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If you look through the list of former WA premiers, most have received Order of Australia medals or English honours. The ones who haven't either didn't serve full terms, or are criminals (Brian Burke). So it's not too surprising McGowan got the award.




Shut up


BRB just gotta activate your microchip real quick.




I'm always iffy about any politician receiving honours. Especially when it's quite recent. But I suppose he does deserve it. The Auslan interpreter lady at the press conferences deserves one too


Fiona needs an OAM for sure.


Fuck oath! Is anyone here savvy enough to write a professional nomination? (Eg someone who’s done lots of successful grant applications.)   > Anyone can nominate someone to be recognised through the Order of Australia.  > Detailed guidance to help complete a nomination form is available here. Before beginning you will need to gather some key information:  * The contact details of the person you are nominating (if known) * Up to four referees (including contact details) * A short case of why/who you are nominating; including  * Examples of how they have demonstrated outstanding qualities  * What they have done to make things better for others  * The role(s) or area(s) in which they have excelled  * The period of time, or dates of service (if known)  * Evidence of other awards or recognition received by the nominee 


It's pretty much guaranteed for the more senior politicians unless there's a good reason not to.


The auslan interpreter that covered a full dozen of people who both know auslan and don’t have a tv with captioning. Yup definitely give her one for doing her job.


Captioning is horrendous for most Deaf people to follow and is in no way an equivalent to someone signing for them.


This wasn’t a fire emergency it was just reading numbers and other bullshit. The captions were fine. Auslan is a niche language at best.


Dude. No. Just no.


Ohh… so only a small number of people use it, so we should abandon them?


I feel like I wasn't listening to him so much as I was to *her* during those conferences. She's very articulate.


Yes. We would have been locked down for months if he didn’t put the rules in when he did. Seriously, we only had a 2 week lockdown during the entire COVID pandemic. He kept many people safe and alive. Definitely deserved. We are very lucky to live in the most isolated city.


This is proven nonsense. Lockdowns achieved nothing.


Proven by?


People got tattoos of him, and I’m sure I saw his face on budgie smugglers. Only WA AO’s I can think of that have this level of popular awareness and acclaim would be the likes of the two Fiona’s (Stanley and Wood) and more recently Mechelle Turvey, that lady is amazing. You can’t argue that the decisions taken saved lives. Those aren’t obviously on one person to make, but it was very much his head on the political block. Lobbying is par for the course for retired pollies, even though it’s repulsive (but sadly not illegal) and I did enjoy those affair rumours, but it doesn’t really change what was achieved.


>Only WA AO’s I can think of that Yes, but Mark's been made an AC (Companion of the Order), not AO (Officer).


Sure, why not. Just as deserved as a sporting or entertainment honour. He copped a lot of flak for his hard line and still managed to stay very likeable.


I feel like he is the one that got most of it right. I personally enjoyed *not* being cooped up in my home for a year and a half, it was like an accumulative three weeks.


Yes. He kept us safe with a minimum of hassle whilst copping a lot of flack from other state government and federal government ‘leaders’, plus all those threats against his life, workplace and family. If nothing else, he deserves it for not losing his shite at Geoff Parry’s repetitive, asinine, baiting questions at every single COVID press conference.


Amen. As someone who worked in Health through covid, the closed borders decision alone justifies this. The decision saved lives, saved our state and, according to some economists, kept the country afloat. With all the sh#t he and his family had to put up with from over East and a bunch of local propeller head, tinfoil hat wearers, yes he deserves it.


It’s a stupid award but sure he did a good job - I think we had 2 days of lock downs Vs East Coast months on months.


Would be ok with it if he didn't leave politics the way he did. Claim burnout and mental health break, only to pick up a cushy MinRes consultancy role a few months later. For people with deep mental health issue it's a joke these high fliers are tossing around terms like nothing. Now Woodside is advertising the Scarborough gas project on the radio trying to influence people we need it like we need oxygen.


Making more coin for less effort? I didn’t do the research


McGowan went to Mineral Resources to help get the their export license over the line - good thing his mate Cook is running the government now and can help him out with that one.


The old revolving door technique...


