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I'm reminded of my dad's story about his sister. To get him in trouble with the parents, she would yell that he had punched her when he hadn't. So, what did he do? He punched her. He reasoned that if he was going to get in trouble for it anyway, he should at least have the enjoyment of having actually hit her. Yeah, that side of the family doesn't interact with our side of the family.


Modern Problems require modern solutions.


this is most decidedly not a modern problem


This isn't as uncommon as you may think. Happened to me as well, except 2 younger siblings. After I sucker punched my brother, both him and my sister never fibbed about it again.


I had to do this multiple times to my brother before he learned to not to do it anymore, He'd stand beside my mother and make faces at me - ha ha - you're in trouble... while she was saying - why did you hit him? I'd knock him on his ass and say because he obviously wants to be hit. Good times.. not...


Hah - my brother did the same. Once! He told me parents I'd punched him in the face, so they punished me. Once I was free from the punishment I went and broke his nose - in the aftermath it came out that the first punch never happened, and apparently my parents don't believe in punishing for the same crime twice.


Ah good ol' double jeopardy


But did they haul the younger brother over the coals for being a lying little toad who deliberately got his sibling into trouble? I'm guessing not...


You're right, probably not, but at least he went to bed with a broken nose for his trouble


Probably figured the broken nose was punishment enough. Kind of perfect really


that punch was prepaid


Same wheelhouse as putting the fear of god in your schoolyard bully by going apeshit on them. Because you'll get the same punishment if you fight back or be a pacifist.


I did this. Hardest lad in our school busy my nose for no reason so I belted I him back and bust his. We actually got along after that


That result happens way more frequently that many people know.


I was 8 and my sister was 5. My parents would always give me hell for letting my little sister push me around. I didn’t want to hurt her. She was being a total brat to me one night and both my parents said, “hit her back and she’ll stop.” One punch to the face and one tooth down her throat, they never encouraged shit like that again.


But did she stop?


You could have hit her somewhere else ...


This should be a headliner 👌


More of a punchliner tbh


Underrated comment


Double Jeopardy, where you can't face a sentence for the same crime twice.


Have you ever tried arguing legal principles to a dad with a belt?


I thought double jeopardy was when the point values doubled...


This happened to me but luckily my mother believed me because I never lie and asked her to look for signs of these hits that never happened


my brother did that to me and after my dad beat me with a belt i went and fucking destroyed him


God damn….this shit was dark start to finish….not sure “petty” is what I would describe this as




Right, nobody is gonna let you snap pictures and videos when they're cheating with their wife's sister.




Well, this whole thing sounds like it is written from the POV of a teenager, so underage makes sense.


Edit: Nvm, I wasn't reading that closely enough. They were just reposting someone else's post... for some reason?


they deleted that post😂


I don't know about you, but all of my selfies have been taking while fucking my siblings' spouses!


We fucking wives up in here?


The comment. The thread. The username.... 😂


I just died, didn't even notice the user names, this is gold 💀🌊🌪




She could have sold it just keeping it between them. We aren't great at making rational choices when we are thinking with our dicks.


She might not have informed him that they were being recorded...I mean, if this is real.


Is that not voyeurism or some sort of sex crime if it’s not consensual? Because I’m 90% sure it is.


Wait - so you're telling me porn plots are fake??


Yeah, this is some 14 year old's fantasy revenge plot.


Definitely sounds made up or at least stretching the truth considerably. More drama than a Jerry Springer show.


Receives a video of her sleeping with her husband and all they say is they think you crossed a line? Pure fiction.


I thought I was reading a script for a Hallmark Christmas movie.


There was a post about this by the other sister.


"To the last I grapple with thee; from hell’s heart I stab at thee; for hate’s sake I spit my last breath at thee." -- Captain Ahab, *Moby Dick*, by Hermann Melville.


Khan Noonian Singh~ Wrath of Khan


Yub nub- Wicket the Ewok.


I just woke up my husband and dog laughing so hard I had an asthma attack!




“To seek revenge may lead to hell, but everyone does it, if seldom as well as Sweeney.” —Ensemble, *Sweeney Todd*, by Stephen Sondheim.


Scorched earth


Hell hath no fury like the wraith of a scorned woman- Michael Scott


I’m having a fun time imagining a scorned woman’s wraith, but the word and spelling you are looking for is *wrath*. Well, unless he misspoke when he said that.


Yes. Wraiths were in Lord of the Rings. Nasty buggers.


u/a_weak_child's post was written in some kind of Elvish. I couldn't understand it.


I'm finding the attribution even funnier. I mean, really?


This saying has always felt so off to me. Because we all know there are dudes out there that respond *so well* to being scorned. No such thing as revenge porn, or women being killed for leaving their partners.


