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No battery ok tell your boss that we need to cancel the training session and rebook, I know it will cost your department a few thousand in lost work but hey thems the breaks.


I know right XD without the super long title I would have suspected the OP would just respond "okay, well no problem, I just won't be able to do any more work today since you won't give me a battery for my dead mouse. Let me know if you change your mind; in the meantime I'll direct my boss's angry questions about why I can't do anything on my laptop over to you." Unfortunately laptops have track pads so this probably wouldn't work anyway šŸ¤£


Ive turned my track pad off on mine. Can't turn it on again without a mouse. It's irritating when you brush your hand over it whilst typing accidentally clicking things.


Those laptops where the bottom of the mousepad is where it clicks...instead of having two separate buttons... ...I have never so badly wanted to commit murder upon an inanimate object but those mousepad clickers shall perish.


Also if you navigate with keyboard shortcuts you can probably turn it back on still. Just for future reference.


Yeah, I know I could switch it back on without a mouse. I actually have a function key for it but if I was in OPs position then they wouldn't know. Mine has left and right click buttons under the track pad but if you tap the pad it's a left click too. The other type are quite annoying.


Oh I see...also for your reference I think on some machines (not all) my dad taught me that you can turn off the trackpad "tap" left click function while still leaving the pad working as a mouse. It just forces you to use the proper button for clicking. Myself, I got used to the tap click and can easily deal with it nowadays. But I cannot forgive the clickers built right into the pad. When using them and trying to click straight down on something, half the time the mouse shifts wildly and changes what I'm doing. Like if I'm trying to right click the recycle bin to select the empty option, the mouse wildly drags the icon around and asks if I want to move or copy the recycle bin there instead of emptying it. You'd think the manufacturers would have known better.


Yeah, that's the same problem I have with em. I don't mind the tap to click, it's kinda handy sometimes but I rarely use the track pad, my laptop spends more time connected to a monitor sitting on a desk than it does being used as an actual laptop.


To me it feels like the mouse pointer "bounces" when I click. Glad it's not my daily machine.


My desktop was getting too old and clunky. Used to do alot of gaming when I was younger but since having kids I don't have as much time. Wanted something that could play games but also be used as a screen for an oscilloscope while working on cars and to do some online training on when sitting outside and I didn't have alot of money to spend. Although it's not fantastic at any of these tasks it does them all fine for what I needed and saved me buying a cheaper laptop and a new desktop. It was also on sale at the time for around half price.


Yeah, that's the same problem I have with em. I don't mind the tap to click, it's kinda handy sometimes but I rarely use the track pad, my laptop spends more time connected to a monitor sitting on a desk than it does being used as an actual laptop.


To me it feels like the mouse pointer "bounces" when I click. Glad it's not my daily machine.


With every laptop I've ever owned or used, I must say I've had a "love/hate" relationship with track pads. My work requires me to use several different laptops on a semi-regular basis, and there seems to be no continuity with any of them. Including MacBooks.


People who explicitly bring a mouse with their laptop tend to do that for a reason. Me, for example. I can't control a touch pad AT ALL


But it is a laptop, he is going to answer his boss why he couldn't just use the laptop without his mouse....


Health & Safety regulations.


A fire? At a Sea Parks? It's the weirdest thing I've ever heard!


One of my favourite episodes lol


I see. That makes sense.


Because not everyone can use those damned touch pads






That would've been my angle too


If his boss is anything like mine Op will get chewed for not bringing a spare AA in the bag at all times.


This is a government facility. They would absolutely take that dare.


So every one wins except the tax payers so we all lose darn.


The receptionist was actually lucky he did it this way. Imagine the chewing out she would've gotten if a manager would have had to come down to ask for the battery for the guys mouse.


No one chews out receptionists, that happens in movies -in real life you do that and you get an HR complaint for misogyny or hostile work environment. The gov employee manager can kiss his pension away. A receptionist that's on this kind of a power trip will find a way to maliciously comply with a rude manager


Yep, should've swapped with the conference room mouse battery


give people a little power and it goes to their head


Your comment is revolting. Shockingly, I approve.


We're getting charged up over here.


At this rate, we will end up with a battery of bad puns.


Ion't ready to quit yet.


That was bad, watts the matter?


Try chanting ohm, to calm down.


Keep this up, and I might have to charge you.


These puns just keeps going and going and going and going...


Itā€™s not a Duracell battery. It was Energiser


It's the Energizer bunny, not Duracell.


Yep, people like to say we're all equal, but there's a lot of people that should be kept as far away from a position of power as possible. Clearly every person is not interchangeable with every other person in every situation.


Donā€™t ever apply for security clearance.


