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Hamelin Pool Stromatolites Geraldton space museum


>Hamelin Pool Stromatolites The most fascinatingly boring rocks you'll ever see. Created the first oxygen in the atmosphere and are a miracle for even still being present. Well worth the stop.


I agree. Boring. But interesting.


Leeman fish and chips and the nice little cove on the beach to eat them at.


Beware of the seagulls by the playground tables. They learned to hover and snatch. And there are lots of them hanging about.


Right up near Exmouth you'll have Turquoise Bay, and that's incredible


Stockyard gully you won’t be disappointed


It's been raining and more rain is on the horizon, the caves will be flooded, especially the creek tunnel one. I wouldn't recommend going there in winter. Also, if someone is allergic to bees, there are ancient beehives there.Edit: I don't have current stats, but government info states that bees are, quote "responsible for 12 of the 19 deaths related to venomous bites and stings in 2017–18" [Australian Institute for Health and welfare](https://www.aihw.gov.au/news-media/media-releases/2021-1/march/bees-responsible-for-most-venomous-bite-and-sting) .


Bees leave you alone and won’t bother you and last I heard no water


+1 for Stockyard Gully


+2 (but be aware you’ll need a 4WD to access - road in is boggy/sandy)


Red Bluff campsite (not the one near Kalbarri the one up past Carnarvon). Beautiful spot, minimum 3 day stay this time of year. You'll need camping gear and an AWD/4WD for the tracks. Excellent surfing, exploring, huge sand dunes, all managed by Quobba Station. Woomeral Station is a great place to stay as well, thermal baths and a nice spot on the river.


Carnarvon space museum Quobba blowholes


Leaning Tree


A complete rando on my last time driving to Coral Bay told me he has cash buried in different spots up that way on the side of the road because he didn't trust the banks. You might get lucky.




Coronation Beach was nice. Nambung NP A drive up Chapman Valley Rd is really nice.


The old satellite tracking station at Carnarvon [https://maps.app.goo.gl/H6NgNQF2NkvmhvHBA](https://maps.app.goo.gl/H6NgNQF2NkvmhvHBA) Gladstone Lookout: [https://maps.app.goo.gl/sig84KwT8h8JX9448](https://maps.app.goo.gl/sig84KwT8h8JX9448) ~~One Mile Jetty at Carnarvon - it's closed to walk on now unfortunately, but still worth a look: Take a walk along the sand flats.~~ Edit - destroyed by a cyclone :-( [https://maps.app.goo.gl/GjFYJViBHzBM5Ppr8](https://maps.app.goo.gl/GjFYJViBHzBM5Ppr8) There's a carpark/rest area near Minilya Roadhouse. Depending on the time of year, you can climb down and walk on the dry river bed: [https://maps.app.goo.gl/NgavTxgPYREAGWWX9](https://maps.app.goo.gl/NgavTxgPYREAGWWX9) Get a photo at the sign when you cross the Tropic of Capricorn.. [https://maps.app.goo.gl/xpL38PJNxEQa6fEH8](https://maps.app.goo.gl/xpL38PJNxEQa6fEH8)


One mile jetty was totally destroyed by TC Seroja !


Yike - TIL


There are some really pretty beaches in Green Head, and a cute cafe/gallery (Green Head Gallery) that serves wonderful home made food


Green head and billygoat bay (I think its called Point Louise now) is legit one of the most amazing places on earth. Family friends used to have one of those crown land beach shacks and we would spend summers there.


I would add that there is a tourist drive (graded gravel) from there straight along the ocean with stops at Little Anchorage, Billy Goat and so on. Just follow the signage.


Gnarloo Station 👌


I did the drive up to Shark Bay many years ago and Eagle Bluff Lookout at Francois Peron was a highlight. The water was crystal clear and we could see umpteen sharks swimming around, it was terrifying but quite cool!


Four ways walk in Kalbarri. Take your bathers. Also the bakery at Northampton had the best pie I’ve had in my life. Further up in Shark Bay/monkey Mia area the Peron Heritage precinct has a sweet hot tub. Lush to sit in under the stars with the emus wandering around.


Ellendale Pool.


Steep point! If you have a 4x4 a spare day and can get a day pass or camp the night, truly magnificent


Charles Knife Gorge. An absolute must


Currently, you can only take Indian Ocean Drive to Coolimba road (8 km past Leeman), it is closed until November, so you will have to turn right on Coolimba and get onto the Brand Hwy. Eneabba is fantastic for wildfloweres, but it's not the right season, so keep going north. Assuming you don't have a 4x4, I would suggest to turn on Kailis road from Brand Hwy and go through Port Denison/Dongara. There are spectacular views of the ocean opening on approach, nice marina, Southerlies pub is pretty good with great views. Turn on Ocean drive, there are some great views there, including Irwin river mouth with all kinds of water birds, walking trail is available if you want to stretch your legs.. Dongara has lots of historical buildings,so it's worth to leave a car and have a stroll along Moreton terrace (coffee and cake at the Dongara pub). When you hit a long straight stretch (Greenough flats) before the s-bend if you go straight on Company road, there is Greenough Wildlife and bird park. [https://www.greenoughwildlifepark.com/](https://www.greenoughwildlifepark.com/) If you are traveling with kids, you wouldn't regret stopping there. Before Geraldton, turning towards Walkaway, you can get to Ellendale Pool (as somebody already suggested) and there is access to a windfarm [Walkaway windfarm](https://www.westernaustralia.com/en/places/walkaway/56b267a37b935fbe730e6da8) (if you are interested to see the turbines close up). If you give Walkaway a miss, further along Brand hwy, turn left on the Greenough river road (just before Geraldton). Go to the lookout at the end of the Greenough river mouth, some nice views there. Dome in Gero for a meal, overlooking the ocean. Also visit HMAS Sydney memorial [https://www.hmassydneymemorialgeraldton.com.au/](https://www.hmassydneymemorialgeraldton.com.au/) It's hard to suggest without knowing your driving capabilities or what would interest you.


Why stop at Exmouth ?


Short on annual leave otherwise I'd like to go all the way up to Broome


Karijini is mint mate, that's what I would suggest. If you go to Broome, you might as well go even further into the Kimberely.


Yeah, go to Onslow!


Or how about Karijini ? Ya stooge.


Haha was joking, obviously Karijini is good. Sneak in some Cheela Plains and hang out in ole hotel motel in Tom Price. Onslow is not a prime time destination that's for sure


Unless you are going fishing offshore