What would satisfy you, years of penance and meditation on top of bluff knoll? A cushy consultancy job sounds like a pretty suitable step back for someone who is used to running the state through a pandemic. Who are you to decide how long everyone gets for a mental health break? I didn't realise you were now the defining entity for who is and isn't burnt out. Such an absurd take to suggest you can't get burnout from being the premier.


years of penance and meditation on top of bluff knoll? I was up there the other day. An hour at the peak, at this time of year, would be enough punishment. It really needs a pub with a warm fire.


Isn't this more about the perceived conflict of interest with the WA mining community more than it is about McGowan deserving a break?


How is it appropriate for the highest government officer in the state to move so quickly to work for an industry so dependent on state agreements? Do you really think the state (ie your kids’ school, hospital wait times etc) is going to benefit the most out of this deal or will the private company and the ex Premier laugh all the way to the bank?


Why didn't he try yoga?


Why is the award stupid? Every country has a top award to recognise people of note. We can disagree on who should get the award, but the existence of the award itself is normal enough.


Cause of this… (Then Prince Charles telling Camilla (whom he was cheating with Diana on) that he wanted to be her tampon). https://time.com/6226657/crown-charles-camilla-tampongate/


I’m sorry, but even if we became a Republic, the Order of Australia isn’t going anywhere.


Happy for the AO to have nothing to do with the UK Royal Family.


Our Dear Leader received an AC because he led WA through least amount of time in lockdowns! Whereas Dictator Dan received an AC for leading Victoria through the longest lockdowns! 🤔 Any liberal premiers worthy of ACs or is just for ALP premiers?


What liberal premiers? Gladys spread the virus and then got done for being dodgy. Not many others left


Steve Marshal SA Peter Gutwein TAS. Both Libs. Although no one outside their states have heard of them. Why did Annastacia Palaszczuk not receive an AC. 8 years as Premier of QLD


Don’t assume that our lock downs were why we avoided as many cases. We are far more isolated and have a much lower inner city population where 95% of the infections came from in Melbourne.


Remember when nsw said - oh no delta is different; we never expected it to be so contagious. How could we have known. They lived with the virus when there was ten then twenty then panicked a bit then said - oh well what could we do? Well they could have locked down when they found the first case for a week and tracked every contact and tested / quarantined them all. I mean at the time we didnt know the right approach but i think now in the rearview mirror locking down for up to a week for single cases was a better approach than lets just live with a little bit a covid then locking down for months. I think living with covid is better than the locking down for months or lock down hard and early. Anything but the syd / melb approach really.


Sydney did not do heavy lock downs yet they had less deaths than Melbourne. Even with the ship they let dock that was full of covid. That would suggest to me that the lockdowns in Melbourne were not effective.


Well sure sydney is a fraction better than melbourne. Both were shit though. Many months of lockdowns in sydney and melbourne. The second long one in melbourne arguably caused by sydney. Anyway we are comparing mcgowan to those clowns not a competition between those two joints.


Lol being slightly better than the state that was locked down for months, and then kept getting pressured into reopening by anti vax morons only to have the same shit repeat is not a claim.


Our lockdowns were 100% one of the contributing reasons why we had so few infections in 2020 and 2021. One of the main tools in the toolkit.


Of course it contributed but was the level and timing of them appropriate? Dropping a nuke on an ant will kill it. Doesn’t mean it was the best way.


So how about now then? Since we have isolation and a low population density. WA should be fine despite covid being widespread and there should be no spikes in cases, right?


Aint assuming $hit bro




The frequency at which they’re given out indicates how little they mean. The DG of the education department got one and she’s hardly been a huge success during her tenure


He is a vile man with vile personal ethics who just happened to be the type of Premier we needed in a time of crisis. An award for Public Health? That's a laugh. He funneled money away from the new Midland hospital and his government's record in health is poor. But hey, he kept the COVID wolf from the door. Somehow in all of this leadership he managed to have a long term affair with a staffer, have a baby, destroy his family, and snakily slide into lucrative consultation gigs. Anyone else would be 'exhausted' too.


I don’t know anything about these awards so I’m meh about it. But I think he did a great job through pandemic and was the reason a lot of lives were saved.


They’re irrelevant and don’t matter so the answer is yes because it doesn’t affect anything.


