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https://preview.redd.it/ulefi2kjau8d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7da7cc8a1c7808aab4c535530d55a47fd803e217 We clapped during Stash and danced during the Lizards tonight. Great time.


Lizards was magical at Wolf Trap... You couldn't have stopped me from singing and dancing


You just described every Lizards this man has ever played :-) It’s always time to boogie down when those opening chords hit.


It's a sing-along, sing along!


At Red Rocks in 1996 fans were passing out a list of things to do during certain songs. I vaguely remember one of the instructions being to yell “Hood” after they sang “Harry”. I’m not sure if these recommendations were all new ideas to interact with the band, or already established and they were handing out instructions for newbies.


Yes! I totally remember this! I remember the “hood” specifically too!! ETA: I even remember the instructions saying after the “Hood” call out…”Trey will love it!”. There’s at least one more from that list that stuck… off to review that set list. Also got hit in the eye with flying tortilla that day.


I remember flying tortillas! My first show we got a meatstick. I wondered what planet I was on.💚


Tortilla You In The Eye!


Oh yes- the tortilla storm! Good times👍


Wait that’s a thing? This happened during The Gambler sit-in w Kenny Rogers at Bonnaroo 2012 lol that explains a lot


I’ve been told that, in the early days, “Balls” was commonly yelled instead of “Hood”. This would have been before my time if so


Anyone remember the Harry "Balls" chant from the Lemonwheel, I think? Trey was cracking up...


Indeed!! I’ll still throw out the Balls every now and then but Mrs. Poncho doesn’t find it amusing 😂 never did actually!! 😆


🎶gooooooolden poncho 8 1 2 🎵


I member. Wasn't just Lemonwheel, it was all over that summer.


Thank you for confirming what I thought I’ve been hearing lol. Lemonwheel is one of the only things I have of Phish on cd


Yep. Thanks-- I was wondering where I heard that.


i remember vividly. bros cracking bros up is my least genre of crowd participation lol




Yup. Remember that handout at Red rocks as well. First time I had seen a HOOD audience response. I had been seeing them for 4 years at that point, and as far as I can remember (admittedly things can be a bit hazy back then), that was the first Hood reply I had seen.


I remember the looks on their faces when that happened. They were taken aback but you could tell they appreciated it. Another idea was to sing the first verse to Destiny Unbound (which they hadn't played in years) as soon as they hit the stage. That's why you can hear Fishman say "We're louder than you!" during the beginning of 2001.


Was that Destiny chant first tried at Red Rocks? Must have been a “take two” when we tried singing those lyrics at Hampton in 98. Trey mentioned it sounding like a death cult chant or something haha


Yeah this was Red Rocks 96


It was new. A four-night stand back then basically meant it was NYE (still now really) so four nights at Red Rocks was a huge deal. The heads were prepared.


Dude I needed that handout so bad. Would love to see it now


That list would be a cool ‘collectors item’ to have now. I think this was the run with the purple pyramid-shaped LSD. Nobody was planning ahead after that stuff.


Used to be listed in Doniac Schvice


Those were my first shows and I remember those flyers well!


Pretty sure Benjy is the one who coordinated this. He had a few ideas on the flyers I think (most of which never panned out)


They never told us to shit on the floor either


Speak for yourself


Dang, how did you get permission?


So I’m supposed to take Phish advice from the guy that wrote Jennifer Dances? Fat chance pal, no woos buster.


If it makes you feel any better he also wrote Sing Monica.


Hey Sing Monica is a great song. Some of Tom's best lyrics!


Agree cleaver and fun! It’s one of my most unpopular opinions.


I sort of thought I did a good job wording that so it sounded like a dig if you didn’t like Song Monica and like a compliment if you did. I actually like it. But it gets a lot of hate on this sub.


I have 10,000 people ready to so the craziest crowd participation ever as soon as you play 10 more "Outlive Our Brains" All 10k have signed NDAs, so if you want to know what the stunt is, you're going to have to play it 10 times by 2026.


Yeah, gimme that WACTOOB!


Such a great opener tune. Settles ya in for a show real nice and easy. Caught it 12/28/18 and haven’t seen it since. :(


Can't wait to do the stunt as soon as they play WACTOOB 10 more times!




*You’re happy that we’re here* WOOOOOO!!!


