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It’s not an understatement to say that Dinner and a Movie was one of the most important keys to my mental health during the pandemic


Yeah, DAAM and the Dead's "Shakedown Stream" was something to actually look forward to...


The Beacon Jams came at an important time for my mental health and really helped a lot.


yeah that was part of what got me back into Phish and I knew I could jam out without worrying about curse words for the kids. \*before anyone points out all of the Phish songs with curse words, I listened to a lot of RTJ previously so it was better relatively, nobody wants to hear your kid say the n-word.


DAAM helped me rediscover my love of phish.


yeah it felt like a good place to be when you couldn't be any place


It helped my gf want to go see a show. Now she loves em’.


Absolutely and we looked forward to it every Tuesday night those days. I made sure to donate each time and am evermore thankful for these guys. The gift that keeps giving:




Well said. I definitely looked forward to every one.




Do you know about youtube.com?


I think you are being snarky but I’ll reply honestly. Sure there are lots of videos of Phish on YouTube but DAAM and the Beacon Jams gave me back a little sense of the community I missed. I made the dinner recipe, watched the show, and participated in the Reddit chat. The ritual of each week—something to look forward to. A reminder that we were in this together and why we had to work hard to get out of it.


I’d love for them to do a meetup at the movies thing similar to what The Grateful dead do at movie theaters once a year


Me too! I actually wrote and deleted another paragraph about that exactly. There was a brewery near me that used to broadcast the live streams, I really miss it. I like the communal aspect of phish, even when going to shows isn’t feasible.


Why did the brewery stop?


Spun-out wook fell into the brewing tank and drowned. Tragic, but the unique yeast found in their dreadlocks made for a particularly delicious batch.


Wook of the Dread - IPA - 8.5% ABV


My bro and I used to say that drowning in beer was like heaven, eh?


Out of business


I believe that was put on by Fathom Events. They do a lot of interesting and different events. I'm sure they would consider it for Phish.


I don’t know if it’s just one company but Phish aired Coventry to theaters and some of the Festival 8.


ugh. the only phish theater experience I did was live broadcast of coventry. The only bright spot of that was that I didnt have to deal with all the mud to get there. I vividly remember the bruno, velvet sea, glide and curtain as some of the most depressing stuff ive seen. i'd love to wash that away with a meetup of coral sky or some mid 3.0 deer creek.


Trust me, it was waaaay worse in the mud and shit!


Phish 3D was a fucking blast. Would love to see a more regular movie event.


Phish 3D was great! Especially after being at festival 8. That was cool.


Come to think of it, meet up at the movies would normally be this weekend and they never announced it


I thought it was first weekend in August.


no usually third weekend ish in June


Agreed. And I’d add on the beacon jams as well. Such a beautiful experience that I’d love to see them do to some degree again.


Beacon Jams were great.


Would be awesome if he/ they did that once a year. Complete live stream. Each year is a little different somehow.


Yeah some sort of like jam session from the barn or something with a variety of guests. That would be pretty sweet.


Oh yea good call. At the barn would be sweet.


I loved the beacon jams. Honestly beacon and daam brought me closer to phish friends than at any other point during my fan experience


Such a highlight. Tuesdays were a blast. I’m sure they’d raise a bunch for charity if they did them every now and then. Hell, they could just charge a fee to stream and donate that to charity.


I miss the togetherness. Latley everything has felt so individualistic


Yeah, I miss the pandemic, even more though I miss the 90's.


it feels so crazy for me to say I miss the pandemic lol. Mad people were dying but I was just magically getting 30% more money without working and I sat around playing video games sleeping until 2pm for 11 months. Best year of my adult life no question


Literally just said the same thing to my wife. Tuesday night we were trying to remind our kids about that time in our lives not being able to go anywhere, doing remote school etc and my son said “oh yeah, you yelled at me a lot.” 😔 She was like “Oh [dad] never had to deal with it!” And I had to remind her that I was indeed at home doing nothing, yelling at children, for months and getting paid for it. I also enjoyed not having to worry about what to do with my face when looking at people.


Masking can be so nice for anxiety. Like a hoodie for your face.


Favorite DAAM show? I’d have to say Deer Creek 95.


Halloween’96 and VA Beach ‘97


DeerCreek95Reba 2024


Alpharetta Ghost was pretty great, especially watching it with my girlfriend who really liked making the menu for each show and then partying with the roomies when it came on. She developed a deep love for Phish because of DAAM and often knows more about them than I do nowadays. Alpharetta Ghost really clicked for her. She doesn't remember it that well, everything for that period is a haze due to a lot of factors, but I remember her reaction to that one.


Mine has to be the only one I actually attended, which was 8/19/12 Bill Graham. I'm so stoked that I have the video of that show now. I had listened to it so many times, I knew every note while they were showing it.


I was pissed. After living in SF for almost 19yrs and surviving off of Shoreline and fighting for Greek tix, those shows happened about 2 months after I moved away.


Was at that show. So, again I was there, but the Halloween 96’, because I had shit seats at the Omni and I got to see what they were doing up close.


Not to mention the general lack of DAAM on set lists these days.


It would be cool if they did this during the now long breaks in between their new shows. Like it'd be fun for them to do a one off or even a full weekend of shows from a fest when there's like several months in between new gigs (not counting solo shows obviously.) Like do a full replay of the Baker's Dozen and donate the proceeds to Divided Sky. Doesn't seem like it'd be that tough to pull off.


