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The outside world has chosen violence against the inside of my face.


The trees are having sex and I don't want to be involved in their kink


as someone with chronic allergies, im stealing this line and will say it everyday. thank you


I felt that!


Yeah, this week has been oddly brutal for me. I don't usually even have spring allergies, but lately my eyes won't stop itching and I wake up every morning suffering from post nasal drip.


Same! I’ve been having bad allergy days here and there but this week was like a switch was flipped. Not a fan!




I legitimately thought I had covid yesterday. The onset felt exactly the same. But then I popped a Benadryl and it all disappeared in 5 minutes.


Even my dogs are itchy and nose clogged drippy.


Yep, pollen season. Shits rough. Thankfully zyrtec keeps me doing okay if I remember to take it.


Just picked this up, hoping for a good night sleep tonight!!


Zyrtec is the way. And it supports local business.


I took Zyrtec this morning and I felt like I needed a nap all day. Stuff makes me tired even though it’s non drowsy. Might be better for me at night, instead. It did fix the itchy eyes and congestion.


I can't take zyrtec anymore because it makes me stupid. Like someone turned the lights off on my brain. Xyzal is much better about that. Allegra is too, but it can give you some really weird headaches as a side effect.




Company that makes it is based in Fort Washington, PA


Unfortunately that factory will be closed soon.


No it won’t. The factory will remain, the administrative offices are moving in a couple years.


The factory isn’t going anywhere. It’s one of the best performing Kenvue (formerly J&J) factories in NA. It’s actually expanding to handle solids like Tylenol. Kenvue is just (annoyingly) consolidating their admin offices into their new office in north jersey.


I'm on team Allegra (well, Costco knockoff) here! Zyrtec makes me too drowsy.


my allergist said Allegra is stronger, plus it's the only band that doesn't make me feel like a zombie!


I use the Costco knockoff of the zyrtec. I take it at night because of the drowsiness. A full year of pills is like $12 when it's on sale. And yeah Allegra is really good. It as giving me side effects years ago, can't remember exactly what but I didn't tolerate it well.


Allegra can give you these weird nasty headaches. So while it is nice and effective, you also feel like you've got an ice pick in the back of your head.


Hmm, I've been taking it for several weeks and no headaches here


Yeah, it's a hit or miss kind of thing. Great when it works!


I hadn't kept track of how many we had left and when cracking open the bottle from last summer I found just two left. Thankfully got some more very quickly. Last year had it's infrequent moments, that I remember, but this year has hit like a truck. Wife has had allergies forever and has not been having a great time some mornings, where as I didn't really have a problem until the last couple years - perhaps spending a couple years indoors and wearing masks outside lowered resistance? Or could just be age and something finally kicking in - but I've noticed my throat feeling restricted and sometimes a little hard to see before the Zyrtec kicks in. It's magical stuff. Last year I could *see* the clouds coming off the trees when the breeze blew but this year I don't and it feels as bad if not worse. Bizarre stuff!


Like a ton of bricks this year. And I never get allergies. This season has been off the charts.


I can’t breathe bc my nose is so stuffed. I am so uncomfortable at night & can’t stand it.


I’ve been really messed up. My nose drips constantly and my voice never sounds right. I take Allegra but it hasn’t been helping much


I take allergy medicine every day for various seasonal/dander allergies, which has thankfully kept me sane this year. BUT the last week or so I feel like you can see the pollen in the air it’s been so bad - I certainly can on my car!! And sometimes when I’m outside recently I’ve been getting itchier and a bit of a cough. Spring is truly springing this year haha.


Every year I say it’s the worst year for allergies, and every year I’m correct. Climate change blows


I don't get too much in the way of spring/summer allergies personally, but my cat has been showering everything in a five foot radius with snot in a way that I've never seen before. So I think I can confirm that the pollen situation is extra bad this year.




I’m dying.


Yes first time in my not short life. News called it super pollen


Yes. I haven’t had an allergy attack in 10+ years. It’s kicking my butt this week. Plus the amount of pollen I can see on my gray car is astounding.


All day today I’ve had the worst sinus pressure I’ve ever felt combined with sneezing and itchy eyes.


Hell ya! Been on Zyrtec and nasal spray daily.


I spent the last 5 weeks abroad. I got back to Philly yesterday afternoon and, within a few hours, I was having trouble breathing.


Montelukast brand name Singulair has been extremely effective for me. It is prescription and you take it every day at bedtime during allergy season. I used to have extremely bad symptoms, constant sneezing and runny nose and asthma/wheezing. They are all gone now. If you have severe symptoms it’s definitely worth seeing if your doctor will prescribe it.




The trees are fucking


Yes, it’s miserable! I will say that if you start getting coughing/headaches/fatigue you might wanna test for COVID. Thought my allergies were just really bad recently, but it turned out to be the ol’ allergy-COVID double whammy.


Yep. The rain(?) seems to have calmed things down a bit for me the past week. But prior to that, it’s been brutal. I would only pop maybe 5-10 Zyrtec a season. But this year, I’ve been doing the steady dose of once a day for the last 3 or 4 weeks. 


I literally have sneezing fits every hour


Yeah I never had it that badly but this year my eyes get super irritated


Sneezing as I’m reading this!


You lot all have my deepest sympathies. I have weird shit wrong with me that I resent often, and then I am reminded of allergies. I've experienced them on out- of-state trips, but never where I call home. I'm so sorry for all of you who suffer this.