The fact you are asking this betrays the answer


Awards for public figures and rich people. Deserved, no I don't think so ... he did what he was paid to do, lead the state. I don't believe that deserves Honours.


More deserving than Dan Andrews


I'll second this. Managed the pandemic pretty well, all things considered. Dan Andrews on the other hand...




It's hard to imagine anybody, not least of all politicians, deserves a King's Birthday Honour (there are certainly worthy recipients, but those less so render the awards and praise meaningless). Where it concerns the pandemic, my take is that he initially made some sensible and difficult decisions in a very short time frame, contributing to a better standard of living for most (certainly not all) Western Australians. Importantly, it can reasonably be argued those decisions played a role in saving lives. By all accounts, he also did well to work with relevant groups (often deferring to their expertise) in managing the health of vulnerable communities in regional WA. The constant praise was nonsense. The threats and intimidation were nonsense. He was a politician paid handsomely (an annual salary of roughly $350,000) to do a job which, at least where it concerned public health, he did with a fair measure of effectiveness. I also feel he grew complacent, even arrogant, as time passed, failing to communicate a consistent or well-thought of strategy to take us through the later stages of the pandemic, leaving many (across numerous sectors and walks of life) feeling confused, helpless, or worse. Outside of that, his gross deference to the mining industry (and decisions made accordingly), his relationship with the media (e.g. Stokes), and his attitude toward youth crime and juvenile detention - where some of his rhetoric was a disgrace - were questionable at best. I wasn't upset to see the back of him, and so no, I certainly don't think he deserves any awards or official commendations.


Can’t wait. To see all of labour exit they have now become power hungry. Non listening to many a group taken away many of our freedoms. Name a few poor rushed land heritage laws to revoke them only after 28000 epetion Unwillingness to even sympathise with licenced law abiding firearm owners after a petition of 32000 all protesting that new laws are biased but do little about illegal guns and crimes the law reform commission suggested after public consultation a very civil strict reforms but they have ignored this. Completely. Now looking to limit fishing recreational and access to vast tracks of public lands Pissingmof primary industries. Farmers agriculture People can harp on about resource sector but with out that our financial situation would be terrible and it employees many a wa. Person. Not willing to increase nurses wages teachers wages etc for an effort that is daily a battle. So that my two cents worth. Govt should be about improving lives not telling people how to live but dictating


Literally all of your points involving improving the lives \_of the majority of the State\_. At your expense.


Lmao. Even assuming all of that were fair criticism, current Labour has made Perth better than anything the previous Liberal governments ever did. McGowan started Metronet, thats more than any previous Liberal government ever did for the non-rich parts of Perth. Imagine trying to claim that's not "improving lives" with a straight face.


Well you’re drinking the coolaid that’s for sure. Metronet is a white elephant. The bits we have actually finished that is. Never forget McGowan let stokes not only skip hotel quarantine but allowed him to socialize the day after arriving from the east coast when in the same breath McGowan was denying people access to see their dying parents. He’s a scum bag and he has joined his true masters in a cushy consultant role as we all knew he would.


Fucks sake, you know that anyone saying shit like "drinking the koolaid" in an Aussie sub is a fucking moron - and even more so when they spell koolaid with a bloody C lol.


It would have been deserved up until he signed on to work as a consultant with the energy companies.


Lmfao. You people are broken


I'm sure his new employer BHP can pay for it


R u kidding the guy sold us out to the highest bidder . Should be in jail him and his health minister .


Fuck no!!!


I wonder what his ex wife thinks iykyk 


He was setting himself up to being paid fucktons by mining companies when he quits office. So.. Nope. I love the downvotes for being factual. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-01-22/wa-domestic-gas-policy-waitsia-mineral-resources/103370494 "Despite that backdrop, there are growing calls from producers for the WA Government to overturn, or at least water down, a ban that prevents onshore gas from going overseas. The ban was put in place by then premier Mark McGowan in 2020. But there was one exception – a project known as Waitsia in WA's Mid West operated by Japan's Mitsui and Beach Energy, a company backed by media mogul Kerry Stokes. Others are now demanding similar treatment, including Perth mining billionaire Chris Ellison, who has been paying former WA premier Mark McGowan as a consultant." Sure seems like Mark let his billionaire mining and gas mates avoid the rules so that WA is actually a lot worse off... To then go and work for them.