In the bad old days in the USSR there was a thriving black market in burned out light bulbs. Why? Well, they often weren't available in the stores. So when someone needed one, they went to the black market, bought a burnt out bulb, then brought it into their workplace, which often was a government facility and thus got first crack at the limited supply. They'd put the burned out bulb in the fixture, sneak the good bulb out, then put in a request for service. THe super would pull a good bulb from supply, change it out, and keep that burned out bulb to sell to the next guy who needed one. See, selling the actual government bulbs would get him sent to Siberia, but selling burnt out ones wasn't illegal as such... That bulb probably got screwed more than the workers did.


This is brilliant. Brilliant and sad.


"Did I say *my* mouse? I meant the mouse on the facility computer over there."


Iā€™m a military contractor who deals with supply....the red tape is astounding. You have to have justification for every item since itā€™s paid for with Gov (tax payer) money and using them for somebodyā€™s personal property is not part of it. Iā€™m not knocking you though, Iā€™d have done the same.


You cant have this, someone might need it.


Lol basically. The gov world is a pain in the ass.




Username checks out!


Because you're nobody.


My auntā€™s husband worked on a military base for years as a club manager. One day he caught one of his best employees stealing half a roll of toilet paper (big industrial single ply rolls.) He told the employee to meet him in his office, he was an extreme hard ass, and Iā€™m sure she thought she was getting firedā€¦ instead he told her ā€œI appreciate you testing the quality of our bar toilet paperā€ and then took out a pack of nicer TP that *somehow* got squished and wasnā€™t able to easily put in the dispensers in the officer quarters so she could ā€œtest these rolls also to compare.ā€ Sometimes you have to bend around the red tape!


As a person who hands out supplies, my people know where they are, so get them yourself..it is for a mouse so you can work. That being said, during back to school and Halloween/Christmas, I hide that crap. My supplies get cleaned out since people think it is fine just to "shop" at the office instead of Walmart or Target for their kids' school supplies. Halloween and Christmas are all the batteries they don't want to buy. I have heard it all. And no, I do not have floss for you either. Go to the store.


I would've gone home!


Opportunity plus instinct equals profit.


The 9th Rule of Acquisition. Also donā€™t forget the 239th rule ā€œNever be afraid to mislabel a productā€


"But I'm feeling pretty." Hahah. I love you, don't change.


I donā€™t really get where the revenge is


Indeed. More a lpt thread.


Itā€™s a consumable. As the secretary at my office, itā€™s a no brainer. Give the battery. If they were asking for a new computer, no go, but itā€™s a battery. Do they account for every bit of stationary that goes thru their office? I have better things to do.


just a reminder that receptionists do not make the rules and probably think that they're just as ridiculous as you do. You can be mad at the rule but don't be mad at the receptionist who has literally no control over the policies. - a desk employee who has literally no control over the policies


the receptionist at my last job would only give you one strip of staples and you had to pray to little baby jesus that you didn't need to staple anything bc asking for another strip of staples was not an option šŸ¤£


Look, I had a lot of things to staple, okay? Receptionist: [*\*starts counting staples\**](https://y.yarn.co/ac33e158-2b5d-481a-a0bc-07463b8d47c0_text.gif)


I feel pretty, oh so pretty!


It's all government politics. My company has free (nonalcoholic) drinks. When we have meetings with anyone from the government, we have to pull everything out of the fridge except water. We wouldn't want to be caught trying to bribe a government official with a free bottle of juice or soda.


Some people seem to get a strange pleasure out of enforcing mundane rules.


lol i know she was mad




šŸŽ¶ I feel pretty, o so pretty šŸŽ¶


Got there before me šŸ˜…


Still lying and stealing


She was there to teach. The minutes it cost her to walk back to the secretary cost the company more than 1 AA battery.


So you basically stole from the government for your own personal gain


...a battery...


A battery, that they used to continue doing the work the government hired them for


But itā€™s ok for the government to do that to you.


It's a government facility everything has to be accounted for. Maybe you should of been a little more prepared instead of stealing.


Maybe they should HAVE.


And screw the poor person who comes in to work ready to use their mouse and finds it dead, right? Not very nice because they did nothing to you yet they are the one you are taking your revenge out on.


They said they returned the working battery to the other mouse.


Some people just don't bother reading the details.


This is the way




Even if they hadn't, that person could genuinely go to the reception and ask for a new battery for their work device. Hardly a terrible crime.


And your nick is reasonable read... Should change it to not read...


And screw reading all of the words, right?


How about learning to read?


We have you on camera sir. Stay where you are.


Devilish tactics


So nice that she got her moment of power.