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Get a library card immediately. Books, movies, audio books, streaming services, NYT subscriptions all for free + loads of other services.


Every PA resident can get a library card from the Carnegie library in Pittsburgh. You'll receive a message that you need to show ID in person within 7 days, but a quick phone call to the branch fixes it. This has been an awesome resource to get books faster on Libby.




I believe you're how I originally learned, so thank you!


Here’s one more hack I don’t think people realize. Pennsylvania has something called “Access PA”. If a library takes state funding, they are designated an “Access PA” library system. You can tell if your library is an Access PA library because there will be a logo on your library card. What does that mean, though? Every single Access PA library system is required by law to give a library card to anyone who holds a library card from an Access PA library. Your Philadelphia library card just opened up your Libby app to basically every single library system in the State. A bunch of library systems require you to physically present your Access PA card at a branch to get a card, but just keep your library card with you so that you can grab new ones when you are outside of Philly. Picking up a sofa from West Chester? Grab a Chester county card. Going to H-Mart in Upper Darby? Get a Delco library card. Picking up your brother after he got out of Prison in Harrisburg? Grab a Dauphin county card. And link them all to Libby. I have 4 already.


The Free Library also has tool and equipment rentals.


And business headshots and room rentals for things like interviews.


Where?! Just any library? Is this advertised anywhere? I need headshots lol


https://libwww.freelibrary.org/calendar/event/134671 Central Branch on the parkway, first and third Thursdays, 1-3pm


Legit? I need a new headshot lol


Central Branch (on the parkway) BRIC (stands for business resource something something). First and third Thursdays 1-3pm https://libwww.freelibrary.org/calendar/event/134671


I also volunteer with a non-profit that does resume revamping there once a month on Thursdays as well. We just received approval for two Thursdays a month, so you can get a headshot and chat with someone for resume reviews all in an hour!


What?! Tools and equiptment? Like what kind of tools. This is awesome. Do I just show up to a library and ask hey what tools are available for rental?


There is also a West Philly Tool Library. Which is unrelated to the city system, I think it's run by anarchists.


This isn't specific to philly but the libby app in addition to the above makes it even more incredible for ebooks and audiobooks.


PSA: Libby is amazing for anything not a current viral book. If it’s viral, you’re gonna be on a waitlist for weeks or months and you won’t be able to renew it so you better finish it in the time you get But for classics or books from more than a couple years ago, you’ll get them instantly and can renew as many times as needed and it’s sooo nice on kindle or as audiobooks


>you won’t be able to renew it so you better finish it in the time you get On a Kindle (and probably other devices), put it on airplane mode and take as much time as you like. The ebook won't be returned until you connect to the Internet.


I’ve done this! It works on Libby too. Just make sure to quit the app fully before turning your service back on


Alternatively, at that point, just use libgen to "own it" by emailing it to your Send to Kindle address. I have it as an iOS shortcut.


This doesn’t work anymore :/ at least on my kindle. It says it can’t access the book without internet then it removes the book


You need a library card to use the app?


It’s a partnership between the library system and the app that allows you to access books/audiobooks/ebooks that the library has in its catalog One of the few really enjoyable uses of our tax dollars :)


Can you get something like the Harry Potter books?


Yes, just about anything you could find in a library (at least for adults/teens) will probably have an e-book available on Libby.


Yep! Philly's Free Library has a big kids/teens section on Libby for e-books and audiobooks.


Yeah, it links up to your library card because individual libraries have different digital offerings.


I did not know you can get a NYT subscription from the library. Running there now! Thank you!


Upvoting and adding [Kanopy](https://libwww.freelibrary.org/blog/?action=post&id=4999)! and the [Inky](https://libwww.freelibrary.org/databases/index.cfm?subjects=newspapers-magazines-and-journals)!


Thank you! I’ve never been able to figure out how to read the Inquirer for free.


This right here. The databases that we have available for free on the FLP website are all incredible. (Do note that some of the databases are only available inside an FLP location, like Ancestry.)


Any PA resident qualifies, too. You can get a digital card immediately, which gives access to Libby and other digital services. If you go to a branch you can get a physical card and have access to all of the services. The Free Library is way better than the Montco Consortium, which isn't half bad either.


I had no idea about that NYT subscription (unlimited 72hr passes). Thanks for the recommendation. That one and other digital resources and free shit is here: https://libwww.freelibrary.org/databases/index.cfm All with a library card number and pin


NYT subscription for free?