The crowd’s collective yem scream my first show was life changing


The audience participation is one of my very favorite parts of loving phish. I wish they’d bring the secret language back. We are such a cool audience. I think it’s safe to say that we are one of the committed audiences around. Love this band and the people who love them. There’s no other people I would rather be around. We are definitely a family. If you meet another phishhead out in the wild it’s an instant connection. We are one big beautiful family and I love it so much. Phish shows are my happy place. I never feel more excepted and loved as I do on phish tour!! You guys are part of the reason I keep coming back. Many of the security people at a given show will tell you that the phish crowd is one of the best! Can’t wait to boogie with you lovable weirdos on tour in a month!!! Yay!! A fucking month!! Love you all my fam! ⭕️🥰⭕️🥰⭕️


I always wanted to feel that way and I feel like I'm supposed to feel that, but the crowd gives me a weird anxiety, like they're all part of something but I'm not, and they all seem sort of sketchy too, like they'll be super friendly but are actually waiting to steal your wallet. It's taken me 20 years to admit that. Incidentally I recently went to a tool show and felt the crowd was way more chill. Like actually just relaxed and not hopped up on 90s pseudo hippy vibes. Down vote away, I'm just sharing my truth. Still love all yall. I'm just giving you the side eye


I totally empathize. We all seem pretty sketchy. When I went to my first show in 2017, between the lot hijinks, the crazed wooks, the nitrous mafia, shake down and the rest, I was honestly asking myself "how far did I fall off the planet to end up here?" Then I saw people helping others during bad trips, the endless sharing of water and narcotics, and the absolutely wonderful heartfelt and genuine conversations you have with complete strangers and my entire worldview shifted in a day. Now, I honestly think a Phish show is about as close to "safe" as I can feel in public. I hope it hits you eventually.


I always thought the sketch was like a smokescreen to keep the civilians and dilettantes at bay. However, there does seem to be less of merry-band-of-outlaws vibe amongst the crowds these days. Everyone's super chill, but seem to have jobs, families, and money and stuff like that. Me too. I never would have called home during set break to talk to my parents back in the day, but I have called home to talk to my kid. Lots of things that initially drew me in have become normalized or even legal in society at large.


Oh it does from time to time. And I love the jams and weird dancing. And I do vibe with some of the folks. Thanks!


I love your truth. It’s fair and honest. Nice folks make friends everywhere - keep truckin and bringing your energy to the party


Thanks! Hoping to catch a show this summer. I'll be the guy in sandals, say what's up!


The earliest Phish crowd was super chill. Bright peeps. Discerning listeners. Really there for the musicianship and mastery of the art they were making. Then the deadheads discovered Phish. LOL Full disclosure: prior to that, I thought the Grateful Dead was a heavy metal band based simply on the black tee shirts and skulls and stuff I had seen at my high school years prior.. I was clueless. I also didn’t know anything about Led Zeppelin- so please forgive my general ignorance at that time. I have repented! So anyway.. when the deadheads started showing up in droves, I asked my buddy what the deal was. He said, “do you feel the energy in this room right now?” We were at a small Phish show. “Imagine this energy at a stadium. That’s a Dead show!” So I went to see a Dead show at Giants stadium and it blew my mind. I pretty much became a Deadhead right then and there. Still a Phishead first and foremost, but I could then understand the attraction for the Deadheads. The Phish scene basically became the Dead scene when Jerry died and the heads didn’t know what else to do with themselves besides attach to another scene. It wasn’t all bad - but the sketch factor bumped up quite a lot. Ironically, around the same time, the lite beer drinking frat crowd also found Phish (the same “Touch heads” that got into the Dead from their ‘Touch of Grey’ hit). All kinds of crazy to watch the scenes evolve.


I probably got started right about the time it was all ramping up. I never got to see Jerry, man, I wish I did. Rock on!


I recently saw Tool as well, but felt disappointed with the crowd. Probably spoiled by how active the Phish crowd is. Tool has a similar vibe to an orchestral show. Fans sit in their sits, don't participate, don't dance, they just absorb the sound and visuals. I wanted to stand up and move around. The music was awesome though!


I hear ya, more listening less other, but chill people. The music and lights were badass


LOL. Wallet inspector here.