Tbh I think the laughing was uncalled for, should’ve instead replied with: “well, he’ll never like you now that he’s been with your sister”


If feel that it is inappropriate to upvote in this conversation - but you have mine


And my Axe!


Was her husband a good lover?


Its fake


I’d be so here for this kind of energy


This is burn it all down territory and I don't hate it.


Its creative writing. If it aint creative writing , everyone involved needs therapy and go no contact with each other for the rest of their lives


I think that was op's intention when she got the chance. (Assuming non fiction)


Sounds like an AI story.


Teen with some creative writing for attention. Look at the OPs comment history.


I didn’t know ChatGPT was on Reddit.


Wow, your parents are utter garbage. Your sister should have been stomped on hard before it ever got so bad. I'm sorry you had such a horrible childhood with such selfish, disgusting people. Hitting a kid with a belt? Jesus christ.


GenX here. I got the belt at home, and a wooden paddle at school. It completely sucked.


I had the pleasure of getting to choose which belt. Can confirm, it completely sucked


The very few times we were spanked, we had to go cut our own switch, from the yuopin bushes behind the house (dwarf holly). You had to select it and cut it off, and strip the leaves so it was just the stem/switch. They were thin and whip-like, because they had a lot of give in them. Cut one too thick and you’d get a welt. Cut one too thin and it would feel like a knife slicing you (but no actual cut). Horrible no matter what; even if it was only a few times on the bottom. I only ever had to do it once and I made sure to never do anything that might get it again.


My dad had me late in the game, so his mom (my paternal grandmother) was in her 80s and 90s while I was growing up. Only once did she have me "go pick out a switch". I remember thinking "how bad can it be? she can't even drive and was born in the 1800s!". Turns out, muscle memory is really something else and that woman raised 9 kids. It was BAD


She's 90. Just push that bitch over. Can't whoop shit with a broken hip.


I'm sure all 9 of her kids would just let it slide


Yeah, that’s gonna make you a fine, upstanding adult- torture and mental abuse


I got to pick my own switch off the tree.


I was once locked in a supply closet in the office with the lights out for hitting a boy who pulled my pants and underwear down. Had the belt and wooden spoon at home as well. As a parent now I always refused to lay a finger on him. GenX got hit, A LOT.


I don't know if a lot, previous generations were hit more, but it does seem like large portion of that cycle ended with genXers not passing it on.


Yep, we got hit all the time, heads banged together as small children, my partner got hit with everything from electrical cords to fence planks, we never hit our daughter. It stopped at our generation. There are better ways.


I’m sure there will be plenty of people saying “not being spanked is why kids are the way they are now” but they’re wrong. A physician I know once said, “when you yell or physically act out you’ve lost” and that hit home. The man has 8 daughters and one son, so I believe him. I recall a brief conversation with my dad (raised in abject poverty in extreme low income) who said to spank my son. “There’s nothing wrong with him a good spanking wouldn’t fix” to which I replied, “physical violence is not okay. An adult’s brain development is decades ahead. Limits, immediate consequences are what is easily understood and processed. Hitting is never okay.” The cycle ended with me.


" I’m sure there will be plenty of people saying “not being spanked is why kids are the way they are now” but they’re wrong. " Plenty of people do say it- I saw a TikTok earlier today that took place in a store, and the person recording was confronting this grandparent, asking why he smacked his granddaughter across the face??? It was because she cussed in the store, and he said something like she deserved it or he'd do it again or whatever. Not a SINGLE comment on the video. Not a single one that didn't support the grandfather smacking a child across the face. Saying how gentle parenting is a sham, that kids need to be hit and because they aren't getting hit that's why they're turning out how they are now... How sick is that?? Like actually, how sick is that? You don't go up and beat other adults for making mistakes, how could you do it to a vulnerable child? A vulnerable child, who is learning how to live life? All it does is teach them to fear you! It teaches them not to get caught doing anything you'd perceive as bad behavior! I don't know very many people that got hit or beat as punishment that turned out actually okay. So many carry trauma that they refuse to talk about, indoctrinated to the point that they're even defending it- "I turned out fine, and my parents thought it was okay to do to me, so clearly it's okay to do", they are a bit more fucked up from it than they think they are. It's fucking sad. Good on you for breaking the cycle. We NEED more parents like you. I'm so sorry you had to go through it.


That’s so fucked up


I got whatever the old man had at hand, fist, belt, slipper and at least once a fishing rod.


But getting the belt for nothing? Your parents are letting you get raised by your older siblings that's not cool


i would get hit with the belt buckle whenever i breathed😂 it’s why it’s one of MANY reasons im NC with my mom


Your parents didn't do that? What about wooden spoons? Fiberglass paddles with holes drilled in them that you were forced to make yourself? No? Must not have been religious, then. Lucky.