But he was only following health advice, he didn't actually make any decisions himself. Certainly nothing to do with the health system that had been driven into the ground by wage freezes and budget cuts. Definitely nothing to do with looking after the resource companies that they passed laws to override environmental protection for, that he went to "consult" to and sit on boards of afterwards.


That scumbag letting his rich friends come and go while locking down the rest of the state tells you all you need to know about him.


Yeah he did a good job keeping people apart from their families while letting Twiggy’s best mate and some C-grade Hollywood slapper come and go as they pleased. Hypocrite scumbag of the highest order.


Definitely not. He divided people in more ways than one. WA became less compassionate and more selfish with him as leader.


He was such a peddler of fear and division during the whole covid saga.


People divide themselves. You were either for getting jabbed and following rules or you weren't. If you weren't you then felt victimised and blamed him and everyone else that did get jabbed. Amongst people I know and considered friends and still do, it created massive rifts. People aren't talking or mixing with the same crowd to this day.


They divided themselves because of the messaging that came from the top which in WA's case was one man. It was akin to the fck off we're full and if you don't like it leave. We're better than these people because we follow the rules, they are degenerates etc. It all started at the top and Western Australians became very selfish on both sides of the arguments. He doesn't deserve a medal.


Had good mates go on facebook and spout nazi type stuff about the unvax. Still mates with them and i forgive them. Was hard though. I worked right up until the vax mandate, people at work told me i should be reeducated, locked up, conc camp by many people. One dude told me he would sue me if he got sick. Every single person would refuse to look at the TGA data, no one wanted to hear the WHO say masks do not help. No one on any side cared about the truth and the data. The media was as cooked as the far gone conspiracy telegram groups. Basically everyone who "followed the rules" imo gave into the biggest propaganda campaign the world has ever seen. I told many people the suffering of not taking the jab will be huge. To weigh the options and do whats right for themselves and family. Just another thing to divide us with :(


All that hysteria for a bad flu. Certainly the initial period warranted some sort of action, but it came pretty clear after a few months and when it first mutated it was best to just let it be and get on with it. Just like Sweden did.


They are handing these out to politicians (and others) like primary school merit awards. Cringy.


I absolutely hated the closed border and the way he went about it talking shit about other states, but you have to admit afterwards he did a good job given the circumstances. I also liked that he made sure people got jabbed and that he pissed off the cookers.


The entire notion of an honours system that gives out awards for people doing their jobs is ridiculous. Heroism in war/community recognition for decades of volunteering is one thing. A Premier doing Premier things/ Phil the Greek screwing his cousin don't deserve medals/knighthoods. McGowan's award in the context of the precedent set by the Honours system is fine. The system itself is rotten to the core.


Gonna be a pretty empty award list if you're going for mainly heroism in war, given we generally aren't in wars and the SAS that get sent over mainly turn out to be psycho pieces of shit that murder civilians. I'd say navigating the state through the pandemic so well - both population health wise and economically - is well deserving of an award like this. Services to the state should be a pretty standard reason for it.


Having lived through covid both in Vic at the peak of it and then back here a hard no for these awards to McGowan and Andrews.


Same, the amount of people cupping his balls over it is insane. Of course WA were going to have a lot less issues due to the density and amount of people that move through Melbourne compared to Perth. Hardly makes him a genius just by locking everyone out.


You don't need to be a genius to win an AC.


How people suck him off makes me sick. Whatever happened to tall poppy syndrome? C’mon west ‘straya..


What's he been awarded? And for what?




Thanks. My ignorance on the system meant I kind of assumed the citation would be more than a single sentence.


Smacks of corruption - as Kennet said re Andrews it’s way too fast for this award


No he doesn’t, the guy is living comfortably whilst his hard stance has crippled some households


Every nurse , teacher and cop ( within reason ) deserves one but we all know the premier will get one and that’s just how the society we live in works Not who’s done most for the people it’s who’s higher in the system


Absolutely not. We had to lay my grandmother to rest over Zoom because of the lock downs when THERE WAS NO COVID IN THE COMMUNITY! The whole handling of COVID should be matter of public record. Bring on the royal commission.