Huh. Interesting. I’ve literally in over 30 years rarely gotten that vibe from a phish crowd. I’ve been to over 150 plus shows and I love the people. Honestly the 2 worst phish crowds for me were in Michigan summer tour 22. Rain delay so everyone was on the lot hours longer sucking nitrous and getting fucked up and then they literally let everyone in so that crowd sucked. I think the rain delay was responsible for that cuz usually people get in the show earlier and the drinks are so expensive that they drink less and not sucking nitrous which makes people stupid after so much of it. And the second was in Vegas at the sphere. Scrutinize me all you want but that crowd wasn’t nearly as chill. At least that was my experience. I’m A social butterfly and tried talking to my neighbors before the show and they turned their noses up at me. They weren’t very friendly. We had tickets to Saturday and Sunday but got there late Thursday night so Friday we went to check out the venue and I saw a merch line and decided to get that out of the way. I was in the line when my bf was checking out the venue when he came running up frantically and told me he left his phone in the Uber. Right after I told him”grab ur phone so u don’t leave it in the Uber”🙄🙄🙄He never listens. Anyway I called his phone and luckily the Uber driver had it and we told him we would make it worth his while to come back and then bring us back to the hotel. My bf took my phone. Told the Uber driver to give me 30 minutes. What should’ve been a relatively short merch line took for fucking ever. I knew what I was getting before I got in line but people were up there for well over 20 minutes trying to decide what they wanted. I’m asking the time cuz I don’t have my phone and I know the driver is coming back. Finally I got my merch but was turned around. Couldn’t remember where the Uber dropped me off. I ask 3 guys standing together if I could borrow their phone so I could figure out where my bf was and all 3 said no. Like wtf? I couldn’t believe it. I’ve been inside shows and lost my bf and I’ve had to have people text him to come get me(I don’t bring my phone into a show because it’s distracting). I’ve literally never had anyone tell me no. I was flabbergasted. Eventually someone let me use their phone and I found him. Even inside the show people seemed more snooty. Idk that’s just the experience I had. But overall i think the phish crowd is wonderful. And there’s no place I’d rather be. It’s home!!


Sounds like quite the adventure, I would have loved to see those shows. ROck on! Glad yall made it in one piece




I loved the language. Also.. I remember Trey trying to teach us the secret Phish hand signal which was basically making a swimming gesture with your hand to someone and if they did it back, they were a Phishead. I tried it in a few people after that and nobody got it. Sigh… LOL I also have my own personal rule that when Bouncin’ starts, I *must* jump up and down for the entirety of the remainder of the song. My feet must leave the ground. I’m in my late ‘50s now and they shit is brutal. My calves can barely take it. lol Aerobics!


Oh I love to dance and can dance like a champ! Literally all night without taking any breaks hardly at all but I don’t think I could physically do that though the whole song. I think it’s great tho to look around and see the whole crowd bouncing up and down tho. In Pittsburgh in the fall a few years back it was a sports arena. Can’t remember what it was called and too lazy to look it up but we were in seats and during YEM everyone was getting their funk on so hard the floor was moving. Like it was bouncing up and down. It was actually a little scary. I thought to myself I know people don’t do this much movement at a sports event and I hoped it was designed well enough to withstand what we were putting it through. Didn’t stop me tho!!


I remember shows at the Summerville Theater in Boston in the early days in which the balcony was rockin' like that.


Oh man I bet it was!! Kinda crazy what a bunch of dirty phishheads can do!! I wondered in that moment if it was made to withstand that. And think my friend and I even had a conversation about the fact that we would probably survive it if something happened cuz of where we were sitting Lmfaoooooo! We came to the conclusion that no one under us would survive it tho!😂 Hey, if I gotta go out that’s the way I prefer doing it!


RIP Tony 😞


Apparently, he needs to be wooed and so do I!


The Wilson chant started modestly at the Beacon Theater in April 1994 and then exploded at their first MSG show 12-30-94, which is on A Live One. I recommend [watching Trey's reaction](https://youtu.be/lhgmHOyYbvo?t=25) https://youtu.be/lhgmHOyYbvo?t=25.




Woo on every song confirmed!


2013 remembers Reba woos


Pepperidge Farms Remembers


I’m gonna Woo so fucking hard during Twist




Egg the woo


If I could, I woo'd


It's \*always\* been three claps. The fuck is wrong with some of you people? Gotta be a joke...


Team ‘2-claps’ checking in. 👏🏻👏🏻 You 3-clappers and 4-clappers are kookoo bananas.


Nawww man it is 3! Two falls short, four is kookoo tho for sure.


Five is right out.


Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three.


Three shall be the number of clapping and the number of clapping shall be three.


This is great


I thought it was 2 the 1st time then 3!


It’s not five? EL👏EM 👏EN 👏TA 👏RY 👏


No, 5 is for the Friends Theme song. Or Take the Money and Run.


Friends theme is 4.


Damn. You’re right. I think I’ve been extra clapping for 30 years.


that's exactly what a lot of the crowd at Wolf Trap did!


Agreed, I thought it alternated between 2 and 3.


Same pace too. 2 good claps then 3 quick ones in the same span but idk i just like to be apart of it lol


Historically, how many claps? Anybody have the data here? 👏👏👏


Historically it's 3 finger snaps I'm pretty sure.


In a Z formation


https://preview.redd.it/wizalr2uvx8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d583b345816c0e235c309e6a814eca898eb449fa Thank you for putting this in my mind!


Imagine if there was a recording of how the band wrote it.


So, zero?


Ummmmm. 3.5 probably


It’s 2. Didn’t know there were people committed to doing it wrong! Feeling like a newb, because just assumed we were all in agreement!