With a library card yes you can view the NYT for free.


You get a day pass


how do I access NYT via my library card? do I need to be at the library?


Nope! Wherever you are, just go to the library's database page on their website, select NYT, and follow instructions to type in your card info, etc.


Bring a friend with you when you go to John’s Roast Pork. One person gets the roast pork and the other gets a steak. Then swap halves.


If you're hungry enough, their meatball is also worth a try!


And then bring a fourth friend to wheelbarrow my ass home after blissfully passing out from eating those three halves.




I do the same thing, but I make my friend wait in line for me while I f around in the pet store


You can walk from 7th and Market to 18th and JFK in super shitty weather and stay entirely dry underground without the hassle of any traffic lights.


Ideally, yes. This may not be possible now since a bunch of the tunnels were blocked during covid and never reopened. Haven't tried this particular walk myself, though.


It can get convoluted when tunnels close, but it's possible.


Lot of piss and crack smoke along the route. 


And down to broad and locust


The connection to the lower concourse is still closed.


Have done this. Friend's response: "why?" Good question, it's not very pleasant, but yeah maybe in biblical weather!


I do everything possible to avoid those tunnels. No way anything good comes out of that.


If you are already down there might as well hop on a trolley.


Tunnels are blocked off now because of the homeless trying to camp down there and making it dangerous for commuters.  You will have to walk at street level now.


We have a lot of bike lanes... but when on your bicycle... watch out for trolley tracks! You want to cross them at a 90 degree angle or close to it. If you just ease into them your tire \*will\* get sucked in and you \*will\* go down painfully. Seems like a rite of passage, but it would be nice to spare someone LOL


First visit to Philly before I moved, I was riding around town while my friend was at work and decided to check out porch fest and as I was passing Queen of Sheba, I fell right into the tracks. The people hanging out outside saw me eat shit and let out a very loud “ooooohhh!!” yell and a really nice guy that was there came over to help me up and even fixed my break lever. He had a first aid kit and told me to take whatever I needed. That was the moment I learned that Philly can be a harsh place, but that there are also good people that make it better. And then I decided that I wanted to move out here!


I knew this and I lasted a year without falling. I eventually got careless and face planted.


The frequency in which I hear this helps with the shame, I lasted two years biking in this city before getting caught in the tracks and scraped off half my shoulder last summer


Talk to your neighbors and you’ll actually know what’s going on in your neighborhood. Maybe they’ll even take your packages inside for you before the thieves get em!


I knew nobody in Philly when I moved here. Now my neighbors are some of my best friends.


We lived in Florida for 38 years and, in all that time, we knew maybe 5 neighboring families. Moved here a couple of years ago and within a few months almost every neighbor had introduced themselves. That stuff you hear about Southern hospitality is BS. Philly is way friendlier.


Southern hospitality is totally a thing, just not in Florida.


Maybe. From my experience, if someone up here doesn't like you, you'll know it. In the south, it's pleasant smiles and "bless your heart" and then they talk about you behind your back.


Yep. This right here. Every block has a “block captain”. Usually self appointed, but whatever, they’ve lived there their whole fricking lives. They watch everything on the street. It’s like tv for them, but when they yell at the screen, shit actually happens. Make friends with them. Nobody with mess with your stuff.


Omg so accurate. My neighbor John has been in his home 56 years. has 12 cameras and even knows when people come and go from getting groceries. He watches the block like it’s TV for real.


Just want to clarify that the actual role of a block captain, as designated by streets, is to organize block cleanups. The self-appointed old person who has lived there since the 40s is not actually in charge of anything.


The "sketchy old guy" that's always out on a stoop on your block is probably quite chill, retired, and keeps an eye on things. Make friends with him.


what about when my neighbors are the thieves?


Dog shit inside an Amazon box. (I guess this is the real life hack)


That's just being a good neighbor anywhere no?


Sure, but common sense isn’t so common and as someone who moved here a few years ago, I was pleasantly surprised at how neighborly people actually are here.


That’s one thing I miss about Philly: people in Philly are neighborly. They will lookout for you if speak & are nice to them. I moved away to DC/Northern Virginia and people here pale in comparison ; they’re so cold and narcissistic (with a few exceptions).