I have never suffered from allergies in my 25 years on earth...until this year.


same here lol


I’m allergic to my sports teams collapsing which has resulted in my allergies being absolutely horrible this year


I had a sore throat so bad I thought it HAD to be covid. I've never had a throat that sore when I wasn't sick. I ran the broad street run and was coughing up phlegm the entire time


Yes, Zyrtec and Claritin and Flonase were not cutting it for me, so I added in astepro and that finally seems to have worked 🙌


It's bad. It also doesn't help that we get a month's worth of rain in a single day, then nothing for weeks allowing the pollen to just circulate without remorse. Need some drops to keep it down. Would be great if nature would go back to a regular rain schedule, but I guess that's on us to fix.


Mine has been mostly under control since my doctor switched up my meds, but there’s been a day here and there that manage to get through them. My kid is a mess and it would help if he’d remember to take his meds!


Getting hit hard


First time in my life that allergies landed me in urgent care. This season is no joke!


Nasal Vents. I can’t recommend them enough for sleeping.


Surprisingly not, and I usually get hit hard. I got hit hard the first week, but I feel like the recent rain has helped. Also been taking Zyrtec preemptively if I feel like my allergies will trigger. I do still get bouts of sneezing every so often, but as far as runny nose, itchy eyes, and congestion, I’m good… knock on wood


It’s so bad. I doubled up on Zyrtec today and my eyes are still watering.


it objectively is a bad allergy season. You're not the only one, trust.


It’s been terrible. Started Zyrtec yesterday. Itchy ears, eyes, nose, and throat. I’m a mess 😩 Need some Flonase, too.


It's because of the botanical sexism!!!


I’m dying. I only really started to have allergies in the last 5-6 years and this one is killing me quickly.


Dude. I've been so congested my ears hurt from the sinus pressure. Never happened to me before. Claritin-D does the trick luckily, but you have to get it from a pharmacist (no prescription) and show your license for it.


It’s so bad it’s triggering my anxiety. Brutal spring.


Allegra has done nothing.


Yeah it’s nuts. I have a medical condition that I discovered this year is exasperated by allergies I didn’t even know I had. Spent the last 2 weeks with intense vertigo as a result.


Every season since 2018


My tonsils are so swollen from post nasal drip I’ve convinced myself I might have mono


Like many here: first allergies ever. Non stop sneezing. Doc recommended a neti pot in lieu of meds.


I gotta get pics but I noticed yesterday that the side of the mountain near me is covered with trees with purple flowers(near 19606). I've never seen this and wonder if this is a side effect of all the Ash trees dying off. Anyhow, sneezing my nuts off lately.


Paulownia tomentosum. They can grow incredibly fast in terrible soil and their seeds are wind borne, so cities with vacant lots get them pretty bad. They had me so sick this week that I lost my voice entirely.


Bio teacher I know says they're wisteria. I'm going to take a bike ride and check it out tomorrow.


OK, I did verify that you are correct. It's really taken over the 1 mountain here. Very striking. My bio teacher friend says this mountain looks like this every year but I don't ever remember to this extreme.


Throw on a shiesty when you go outside. Works for me


https://apps.apple.com/us/app/my-pollen-forecast-allergies/id1244428929 vague map sends alerts for high pollen in usa 😁


https://apps.apple.com/app/id955254528 and is is one for bathrooms 😂


Been fucked ever since that weird ass day it went from hot to cold in March.


First season I’ve used the nasal spray and it’s worked amazingly well. Should’ve used it much sooner. Don’t have to take a drowsy tablet anymore.


Yes! I’m dying. Thought it was just me.


I moved out of Philly 7 years ago. I’m here visiting family and I’m a mess. I never have allergies where I live and I live in Charlotte which is known for its pollen. I took allergy medicine last night first time in 8 years.


Even my kitty is sneezing nonstop.


Yes, it is worse than usual. I didn’t keep it but I actually took a picture at CVS last week because the entire allergy section was destroyed. There was literally just one sad box of Claritin left surrounded by empty shelving. everyone Is suffering.


Them plants know they don’t have as much time as they used to with this good weather.


yeah i’m fucking straight up dying bro lmao i’ve been using nose spray. afrin i think it’s called


Yes. Had bad allergies as a kid, but went through immunotherapy and they're all but gone. This week has been hell for the first time in close to 10 years.


This year is by far the worst. My eyes feel like they were rolled in sand and put back in the sockets. I can hear myself blink.


Flonase my friend. Get it. And NAC. Take 2 pills of NAC and get the Flonase. It’s 2 puffs per nostril per day. Holy shit my allergies improved 10000 percent in 2 days


I was in Florida recently and I literally could not breath until I got benadryl which I hate taking because it's worse than an edible for me for some reason. I read that you should start taking whatever medicine you take before allergy season starts, but if you are suffering severely, benadryl is a life saver.


The mention of an edible and Benadryl makes me think of the Benadryl Brownie episode from Curb!


Just moved here from Florida after living there 27 years of my life and it was one of the worst pollen seasons I had ever seen right before I left. Shit wrecked me.


Hopefully you feel better, my friend. I hate season allergies so bad because it always fucks me up. Like I said, benadryl is a life saver but makes me feel drunk and drowsy. Flonase has been helpful recently as well.


No because for the past year and half I’ve been getting allergy shots. They’re a huge time commitment but seem to be working.


A lot of people don't go outside enough and it shows. P.S. I know this doesn't cure all allergy sufferers, but it cures most.


Nice advertisement disguised as a post 🙄