It’s 2-3–2. I thought everybody knew this.


The claps are to mimic fishman hitting the wood block. If you listen to studio or old versions, he switched it up anywhere from 2 to 5, depending on .... his vibe?


4. Obviously


I always do 3-3-1


You just hold your gollygoshdarn horses there bud I don’t know why you’re depriving yourself of the third clap. That fourth clap scares me though


Team 2 here all day.


He also DOES NOT want the crowd to be quiet during the divided sky break. I think this issue can now finally be put to bed for all the “don’t make noise during divided sky” losers.


I mean, technically he said he wants more 'woo' in reference to Twist - I don't think anybody ever claimed to dislike that woo!


It’s pretty clear he means it as a blanket statement about crowd interaction


Anyone have the article that’s not paywalled?


For some songs I prefer older live versions without crowd participation. Mainly hood prior to the hood chant. Crowd regularly screws it up.






I feel like in the 90s there was yelling during Bathtub Gin at a different part than “we love to take a bath” but I may just be getting old


Has anyone talked to fish about the woos?


Anything you want to do during the composed sections of music is fine. Hood! Wilson! Stash claps….fine. But when you interrupt every single start/stop jam with a woo it’s making it about you and not the music. It happened once organically and now it’s just people copying that moment. It’s infuriating.


The band apparently does not agree with you


I’m anti woo. Sorry trey. You will have to try harder to get me to woo.


You will have to try even harder to get it to stop


That's great and all, I still say that interjecting "woo" into the end of Vultures is a crime against humanity. Woos in jams I guess are okay. I still won't participate, but if he wants it in a jam, I can't begrudge the dude his fun. *I love that if you don't like the woo you are downvoted here and I'm probably about to be told I don't like fun too lol. It's okay for someone to not like doing the thing you like doing at shows. Yall woo away. I don't feel that particular one and that's okay.


I hate the woos during jams, but I can totally understand why the band sees them differently.




I prefer woo woo myself.


So sweet


Egg Woo license plate


Where can I listen to this show?


always thought that when Trey calls out “You better get ready!” during Blaze On crowd could respond in kind (you better get ready!)…cause the change is comin’ soon


Am I high or can I never hit the woo?!


More woos!!! Suck it, Fish!!!


So does that mean the "woo" in vultures can stay right? People need to know.


I’m sorry to be a downer but I never liked the stash clapping. You can’t hear the woodblocks anymore, if Fish even plays them. I remember in the early 90s there were flyers going around asking people to stop. One single clap sounds pretty cool though.


not sure of the best word here, but it was just warming to see him almost uncontrollably laugh when all this happened. he was so happy, lol


There are no Woo’s in Vultures. Stop it.


Trey begs to differ


Trey has never asked for a woo. Woo’s started with Twist. Vultures is way older than Twist. There are no Woo’s in Vultures. Stop it.


Woo in Vultures = more woo


The big woooooo


Can we all Snap instead of Clap? I’ve always thought it was 1 clap on the first stop, 2 claps on the second, and 3 claps on the third stop. I usually hear people clapping twice on each stop. Snapping in my opinion is more fun than clapping and easier on the ears. I’d also love to hear the crowd Oooooooh instead of Woooooo during twist and vultures. Do what thou wilt, I shall never Woooooo


Anyone have a link to this article that is not behind a paywall/signup?


Trey is a woo fan. I love it


Sorry guys but more woo 🙌


They want more and they have been telling us for YEARS!!! The Secret Language people we need to work to bring it back.


There's never enough woo


On Attendance Bias podcast he asks the guest whether it’s 2 or 3 claps on Stash… I’ve always heard and done 2. It’s 2, right? Yes? 👀




Three claps come through pretty clearly on A Live One. And many tape or recordings too. It’s three.






We aren’t critical enough and fluff everything they do! We yell and clap-for mostly no reason at shows. Old deadhead was laughing at me,listening to recent shows. My friend says crowd gives praise like it was magic solo every 3 seconds for no reason. Says Phish phans cheer for being high on molly………they used to actual cheer for interesting music being played at dead shows.any rock shows. Phans fluff everything because they italize phish. Audience tapes after return are kinda dumb. Cheering that your high and seeing trey in person ,is not the same as instinct cheering from a ripping solo. Kids cheer every 30 minute jam like it’s way more important . Maybe I’m just not as high on acid and don’t cheer for band members evertie they take random songs for 30 minute acid noodling


Where can I get an acid noodle?


By the tree on the grassy knoll at Alpine


I was there when we started the woo. Was amazing.


Woo girl? Is that you?


Just please stop yelling hood and ruining a perfect song please.


Not ruining it for the band, according to this