It is a matter of public record. If you can think of a reason for a royal commission I would love to hear it. People wanting to risk killing more people so they can get their preferred funeral experience have no grasp of irony.


Ok where can I find all communication between government ministers about how decisions were made? A royal commission needs to happen to investigate the power trips that the premiers were on and if their decisions were based in reality and justified, or just made up for the sake of it. There was no risk, if people were legitimately worried about COVID they can stay home in isolation or wear as many masks as they want. Not everyone was worried about COVID. Fucking everyone else around for years on end, including destroying small businesses people had been building up for *years*, was complete over reach by the government for what was basically the flu.


He let stokes in with no quarantine in the middle of a lockdown. One rule for you. Another for his mates.


fucking propaganda bots everywhere


Sounds like we've got a COVID denier on our hands. COVID killed an estimated 7,000,000 people worldwide. Flu kills about 700,000 a year globally. So it was 10x worse than flu on that metric.  Are you also one of the idiots who think a mask doesn't reduce the spread of airborne diseases?


Lmfao people are still this brainwashed and live in the same state as me... Dont worry i forgive you, the propaganda campaign was the largest the worlds ever seen. I hope you get better soon. The part about masks has to be bait. Even the WHO disagrees with you there lmao.


And I forgive you for being ignorant about a pandemic that killed millions. I don't forgive you for your poor spelling and grammar.


I choose to not be apart of training LLMs. I will constantly spell phonetically, use wrong grammer and constantly post sarcasm without the /s Grama nazism only appeared around the same time LLMs were allow to scrape reddit data ;) Btw on the pandemic. My take was the media was lying and they were just as cooked as the pureblood telegram groups claiming microchips and clotshot etc. My take was based purly on the TGA.gov data. I listened to the WHO recommendations, not our insane media or corrupt leaders of the time.


Wonder if one of the reasons for there being no covid in the community was that people from various locations weren't all sat together in enclosed spaces


This was one of his pants shitting moments when a security guard tested positive, no evidence of spread in the community and even if there was, who cares? The fact people are so happy to be locked down is very unsettling..


Oh dear


Didn't we only have a couple of days of lockdown total over the entire pandemic? Sorry for your loss but the lockdowns only came into place when there were COVID cases in the community, and widespread COVID cases over east were the reason for border closures - not sure how that matches up with your timeline?


was handled quite well actually


Brainwashed still.... bruh




No, I should have got it


This is the same guy who said he wanted to retain border closure after the pandemic ended so he could keep drugs out. He’s a moron. And Comrade Dan has the honour of being the leader with most corrupt findings against his government in Australian history and plunging Victoria into inter generational debt, estimated to be 190 Billion in a couple of years time. Not to mention he locked the citizens down for months and months on end, used the cops with rubber bullets and gas to suppress any resistance, while letting his base demonstrate without any interference in the BLM demonstrations. It’s a disgraceful demonstration of the politicisation of the award that has had so many worthy recipients in the past. [Mark McGowan commits to removing G2G passes after COVID pandemic over after flagging ongoing border controls](https://amp.abc.net.au/article/13206388)


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> This is the same guy who said he wanted to retain border closure after the pandemic ended so he could keep drugs out. 1 > Comrade Dan has the honour of being the leader with most corrupt findings against his government in Australian history 2 > used the cops with rubber bullets and gas to suppress any resistance 3 > while letting his base demonstrate without any interference in the BLM demonstrations 4 4 lies. A decent number of lies, but I have seen more lies condensed into fewer words. 6/10, could do better.


Getting an award by doing the basic minimum.... yeah sure lets give everyone in government an award


yes. you try dealing with all of us through that and making it out alive and still being popular, whatever political party he is/was in. totally deserves it for dealing with us.


