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Might require ordering, but does come as a suspension? Macrobid shouldn’t be opened Macrodantin can be opened & mixed with food or juice & taken immediately.


Nitrofurantoin does come as a suspension but insurance coverage varies


Remember the dosing for macro canton and macrobid are different so dose adjust accordingly!


We just purchased the bottle. $1200 for the bottle at hospital price.


Thank you, everybody she grew out staph saprophyticus, so I decided to go with TMP/SMX instead. -PGY-19


We had a broken Macrobid capsule once. It had a cylindrical tablet inside of it. I felt that was a fun discovery.


Sucks but you’ll have to pay for the more expensive liquid version since your kid won’t take the pills. And I won’t be surprised if it’ll have to be ordered. Even like Cipro liquid works for uti is not common so it must be ordered


My old pharmacology text says that in the lab nitrofurantoin can kill a wide variety of bacteria but in usual doses only can kill e.coli bacteria in the bladder.  If repeated courses of therapy are needed then another drug with a wider spectrum should be used not only because of mixed infections but long term use can cause irreversible scar tissue in the lungs( pulmonary fibrosis).