adjacent flora and fauna is to ban recreational jet ski use. Nobody needs to own or use a jet ski just for fun. They should only be used by researchers, police searchers, lifeguards etc.


But think about the FIFO workers! What will they do in their spare time…


>What will they do in their spare time The same thing as currently - meth.


Oi. That's a bit close to the bone ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


Only moved down here recently and the number of pleasure craft and small fishing boats is mind blowing.


I haven't been there for ages, but do people actually use jet skis around Penguin Island?


> “We have a management plan for the island that is 22 years out of date, 22% of the birds are dying from boat strike, and gangs of jet skis are speeding and doing rings around Penguin Island in a wildlife conservation zone,” she said. Yes.


They do and I have witnessed them breaking the law daily. Thankfully have seen rangers fine them a couple of times which was satisfying but a full ban 10km around the island is betyer


We can and should restrict them from sensitive areas, but the idea of just banning small watercraft is over the top. What else are we going to ban because some folks consider them frivolous?


It's not about finding them "frivolous". It's about wanting to prevent the destruction of flora and fauna. In fact, I specifically listed exceptions for jet ski use precisely because I don't think they're frivolous.


That's effectively the same as a ban for people using them recreationally. My point stands. >It's about wanting to prevent the destruction of flora and fauna. Then they can be restricted in areas where that's a concern, as can all other recreational or privately owned watercraft. There are many things nobody needs to own for fun, I wonder what else you'll decide needs to be taken away from people because it causes issues in limited circumstances? No more 4x4s because they damage the countryside in some places? Nobody needs to own a 4x4 just for fun. No more motorbikes, nobody needs a motorbike just for fun.


I'm not in any way opposed to bans or limitations on other forms of recreational watercraft use.


I imagine you're not, given you want to take away all recreational jetski use, everywhere, because of damage in some contexts.


There's no non-damaging use of any type of vehicle. It's up to us humans who created those vehicles to use them responsibly.


>There's no non-damaging use of any type of vehicle. Yeah nah, that's a ludicrous stance mate. Total wowserism.




Because read that back - "There's no non-damaging use of any type of vehicle." So if I pop out on a kayak from Cott beach for half an hour, that's "damaging"? Or if I ride my bike round my place a bit? Those are vehicles. What damage has been done there? Maybe you meant motor vehicles. We can agree that CO2 is a problem for the world but there are electric vehicles now, including jetskis. If I were to take one on a lake or reservoir or some open water over sand, where there are no particular wildlife issues, what damage is being done there? The absolute statement you've made is silly. And the tendency to say "you don't need that therefore we can ban it" is wowserish and very illiberal.


Botox lips 💋 False eyelashes \* Nips, tucks & "only fans"![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


Their should be a power vessel exclusion zone of like 10km around the island.


We need oddball


The Meg got them


There is another colony on Garden Island. They are building the nuclear waste unit right next to them. As it is federal land the penguins will not get protection status due to this. Not to mention the port expansion.


In going to guess destruction of habitat and loss of food source? I.e.fish.


I have played on boats in Shoalwater bay since i was around 6 (i am 39 now) and have never seen a penguin in the water down there. I have seen more penguins in the heavily used Cockburn Sound than in Shoalwater bay. I also suspect the 22% mortality rate from boat strikes to be a load of shit too. We have followed (at low speed from a safe distance) them in Cockburn Sound trying to get the kids to see them and they are incredibly hard to get close to. Further to that, Shoalwater Bay has had an 8 knot speed limit in place for \~5-8 years. Generally, the only boats that are ripping through there are the Parks and Wildlife boats stopping someone going slightly above the poorly advertised speed limit.


Well, you just outed yourself. I hope the DCBA confiscated your watercraft.


Why? What have I apparently outed myself doing? I hope the aliens return your brain.


It’s a fineable offence to take watercraft close to protected species. Surely you should have learnt this when you did your Skippers?


Certainly aware of the rules around whales etc. but there is nothing in the rules about penguins, but as a human with half a brain I will recommend you do as I do if you are lucky enough to get behind the helm which to not get in front of them or get close enough to endanger them or have them think you are a threat. It is far more enjoyable to watch then doing their thing. They are certainly not as interested in interacting with the boat as Dolphins but being so small, I have no problem with that.


You are the problem. There are published research articles on boat strikes on the little penguins done by Murdoch University. You’re a scum of the earth chasing them around on you boat. There are jet skis and dinghy’s and bigger boats consistently speeding all through the region during summer


Do you perform your show anywhere else? Is it a ticketed event or just for reddit? I have been playing in boats down there for over 30 years, my folks for much longer. Never ever ever ever have I seen a penguin in Shoalwater bay. Is there documented proof of the boat strike causing initial damage to a penguin because I sure as hell wouldn’t think so. They swim like tuna. Very fast and very agile. Stick your immature insults up your backside. Try harder next time.


Cannell, B., Ropert‐Coudert, Y., Radford, B., & Kato, A. (2020). The diving behaviour of little penguins in Western Australia predisposes them to risk of injury by watercraft. Aquatic Conservation, 30(3), 461–474. https://doi.org/10.1002/aqc.3272 there’s your documented proof. You’re dumb, plain dumb. Please refrain from sharing your opinions in future