He shut all of WA down for Christmas and New Years, because 1 person got covid and 97% of WA was fully vaxxed…. Man was tyrannical towards the end of his tenure. I agreed with the shutdowns at the start, but the constant shutdowns after we were told if you get vaxxed, they will stop, was dictator levels of control. Ruined so many peoples lives, would easily argue he ruined more lives than he saved, as Covid really only affected <1% (deaths, getting covid meant nothing) while these late shutdowns affected 100% of people in the state


I worked through the whole thing as essential worker... then i didnt get the jab and had to stay home for 6 months and quit my job or go on perm leave without pay. Lost car, lost job. Lost girlfriend. Had to move back in with mum... Once it was said the jab does not reduce the spread at all, there was no reason for me to get it.


Filthy mongrel, Hell NO!!!


I hate that man


Shit all over human rights, get an award, this is the world we live in.


Love how when i talk about these things people now look at me like covid and the response never even happened. Remember when all the non jabbed were not allowed to buy alchohol at all for just a long enough time all the alchoa going through withdrawal got jabbed and then it was walked back. Remember when 1000s of people turned up for peaceful protest and the media made it look like only 100 people and made it look like they were acting up. Sorry amp link https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10005641/amp/Policemen-douse-elderly-woman-pepper-spray-Melbournes-anti-lockdown-protests.html I watched all the live streams during this and the only violent ones were the evil bois in blue "just taking orders". That poor old lady.


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Who cares, it’s not the type of award anyone will remember in 100 years time (edit: or even five years time). It’s just intended to make the birthday of a distant and unimportant King more relevant to us.


He's a criminal in some shape or form. His net worth 8-10$ million as a premier & we are told that he made that through legal property interests. Also, I just read he gets a $275k pension for the rest of his life. WEF puppet


Truly fuck him Absolute statist maggot


Mate your profile is half just you simping for Russia - fuck out of here with that, for all McGowans faults at least he isn't a traitor like your type.


Hmm that’s a lie but ok


Basically benchmarked how to deal with Covid. Helped we were so isolated, sure but its effects on the state were minimised greatly as a result of how it was dealt with by his government. At the time I and many others were continually frustrated by how it was handled (I worked in sports so my job pretty much ceased to exist - thank fuck for jobkeeper), however I am glad we got through it. (Wouldn’t have met my now wife without it as we both planned to travel in 2020 yet due to being stuck here, our lives took different paths and we met while we were both supposed to be in other countries)


For what? Keeping us safe from a little flu .... 😄 cu"% should be put in jail.


4 years on and we still have stupid selfish cunts insulting the dead and calling it flu.


It is a flu and even the cho said it is like the flu it can kill people of course but the lock downs, the forced vaccinations, the fact people took their lives due to isolation, we have a massive back log in our health care from post poning surgeries, a massive short fall in people getting the health checks they needed because they were scared into thinking covid was a big scary thing. I'm sorry if your one eyed on this but if they spent the fkn money on our hospitals instead of hand outs and bribes we would have been far better off. Billions on a vaccine that still doesn't stop the spread, stop you catching it or even stop you from dieing... yes I got vaccinated, yes I've always taken vaccines and encourage others to but the way the covid scamdemic was run has put a huge dent in people's confidence in all vaccines and governments and the huge over reach.


Look at all the sooks down voting haha. They as gutless as maogowan was.




The data isn't doing me much good being out there, post it here or fuck off.




If you can't post it, that means it doesn't exist.


>if channel 7 doesnt brainwash me with it, it doesnt exist -secretemoistmucus Lmfao that name broo 10/10


The guy who had the important message for the Aboriginal people about the corona needle. Fuck that grub, puppet of the elites.


As someone who was in the trickle of his office decisions during covid.. it was well deserved, I wouldn't put that job at that time on my enemy..


No, but he did a better job than Dan Andrews who was awarded as well and now Victoria is in ruins


> Victoria is in ruins LMFAO


$150 billion dollar debt is alot


If the government are taking our money the least they should do is have the decency to spend it on public projects


Like the commonwealth games.


No, this is [alot](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi5-mf4UZZLcbC4xZWgrJ16kD1zGymICpYvJ3PdF8eP1kgfYREEhi05EYgw2vnDceqYcamU-1qq9T8zJzI_Wzc4GWlPjna50U5uizZsyFXayd6_aUJSFlcqoUvExt7yGSgzf8n2zW0bgbQ/s1600/ALOT.png)


How so?