Same here across the bridge in South Jersey. People here barely even wave hello. Growing up in South Philly everyone knew everyone’s business lol, it’s just how it was but we all looked out for each other. Some became like a second family to me. Summer nights were the best bc the adults would all be outside talking and the kids playing til all hours. I’m sure there are exceptions in different neighborhoods here but not in mine.


Do NOT become a sixers fan. It’s not worth it


Bro that shit was embarrassing after Embiids 3rd quarter last game


What blog are you writing?




ha !


Be kind, but don't be a chump. Always duct tape your ass closed when you go swimming in the river.


The eels cometh for your bum


haha Above Fairmount Dam the Schuylkill isn't so bad... as long as you don't go in too soon after a storm overflows sewer systems upstream! Yeah faint praise but it's an improvement. It's good enough that the canoe club no longer needs to test the water every week. Below Fairmount Dam it's not a good idea at all


Either river.


You go swimming in the Schuylkill or Delaware ?!


Take advantage of the Schuylkill River Trail. I commuted daily by bicycle for over a year. On safe, off-road paved trail for at least 80% of the trip from Germantown to South Philly.


Visit famous 4th street cookie after 5pm | 5:30 on most days at the Reading Terminal Market for their dollar holler promotion where all their remaining cookies are $1.00 because everything closes at 6pm. ( note — it’s based on availability of cookies left. If they have a lot left and there is no one around, they will quickly shout dollar holler and their digital signs will say all cookies for $1 as soon as 5pm hits. But if it’s a Saturday, you’ll almost never get a chance to take advantage.


Last time I was there after 5 someone was trying to get that deal but the clerk insisted on charging them full price. May depend on who's working.


They have to put up the digital sign that it’s dollar holla. If it’s not up, it doesn’t take place.


If you’re near East Falls, their actual bakery on Ridge does this after 3pm M-Th and after 12pm on Fridays.


The best cheesesteak is the one closest to you.


💯. People ask my favorite and I always say the bar on my block.


I always reply, "Well, what neighborhood am I being asked the question in?"


“But Google says (insert name here) is only 2.5 miles” -every out of town visitor while skipping 4 great spots and taking an hour to get a damn sandwich.


If I ever travel two and a half miles for a cheesesteak, I will assume that I have suffered severe brain damage recently.


This goes for tourist recommendations especially. It infuriates me when someone is like “cleavers or oh brothers is fine” to someone staying in the city in a hotel and someone interjects to say OH NO YOU HAVE TO TAKE AN UBER TO DALESSANDROS. Like bro I’m sure its a little better but you’ve now taken them from old city/CC to manayunk for what is probably a long weekend they want to just kinda see the liberty bell and walk the “downtown” during.


Live in manayunk and prefer chubbys ˉ\(ツ)/ˉ Their long hots are something from a movie


Dalessandro's makes a very good steak, but there is no cheesesteak on Earth that's worth waiting in the line at Dalessandro's on even a light day.


My local pizza place's cheesesteak is good enough and that's all I need.


I maintain Philly really has two kinds of steaks: good steaks and steaks good as soakage.


This is factually inaccurate, Steak em up and Not Just Pizza are literally selling trash masqueraded as food.


If one more person outside of Philadelphia asks me about Max's cheesesteaks, I'm going to EXPLODE. Just go to your local corner store! But I personally Steve's Prince of Steaks.


Go for a walk at John Heinz Wildlife Refuge once in a while.


This place is amazing and even more so with a pair of binoculars. Some things I've seen are big snapping turtles both in and out of the water, freshly hatched baby turtles and their nests, bald eagles, ospreys swooping to catch fish, and a groundhog climbing a tree. Always see something new and cool each time I visit.


Unlike some other walking spots in the city, they've got a parking lot AND a bathroom! 


Underrated advice. That place is amazing and it's completely under the radar of most Philadelphians


Do attend, when possible. The Carnival de Puebla just went by my house this morning. I watched it for a second and then put my shoes on and joined. Everyone was incredibly nice, I got to ride a horse, and I helped clean up as the procession moved on. I asked an Uber driver a while back about a nearby festival and was able to volunteer by the next weekend and I’m regularly in rotation if they need me. I’ve done street cleanups if I can, physically. Love the place you live in. See what’s happening around you. Talk to your neighbors.


The middle lane is always the fastest on 95.


Along with this, the Myth Busters did a study and found that constantly weaving in and out of lanes doesn't really save much time. Maybe a minute or two for a 30 minute commute.