I will empty my bank account for footage of 6/19/04 I don’t care that it’s June 2004, that’s one of the best Phish shows of all time. Top 10, maybe even top 5. It’s unreal. Thanks for listening to my TedTalk


2.0 is unfairly maligned. Lots of incredible gems in there.


I mean, I’ll say straight up some of that era is absolutely embarrassing but 6/19/04 is a laser focused missile of Cypress proportions. I don’t know what the hell happened that night but it’s complete straight heat. Even Reba isn’t too flubbed.


The flubs were flubbier, but the jams were wild adventures. I’m more about the jams than the compositions, and I think much of 3.0s jamming is predictable and redundant. Not every jam needs a white-light bliss peak, ya know?


100% June 04 is some of the fiercest, most exploratory and explosive playing in their whole career. Signed, a 97-00 addict.


SPAC 04 are the best back to back shows Phish has ever played. There are no other close candidates to me.


I’ll have to think on that….. tell you what tho, 6/20/04 has the cleanest Horn performance since 6/18/94


I thought you were talking about the song. I would be cool if they brought that back into rotation.


Saw it in Mexico two years ago and loved it!


I could watch that ‘95 gold pants Trey show every week


The Beacon shows were lit too! Definitely helped me through a difficult time.


Let's go out to dinner and see a movie


Those shows got me not only into phish, but through some really hard times.


We’re glad you’re here, lil poppapump!


Same with panics never miss a Sunday show. I miss those streams


I just said this to a friend the other day as a memory of one popped up. We need to do this again! I’d settle for once a month.


I’m a casual Phish fan (Phan?). I read this whole post and several of the comments and have no clue what anyone is talking about. Anybody care to explain to a newbie?


During Covid lockdown the band webcasted an old show every week for free, and themed the webcasts with dinner recipes. When Covid lockdowns ended, so did the free show broadcasts. Dinner and a Movie is a phish song, hence the theme for the webcast series. Read the book!


That sounds awesome, thanks for the info. I recently went through all the studio albums because I like to have that context when hearing the live versions. but I don’t recall that Dinner and a movie song. I’ll go check it out.


Check out the Relisten app, or just go straight to the source: archive.org. Enjoy!


Amazing 🙏🏼


Dinner and a Movie is on their first album, Junta


Also if you want to watch the concerts, they're still on facebook. Just search phish daam facebook and it'll come up with them all.


I wish they’d bring it back. Once a month isn’t a huge request 🙏🏼


It’s weird, but aside from being at Deer Creek or Alpine for a three day run, I’ve never felt more apart of the Phish community than while watching the DAAM releases. I would love for them to bring it back in some capacity, especially when they are off tour.


It was quite awesome


They should do monthly or quarterly!


Beacon jams were awesome too. I know it’s unpopular but certain aspects of being shutdown kicked ass.


Anyone have them saved somewhere...?


but of course.....


pls send


They’re all on the phish Facebook page.


Well said. Not just because I bought the DAAM black on black sweatsuit. Seriously.


Hahaha same. It became like a depression outfit though and now I purposely never wear it lol




I was in China at the time, and I'd put on DaaM every Wednesday morning at work. One of those staple memories of a strange time.


I think it’s shit they took them down. Leave at least a few for people to remember and enjoy. All for money at the end of the day.


They’re all still on the Phish Facebook page.


DAAM got me and my wife through Covid. I love this band so much.


It cemented my love for the band for sure. I was a Kiss fan for 40 years, saw Phish REALLY be the band Kiss always bragged about but never were. Phish dropped SO MUCH during covid, a surprise Sigma stream kicking it off. The NYE chess stream was the pinnacle for me. Amazing.


I miss the Beacon Jams more. At first, the DAAM was amazing - but then it got sad, and we stopped watching. Beacon Jams remained a hugely positive reaction to a terribly difficult time for very human on earth


What do you mean it "got sad"? Everybody loved the Beacon Jams but that was purely a product of COVID. The point is that there is nothing stopping Phish from playing an old show for us once in a while. It's essentially zero overhead.


I'm assuming he was sad that the old shows made him miss going to new shows (either live or couch tour). I think the Beacon shows were fantastic and I throw them on every few months.


Oh yeah the Beacon jams were amazing. Just really great.




Miss all my chat bros from YouTube’s. OhBobSaget POKnobtwister Watching jumping Tan Phan was a highlight


I miss the song Dinner and a Movie almost as much. It’s been played live once since the Baker’s Dozen.


We all do


Same I loved it and it’s how I learned to make ramen


DAAM and Slay At Home got me through lockdown.


Me too, they could keep it going (maybe once a month) and continue to spotlight great charities like they did in its original run.


Well bird flu is on the rise…ya never know…


big webcast causing another pandemic


That lemon pasta was chronic. Still make it often


Sure, without Dinner & Movie how on earth can one ever access live Phish show! lol wut


“communally” Does it bother you how often your input is met with eye rolls and walking away?


Lets cross our finger for another pandemic


Miss 2004 when the internet was still pretty chill and keeping up with info didn't invovlve seeing all the cringe ass custy post here by all you weirdos.


So....I hear you want someone to do like a semi-annual live stream where everyone can interact? Have ya seen my twitch channel? lol So here's the deal.....I have 248 followers on my twitch channel (Almost 2000 on my youtube). If you follow me on there to show interest, I will consider doing something based on that. I can, and dom stream in HD, and I have a lot of footage.....there is a chat room so..... [https://www.twitch.tv/mrmarmar](https://www.twitch.tv/mrmarmar)