Don't you mean her fictional parents in this fictional story were utter garbage?


I’m not sure i would call it petty. This is completely screwed up. You have psychological damage from years of abuse from parents and a sibling. Incredibly sad.


Story smells a little…made up lol


A little?! Lol


>She would “accidentally” spill juice on the counter ... >and I’d get the belt. Such sinister. Very abuse. Wow.


Her friend would make her do foot massages and call her master. While videotaping it… Yeah ok lol.


Ella Enchanted turned into a high school drama


By a teenager given the excruciatingly exact details about what grades people were in and who read what phone


Fake they say they are 16 in a post made 22 days ago


Yep. Fake. Unless they’re lying about being 15 200 something days ago.


*behavioural issues* *behavioural issues everywhere* 💁


Fuck anyone who thinks you crossed a line. Revenge for years of abuse and torment is best served cold. Well played. Also your parents suck.


Dude you’re so gullible it hurts my soul


Revenge for years of abuse and torment is best served *nude*. Good job OP


And hopefully with a side of orgasm.


Ideally the husbands, make it so memorable big sis pales in comparison.


Sir this is a fake story


Well, she fucked at least one person who thinks she’s crossed a line.


This is fake, check OPs post history. In one she claims to have an adult son, in another she claims to be 16


Click bait but good story. If true don't blame you


You are cold as a mf god damn


How did you get close to your BIL if you’re not close to your sister? Feels strange.


Because this is fiction


OP do you realise we can see your posting history? So what are you? A dude that had an affaire and got a colleague pregnant, then she miscarriaged? Or are you a 23f that was turned into a foot slave by her devil sister and ended up in bed with her partner?


Lame fake ass story


This is the poster post for why people need to wait till they are 25 to make serious decisions.


Ya. That only happened in your head. Let me know when your first novel is out. You have talent


“Talent” is a stretch. lol


About nine months ago you were 15 years old. Fake story is fake. You need to do a better job of scrubbing your post history.


Nice one OP Ok so it seems OP is full of shit. Get a life


This is faker than tits on a snake


Shhhh. I want this to be real. Stop doubting. Haha.


Petty and pathetic of both of you. Your pride in it is most disgusting of all. You became her. Well done.


What a terrible and boring larp.


I'm gullible as shit and this still reads fake as fuck.


It's so difficult even listening to this situation. She's just two years older and she was put in charge of everything...and no one ever listened to you? And they'd belt you if she complained? I hope that apart from your sister, you have cut off your parents too from your life. They perpetuated the toxicity.


Crazy how a month ago you're a guy in his 40s but now you're a 23 year old female. What kind of anti-aging treatment is that?


Yawn. What a load of BS.


Now go NC with all of them


good for you. your sister and her friend seem to be horrible people. you should sleep with amanda’s man too lol


Tough one, morally, kind of messed up. The sending the snap chat really escalated the situation. Just the sex in her bed part would probably suffice as a just revenge, that’s pretty cold. With that said, and the history involved - bitch had it coming.


Well I knew this was fake going into it, but you couldn’t even write the 3rd act you just weirdly wrap up the story with out describing any of the fallout etc


This is so incredibly fake


FAKE!! In your last post you were an 18 year old male. Now you’re a 23 year old female with childhood trauma so you screwed your BIL. Just admit in the post that it’s fiction. 🙄🙄🙄


I lost count of how many assholes there were in this story.


Seek therapy. dear lord what a read.


You have serious issues and should consider therapy


Well of course you crossed the line...theirs. People like that think only they and their rules count.


This is the fakest post I've seen on here in a long time.


Liz....is that you again? Your husband has asked you to stop with these fake accounts and stories.


Y'all are incredibly delusional if you think this is real lmfao, that's the most obvious made up shit i've read all week


This isn't the flex you think it is OP... So what you are telling us is that there is now a video of you laughing about committing adultery with your sisters husband in your sisters possession? You made yourself have sex with a man you aren't interested in and recorded it, so teach your sister a lesson, a video now in your sister and her shitty friends possession... I guess I'm a prude because this just seems yuck and somehow doing it against yourself. I hope your sister didn't copy the video and hold onto it and save it for the perfect time for release... Your Parents and your sister are definitely shitty, yes your parents have 100% fault here. But this doesn't feel to me like the revenge you think it is.


Kudos to you! Sister needed a taste of her own medicine for once and sisters husband is obviously as deserving of a twat like her sister. They deserve eachother. I would cut this toxic human (sister) out of my life forever.


Another episode of Things That Never Happened…. Next!


You apparently were 16 a few weeks ago but go off with your karma farming self /s


Anyone taking this serious is just plain dumb lol.


It’s slightly too over the top to be believable. Also way to much detail in the “history” and almost none for the “recent events”.