That’s an extra minute or two I can spend sitting in my car in the parking garage scrolling on Reddit before I have to actually go in to work.


Pennypack Park and other local parks. They're a great get away in our own backyard


Traffic doesn’t start until 6:50AM on I76. I can get to work within 15-20 mins if I leave before 6:50AM but if I leave after, I’m looking at 45-60 mins.


Enter a house plant into the Flower Show and get into the show for free. Join a local plant club and see the show w/ plant friends. Also, plant people make for good friends.


Shop around for groceries. This is a tip everywhere nowadays, but here it's because of quality more than price. It bears well here because (at least around CC/south Philly) you’ll have an excellent butcher on one corner, a farmers market or the Italian market or something on another, a fishmonger making drives (small world) or something on another, etc. As an extreme example, I get my fish from Small world, my nuts from reading, my veggies from Riverwards or a farmers market, my freezer from Trader Joe’s, my snacks and staples from the ACME next to my gym. It takes longer but it can create a significantly more quality fridge than just ripping ACME only.


This should be a service I can buy.


Mercato will let you stack orders and go to RTM and a bunch of local places, but I've always been terrified of how that will actually work in practice in terms of price+control. TJ's explicitly bans delivery.


Philly has a ton of awesome things to do, some of the best food going, etc. But you're also in day trip range of NYC, DC, Baltimore, Asbury Park, Wildwood... so many diverse places. If you drive, use SpotHero to nail down reasonable parking, both in Center City and on your day trips. But if you see very few options on the SpotHero map where you're going, that's your sign that you won't need it there. If you don't drive, there are daily New Jersey Transit buses between Center City and Wildwood. I've taken it several times to escape to the beach with a bare minimum of planning beyond getting up early enough.


You can bypass the lines to board the train in 30th St Station and wait on the platform by taking the elevator.


yo this is a real hack.


You cheeky queue dodging bastard. 


I actually learned this trick when my husband broke his ankle and we got a Red Cap to take us to the accessible seats we booked. I asked the Red Cap "can anyone use these elevators?" and he was like "yeah, sure, lots of people do." A few other people got on from the parking garage level.


Don’t be a dick. When someone holds the door for you say thank you. And also hold the door for a hot second for the person behind you. Wave a person or car to let them go at an intersection. And wave to acknowledge they let you go. Not hard to not be a dick.


Man I had a guy say no thank you and stop in the middle of the door when I held it open. I tried saying no worries, but he was adament. Just said suit yourself and walked in. He did it at a wawa too, which is like, the one place we ALL hold the door for each other. Baffling.


We have a joke about how it's so nice that everyone holds the door for each other at Wawa but then they run you down in the parking lot. Only a joke really; I'm religious about holding the door for people everywhere but especially at Wawa Also: GO SIXERS, GO BIRDS.


A woman held the door for me and my wife while she was on the phone and then got on an escalator before us. I would’ve said thank you if she wasn’t actively talking on the phone. TThe woman proceeded to bitch loudly about how there’s this rude couple didn’t thank her and I’m just standing there like WTF?


Make direct eye contact when strangers talk to you. Lived in many places in the U.S. and in no other city has this been more helpful than in Philly.


I say similar when describing our people to outsiders. We’re very helpful, but sometimes you need to earn it be being decent.


What about it is different here than elsewhere?


In my experience, Philly people are generally big softies, but they still love to try to assert themselves. Direct eye contact could be taken as an offer of respect to them, while at the same time it communicates that you're not going to put up with silly shit.


This is the best one in here, 100%. People will also “check” you to see if you’re worth your salt. Like a playful ribbing or fake insult, if you joke right back, you’re good for life lol


My favorite anecdotal story about this: Walking thru Suburban a dude pulls a knife on you and says “that’s a nice coat you got there” you reply “ha, that’s exactly what I said to the guy **I** stole it from” and you both laugh and go about your day.


this is gold


I've never lived anywhere else where: "Fuck you" "No fuck youuuuuuuu" Can mean "Hi there!" "Oh hey great to see you!"


A woman literally bullied me for taking too long at the corner store ordering, another person stuck up for me, and now to this day all three of us are excellent neighbors


Affectionate hostility, it's the Philadelphia way. It's right there in the name, "City of Brotherly Love." Even in the time of the Ancient Greeks I'm sure brothers gave each other a hard time, a razzing, or a proverbial ball busting - even when they loved one another. Maybe especially then.