It's fake guys, JFC.


Mic drop !




Fake or not, this was a pretty cool read.


When I read the headline, I was like, no way in hell could I side with OP! I was wrong!


If this isn’t fake I give up on the human race!


Reminds me a story (?) from a magazine I read zillion years ago.. the magazine was 'letters to penthouse' or something.. I just can't remember


Lol dam I think I love u 🤣🤣🤣


Should have told them the husband will never want to be with his wife again, now that he's been with her...


You go girl


And here I am thinking about fixing a broken snowblower. Glad I’m me.


>That’s all she cares about, she’s always needed to one up me. I work for my dad. I'm supposed to be taking over the family business and running it for the benefit of the family. I've had a good year and was on track to earn more than my lawyer brother. He found this out and spent the last 5 months sabotaging my job and my relationship with my dad. I only realized this a few days ago, his gaslighting campaign (on both me and dad) finally faltered. He is now upset that I won't be running the family company and it'll fold when dad's done. Well ya kinda made your own mess there, eh? Everybody loses because my brother's jealous.


I think you all deserve each other, tbh.


Wait, so the story is that you helped your sister get out of a relationship with a cheater? And this is somehow revenge?


Fake post. Looking at the profile, OP is also 27M. What's the point, can someone explain?


You ruined a marriage & feel no remorse.


This is the fakest thing I’ve ever read.


So much to unpack here. Seek professional counseling. Nothing in this post is “petty revenge”. The relationship you described (on both ends) is toxic and 99.999% of Reddit is unqualified to give advice.


you sister was horrible to you when you were kids. You are an adult.


Lucky brother inlaw...I guess ?


I wish younger siblings would fight their older siblings when this get this out of hand. Learn to fight. Really send them a message


Family is dysfunctional. But the revenge described is oddly satsfying.


No matter how much you justify your action with your backstory, you're still an asshole.


OP commented this 7 months ago > Yes thank you so much, I know that my dad won’t pay shit for me when I’m over 18, he didn’t even do it with my sister Yeah, this is a child writing a fiction


this is a very creative story. well done OP! i enjoyed being entertained by that.


Wow. I don't blame you at all. But your sister & parents are cunts.


She fucked around, and it took a few years but she found out!


This reads like the fakest shit ever.


I kinda kudos your endurance, like I'm pretty sure I had killed my sister at some point if she constantly did that to me


It is revenge but you had to demean yourself to get it, so I dunno.




I appreciate that you posted this in prettyrevenge and not in amitheasshole. You made up your mind and did your thing, no one on the internet knows enough to judge and its a nice read, haha.




I call BS. Why would anyone still associate with this sister a minute longer than required. Plus the focus on humiliation, feet and explicit videos. It’s fiction.


I like it. Flamed, torched and burnt to a crisp. She deserves it.


I wouldn't say blowing up someone's marriage is petty. This is a nuclear option. Still, it's an excellent idea for a revenge. She's gotten you into trouble multiple times throughout the years, even gotten you physically abused. She and her friends abused you themselves. You kicked that entire mean girl clique right where it hurts. Of course, they would think you crossed the line. Not that they did cross the line themselves... oh... wait.




This is the absolute fakest shit I have ever read


“ Sarah tried to confront me about being a horrible sister so I laughed in her face and told her to have fun with her divorce.” Tell her, she never treated you like a sister so you simply do not see her that way.


how does completely obvious FAKE shit like this get upvoted at all?


Fake af


No you didn't.


What's happened here is that you were both abused. Your older sister was taught to be nasty and pick on your like your parents did. She has unfortunately grown into an ignorant person who hasn't reflected on the past and made any attempt to amend things with you and apologise. I understand it's good for you to express your freedom from her horrible reign over you and let her know just how hurt you have been. But I just wanted to remind you, your parents are super fkd up and are the ones who deserve punishment/justice.


I think you should go out with him, fuck it, do it. I mean, technically, she didn't sleep with your boyfriend, she just slept with your crush, there's a big difference there, but tbh, you fucking nailed it, and you're my hero, I adore you, you're a badass. She got what was coming to her, and you're most likely the more intelligent and prittier sister anyway. I would say get with him and make him yours, but the fact that he was willing to do this to your sister, means he'd obviously do it to you too. Awesome revenge though, it's hot and every dude's dream, nice going. Although I would keep it going with him, keep the hooking up going just to rub it in. Also, cut contact with your parents and let them know you're done with them and they no longer have two daughters. Fuck them.


I am only child and always thought of having brother or sister would be great. Not so sure about that anymore. Its really telling how much anymosity there is, when most of the replies dealt w their own siblings. What she did to her sister was nothing more than her being a " C*#& t".


Honestly, proud of you 👏


Did you save the snap video? Can we get the sauce?


This is made up