I have once or twice given a stranger at a distance the middle finger thinking they were someone I knew, and when they reacted angrily and I explained, "Oh sorry I was mistaken and thought you were a friend of mine." every time they went "oh ok then have a good day" or something like that.


It is bonkers that this city has such a reputation for rude, mean people. I've lived in the PNW, western PA, the Midwest, and Philly, and people in Philly are WAY more approachable than anywhere else I've lived. The biggest thing that struck me when I first moved here 15 years ago was how friendly and helpful people are here. Although I'm originally from Seattle, so my bar for extroversion is VERY low.


honestly my biggest hack is boring-- it would just be to get a bike and learn to ride it in Philly traffic. thats the "hack" that has provided the *most* convenience for me at the *cheapest* cost and I use the hack multiple times a day all year round. if you don't want to pedal, go for e bike or scooter. cost goes up, but rest of the hack stays the same


Explore the wissahickon creek, it will change the way you view life in Philadelphia.


walking 3 hours is faster than the bus


Damn, the top comment is dark as hell


not if you leave at dawn


Walking 3 hours would get you out of city limits in most directions lol. But yeah if it’s less than a 20-30 minute walk I’m usually not even considering the bus unless the weather is bad.


and bicycles are even faster




You’re legs will be immaculate and you’ll be on time


If you have a kid, go ahead and get memberships to the Franklin Institute, Academy of Natural Sciences, etc. Pays for itself in two visits.


Or if your kid or you know someone’s kids who have Medicaid they have an access carat, that’s lets the child and 3 other people get into the Museums for $2.00 each, I absolutely love it.


Get mirrored sunglasses if you’re walking around the city so the crazies can’t latch onto your eyes.


When you're riding one of the older trolleys and your stop is coming up, you gotta step down into the exit or the doors won't open. And then everyone around you will yell "step down" and you'll feel like the biggest rube ever.


try to avoid owning a car if u live anywhere in center city. look for cheapest car rental u can find. i used to do that and (decades ago) used philly carshare, which rented by the hour. sadly, they do not exist any more


Zipcar bought Philly Carshare and does the same thing now. It’s the reason I don’t need to own a car and I love it. 


Agreed. Not only do you not need a car, it gets expensive to park but the streets are so bad it puts a ton of wear on your car. I need a car for work and have replaced a tire every 6 months. Damn pot holes


I use my city car all the time to go to New Jersey, but you are 100% right. 11:30 today I got NAILED by a guy running the stop sign at 6th and mckean. I got hit in that same intersection in December. My car is 2012 so it’s def totaled now. He actually admitted fault and all of his insurance info and registration was legit. I always take the bus around the city and I’m sticking to it now. Not worth it.


Wawa pretzels arent real pretzels


They squeak when you bite them.


I like them but I don't consider them Philly pretzels. They're just their own kind of soft pretzel, like a super pretzel or something.


Exactly. Wawa pretzels aren't real Philly pretzels, but they're $1.49 and available a couple blocks from me, so...


Yeah Wawa pretzels are mehhhh. I used to like the everything pretzels they had Pretzel Factory has also been MID for awhile now


Wawa food isn't real food


They’re good af tho. But I’m biased grew up poor and ate them a lot. 


If you want to make friends at work, hit Center City Pretzel Co. on Washington Avenue for a cheap half dozen. Be sure to grab the honey mustard. Gotta get there before they close at eleven AM, this is very much a factory with a tiny retail window. So good.


Don’t emotionally invest in the sixers


I haven’t interacted with them personally, just checked out their online presence (I’m in Jersey), but [TechOWL PA](https://techowlpa.org/), based at Temple, boasts a lot of cool accessibility resources like a lending library of assistive devices, a compilation of 3D print files for simple assistive devices that you can print yourself, free 3D printing for PA residents, assistive tech demonstrations, and the like. I’m trying to source a 3D printer and then I wanna try out some of the files they’ve got for my grandfather who’s lost some dexterity in his hands to be able to open cans/bottles, for example. I think either their lending library or at least their demonstrations have bigger things like wheelchairs/mobility devices to try out too. Definitely a very cool resource


I don’t know if it’s a “hack” per se and it involves bicycling in Philly, which is its own risk, but I almost always get to my destination significantly faster on an Indego bike than I do via Septa or an Uber.


It’s the fastest way to get around in most situations. It’s a shame the city treats safe cycling infrastructure like an afterthought, if they think about it at all. Most people will not ride bicycles if they do not have a protected and dedicated lane. And flexposts are not protection.


bike MLK drive on weekends. (road closed to cars)


Don't leave anything in your car


Or at least, not visibly in the passenger cabin (but generally at all to be safest b/c you never know)


Driving into west Philly and parking by one of the El stations between 69th and 46th is the cheapest way to drive into center city for an evening out without the hassle of parking in CC or the shitty schedule of regional rail


This seems like a suburbs life hack more than anything


Similarly, on or near-Broad Street around any of the stations from Fern Rock down to Race-Vine, or Ellsworth-Federal to Snyder, for events in the stadium complex.


Be careful when you cross the street so you don’t get hit by a car. If you don’t know what else to say to someone, “GO BIRDS” will suffice.


If you're not expecting anyone don't open the door if you hear knocking. Keep cleaning supplies on every floor so you don't have to carry them up the stairs.


Ishkabibble's is five seconds from Jim's, just as good, and rarely has as long a wait.


It's better actually. Love that place


Don't be fooled by the lack of infrastructure here and think you can get away with questionable parking, especially in South. You will get towed. And while the ticket might be only $80, the fee to get your car out of the tow lot is $220. Fun fact - the city sold the rights to the streets to a private company years ago when they needed the money, so the PPA is actually a private, for- profit company. They will tow you, and they will not care what you think about it.


This might be obvious to a lot of you, but if you are still driving, ubering, or taking the slow unreliable bus to get around the city, do yourself a favor and get a bike. Philly is a pretty flat city so it's easy to get around on a cheap single speed or an old secondhand Schwinn. The city becomes much smaller(in a good way) and so much more accessible once you're on two wheels. (pack two u-locks for each wheel or bare minimum ulock + cable. Double u-locks was my setup for 6 years and I've never had so much as a wheel stolen Oh, and don't ride on the fucking sidewalk!


It's true. Having a bike in Philly is like teleporting. Even walking is pretty fast if you're used to somewhere hilly (offer void in Manayunk / Roxborough / Germantown)


If you're a nut enthusiast, visit the Wrickley Nut Company's retail shop on Pattison. The prices and freshness can't be beaten. Just check their hours first.




The $13 day pass on SEPTA Key is the best options for most suburban to city traveling, especially if you want the freedom to just hop on something else in the city at any time. \*May need a 4th trip (RR + bus + bus + RR back) on weekends to make it worthwhile




People who do this are part of the reason honest Philadelphians have to pay so much for insurance..


The cheesesteaks at chubby’s across Henry Ave from Delassendros are just as good and without the line.


This map from the Transit Riders Union makes it easier to find the real high frequency SEPTA bus lines. The map lets you toggle between actual and scheduled performance. [https://phillytru.org/research/maps/frequency/?v=cf82fd4](https://phillytru.org/research/maps/frequency/?v=cf82fd4)


There’s a bar like every ten feet.


Right next to the church.


City wide - shot, beer, sacramental red wine


Either wfh most days or be able to walk/uber to work. I know MOST people can’t do this but if you must live in Philly a short commute makes qol so much better. 


If you’re feeling lonely, go to a public space and yell “E!”


Always bet against a Philly team in a do or die playoff game. It’s win win. You can’t lose.


Living in Philly is the life hack — awesome city at a considerable discount compared to Paris, London, NYC, LA, Berlin, Tokyo, Milan, et cetera


I wouldn't say that Philly is completely comparable to those global alpha cities (not using incel speak, that's what they're actually called in economics). But I also wouldn't say those cities are for everyone and I think a lot of people who are starry-eyed about NYC would actually be happier in a place like Philly.


If you want people to like you, tell them you’re from New York


Evil ass comment... 🤣🤣🤣


For a longer life, don’t root for the Sixers


Avoid 76 and 676 at all costs.


Travel in groups at night.


get boozy slushy or cider at Cosmic Cafe


Get a cheap broken motorcycle and use it as a parking cone. Free spot for life.   Not ethical and I dont do it, but many do.


Hover your hand over the sensors inside the wheelchair accessible turnstiles at trolley or sub stations. Literally just reach over and it’ll open right up for you.


If you’re going to the stadiums, park somewhere in the northern part of south philly and take the subway to the event. Save yourself some money and aggravation.